How to Install PERFECT Cabinets (Using an Unexpected Tool) Ep. 20

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hey gang welcome back to our channel i'm paul with studpack and in our previous video you saw jordan and i prime this entire project and spray the ceilings except for the dining room let's go inside and check it out [Music] come on in let's check it out man that looks great doesn't it now it's pretty overcast today we still have some plastic on the windows so we have our led light here and we're gonna do something you never see on youtube i'm gonna hold this right up to the ceiling and remember gang there was eight or nine patches here i fell through right here we had the old vents the big patch here where we put in the beam patches over here from the old lights and where that cabinet was hanging through right here but look at that you cannot tell where anything was it looks like one beautiful ceiling that came out super like i said jordan i love the way it came out we're definitely going to be back rolling from now on and look guys we're not professional painters we're learning every day just like a lot of you are that's the great thing about having a youtube channel you left some great comments in the past video we want to address a couple of them right now the first thing we want to talk about is the respirator i had a dual cartridge respirator that was leaking around the edges you could see that when i took it off at the end of the video so i really feel like we need to upgrade to a full face respirator maybe you have a recommendation you can let us know and one of the questions i have about a full face respirator is when you're painting overhead are you constantly cleaning the mask does it smear the paint what if you're using an alkyd are you using paint thinner does that affect the plastic so let us know below in the comments about a full face respirator and jor and i will certainly upgrade to those the other comment was on our roller yeah we just used a nine inch roller we were trying this typically when i try something new i don't go out and buy all the tools right away i want to try it see if i like it and this worked great but we will upgrade to an 18 or a 24. but here's another question for you at the edges with this one we stayed about that far away and honestly we can't tell any difference right here at the wall and if you have a wide roller it's supported on both sides so then you can't get closer to the wall than that probably so what do you guys do do you brush that or do you leave it i think that's a good detail to learn about so what we want to do today gang is get this kitchen ready for cabinets and that involves a little bit more painting now you may have noticed we hung a plastic here when we sprayed the primer these little windows here just impossible to tape off and i couldn't have sprayed in here and in here anyway so we're gonna brush it and roll it and i was actually up here earlier cleaning and right here there's like eight different colors of paint because nobody's ever been in here and painted that properly so we're gonna do that today so we're gonna prime this brush and roller the next thing we're going to paint after that bay window is our beam we're going to start putting our finished trim color on it we're going to roll it on and brush it out with a brush and get that thing going so it's done we can hang the ceiling fan start getting this room finished by the time that's done our primer will be dry and we're going to get in here in the kitchen and start putting up our finish color on the walls for a couple of reasons so in this kitchen and whenever we do a bathroom we get a lot of comments about how come you don't use green board well it's kind of hard to find here to tell you the truth and then i always prime it all anyway and that seals the drywall from any water check this out see how that water is just running off and to me that's really the whole point is to protect the paper from water and i feel like that primer coat we put on there is doing that but now that the primer coat is up we're ready for our finished color now our upper cabinets are gonna have crown around them like we've talked about but they're not going to go all the way to the ceiling and it's going to be very difficult to put color up here i don't want to have to reach over the cabinets and try to cut in right there so we're actually going to do that first we're going to cut in and roll two coats wherever there's an upper cabinet pretty much all the way around the kitchen and then wherever there's going to be a hood or a refrigerator we're just going to put one coat and then at the end we just have to cut in our second coat one time instead of cutting in twice to the cabinets and everything else so that's the plan for today want to go outside get that primer strained and start painting this bay [Music] window [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] all right as you saw in the time lapse we got one coat of primer in our bay window that was some pretty tough cutting in on those little narrow four inch wide windows that was a pain sitting up there painting like that got our beam done one coat of trim color on the beam starting to look great and then we got one coat of the wall color on our walls and you may notice we stopped right here so our upper cabinets go from here up and right here is going to be our beautiful backsplash i didn't want to put paint there for a couple of reasons number one adhesion and number two we don't want to give it away but the type of tile we chose the gray might show through and affect that so i didn't want to