Anti-Xeno Academy: Learn how to fight Thargoids

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greetings commanders I am Commander Toyota Nos and welcome to ax Academy in this introductory course we're going to introduce you to the basics of anti-xenal combat in Elite dangerous we'll show you the most common ship we recommend how to build it and the engineers you'll want to have access to we'll also show you where to find specific thyroid Interceptor variants how to fight them and some common mistakes new pilots make but first let's start by meeting the enemy the thyroids greetings commanders let's discuss the end game bosses of elite dangerous the targets you will soon read them in combat and knowing your enemy is out of the battle there are two categories of thyroids Scouts and interceptors Scouts are loosens at most they are easy to deal with so we won't be talking about them in this video rather we will discuss their much larger relatives interceptors there are five interceptors variants both of which are combat focused and the fifth one is a bit special as it will run away when confronted among combat focused interceptors the Cyclops is the first one you're likely to face finally the weakest it's still a powerful foe much stronger than any NPC which you may have faced to date the Basilisk is the fastest Interceptor it represents a significant Step Up in difficulty of the recyclops the Medusa it's like a truck and it's a bullet sponge in addition its swarm is much stronger dehydrates the ultimate Challenge it takes everything the media's eyes to the next level very few commanders that based on either a one-on-one and lived to build a tale most definitely dangerous Purity nearly dies is a viable strategy not so with the thug with interceptors interceptors have a special module called Hearts which constantly regenerate damage to the hull to defeat an Interceptor even its sequentially exert and destroy all with hearts which are not exerted at the beginning of the fight you will need to force them to excerpts by dealing sufficient damage note that targets are immune to pretty much all kind of weapons except for the specialized anti-acino weapons once you've read an Interceptor hard enough one of your hearts will start glowing your range that indicates that the hearse is now exerted and vulnerable shoot it then rinse and repeat every Interceptor will deploy a companion entity known as a swarm the Swarm is composed of many individual drones called targons the Swarm is among the most dangerous elements of fighting an Interceptor let's look at how they work swarms are released once the thyroid perceives you as a threat and will attack in tandem with the Interceptor once it has become hostile the size of the Swarm encounter depends on the variant of Interceptor you're facing the harder the variant the more sargons in its swarm the Hydra swarm has four times as many drones as the cyclopsis the Swarm will attack your ship independent of the Interceptor flying in various patterns according to one of its two states the first state is standard state in standard State the Swarm grouped together in a ball ring or cone shape here it will fire low accuracy projectile attacks dealing phasing damage which will partially Pierce Shields Shields can be detrimental here as they will increase the size of your hitbox and make you take a lot more hits the second state is what the community is called agitated an agitated state is triggered when a ship passes through a swarm in standard state it can be recognized by its shape either death wall death spiral or the Ring of Death formation in this state the Swarm can not only hit you with projectile attacks but can also launch groups of thargon missiles at your ship when within three kilometers dealing massive damage if you agitate to swarm remember that passing back through it will quickly reset it back to the standard state in addition to its states the Swarm is sensitive to each thyroid's in Rage timer an Interceptor becomes enraged after a set period of time has passed without any of its Hearts having been destroyed an enraged Interceptor will keep replenishing its swarms with no upper limit as to how many times it will deploy when enraged it's important to pay close attention to the Swarm State as an agitate its form will no longer fire groups of aragons but will instead Fire full Kamikaze strike quickly ending the fight and not in your favor in addition to their main Canon and the companion swarm interceptors have three kinds of special attacks the first such special attack is lightning lightning activates after the first heart is destroyed and it will remain active for the rest of the fight its trigger point is a distance of 700 meters and it will remain locked onto you up to 800 meters should you get caught by lightning your ship will effectively be immobilized one of your modules will randomly reboot hopefully not your thrusters and you'll take quite a bit of both Hull and module damage shielded ships are especially vulnerable to lightning as Lightning is extremely effective at draining Shields if you do get caught there's a little point trying to get away as you won't be able to the best thing to do is turn towards the thyroid and keep firing its precious DPS in a point-blank rage it's hard to miss the second special attack is Caustic missiles caustic missiles are fired from the second heart destroyed onwards upon getting hit by a caustic missile your Hull indicator will turn green and you will constantly be taking Hull damage this lasts until you get rid of the caustic so it's generally pretty important to get rid of caustic as quickly as possible to remove caustic from your ship you could use decontamination lipids but those are very slow and generally not recommended the much faster method is to instead overheat your ship typically by turning on silent running