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[Music] hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to down-to-earth astronomy and to elite dangerous today we're taking a look at the Anaconda the federal covet and the imperial color we're making a comparison between the ships we're looking at the different stats and metrics on the ship and I doing some tests on them trying to see in which situation the ships are good and which are the other shift might be a better choice so depending on what you want to use it for and this guide should show you the strengths and weaknesses of each of the ships I'm going to do this in three main categories the first category we're going to look at the offensive part of of the ship and then we're going to look at the defensive and finally we're going to look at the demon of abilities and and in that character loads going to look at the utilities and what you can use like all the rest of us fit in offensive and defenses that is it okay but anyway let's start by looking at the ANA counter which I have in front of you right here and if we look at the Hotpoint because you hear that the Anaconda has a single lap the signals huge hardpoint has three large heart points there's two mediums and sumo hot fudge and whether that's good or bad we will have to wait to see assume you live in the other scripture utility mounts it has eight utility slots which is pretty standard on this size of ship and and it also comes with the optional military it's not actually coal yeah there we go a class a single classified military compartment with which you can use four modules like hold enforcement mutter reinforced with initials of X so these are defensive modules only which okay then doesn't fit in them it obviously fun anyway I decided to include the vehicle and so let's go ahead and and have a look at the cutter and on the cutter we have four hot points oh it's Jepsen wait okay anyway we still have a sink of huge to latch this time but for mediums we still have the eight utility slaps i we have the the to the side last five and filter the parts and then finally we of course have the Collette which has two huge hot points a single large two mediums and two small outputs still have the eight utility slots and I also just as we recorded two plus five military patents so we put the statue up and compare them here on the screen you can see that in terms of pure weapon power the cutter oh sorry the easy combat has a slight advantage that those few huge hot points is very very good don't also estimate that it has very few large hot points only a single and where the the cover has to in the years and I kinda had three of them but just having those two huge hot pot think makes this a good choice when it comes to roll DPS output remember all these ships can also fit can also fit a fighter hangar and so that's the worth saving to consideration as well and so for if you're looking for pure firepower I would definitely go for forty combat in in this case but let's let's move on to the defensive category and here we have the stats for the defensive metrics that I have decided to look at we have the whole mass and it will be apparently a bit why this is important we have the armor this is the base armor that the ship comes with without any modules fitted and then I'll ship and what I've done here is I stripped the SH the shoulder ship down so they were fitting d-class modules in all their internal slots there's no weapons no utilities fitted making it into the ship not as light as possible but very very light and then I was fitting in the higher class internals lot an a-rated shield generator okay so normal children area generator in the highest internal compartment available and these are then the shield values that are displayed here on screen so if we look at the ships again the anacondrai very like which of course means is going to get a bit more out of its imprimatur but it's only able to fit a class seven so this would be a seven a ship generator and giving it a shield of just shy of 600 megajoules the cutter is a lot heavier but it has a class 8 it has two Class eight internal compartments meaning it can fit a class heavier shoe generator should shoot generator because we mix those suits up giving it a much larger ship value but a bit lower our value and again going to the combat the the shield and the armor is both lower then then our decoder so defensively the covet is not as good as the color and but it will make up for that in the mobility Department which i think is this one we gotta move out you and because we got a look to ask the mobility of the different ships what I've done is I decided to do um three tests I tested the 360-degree third-time front overhead meaning how long time does take the ship to turn it just pull back on the stick to turn all the way around 360 degree and I've also done a 15 kilometer spread to see just to see how quickly back in run groups to 15 kilometers and the last one is of course the the jump range of of this ship and when all the modules are downgraded to a d-class and so I should say before I show you the clips of the tests that doing the turn tests I decided to just open up I removed all hard points all utility mounts and all optional internal slots so there's nothing there and for the coal kernels I'd used I think it still happened somewhere I used a tornado anymore must be on one of the other ships I used a 7/8 thruster so the last is trusted it was available at the station other considered the ship actually and that was the same for the ship's operated the largest possible thruster a rated and all the others would be graded as a derating to make it else light as possible without going down a class you can see Fritz is here in the class also with the Frankie drive I've got four four p and that's because that the 60 was not a made of legislation but the four p had the same mass as 60 that's why I've gone with a 60 M to drive just to make the math and similar and make