take a chance so that's why we stopped right there just painted right here because that's the edge of the cabinets all the way around ready for cabinets tomorrow so we did all the painting in here that we could right now i think to get ready for tomorrow which is cabinet day let's take down that haul door to give us a little more clearance already vacuumed right here and we'll lay out all the cabinets right here so it'll be easier to hang them in the [Music] kitchen [Music] alrighty gang it's the next day and today is cabinet day you saw us yesterday do a little painting if you come over here you'll see we already got started this morning put up some cabinets already we kind of wanted to get our tools all set and our process is all done before we tackled that difficult side but on the painting side i gave all this one coat and then two coats just at the top because once there's crown around here how would i ever do a perfect cutting line across the top now will you ever see it probably not but it's the details that make the job and we wanted that cutting line to be perfect with two coats of paint we always like to get two coats of color and then you'll see these cabinets up they are plumb level square the face of these two lines up with the face of this one same here we have counted for the window stool with this drawer so it clears it we got a 30 inch opening here for our slide in range 30 inch opening here for our new hood it's going to be ducted outside you still see the old downdraft hole right here that we patched with concrete soon to go away all that worked out great remember all the blocking we put in our screws work great there and here and at the top of the uppers and i even put screws in the bottom of these into the studs just imagine this drawer was full of heavy pots and you open it and the momentum i think could pull this away from the wall at the bottom so i got in there and screwed that to the to the wall also so this side is all done ready for our sub top so maybe you're saying what's up stud pack you put in these cabinets and didn't even show us well don't worry this was the easy stuff we're going to show you the hard stuff so let me show you where we get started so the first thing we did we set up our cross line laser right here on this cabinet and projected a level line on that wall lasers have come down a ton in price if you don't have one you really should get one but if you don't have one you can do this with a spirit level or a water level but man i'll tell you you'll love it the first time you use a laser level so we got our line projected on the wall and we're gonna pull some measurements 23 and 7 8 there let's go to this end i'm 24 and 1 8 there so that tells me the slab is higher on my right than it is on the left by a quarter of an inch so now that we established that is the high point of our slab i'm going to turn the laser off you're going to come over here and we're going to measure up 35 inches y35 our boxes are 34 and a half tall those cabinets are 34 and a half tall but i'm gonna go 35 why i'm accounting for the thickness of the floor so i'm raising them up half an inch our floor is going to be half an inch thick now you have to account for the thickness of the floor when you're setting your cabinets it depends if it's less than a half an inch i'm not going to worry about it the dishwasher is still going to fit and the range is still going to fit but if i'm half an inch three quarter like with hardwood flooring then i'm going to start to account for the thickness of the floor and the height of my cabinets because i don't want to have any issues with those appliances at all so 35 inches above the high point in the slab is our beginning reference mark for the height of all the cabinets all the lower cabinets once we have that established put our laser on our tripod and projected this line all the way around the room when that was done i put a mark there at the end of that wall and on both ends of that wall now we don't want to leave our laser running the whole time knock it over so we turned it off and connected those lines with the chalk line now we have a permanent reference and our bodies and our tools and our cabinets aren't going to get in the way of a laser beam it's on the wall just where we want it so now that we know where the cabinets are going to be this way where are they going to be this way we have a 36 inch wide refrigerator we have this 33 inch wide base 36 inch wide base 24 inch dishwasher more cabinets so i started with the sink base sinks should be centered on the window and that's how we planned this whole thing so here's our window back here i just used my framing square to project the center where these two windows are molded together right here on the front and then i projected it down with my laser or you could just use a level so this line with the c's on it that means the center line there's a lot of lines going on right here so that's why i wanted to make sure that line was going to stand out for me let's talk what the rest of all this is about now before we covered all this up with drywall i always take pictures i hold my tape measure up so i can reference it and i know exactly where everything is so right behind here is my hot water copper right behind here is my cold water copper now we have nail plates that's what these x's are but i want to make sure we don't put any screws right here at all same applies with the drain and the vent we put blocking here so i've got arrows which green light go and then x no screws so that's going to really help us when we put this in and the support for the sub top behind the farm