and then firing off a few rounds of Goss in this example heat quickly gets to 300 which instantly Burns Costco a double tap of heat sinks Returns the heat back to a normal range very quickly waiting a few seconds before overheating allows you to burn the caustic off at a slightly lower heat level so it's not essential to bring your heat up immediately caustic missiles can be avoided or if you have really good aim can even be shot down it's generally better just to dodge them however shooting them down is very hard the final special attack is the shutdown field a shutdown field triggers when only one heart remains shutdown fields are also triggered in combat zones and some other specific situations like high predictions shutdown fields are dangerous they turn your ship off entirely you'll be sitting duct your ability to turn move or do anything for an extended period of time all the while the Swarm and the Interceptor will be happily shooting at you it's not a good situation to find yourself in shutdown Fields can be hard countered with a shutdown field neutralizer a shutdown field neutralizer drains your system capacitor very quickly if you choose to equip one know that the timing of when you fire is very important the module will stop protecting you once the capacitor is empty on the plus side shutdown field neutralizers protect not just you but others around you as well at full charge they will protect anyone within a three kilometer radius of you still considering shutdown fields are quite quick this benefit is of little practical use as you rarely have time to actively seek such shelter and think of a fight if you don't have a shutdown field neutralizer and you trigger a shutdown field the best course of action is to engage flight assist off and boost away unlike normal flight which brings you to a dead stop when shut down in Flight assist off you keep drifting after your hit you'll still be shut down but you'll be moving away and in this case floating away is a much better alternative to standing still and getting shot at an additional item worth mentioning as we discuss thyroids is the Xeno scanner the scanner is not essential to the fight but can occasionally come in quite handy just by having a scanner installed on your ship you'll be able to see detailed information about the hull and the shields of the thyroid Interceptor as well as the number of thyroid gonds left in this form without a scanner you'll be left guessing or relying on other methods to access the same information additionally you're able to actively use the scanner to acquire a so-called detailed scan you can typically get that before starting a fight as it takes a while and it's limited to a range of 500 meters that detailed scan provides module information in this case hired information for the Interceptor it allows you to sub-target the hearts that's particularly useful in identifying the specific spot you need to hit when you're sniping the hearts ax combat is the end game content of elite dangerous as such diving in unprepared will most likely result in frustration and rebuys thyroid vessels are highly specialized and extremely dangerous our ships must be purposefully designed to counter them since thyroid interceptors are immune to regular weapons our Loadout is limited to a set of four experimental anti-zeno or Guardian weapons Guardian weapons massively outperform the ax1s the guardian ghost Cannon stands out as the best role around anti-thyroid weapon in order to properly fight the thyroids we must make the long trip to the guardian ruins to unlock it available in medium and small sizes gauze functions similarly to a railgun it is a hit scan type of weapon which makes it perfect for making the Precision shots required to destroy the hearts of the thyroid interceptor while you're at the guardian sites you may want to pick up Blueprints and materials for three other modules which while optional can come in handy the guardian FSD booster Guardian Hull reinforcement packages and guardian module reinforcement packages most thyroid Weaponry uses heat based targeting it is incapable of locking on to a low temperature Target consequently if we are to survive we need a way to deal with the high heat generation of Gauss cannons heatsink launchers are the solution to that problem and a core element of the ax meta using heatsinks correctly allows us to avoid incoming damage they are our lifeline and the more of them we can bring the better our chances thyroid vessels are surprisingly fast and agile and are able to completely mobilize vessels they managed to catch up to exposing them to devastating weapons fire that makes the third and final component of the ax meta a ship that can mount and power four Guardian ghost cannons bring plenty of heat sinks outmaneuver the thyroids and withstand their attacks should you fail to avoid them fully engineering your ship is strongly recommended and while it is possible to engage in ax combat with a partially engineered vessel be prepared to face a much more significant challenge we will dive deeper into shipbuild Theory later on in this guide but overall here's what you'll need before you can get started the aforementioned Guardian technology unlocked at least 100 million credits for outfitting his ship and covering several rebuys and either purchasing a set of four serious heatsinks at special Mega ships or access to the engineer ramta for engineered ones you'll also want access to the engineers Professor Palin the dweller Felicity farceir and Celine Jean you'll also want to set up your ship controls properly and gain at least the basic level of familiarity with flight assist off Professor Palin provides Thruster engineering and you can get easy access to him if you don't have it already using the unclassified Relic method that also works for ramta and for which there is a short guide in