How To Install Wicked Whims Animations For Sims 4 On MAC | 2024

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[Music] hi simmers in this video I showing you how to download Wicked whim animations on the MacBook or iMac so when you download the wicked animations make sure that you have already got your wicked whims mod installed uh make sure your game option settings are enabled as well so everything can work properly in the case that you download animations and they don't seem to be working a lot of times that means that it may need to be updated by the mod Creator so if you're new to the mod Community uh mods themselves are normally pretty easy to install but when you add things like animations and custom content all that stuff normally is a little more tedious and um they're more individual files so a lot of times it when we're downloading individual files into our mod folder uh that can cause issues within the game if it is not updated and so in that case you would just delete the animation that you feel is not working or use better exceptions so better exceptions is a mod that will tell you what specific mods are broken so let you know if there's animations that are messing up your game and then you just go back to your mods folder delete those files and you can go back to the wicked whims website and reinstall those animations or custom content once the mod creator has updated it and the way you'll know if it's updated is just by the date in general but in the case that that doesn't happen for you or you don't see a date then try to find their Discord normally all mod creators uh give notifications on when their mods are updated through Discord and email okay once you're ready to download your animations you want to click the download tab in the top right corner then you want to scroll down and you can randomly pick any of these the ones with the hearts are all lover Lab website I personally never use these so I'm just going to go with what I'm used to so we'll just click that one now this is 18 and older like I I said there's going to be things on here that obviously are inappropriate for this you know this is that kind of mod so obviously don't do this around kids and stuff like that so we're going to enter your 18y older and then you want to go to the top left corner and select sign in my information is already included but if you've never made an account just click sign up you'll put your display in your display name in your email address your password you'll say you're not a robot and you'll create your account in order to download anything from lovers lab you are going to need to make sure that you have an account otherwise you will not see the download button in the case that you guys already created account all you have to do is sign in so I'm going to click sign in real quick all right once you're signed in you'll see at the bottom there is a file that says download this file you are going to see it right under the gifs of the animation so it'll be pictures and it'll show the animations that you can choose and then it'll have this green button button below it you want to click download this file I personally have always just downloaded all 16 files so I'm just going to click download and when you download if your computer is on the settings that mine is it tells me the name and then I click save but in the case that yours doesn't it'll just download in a zip in the top right corner especially if you have Google Chrome I'm going to do about three of these and I had people ask me in the comment section like is this safe like is it going to put a virus on your computer no it's not going to put a virus on your computer guys all right and so just like I did that you would go right back and you pick another Creator and look at their animators and as long as you have an account with lovers lab you will be able to download the files and you'll do them just as I did right there okay so now that we have that settled we're going to go to the bottom of the screen and select finder and here is where you going to access the zip files that you just downloaded when I go to my archive utility that's where my download section is sometimes guys on our computers based off what we've done done on them in the past they the download location sometimes changes so if you don't know where your download location is check underneath your uh iMac name change check under your HD name all of these things because sometimes it's just hiding I've even had downloads go straight to my desktop before okay so just take a look go through your computer take your time no rush and then once you find the the files you just downloaded you'll be good to go all right also I'm 90% sure that when you download on Google Chrome and you select the file it does say show uh in finder so if you click show and finder it's going to pop up the exact location of that file that you downloaded so in the case that it's just not in the downloads just click show and finder okay all right so as I tell you guys in my windows videos as well if you have mac you can double click and the file will open in a blue folder or as a page depending on what content is in it right if you do not want to do that or you can't for some reason and it's not working right click and select open that will get the file open as well it doesn't work with Windows like that but it does for mac and then in the case that you have an extractor app guys the extractor app is going to open it for you so as soon as you download that zip file it's already open so what you'll do is you'll take the contents that in that are in that extractor app and you will copy and paste them into their mods folder all right so that's for the people who have extractor apps okay so get this file in a a comfortable position after you've either double clicked or right clicked open go to the bottom of the screen rightclick finder and go ahead and locate a new finder window at this point this is where you want to locate your mods folder how you find it is just scroll through and look for the documents folder once you find the documents folder you want to go ahead and click that Electronic Arts folder then the Sims 4 and then you should see this section here this is the Sims 4 folder so what you want to do is locate your mods folder so you can just scroll until you find it and then it will open up for you this is the mods folder that is now open what we're going to do is we can a just grab these files and drag them here or you can rightclick select new folder and call this folder Wicked whims animations by doing this you're making it a lot more organized for you so in the case that better exception says hey this animation is broken all you have to do is go to your wicked whm animations and delete the file that's broken and reinstall once the mod Creator fixes it okay so this is the folder of the wicked whim animations that's now open so all you have to do is just I normally do this by copying uh the three files and pull them over because of my PC but in the case that you just want to drag each one that's all you got to do and that's the wicked whims animation folder guys by the way and number two and then number three easy peasy at this point you're good to go if you want to keep going back over to the site to download more lovers lab um animations feel free to do so um just make sure that you create a otherwise you won't see the button that says You Know download and I hope this was helpful for you guys if it was let me know in the comment section below yes the question I get a lot is do I need Wicked whm animations in order to play Wicked wh yes you do okay so hopefully this helps I'm see you guys lots of love lots of light as I always say make sure your game options settings are set if you don't know how to do that and you're extremely new go to my channel and look for the video that says how to set your game option settings that will help you with that process okay I'm see you guys lots of love lots of light enjoy this process and sub to the channel if you haven't already [Music] to
Channel: Simplicitysimlife
Views: 1,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to install wicked whims animations for sims 4 on mac
Id: aXY94dKYe0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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