Stone Veneer Installation - Part 2. Corners And Flats (Like A PRO)

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in this video i'm going to show you how to install stone veneer like a pro and if you're not familiar with stone veneer it's an excellent way to add characteristic and style to your house without breaking the bank and it's beautiful and durable and can last for years so if you're new to this channel my name is josh your channel it's all about building your own house saving a ton of money so be sure to subscribe ring that bell so you get notification every time release new video and hammer that like button for me that's all i ask return for making this video so without further ado let's get started this section of the house is where we will be installing the stone veneer and this is part two of a three-part series in part one i showed you how to install the underlayment metal lath and the scratch coat so in part two we are going to be installing the stone veneer there are several manufacturers out there for the stone veneer and typically they sell two types corners and flats so i always get corners because the corners give it a nice finished look on the edges and it gives it a nice three-dimensional appearance as if there was a solid stone right in this corner so i always prefer to use corners and then the flats obviously just stick flat to the wall and this is what fills in the bulk of the wall so i just want to show you the two different types that you need to be aware of in order to stick the stone veneer to the wall i need to mix up a mortar mix first and the ratio i use is a two to one and that's going to be two part sand one part cement and the cement i'm going to be using is type s cement and i always dump it into a bucket first because it's easier to shovel out that way and the tools we're going to need is a shovel and a half inch drill with a mixing blade on it and then just a few buckets so let me show you what you need to do first so first we need to get two scoops of sand and preferably clean sand and we're gonna go put that into the mixing bucket and then after that what we need to do is get one scoop of cement and like i said with this bucket it's much easier to scoop out this way and then what we need to do is get our clean water and that's what i got in this bucket and we're going to go ahead and just place a small amount of water first because you don't want to put too much water in first because if it's too liquidy it's going to be harder to try to get it to the right consistency so just a little bit of water first and go ahead and mix that up so as you can see that's too dry so we need to go ahead and place a little bit more water in it and again not too much just enough to uh get it nice and damp and then mix it up we're looking for a consistency that's like peanut butter [Laughter] just a little bit more water all right now as you can see it sticks to that blade really nicely and that is what you want as far as consistency something that's like peanut butter then after you get it to the consistency you want go ahead and mix it up thoroughly for a few more minutes all right now we're ready to install the stone veneer with this mortar i always start with the stone veneer corners first and i start from the top and i work down and always leave a half inch gap between the corners because that gives me plenty of room to grout around and also it's very important to start with the corners because that gives you an area to go off of when you're starting your stone veneer and since i got a peak i'm going to have to start at the top without corners obviously but once i come down to where the corners are then i definitely need to have the corners installed first and also i just want to let you know i started here and worked down already because it's way easier to record installation of corners at eye level instead of being up on a scaffolding so now what i'm going to do is show you how to butter up your corner before you install it this is the corner i'm going to be installing next so as you noticed on this side it's very rough and textured so it gives a place for the mortar to adhere to real easy so all i do is scoop up just enough to give me a half inch coverage on the backs and this is just a simple trowel that's used for bricks this is a seven inch trowel and i'm just going to go ahead and put some on the other side and i'm gonna just back butter it like so and smooth it out like i said about a half inch and always make sure i cover the whole backside really well so just something like that and as you can see we got full coverage and now we're ready to stick it onto the wall all right so all i got to do is lift it up to the corner and like i said try to aim for about a half inch reveal at least that's the mortar joint i'm looking for press it into the corner and then just kind of wiggle it into place and you're going to want to make sure you're tight and you make sure one side is not cockeyed compared to the other and try to eyeball a straight line so so far that looks really well let me go check the other side here that looks really nice as well so now i'm just going to hold a little pressure on it for just a moment so after you're done holding pressure on it now to release slowly and that is all there is to it what i do i'll go ahead and try to capture as much of this loose mortar off the bottom and up here if there's a good bit sticking out the top i'll try to catch it as well and that way i'll just recycle it when i go to install the next corner something else i wanted to show you if it's really dry out get a spray bottle full of water and spray your scratch coat and spray the stone because sometimes it's so dry out that you'll go lather up the back of this and stick it to the wall and it just soaks the moisture right out of that mortar really quick and it's hard to work with sometimes so i always recommend carrying a spray bottle full of water and that way you can work when it's really dry out something really important to note before you start your stone veneer and this goes for the corners and for the flats as you can see i got six different boxes of corners here and they all have different shades to them of color so as you can see this box is more dark this box is more light so what you want to do grab different corners from each box so that way when you're installing your stone veneer onto the corners you have a variety just like you see here because you don't want them all just one color then all of a sudden they switch to a totally different color [Music] if you are interested in any of the tools you see in this video to install the stone veneer be sure to check out my amazon store the link is in the description below and if you do make a purchase through one of my links i get a small commission with some no extra cost to you to help support the channel [Music] as you can see i got all the corners on this bump out and i went ahead and set up