How to kill your first Thargoid | Elite dangerous

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do you want to try to kill taco each part you're not really sure how well then this video is definitely for you because the day we got to go through step by step how to kill the first sarcoid the d3 merge taught is opened there are t-shirts sweaters hoodies box and taupe tracks with medical besides head down to the link in the video description and get yourself your merchandise today hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to dangerous with down to earth astronomy today we are going to kill some placards I'm gonna show you how to take down a thyroid step by step now if always thought I should say I'm by no means an expert the awkward killer as my flying rule most like to show here in a minute but I have sold quite a few and I feel like I know enough by now that I can get you started as well so you can fairly easily go out and take down your first target we're not gonna be talking about ship bills I already have a video showcasing the Builder that we're using today it'll be in the morning for icons so go up and check it if you are all interested in the ship up fly first of all we need to find the right location now I usually stay here in a stroke do remember that the thyroids they'd have a tendency to move around this has been fairly stable for a very long time with tons and tons of Dark Arts in here so I feel like this is a good place to go it is down here in the plate sector so it's a little bit far out but the reason why the system is so good is because apart from the two stars here being quite far away there's really only one station around 80 light-years I like seconds from the star meaning that most of the signal sources we'll be looking for in a second are within 100 light-years so you don't really have to go far first of all we need to go and find ourselves some targets and they are in non-human signal source and you can see here we have a ton of signal sources if this system and it will take us an absolute age to go and scan all of these so we're gonna do it all in one spicy we can fight the nav beacon and then just rub into that scanning that beacon that would scan all the signal sources for us so we go and we can fight us or thyroid so what we're hitting hit reward the nav beacon I just quickly want to give you an overview of the different types of thyroids right now the easiest ones are the Cyclops which is the one we'll be focusing on today next up you have the basilisk which is quite a bit faster and quite a bit more difficult after that comes to Medusa than the Hydra and those in one of the various things holds the authors variant but so far I don't think they're hostile to have a tendency to just run away and ever think they only spawn at Palin's old research centre so they're not really something you have to worry about so once we've scanned the nap beacon you can see here everything is now scanned so that we need to find the right signal source to go into and we're looking for cyclopses and they are most often found in threat level 5 if you want more difficult ones you will go up to 6 to find basilisks and then one up for each time now you can't just drop in randomly to grade 5 but there's a chance they're gonna be filled with Scouts so what you can't do instead is to be looking for some that has these salvage icons next to them so here's Winston's a a candidate you can see this house if we open it up here it has seen a haunting search and rescue and salvage if it has the salvage icon as well as senior hunting you know there will be a interceptor and we Scout you there prop of causes this is a threat 6 and we're looking for a threat 5 so that is actually one here that's actually two of them you can see here they have both you see no hunting the search rescue at the salvage they offered 5 but these are quite far away so I don't want to fly all the way up there so I'm gonna try my luck at some of the normal grade fives here in the area and I'm just going to drop in at random until we find one way that intercept them side oh here we go we got one so the first thing we're gonna do is just get our senior scan already and sit still do nothing the target will come to us and this gives us an opportunity to scan him so as soon as he's in range like there we're gonna start our scan you don't have to scan him but it allows you to soft targets his heart and it makes things a lot easier you get additional information here in the beginning but later on we'll get more proficient you can actually check the senior scanner off we can see here now that he has four hearts we're gonna talk more about those those are nominal and we need to take those down we can't damage him along as the nominal so we need to wait for them to be exerted the way we exert them is we damage the ship so I like to try and see you can sniper on here in the beginning so I like to go to pips of weapons photosystems get up behind him and then fire off my Gauss cans and look at his model here and the heart see there's a heart that's begin to flash on the heart and if we look in space we can actually see one of the hearts lighting up that one so I'm gonna try see if I can hit that and here comes my pure flying skill there we go got it so when that is down we're gonna fix the way oh did he catch me yeah he did okay so that's one of the stronger attacks that the tiger has had this lightning attack you can bathe it did you just fire that twice yeah I think I got a good stuff you can't bait it and if you stay outside one kilometer he shouldn't be able to catch you with it so this was quite unfortunate that he actually managed to catch me this early on with without attack we have to deal with this swarm here because they will do a significant amount of damage the way we do this is we will fly FA off in Reverse and then shoot them down with our with our flak cannons so here's what you're gonna do you're gonna keep boosting here full throttle and then we're gonna go after we book - we gotta go fa off turn off throttle down give one small notch forward on our pitch and then we're going to begin rolling after remember we had zero throttle once we flipped 180 we're gonna give a small push back on the on the pitch true to stabilize the ship again so here we go we will boost kill the throttle FA off small notch on on the pitch here and stabilize the ship once we all the way around