the video description an easier alternative to unlocking Palin is simply upgrading your drives to just G3 by a Felicity farseer but keep in mind that speed is a crucial factor in ax combat and this will make fighting the thyroids significantly more challenging the dweller does distributor engineering which will greatly improve both our offensive and evasive capabilities and beam laser engineering which allows us to make a very useful utility weapon a long-range thermal vent beam laser Celine Jean provides armor engineering and since ax builds typically forego having a shield generator your armor is the only buffer for mistakes you have an alternative to Celine gene or Guardian Hall reinforcements which provide less protection overall have a power draw but do not need to be individually engineered lastly the engineer Liz Ryder can offer a small but not insignificant armor upgrade via cheap G1 engineering engineering the rest of the ship's modules provides marginal or quality of life benefits and can be considered optional While most if not all ships can be effective ax vessels in the right hands of an experienced Commander there is one that stands Above the Rest excelling in every situation and having no glaring weaknesses the alliance Chieftain the method Chieftain is a highly capable and versatile ax chip suitable for beginners and Veterans alike it will allow you to take on just about anything from a single Cyclops to multiple hydras let's discuss how to build one starting with hardpoint you will want to equip two medium and two small ghost cannons as that's the optimal configuration given the chief's power distributor place the medium ones in the chief's large hardpoints and the small in the lateral small hardpoints which are the two lost small hardpoints in the outfitting screen pay particular attention to not placing Gauss in the bottom slot as that would result in terrible convergence in the remaining small hardpoint place a long range thermal vent beam laser you may choose the fixture right if you want a bit more DPS and a bit less cooling or the gimbal variant for the opposite effect and easier aim a third is worth both so we don't recommend it finally in the medium hardpoint on the bottom of the ship you should install a remote release flat launcher make sure it's the fixed version moving on to the core modules because the damage you will be facing in ax is Caustic and absolute the resistance is offered by the different types of armor are irrelevant instead we want to go for as many raw Health points as possible military-grade Composites with heavy duty engineering and the Deep plating experimental effect offered the most without the additional cost and rebuy expense of reactive or mirrored armor s6a power plant with armored engineering and thermal spread experimental offers the ideal mix of power and heat efficiency for this build thrusters are the most critical module for cold orbiting you should use 6A thrusters engineered with dirty Drive engineering and the drag drives experimental effect after thrusters the second most important module is the power distributor Ascot scans are extremely energy hungry your power distributor puts an upper limit on how much damage you can deal with a weak distributor your weapons will quickly run out of power and you will overheat for the chief the best distributor is a 6A power distributor with charged enhanced engineering and the super conduit's experimental effect for the sensors you should choose to derate them in order to save a bit of weight and power they should be engineered for long range to keep the interceptors on our scanner even at the distance for life support lighter is better as you can always synthesize oxygen in an emergency d-rated with lightweight engineering is the way to go for the frameshift drive it's really down to personal preference a 5A FSD is recommended but not essential either the doubly pre-engineered 5A or a 5A with increased ranged and mass manager the stock fuel tank works fine coming to the optional internals they will be focused on protecting and repairing your home and modules by Design we will be forgoing in shield cold-orbiting designs work best without one as Target weapons partially pierced Shields the only thing Shields are good for is making you a bigger Target you should start off by protecting your modules a larger 5D and two smaller 2D and 1D module reinforcement packs or mrps is the way to go the guardian versions of the mrps are a bit better than the normal ones but the normal ones work just fine if you don't have the guardian version having module protection in place you should think about repairs there are two things you will need to repair Hull and modules to repair modules a2a autofill maintenance unit is recommended if your mrps are properly set up you will mainly be repairing those but look out for other modules in bad shape as well to repair the hull and instantly your canopy equip a 5D repair Limpet controller noting the a rated version repairs the same amount but weighs more and needs more power in order to get any use out of the repair limited controller we need to carry limpets to carry limpets you need a cargo rack a size 4 cargo rack is recommended giving us the capacity to carry 16 limpets the corrosion resistant version if you have it has the advantage of allowing you to carry the hearts of our fallen enemies without suffering corrosion damage to your modules but it's not otherwise required finally we need to fill the three military slots put 3 size 4 Hull reinforcement packs in those engineer them with heavy duty and deep plating experimental you will be thankful for the extra hot points they provide what you will rely on to keep you cold during attack runs are heatsink launchers heatsinks are so important to this build that you should fill each and every utility slot available with with