How To Download Mods For Sims 4 On Mac - Full Guide

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in this video I'll show you how to install Sims 4 mods and custom content on your Mac if you found this guide useful then please consider subscribing and once you've done that then please consider leaving a like and let's get right into this guide firstly we need to go and download some custom content or mods for The Sims 4. so we can do this online so what you'll need to do is go and open up a web browser I like to go new Safari and they need to go to a search engine like Google now you may go and have a mod or a piece of custom content which you specifically want for The Sims 4 so if that's the case go and search for it however there's nothing specific I like so I'm just going to go and search for a website called The Sims 4 resource and this is a website of loads of different mods on for The Sims we can go and look at so as you can see here it is just go and search for it and here we are then what you can do is go and scroll down and go and see if there's any custom content onwards you like some of this you will need a premium subscription for but there's a lot of free stuff if this is VIP this means you have to basically pay to go and get access to it I'm going to go for this eye mod here so I'm going to go and tap on it just like so and as you can see it's some sort of eyeshadow Shadow then what you need to do is scroll down until you go and see the option for see more and download now this is going to vary a little bit depending on the website you're using but it's always going to be some sort of download button but just be very aware of these ads as you can see here it says download some ads are going to vary but yeah there may be some weird sort of download buttons and then if you click there you're going to download like an ad as you can see just like that avoid that button and use the official one of course if you're going to tap on it you may just go and download something which you're not aware of once again there's another download button there just put whatever written scroll down and then go and tap on download on the right hand side like so and then press continue downloading it's offering this VIP subscription but as I said before it's going to depend on what website you're using then scroll down and now says you're currently waiting to download so just keep waiting and then it will say ready for download and we can press on download now and I'll say thank you for downloading and the download should now start very very shortly you may go and get a pop-up saying do you want to allow this download but that's fine then what we can do is go and close off Safari like so of course you could go and download more mods and CC's if you like but I'm happy with just that one there then what you need to do is go and open up your finder and go to your downloads folder make sure downloads is selected in the finder and then here we are and as you can see here here is the CC and the mod we just downloaded this top one here and then what I'm going to do is drag this onto my desktop just like so you may notice that it's got some sort of weird file type called dot package don't worry that's completely fine and now if you go and download a mod which is in something like a zip file or a folder all you need to do is open it up and then go and drag it out as if you're downloading multiple it may be put into like a zip folder but that's fine just go and open it up and if you're struggling to you may need to go and get a zip file extractor but usually it should download quite easily just like a normal file like this then what you need to do is go and open up your finder again and this time you need to go to a documents folder like so and then we've got these different options in here what you need to do is tap on Electronic Arts and then go and tap on the Sims 4 and then what you need to do is go and look for mods as you can see here it is and go and double tap on it like so Now by default everybody's gonna have this resource file in the mods folder and then all you need to do is go and download the other mod or CC we downloaded into this folder like so and there we go we've now got to install the mods however there's a few more things we need to go and do so then what you need to do is go and open up the Sims 4 so here we are on Origin I'm just going to tap on play and The Sims should now start launching when you go and launch The Sims 4 you'll then go and get this pop-up saying mods and it's going to go and show you the mods and custom content you've got an added and that's right so I'm then going to go and tap on the tick in the bottom right but there's one more really important thing we need to do so go over to the right hand side and press on options and then go and tap on game options and go over to the left and you need to go and select other near the bottom there and make sure enable custom content and mods is selected otherwise they aren't going to be in your game and if it isn't just go make sure it's got a tick next by clicking on it and then press apply changes and that's it you can then go and close off these settings here and you can now go and get into your game
Channel: GuideRealm
Views: 110,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to download mods for sims 4 on mac, how to install mods for sims 4 on mac, how to download sims 4 cc on mac, how to download sims 4 mods on mac, how to download sims 4 custom content on mac, how to install sims 4 mods on mac, how to install sims 4 cc on mac, how to install sims 4 custom content on mac, how to add mods to sims 4 on mac, how to add cc to sims 4 on mac, how to add custom content to sims 4 on mac, sims 4 mods mac, sims 4 cc mac, sims 4 custom content mac
Id: s7COIn2iGy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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