this comparable and I was all the others here for the turn test would be rated as a rated module and and for the speed run I upgraded the power distributed through the maximum against the highest class and an aerated it to give the fastest recharge form and for the boost and of course during all the tests all three ramp for full pips four pips in engines to give it absolute maximum amount of power let's go ahead and then this first I'll show you the the spin test and they will do the speedrun APIs okay so here we have the results and as you can see and the covet and the anaconda which is the two ships I wanted to talk about right now I'm going to be enecon don't know okay so here we can see the stats from from that I've also included the jump range and that is of course the drug trade with an onion janilla drive and everything d-rated a part of the frame ship drive which was of course a rated with no internal compartments no nothing in the surgical part there's no hard points no weapons no religious mounts and that is the jump range on Intertek and if we look at first the cutter and the covet and what you could see here is that the the cadet terms so much faster this the covet was able to complete its 360 degree turn in just under 40 seconds well as it took over 21 seconds for the cutter and when it come back that extra maneuverability that you get out of the covet by far outweighs the less defensive capabilities of the ship as you saw before the the higher mobility of the covet also allows you to keep your guns at the target for longer it's easier for you to keep up with smaller ships and to be honest almost every ship is going to be smaller probably a little bit a little bit more maneuverable than you so having that extra maneuverability is just so important I feel when it comes to combat I've been testing that's what the test server and it's definitely a much more professional experience flying around in Quebec than it does a decoder when it comes to combat this is only come back and and also having those two huge hard punch just makes it absolutely beautiful ship and the Quebec for for combat and if we do get a condor we could see it was kinda in the middle it was actually pretty close to the combat and there to speech was those similar book gear content to combat and of course where the anaconda excels is its jump range and that's where the I'm sorry the Anaconda excels it is jumping - Carter yeah an account of jump range and the covet is like it's really lacking it's in this jumper and you're not going to make that jump very far ing Carter when it comes to jumpers is kinda in the middle so when we just look at the maneuverability stats and I will suggest you usually covet for combat because the high maneuverability the high turn rate may be easier to chase your targets rock if you're looking for long range trading or exploration and I would probably go for the Anaconda but if you're looking for a trade ship and the cutter might actually be a good ship because it could be maybe a good smuggling ship because of the high speed so you can get down through to the hatch very very quickly and it has a decent jump ring so it can actually work as a good jump ship and which is beyond through the internal compartments which we put up the stats here and this is actually why I think the Prada makes a very good trader because it has those two plus seven or so class eight slots - Class eight slots that's absolutely a huge amount of Carroll if you put cargo racks in those shoe and just the fact that it has those two and no other ship as far as a note that maybe you saw in the other bigger ships has but at least an accountant or the Quebec has access to a Class eight internal modules which is really cutters main strength that is being able to fit that those two Class A Class now if we look at the rest of the slots we can see that the covet has a decent spread and of course as it has the seven or so the three class seven slots where the cutter has none it just has the rest of the slots down in taking lower and so we really get punished for having those two classmates flux by having less of the lower ones and when you look at the Anaconda it just have an absolutely huge amount of and have what twelve slots all at all that's an absolute amazing amount of slot so that's why the Anaconda is a very good utility ship because you have so many internal compartments that you can pretty much well you're not going to run out of internal compartments in yellow card anytime soon and so I get final here at the end let's just cut up all the stats on all the ships here together and and in general as I said before I suggest that you you go for the cutter if you're going for a trade ship or a long range of language but a smuggling ship in you could always also use that trader the Anaconda could also work as a trader or smuggling ship but it will probably excel at it a little bit better as a decoration ship if you really want a British ship that large has the money for it but if you're going for a combat ship I would definitely suggest that you go for the covet so do it that was my quick overview of three large ships in the game I hope you enjoyed it will you find it useful if you did give the video a like down below and consider subscribing to the channel and until next time I will see you guys in space if you want to know how this video was created I highly suggest that you click this link order to live streams because part of this video was actually created by and also right three channels in over the next life
Channel: Down to Earth Astronomy
Views: 337,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Astronomy, gaming, space, cutter vs corvette, elite dangerous cutter vs corvette, elite dangerous cutter vs anaconda, elite dangerous corvette vs anaconda, cutter, corvette, best, ship, review, guide, anaconda, elite dangerous
Id: CRJRb2i3SsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2017
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