Does Adding Garage Door Insulation Do Anything? We will install a kit and find out HD 1080p

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all right in this next video we are going to do garage door insulation so you know we had this house built we made a big mistake by not spending a little extra money getting the garage door insulated uh in our case the garage door faces the west side so here in texas it's really hot your heat of the day is coming from the west where the sun is um we we should have done this so it is cold right now or it's cooler because it's winter time but what i want to do really right now is i'm going to do some testing before and after to see how much this insulation really changes the temperature in the garage so i've got a thermometer that's on wi-fi out here we're going to continually monitor the temperatures uh come and compare it with the you know same temperature during the days and stuff like that so we can get a true difference how much different is the temperature in the garage before and after um this stuff's really supposed to cut down the noise in the garage as well so uh which we're in a quiet neighborhood so that's not really an issue to me for me it's the coldness i don't even mind the heat that much because i would much rather be hot than cold any day but we're going to do we're going to do this test we're going to find out how much does this really change it so all right so this is what i just picked up over at lowe's um this is supposed to be 4.8 r is the insulation value on this one i know there's some other uh insulation kits that go up to eight nine i've seen those kits are real fiberglass i don't particularly like the way they look either if you don't care about that then that might be a better choice as far as getting more insulation but for me it needs to look good too and these panels look really nice they have a smooth side to them [Music] this is the side that would go in towards the metal uh you see it's it's perforated that way you can bend it so that you can slide it in each of the panels but the other side uh which you can't see because the way they packaged it the other side is a smooth surface so it's going to look nice in the garage door and these are very light too i mean literally just a few fingers you pick it up so it shouldn't really hurt your garage door opener from being able to lift the garage door so i've heard on some of these kits they make the garage door so heavy the garage door opener doesn't want to work anymore well these things are so light i don't see that this being really an issue in fact i've seen some of the comments on the fiberglass insulated kits i've seen some of the comments say that the garage door opener doesn't want to pull the garage door up anymore because they added enough weight so um i've just seen the comments of that i don't know i've not experienced it myself but these are super light but for me it's more the appearance you know as long as we get some functionality out of them so we're going to do some testing for several days here and then we're going to come back we're going to show you the install and then we'll be able to get some after data to see how much the temperatures actually this time of year have stayed up with the added insulation on the doors so we'll be back here uh in a couple of days once we get some data and uh we'll talk to you more then see you soon the way i did this test is i made sure the garage was closed uh for at least three hours so that there's uh time you know for it to adjust if there has uh after the door has been opened um or closed so so we try to be in common situations and that is you're gonna have your door going up anyway so we're gonna get started now with opening these panels up um getting them cut getting them installed in the door and then uh during the next week or two we're going to continue to monitor the temperatures inside and out to see did these panels make any difference if so how much difference did it make so we're going to get started open these up and install them and what installing them and we will catch up with here in just a few minutes all right so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to get a measurement we get a measurement from up underneath this lip down inside the other lip so we've got 20 and one half inches so we know our height needs to be 20 and one half for this one we're going to measure each one just to make sure that each of these is the same we've got 20 and a half there 20 and a half and four and a half so we're good with our 20 and a half so we know each of these panels is 20 and a half high now we're going to get the width of each so we got 45 and three quarter forty five and three quarter forty five and three quarter and 45 and a quarter so we want to make sure each of those is the same so we know now we're going to write this down so that we know what our measurements need to be but anyway so now we've got all the measurements made now what we're going to do is we're going to sit down we're going to get us these panels marked out and then we're going to cut them and after we cut them then what we're going to do is install them all right so something else i just learned is these are only 20 and a quarter across it measures about yeah 20 and a half but anyway so they're pretty close to right on the money even at 20 and a quarter we got that big lip at the top and the bottom so we got no problems all right so we've got the first one marked at our 45 and three quarter now i'm going to get our straight edge in here we're gonna get our knife [Music] now so these you'll see have the perforations in them that allows it to be bent slightly so that you can make the install so all three four of those are the same we have eight that are the same okay all right there's