them the pre-engineered series heatsink launchers are the best if you have them if you don't regular ones engineered for ammo capacity work very well too alternatively one of the heatsink launchers can be replaced by a different utility such as a shutdown field neutralizer or a Ceno scanner depending on your intended combat environment and personal preference this completes the method shift in build as you may have noticed it is heavily engineered and Engineering should generally be maxed out at grade 5. ax combat is unforgiving you will need every bit of Advantage you can Master to succeed however as we appreciate the grind involved to engineer a high-end ship can be off-putting we have created a low engineering version of it which can be built with only a handful of entry-level Engineers unlocked links to this build and to the low engineering version are provided in the video description section so now that you've built your ship you're going to need a base of Opera operations to work out of fortunately we have Copernicus observatory in the astrobe system it's the perfect station due to the Target Rich environment as well as the added benefit of there being no planetary gravity Wells nearby this makes for faster turnaround times when you need to repair your ship quickly or cash in those bonds there are many places to find interceptors but the most common way new pilots find them is by using the signal Source system in the navigation menu you can scan each unidentified signal Source One By One or you can reveal all of the signal sources in a system in one go just drop in on the nav Beacon and complete a scan of it after the scan is completed jump back into supercruise and your navigation menu will now have every signal Source logged and classified for you to review what we're looking for is non-human signal sources also known as nhss you'll note there are multiple threat levels for nhsses and each has its own unique group of enemies we're going to focus on the nhss Threat Level 5 as they have the Interceptor you're going to want to start out against the Cyclops when you find an nhss if it shows this salvage or canister icon you can be assured it has an Interceptor that corresponds with a Threat Level indicated if you're in a system without a nav Beacon another way you can quickly find interceptors is by using the full spectrum scanner trick by tuning precisely using this graphic you can find nhsses which have interceptors more rapidly than scanning each signal Source One by One there are other ways to find interceptors as well including static distress calls Mega ships and ax conflict zones more information can be found regarding each of these on the axi website hi I'm shrinky and I'll be discussing the basics of the cold orbiting technique the goal of cold orbiting is to utilize the enhanced maneuverability granted by a flight assist off to allow you to safely avoid fire while on the interceptor's attack range while simultaneously returning fire Mastery of this technique is essential to becoming a skilled ax pilot and working your way up the Interceptor ladder a quick disclaimer cold orbiting is a very dense topic and to truly grasp the concept A much longer and more thorough video would be required along with plenty of practice but that's not the goal of this section this is only meant to serve as an introduction to the topic if you want to dive into ax combat and get good at it you'll eventually want to look at more in-depth guides which fortunately we can offer we'll have links in both the description and later on in this video so let's start with the name of the technique cold orbiting the name is self-descriptive so let's break it down to its components the cold and cold orbiting refers to how we keep ourselves cool to avoid accurate detection and aim from the interceptor with temperatures below 20 percent and adequate speed but we'll come back to that in a sec the interceptor's aim will be thrown off as it cannot properly lead you and will constantly fire behind you this is initiated via a long-range thermal vent beam to get ourselves down to a zero percent heat prior to entering the interceptor's three kilometer attack range once within range we maintain this low heat throughout the attack run via combination of heat sinks and staggerfiring your Gauss by keeping heatsink active at all times your heat will constantly be getting dumped ideally keeping you in the 0 to 20 heat range and by staggerfiring your Goss a single volley is not going to cause you to momentarily Spike over 20 percent which will cause you to become vulnerable to the interceptor's cannon now let's talk about the orbiting part of gold orbiting orbiting refers to the maneuvering you do about the Interceptor during an attack run it's important to remember that the thyroid is not a stationary object but rather chasing you down at all times and in a somewhat erratic flight path your goal is to control your movement about the Interceptor to establish a relative perpendicular Vector to its direction of travel while maintaining an optimal range of approximately 1.5 kilometers so how do we accomplish this by using downward thrust we're able to establish a relative perpendicular Vector to the Interceptor and then once we've got that we're able to control our range by utilizing our forward and backward thrusters also to adjust to the interceptor's movements and maintain that perpendicular Vector we'll use our left and right thrusters which are known as our lateral thrusters these can also be used in conjunction with the forward and backward thrusters to Aid in range control key here is less is more if you're over controlling the ship then you're going to struggle with your aim by minimizing your inputs going slow and staying calm then you'll keep yourself under control and have a good orbit lastly we need to talk about the Blue Zone as