sink make sure you stay tuned for that i think that's going to be a whole video of how we plumb this thing pretty difficult on these farms things to get everything perfect so now that i have my center line for the farm sink i measured over 18 which is half the width of this this is a 36 inch wide cabinet this mark is the edge of my form sink this cabinet's 33. i'm building my cabinets to the left that cabinet ends right there that is 36 and a half from this corner which is perfect because we have a 36 inch wide cabinet over the fridge i'll bump it out to the right half an inch with some filler strip we got so that cabinet will line up perfectly with the end of this one and our 33 inch wide refrigerator will fit perfectly in there and open and clear the window stool i already checked it on the right hand side of the sink we have a 24 inch dishwasher and two 24 inch cabinets and they're going to end here so we're all good on our layout so i think what i want to do now is transfer these five holes the drain the cold the hot and our two receptacles to the back of this and cut all those holes and get this thing ready to install [Music] all right we have our electrical and our plumbing laid out on the back of here where we need to make the holes it looks intimidating but this is how i do it remember that center line we talked about right here i also made a center line on the back of the cabinet and i pull all my numbers from the center line when i'm measuring for this hot i measure from the center line to the middle of this one and i transfer it right here from the center line to the middle of the coal and i transfer it right here all the way through and now we got to get the top so we know this is the top of our full height cabinets this is 12 inches lower so this line is 12 inches lower this line represents the top of our farm sink base so now i simply pulled from this line to the middle of the drain this line to the middle of my water lines got those two and then this line to the top and bottom of all my receptacles so those are all ready to cut it's like a big game of battleship it is one more thing we have to account for we got a sink sitting up here with a faucet and a pull down aerator with a hose that goes down with a weight we have to account for all that stuff so i'm simply going to cut a big slot right here i'm six inches off the back to here and actually went pretty wide game because i kind of goof on this receptacle i wish i put it lower but it's right near the top so i need this clear for the cover plate and the plug but it'll be fine it's not going to affect the structural integrity of this at all so why don't we grab our saw cut this slot put the five holes in the back and see if that thing fits [Music] i [Music] [Applause] all right gang everything's cut out ready to fit and don't worry we are going to change these angle stops at the plumbing stage just wanted to take them off so we don't have to cut a great big hole for the handle let's see if it fits bud look at that nice job man nice job thanks perfect all right we got our farm sink baits in went in beautifully with those five penetrations and honestly guys we have it temporarily secured right here with two screws this one's in the stud this one's in our blocking and we've put one shim in the back to get this plumb that's all we needed right now and there's nothing in the front right now it's just floating basically hanging on the wall and we did that because first we want to get these two attached together perfectly and then we'll shim the bottom so it's perfectly plumb and level check it out over here what we did we attached these two together and put a half inch spacer here in the back and made it one unit and then attached the whole thing to the wall we wanted to do the same thing here with those six penetrations and the weight of this thing it was too heavy so we're gonna do it this way so now that that one's where it needs to be we got these retro jorgensen clamps here holding that face frame together i know they make special clamps for face frames but i have these and they work fine and i don't need a special set of clamps unless i did it every day but they're tight the face frames are flush and we're going to screw these together using these grk screws we have a countersink bit in our drill our impact ready to go and then right here you'll notice we used my crowbar like a jack like you jacking up your car and our goal was to get the face frames perfectly flush on the bottom right here once we had that established we put in a block and a shim to hold it think of this like a jack like you're jacking up your car to work underneath and think of that like a jack stand you lose your jack that's going to hold it so now that we're flush here and flush here we're going to connect these two face frames together let's screw those together and remove our clamps [Music] so now that our face frames are connected together perfectly flush here and on the bottom we'll take our clamps off and if you notice up here this box has to come up to meet our line so let's take those off and put this box where it goes and secure it to that wall all right guys you saw us get these two screws in to hold this up to our line and we've been fighting this thing for like half an hour to get it perfect because this is going to establish the rest of the run this is perfect it's going to be a little easier over there now i got to tell you this is a plumbing wall the framing behind here is jacked up these were super simple to install just a few shims in the back they were perfect in every dimension but these we've got shims in the back here