the first panel those do look nice okay so we're gonna continue with our process here and then we'll get back with you as we get more of these completed all right so my main helper here just had a question and i know that most of you watching are gonna know this but um he asked me he's like so how do you know 45 and three quarters what is that on a tape measure so the first thing that i asked him is so we just started at four and i said well count how many of those little places we those little lines that we have and we counted can you say it louder 16 very good 16. so if you have one mark you have how much one 16th oh right yeah okay so if you look at the big line is that half there you go that helps you know that that's half of an inch okay the next bigger lines help you know that that is each quarter you got it would that be seven and uh that'd be six and one two three three quarters you got it there we go now we know how to read a tape we'll be back all right just give you an update on where we're at we have now got one section complete and then on the other side we have half of that section complete um basically one thing that i've been doing is coming and pulling this back out so it's flush looks a little nicer um i'm no scientist but i would think that having a little air gap in there would be better than pushing it all the way to the metal i don't know if someone out there is an expert in this please comment below so that we all know but i'm doing it more than anything because it looks nicer so i'm pulling it out a little bit while i'm doing that what i'm using is i'm using one of these plastic squeegees grabbing the edge and just kind of pulling it out just a little bit just to get it flush i've been doing that well he's been over here marking now that he knows how to measure um he's going to get all my measurements done i'm 100 trust in him and he's been 100 accurate so far um and then i'm coming back over cutting it and install it repeat process so catch back up with you here in a few minutes once we get this thing all installed all right for this very last panel we're going to keep you with us i'll just fast forward it but so you can see the whole process i want to do this on the last one so you can see the all the steps of the process and then but i'll do it fast forward so you don't have to be bored with it all right so there we have it it is done i think it looks very nice definitely nicer than before it was done um it seems to feel much nicer in here now maybe it's because we're working build building heat maybe because we've had heater on i don't know but so far it seems like a big difference i can tell you to the touch when you touch that metal before we put these panels in it's quite cold these panels warm so um maybe that radiation even makes a big difference i don't know but it's gonna be interesting over the next 10 days or so i'm going to continue to run temperature tests see what the difference is we'll get you final results and some final thoughts on this project uh these kits i don't remember if i said earlier in the video they're 95 bucks each at uh lowe's um it takes two kits for a two-car garage door each kit's made for one single car garage um so two kits and it took us just 50 minutes from start to finish that would be measuring cutting installing um even some times here where we've had the video going and not and stuff so um anyway projects complete get back with you in about a week to 10 days and we'll let you know what we come up with on the temperatures all right i'm back with some final information on this garage door insulation so what we had was approximately 10 to 20 degree difference between the outside temperature and the inside of the garage with the and that's before insulation when we added insulation it cut it by two to three degrees um and that would be after about a a five hour period um of course the longer you go the more time it has to cool so the temperature is going to close on that but that's approximately average about five hours of the garage door being closed so it doesn't sound like a lot two to three degrees you know in most cases um but you know when you when you put the math to it it was somewhere between 15 and 20 percent which again that now that that number sounds like a lot more difference than saying two to three degrees um but when you put you know the math to it and it's you know nearly 20 in some cases that's a pretty big difference um now one thing i did notice also is it would take longer to warm back up too like on a cold day so it starts getting warmer outside it would keep the cold in the garage longer so it probably keeps the temperature a little more stable but that's something to think about that that it's keeping it cooler longer so um would i do it again for 200 bucks yeah i would because it does make the garage feel more comfortable even that two to three degrees and not having that radiation coming off of that cold metal um does it seems feels like a lot more than two to three degrees so yeah i would do it again but if i was really to do it all over again i would have put the insulated garage door in here and you know spent the extra money to do that so um anyway that's it for this time i hope this was somewhat helpful to you the process is super simple not terribly expensive i think it's worth a couple hundred dollars but don't expect like a massive improvement by adding it so uh just be reasonable with your expectations of it and i think you'll be happy with it so um anyway we will catch you next time here on dad's garage [Music]
Channel: Dads Garage
Views: 169,250
Rating: 4.617115 out of 5
Keywords: garage door insulation, insulation, insulation kit
Id: Plu9bzrGeCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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