you may be familiar with flight assist on the Blue zone is where your ship is the most maneuverable the Blue Zone still applies even with flight assist off in the meta Chief build the speed range for the Blue zone is approximately 200 to 300 meters per second and when your speed is in the Blue Zone you're maximizing your maneuverability which means that your Thruster inputs are going to be more responsive and therefore you're going to have better control of your orbit if you're outside of the Blue Zone a couple of things could happen if you're too slow the Interceptor can land at shots on you as you're not moving quickly enough to outrun its fire and if you're too fast then your orbit will Decay and eventually lead to a stall which means that the Interceptor is able to catch up to and match your vector which allows to shoot you in other words that relative perpendicular motion that I mentioned from before is completely lost now if you put all this together what you end up with ideally is a constant relative perpendicular Vector to the Interceptor at approximately a 1.5 kilometer range maintaining heat of 0 to 20 percent and constantly applying damage while simultaneously avoiding damage very easy to say but much harder to master and practice but once you have mastered it you not the thyroid will be in full control of the fight you've learned about thyroids you've built a ship you've learned how to find them now it's time to fight them we'll demonstrate a fight against the Fargo Cyclones the first Interceptor you're likely to face begin the fight by tucking the gold with your thermal vent beam laser and then boosting away after taking aggro you want to get Beyond three kilometer range as quickly as possible as three kilometer is a range of intercepted spin Cannon when you're beyond that distance and away from the Swarm you're in a safe position after boosting away turn flight assist off and spin around so that you're now moving backwards and away from the Interceptor at this point the Interceptor will have finished deploying the Swarm which will be flying towards you the goal of this phase of the fight is to destroy the storm the flag launcher is very effective against the Swarm so long as the aim and timing of shots is precise you want to aim and fire just after the Swarm changes Direction now before not after having destroyed the Swarm user thermal van Beam on the Interceptor to cool off and initiate an orbit the beam allows you to do so without wasting precious heatsinks once you are in Range golf optimal range is 1.5 kilometers deploy a heatsink and open fire with your golf stands nope one of our hearts starts glowing after you've done sufficient damage shoot the exerted heart Until It Breaks off if the gourd turns away from you like it did in this case you can still hit the heart from behind after her first heart is destroyed the Interceptor will start going yellow it has armed its lightning special attack and is actively chasing you trying to get 800 meters there are two ways to deal with lightning at this stage the easiest option is to boost away and keep your distance until the goat gives up on the chase it'll launch the second swarm upon giving up a more risky option demonstrated here but generally reserved for slower ships which cannot outrun the Interceptor is to lightning bait the attack let it get close to 1.2 kilometers then boost the straight at it Dodge it at the last moment then keep boosting straight away and past it with some luck the Interceptor won't have enough time to fire its special attack and you will be safe and far away in between Hearts you'll be waiting for the to deploy its next swarm while using a thermal van beam to stay cold and chip away at The Shield unlike traditional NPCs Hardware Interceptor Shields have a natural Decay even if you don't hit them at all they will naturally drain over a set period of time a thermal van beam speeds up that process a little but its main purpose remains to keep you cold the time between Hearts is also an ideal time to repair your ship using repair limpets and your afmu and synthetize ammo for your heat sinks Flack and Gauze as may be needed once a new swarm launches it's really just rinse and repeat you should always engage heat sinks before firing goals this is critically important heatsinks are the most important asset you have in this fight without heatsinks you die because that's it [Music] foreign [Music] if you watch the part of this video in which we talk about hargoids you will be aware of that after each heart is destroyed the goid will use its special attacks after the first heart you've seen the lightning Chase after the second heart you'd normally see caustic missiles enough to whisper at heart you'd normally see a shutdown field fire however as you may have noticed neither of the latter two have triggered in this fight we've been able to avoid triggering them by staying cold the whole time agoid cannot lock on you when you are called if the void cannot get a lock on you it will not fire its prostate and it will not fire its shutdown field that is why if you're fighting one-on-one you don't need a shutdown fuel neutralizer on your ship you can just stay cold instead use your beam or a heatsink did I mention heatsinks are important let me say that again heatsinks are really really important pay attention to the orbit pattern in this final attack run I am moving downwards and laterally away from the void I am making it orbit knee as it gives Chase cold orbiting is not you orbiting the goid it is making the goid orbit you after the final heart is destroyed the interceptor's hall no longer regenerates once the final part of a cyclops breaks off if you keep firing you should be able to finish it off before its new Shield comes up but don't worry if you're not able to in that case just repeat the prior steps as if you were