it now he's right now six kilometers away this warm which is outside our range but he's moving quite fast so we can actually shoot him at this kind of range so we're gonna fire off a flak I'm gonna hold in the trigger now he evaded that we could just let go of that as soon as you let go that's what the flak will detonate you can see this triangular icon that fills out like so that's when you let go and yeah and they do damage to the spoon you can keep an eye on the swarm count down here in the lower left hand corner there we go got a few more of them and not the best shot okay once the swarm has been dealt with and depending on how much time you have he will either still have shields or not but this case his shield is already down so we're gonna go back in and and attack him again oh he just launched a new swarm so I'm gonna again run away and give myself some sub distance and some time so I can deal with this warm again I'm gonna do the same thing where we gonna throttle down FA off flip it around and then we're gonna begin working on this morning okay I managed to get this one down to just four which i think is okay so now we can't go in and we can begin to focus at the tag when I get you don't have to kill this one completely just when it's down to a low enough number so you knock down two two and one has actually died there now we can begin working on the sock wet again here we go got the next heart out I see we can hit that that was not a hit so men's to avoid that by boosting as soon as the song chatted up I managed to past him getting out of his his cone of attack there we go got the heart and now we got a run away from him again there we go you can see he puts up his shield that's one of the reasons why we were running away because it's not like with ships and humans ships these shields if you notice here he's slowly good without another thunder he slowly loses shielded points so right now there's no swarm but he has the shield up that's the reason for us to go and attack him as long as he's still losing hit points so this is your chance to like get away and get your shields recharged if you for instance like me I have a an F if you fit us are going to see us or any of my modules here that would need a I would need of repair they're pretty much okay but right now how could you sit here and being away from him and if I had anything I needed to repair I could I could do that down you know who long to swarm again his shield is still up so this gives us plenty of time so we're gonna do say maneuver us again boost kill the throttle FA off and flip the ship okay let's get back in and let's get the let's get the next half go the heart is out I'm just gonna run away from him here for a second just so I can show you here on the target panel how you can see the heart it's now exerted so we could go in and we could target it so if you don't if you can't really spot the heart you can go in and you can target it through the menu in there oh okay that's the that's the start launching launching missiles he can also launch corrosive missiles which you can run away from you can outrun them and but I'll show you later how you deal with corrosive damage so we're just going to try to see we can hit that hard one tactic that I think works a lot better you don't feel like strafing around or don't want to do like orbiting around the Thakker itself is to do like a boom and zoom where you just comment past him get a few shots off and then go out and then turn around and come back in again it's not the fastest or most efficient but it's really easy and it allows you to always shoot it from the front which means it's a lot easier to hit the heart and I still miss that of course okay so now that we're in this situation where we have actually killed all the hearts here's no more hearts to exert meaning we just have to kill the thyroid so in this case you can sometimes just leave the leave the swarm alone because it will die shortly after you killed the main ship so we just go in and do the last little bit of hull damage there we go and it's a dead cord [Music] perfect you see the swarm is still alive but that should dissipate fairly quickly there we go this one was gone now I promised you that you would I'll show you how I deal with all the damage one thing needs to keep an eye on is when it dies you can see this cloud around him that is caustic that means you will take caustic damage the flames with so this is a good source of just trying to get some support damage this cloud will dissipate over time so you can go and you can pick up the loot that he drops like weapon parts and that should also be a thyroid heart in there somewhere yes see there it is that's the thyroid hot um oh she just flew into the cloud and I've now got caustic damage you can see it down here on my hull it has this like pulsing effect and I'm slowly losing hitpoints so in this situation if you get caustic damage we're gonna imagine you still have the fog right behind us you want to just fly away and then just begin boosting while firing your weapons don't go silent running because that will make you drop your shields but the triggers we want to overheat as much as we can there we go and if you have heat sinks then as soon as you hear overheat enough you can see the caustic substance disappears good fire heat sink and that quick to get rid of the heat you probably have to overheat up through around 200 to 50% heat before you actually manage to dissipate the corrosive effect I do recommend you try to get rid of it as quickly as possible and also by I recommend you fit a and the heat sink so you can't cool your ship down quickly after you overheated yourself to okay we're at the corrosive effect so as you can see even a mediocre compact island like me can definitely take down with a quart comfortably without too much hassle as long as you have the right equipment and a little bit of know-how this might not have been a display of fancy flying but I had fun and I guess that is why we play computer games software all thanks for watching guys hope you enjoyed it unless the next time I'll see you best space [Music]
Channel: Down to Earth Astronomy
Views: 138,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elite dangerous, thargoids, guide, first, combat, how to, tutorial, D2EA, cyclops
Id: RZfmTO1fmaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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