How To Install Wicked Whims Mod On Mac For Sims 4 | 2023

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[Music] foreign here in this video I'm going over how to install Wicked whims um I typically like to do more than one um installation video on Wicked whims just to help out anybody in any particular situation plus this was also a recommended video to do a updated version of this mod and show you guys how to install it so this is the MacBook version I will be installing another updated version for Windows as well it is literally the same although it is two different um computers but for anyone who just would like for the actual mod installation video to be what you are actually installing your mod on I can do that for you guys um before we get started though I want to let you guys know that I have a need to know mod checklist ebook and I want you guys to check it out it is really really really really self-explanatory and I know that if you are going through that process of just being a beginner when it comes to mod installation you may want to have something to look back back on not always ask questions in the comment sections and still have to wait hours for response so I wanted you guys to check this out all you have to do is search I'll also have it listed in the description below and you guys can go ahead and check it out it's literally just a checklist to make sure you know the do's and the don'ts when installing mods so you don't have any mess ups okay also guys you can feel free to join the channel okay you can become a royal and get early access to all my new videos priority response to your comments and also member only chat room so that way you'll have more access to me and you'll also be able to get any questions that you have answered and prioritize as well so let's go ahead and get into it I started on a new tab because unfortunately because of YouTube guidelines I am going to have to provide this website through Google okay so you guys will have to do the same thing when you are going to install this mod just go to Google and do what I'm about to show you alright so let's get into it the first thing you're going to want to do is search Wicked whims mod okay it should pop up automatically if you're like one of those people who already download a lot of mods but if not here's what it's going to do so it's going to automatically bring you on this page um I like to advise you guys when it comes to this mod you want to do this in your free time your spare time when you're in privacy that's your best bet okay because uh you do this around your grandma your grandma might be asking some questions all right so this is obviously adult content so um I also have to be mindful with this video on what I can show you guys as well so if you see me jump a tab or something like that just know I'm trying to avoid promiscuous content popping up for YouTube guidelines okay so the first thing you're going to do is say that you're 18 plus of course be 18 in order this is not for kids all right and press enter once you do that you're going to see download and installation okay it's gonna just be this this blob right here okay you're gonna click download and once you click download it's going to tell you the date now depending on when you're watching this right um this could be updated from January 3rd 2023 but the point of the matter is you want to check out that date so make sure you're getting a pretty updated version of The Mod so for example today's January 8th so I know that this mod complies with the patch day what we call Patch days or just when the game has an update and you know you need the mod to still work with that update so this is letting us know it is really well updated um I've heard of some people clicking on Nexus all right and they insult the modern it worked in your case if you encounter any issues with this mod in installing it the way that I am doing it now you can go ahead and try Nexus but for me in my experience I personally always click hope I'm saying that correct these game versions down here are to show you guys the past game versions they have made it made and let you know what the uh patch notes are the patch notes are to inform you of what updates have been made since these prior updates so you know what all is involved with this mod okay so you can check that out on your time so now we're going to go ahead and click over so we're going to click it's also going to confirm again you must be 18 to view this content and it's going to ask are you 18 years old you can say remember my setting for this browser if you don't want to continue to be asked this every single time and then click yes I am 18 or older once you click yes I am 18 years or older it's going to bring you to this page you're going to scroll all the way to the bottom until you see this download tab right here a purple download icon in Wicked whims 174b okay all the way down scroll all the way down okay I always tell you guys with all my installation videos is just remember that download links are typically at the bottom of the screen but also if you have the ebook guidebook that I have and you go ahead and grab that you won't even have to worry about making mistakes because you'll have that right on your phone to look at to make sure you're doing it correctly so what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and click the download button okay your computer at this point should be automatically downloading it at the bottom of the screen should we see a little circle that's being downloaded all right now because I've been installing mods for a very long time I typically like to just click this Arrow icon and do show in folder so it can automatically open up my downloads but if you have some issues going on or you don't see that it's downloading at the bottom of the screen you can go to finder and if you have Windows you would just go to file explorer and you'll select finder and then you're going to just basically click the downloads folder the one that lists downloads if you can't find it or you're having trouble finding this folder go ahead and go to the search icon at the top right corner and try to search downloads and the folder should pop up from there okay so we're going to go ahead and open downloads once you do that you will see that this is a ZIP file now I just want to put this disclosure out there for anyone who may be going through this if you see that it is not downloaded