we've got shims here under there it's just a big dance to get this thing just the way you want it don't get frustrated just take the time and it's going to pay off later when your granite and your stone goes in perfectly smooth and speaking of smooth you might be asking why do we put the face frames together first like right here and that's perfect right there and this one over here is perfect if it's not your eye is going to see that one of these is sticking out past the other and then your frames on your doors and drawers don't line up this way so to me that's the most critical step and that's the thing i look at when i go look at other cabinets to see how well they did that little connection right there so once we had these together and both boxes kind of loosely attached to the walls we got out our levels made sure we were on our laser line and just started tweaking it with shams when it was perfect put all the screws in tight and now it's time to cut these shims off and start on those [Music] all right gang we have our two base cabinets here they're both 24 inches wide they're screwed to the wall we put the face frames together like we showed you that's perfectly smooth i can hardly feel that that's a joint and then we use a half inch piece of plywood back here with a screw through all three pieces to tie that together that way the front stays straight it's not going to do this and act as a hinge right here it's all one unit we have one at the top and one at the bottom so check these out gang we made these outside out of some scrap plywood and they're exactly 24 inches long that's the width of our dishwasher we put two pocket holes in each side but they're only attached with one when we got in here we realized we just need one screw so we have one there and one there and like i said that establishes the width of our dishwasher every time we move this cabinet while we adjust it we never affect this and we don't have to come back and check it time and time again when we did these two i was having to check this one for 30 inches quite a number of times but that was easy day if you wanted to you could make 30 inch spacers here as well but almost always for a dishwasher i do that and especially if you're hanging cabinets alone that's a great time saver so we got these two cabinets screwed to our spacers and got it level in all directions just like the other ones checked it this way this way and this way and you think we were done right but we're not there's one final step we want to do i'm going to grab my longest festool track saw guide and i'm going to use it as a straight edge against the face of these cabinets we want them to be perfectly in line but check that out we have almost a quarter inch difference right here so this cabinet needs to come out a quarter of an inch and so does this one the reason that's got to be straight is because our stone is going to be straight by the nature of the product it's stone and they're going to make a straight edge we want our reveals for our doors and our drawers against that stone to be straight too it's just gonna take a couple of minutes to dial in that final detail we're gonna loosen these screws put in some quarter inch spacers and push all this out and check it again all right gang that was real simple we just loosened the screws pulled these out a quarter inch put some shims back there it was perfect so i saved the drops from my shims for things just like that you can check this out perfectly in line all the way across the face cool dude yeah what's next let's do these uppers man let's do it i'm tired of doing base cabinets let's put some uppers on all right guys these uppers are up let me walk you through what we did so we started by putting our understrip 19 inches above this cabinet from the top of the ledger to here is 19 inches by the time we add our sub top and our stone we're going to have 18 inches clear between the top of the stone and here the leather strip is just screwed to a couple of studs we built this as one piece put our three screws in through the face frame we used three here because we had a little bit of a difficulty here you want to get that perfect and it is three screws hold it together put our half inch spacers back here then we drilled the hole for our under cabinet lighting wire came out perfect right where i want it right there and we lifted the whole thing on top of the ledger strip screwed it to the blocking we put in way back during the framing made sure it was plumb it was perfect it's got six screws holding it to the wall so this side's done now we're gonna come over here and put up this guy above the refrigerator and this narrow cabinet right here and that'll be it for cabinets sound better yep okay now the right the left side needs to come up uh too much good all right it fits just like we planned we just wanted to put that in there because that's where it belongs we wanted to put it in its home make sure the doors cleared everything just like we planned i love it so that's just a few tips and tricks about how we hang cabinets here at studpack we know everybody does it different if you've got some tips and tricks for us and everybody else drop them below in the comments ask a question get that like button on a ledger board make sure it's level smash it for us subscribe if you haven't already and we'll see you on the next [Music] you
Channel: Stud Pack
Views: 256,441
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Id: BBpGoUW03tQ
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Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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