destroying an additional party [Music] that's all there is to it we have eight million more in the bank to show for our efforts now it's your turn ax combat is tough everyone makes mistakes at the beginning some mistakes are more common than others fortunately most beginner mistakes are easily fixed certain mistakes are more serious than others let me start with those that can get you into serious trouble maybe the most universally common mistake also affecting experienced commanders is simply forgetting the sink before firing Goss without heatsink coverage your heat will Spike the Interceptor locks onto you and you end up taking significant damage among beginners a very common mistake aspiring all gods together on a single trigger instead of Staggering them using primary and secondary fire ing that many weapons altogether drains your weapons capacitor making you a heat Spike which results in a good locking onto you and inflicting direct damage on you another common mistake is firing your beam laser at the same time is your costs let your heatsinks do their job the beam will not keep you cold during excerpts in fact it will do the opposite as it competes with the gods for limited distributor energy yet another mistake is firing too slowly thyroids constantly regenerate every shot you don't take is an extra shot that you'll need to land keep that fire rate up when they're into cold orbit that is sometimes a natural instinct to boost one under pressure we call this Panic boosting most of the time boosting during an orbit does more harm than good as it ruins your ability to control range and let your costs deal damage try not to boost unless you've decided to abort the attacker entirely during the shield phase it is common to switch pivot to 240 to more easily get away from the Interceptor you need to set them back to zero two four before firing Goss if you forget your distro will drain and your heat will Spike resulting in the usual consequences following mistakes don't necessarily risk you failing the battle but can still get in your way it's common at first to fire a flack at the wrong time for example when the storm is about to change direction it is also common to release your shots too early or too late the more time and ammo you waste diving with the Swarm the less margin you'll retain to deal with the Interceptor itself learning to time your shots properly will give you more of a buffer and will speed up your fight significantly it's also common to instinctively try to turn and run when being grabbed by lightning unfortunately lightning reduces your engines thrust by a major amount you won't be going anywhere while being exempt it's best to try and turn towards the Interceptor and use the time to make good hits It's very possible to destroy a heart or even two while being captured by lightning for getting to repair modules Is frequent mistake and particular module reinforcement packages or will keep your ship's other modules among them your canopy in one piece forgetting to repair mrps results in all of your other modules quickly beginning to malfunction and fail while also significantly increasing the likelihood of encountering the infamous canopy breached experience make sure to check them and Pat them up as needed with your afmu in between each attack ground lastly forgetting toriyama's mistake we all make running out of heatsinks or gas in the middle of an attack run can be especially frustrating and can ruin the entire run be sure to send between attack runs for low on ammo heatsink synthesis in particular is dirt cheap don't be stingy it's better to be safe than sorry in these fights there are multiple additional resources to help you answer the many questions you likely have at this stage the axi Discord has many experienced commanders who will be happy to help you you can submit videos of your face there mentors will gladly review them and suggest improvements to consider for your next engagement the axi website contains news and information about our ranks and events it is also the place where our leader portraits Aid showcasing some of the best and most inspiring kills commanders have achieved to date or Wicked is the sum of a collective wisdom on her to best affect thyroids from the interceptorous whole regeneration rate to detailed information on the swarm's movement and patterns and information on other ax weapons that goes into far more depth than it was possible to do in this video check out the YouTube cards in this video for links to Dedicated reviews and example Fades going into greater depth on each of the topics we introduced today finally check the description of this video which contains references to all of the above links to a previously mentioned meta list you can build which is ideal for starting it against interceptors we also link a less grind heavy or less engineered sister build this is Commander M Graham overseer and leader of the anti-xino initiative I hope you found this Academy guide helpful in learning how to defend yourself and succeed in combat against thyroids remember the most important thing is to always stay alert and be prepared keep practicing the techniques and strategies we covered in this tutorial and don't forget it's okay to disengage and try again practice leads to perfection the anti-zino initiative is always here to support you on your journey into ax combat thank you for joining us on this fight to protect Humanity fly safe Commander
Channel: CMDR Mechan
Views: 58,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elite:Dangerous, Tutorial, Anti Xeno Initiative, Anti-Xeno Initiative, Anti Xeno Academy, Anti-Xeno Academy, Thargoids, Thargoid, Guardian Gauss Cannon
Id: 70xUm6Jh5eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 32sec (2132 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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