as a zip or it is downloaded as multiple folders multiple pages and you don't know what's going on check and see if your computer has download or pop-up blockers on it could be that your computer is extra secure and it is trying to stop the download from actually happening so check for that and if you do find it you want to go into your settings and turn that off so that way you're able to download this mod okay typically it literally just downloads in a zip like every other mod so what you do with zip files is you just select that zip file okay and you're going to go ahead and right click it okay now for finder you can just go ahead when you right click it and it should be an icon to open so you can just click open um or if you have um Windows you can go ahead and just click um extract once you right click it okay but the fun thing about Max is you don't even have to right click and click open you can literally just double click and it's going to open the folder just like that okay so it's your choice you can click open and do it that way you know after right clicking or you can double click it okay once you do that you'll see the blue folder that says Wicked whims please always guys pay attention to this part it is so important a lot of people encounter issues when installing Wicked whims because of this particular part so please pay attention once you click Wicked whims it's going to open up a folder okay inside of this folder it's already informing you to please remove old Wicked whims mods so for anyone watching this video as a refresher to install this mod please remember that if there's been an update or anything particular in that sense of a form please make sure that you delete the wicked whims mod okay that you have already installed because you do not want to have two Wicked whims voters inside the game it's gonna mess up okay another thing okay they have an installation instruction video that you can watch and they have the info and license about this mod okay but you don't need all this information to get the mod to work the folder that you need is this one right in right here inside of this folder so what I like to do is click on that folder and just check it inside you will see ts4 script and tuning package you need both of these turbo Pages inside your mods folder in order for them to work okay so I'm going to show you guys how to get this particular Wicked whims folder in your mods game so after you already opened up the zip it opened up the folder you're going to take the folder that is inside of this folder this one right here and put it in your mods folder so let's go to the bottom of the screen we're going to right click finder and we're going to go ahead and just put new finder window pop one up for me once you do that you're going to click on documents and then once documents opens up you're going to click on Electronic Arts and then you're going to click on Sims 4. once you do that you want to just make sure you delete the local thumb cache that's typically just my go-to every time I play the game because I don't like to deal with any like issues that were like I didn't know about pretty much like oh I forgot I forgot and there are times where just like right now I I can't find my local thumb cash because I haven't been in the game so it's not going to be here it doesn't have any other data for me to delete right now which is fine and if you guys are in that scenario too it's okay if you can't find it don't freak out don't be like oh my God I can't find it my game's not gonna work it's still going to work all right so what we're gonna do is go into the mods folder and then we are going to go ahead and just drag this window over here because this is our mods folder and we're going to drag our download window like just in a way where you can like see it so you know which one's which and then you grab that Wicked whims folder and you just plop it in the mods folder just like that all right and there it is and then you can check inside the folder to make sure you did it correctly and this is all you should see is the two pages if you see please remove this in installation instruction video in Wicked whims inside that folder that means you drag the whole entire folder in the mods folder and you did it wrong you want to take that blue folder that was already in the folder you just open and drag it in here and you should only see these two pages okay if you did that exactly the way I just did it should work just fine in your game worst case scenario if you just can't get it to work I have told people to open up the wicked whims mod folder and get these two turbo pages and directly put them in your mods folder so instead of them being in this wicked ones folder they'll be by themselves like this like a little page that says turbo driver okay you can always choose to do that if you need to all right so that is how you install the mod guys here there's a few things I want you guys to know before you just go rush and install it especially if you're brand new do not forget to install animations you guys are lucky I have a video on how to go over animations you guys can feel free to check that out on my YouTube channel um it is going to help you guys go through the process of installing animations um you know what this modern entails most of you guys do if you're trying to install it so that means that yes it is not going to work properly if you do not have animations for it to do so okay so keep that in mind um the animations are super easy and free to get you just want to make sure if you use like Lover's lab or anything like that you create an account first you have to create an account in order to be able to download the animation so don't forget that I hope that this video was helpful if it was please let me know in the comment section Below guys tell me what your experience has been leave a like it really does help the channel guys and subscribe if you want to see more videos on how to install mods thanks again guys for watching feel free to ask whatever questions you have and I am so grateful to be able to do this for you guys thank you thank you again for watching and you guys have a wonderful rest of the day [Music]
Channel: Simplicitysimlife
Views: 113,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install wicked whims mod on mac for sims 4
Id: Me9ldKNzedM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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