the scaffolding and went ahead and did the gable so that way i can get that out of the way so i can show you at eye level how to install the flats and there's a couple pointers i wanted to point out before i show you how to install the flats the first pointer i wanted to show you is i went ahead and installed a board going across the top of this window and put a piece of plywood over it so when i was installing stone above in case a piece fell off a stone that is it didn't come down and smash the j channel on this window or crack anything else on the window so that's a little tip you want to make sure anything below is protected in case you drop stone or mortar next thing i wanted to point out is i'm sure you notice this downspout looks a little funky that's because i had to take it off side of the house and turn it sideways so i can get the stone in behind it then after the stone's installed i'm going to have to cut it down and adjust it to fit properly but yet i still wanted to collect rain water while i was working on the stone i didn't want the water coming down and then splashing on the side of the house as if there was no guttering let's move on to the next pointer whenever you order a bulk amount of stone a lot of times they'll come in these large boxes instead of the small boxes so when that happens what i like to do is uncover both boxes or if there's multiple boxes uncover them all and i'd like to pick out across the tops of them equally so that way you get the correct variety throughout the layout just as if we did the corners but instead of having six boxes we only have these two large ones and also what i like to do when i mix up my mortar i'll go ahead and collect them into a box of this size and then carry them to where i'm going to be installing so that way i have my stone there something to keep going back forth to the crates i'm going to show you how you want to get everything ready before you start sticking the flats on the wall so as you can see i got an assortment of the flats out of those big boxes and i carried them over here in this little box and i got my mortar ready to go my trowel and the water bottle you want to have all this stuff ready to go because you don't want to be racing to try to get the mortar onto the wall before it dries and then run around looking for everything else so now that i got everything here ready to go let me show you how to butter up one of these flats and put it on the wall here's the stone i'm going to be doing first it's much more dry out than it was when i did the corners so i'm going to take my spray bottle and just spray a little water on the back of this it just helps that mortar set into the stone a little better then all i'm going to do is just take the mortar and scoop it right onto the back of the stone right like so and then i'm just going to make sure i get full coverage on the whole back of that stone and then i like to take my trowel even it out to where there's about a half inch across the whole back so something like that and it you don't to be fancy but you just want it uniform that's the main thing so that looks really nice so let's go put this on the wall i'm going to be installing the stone right here and because it's dry out i'm going to dampen the surface and now all i've got to do is take my stone lay it right where i want it and i want a half inch reveal roughly between stone to stone and now that i got it about where i want it i'm just going to put pressure on it and just wiggle it up and down and left and right until it's adhered to the wall and as the mortar pushes out around it i like to clean it off as i go and recycle the mortar so i'll take it off like this then throw it right back into my mortar bucket and in this case i'm going to put it tight against the window here so once i get it to where i want it that looks good and it's going to hold tension on it for just a moment or two typically it only takes about 30 seconds when it's warm out if that and then we can just release the pressure now i'm just going to slowly release pressure and you can see it's sticking right to the wall now you're going to have to let this set up for at least 24 hours before you grout around it but on to the next step in this process we're going to find a stone that goes here so it's like a big puzzle filling in all this so now we're looking for one that has a shape that can fit right into this space let's go find it here are my options i have with me to pick from to fill in that space so after looking at all these this little one's probably the best fit for that space so again it's like a big puzzle you gotta pick and choose various shapes and sizes to fit together and in this case this is the best one out of everything you got to do to install stone on the wall definitely the most time consuming part from what i found was trying to find the correct shapes and sizes to fit in the puzzle so to speak so just so you know and if you have somebody that can help you find the right size while someone else places it onto the wall it's going to be a much quicker process so now i'm just going to go ahead and keep installing this whole wall of stone [Music] just a little fun fact the r-value added to the wall using the stone veneer is .43 and to put that in perspective a 2x4 wall is an r value of 13 after it's insulated sometimes when you're installing the stone veneer you're not going to be able to find the perfect piece so you got to make it so as you can see here here's one i had to break to make this piece and let me show you how to do that here's one i had to break before i'm going to show you how i did it so let's say i need to break it right here so all we got to do is get a straight edge a straight board or a block or something lay it right up to where we want to break it then take your hammer and just tap it and it's going to break it off roughly to where you need it and as you can see it's going to vary sometimes so let's say again let's say we want to break this off right here so another way you can do it slay it on its side then hit it from the back and then you can break it that way as well so you can practice and see what works best for you and also another way to do it is take the wet saw and cut down let's say right in the back here about halfway through and then that way when you break it it's going to give you an exact break as of right now i have two days of installing the stone veneer and this is what we got done so far if you're ready to see how to grout the stone veneer check out this video it'll help you out
Channel: The Excellent Laborer
Views: 124,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stone veneer, stone veneer installation, how to install stone veneer, installation, stone, veneer, stone veneer over concrete block, natural stone veneer, stone veneer siding, stone veneer over brick, stone veneer panels, installing stone veneer, how to install natural stone veneer, cultured stone installation, stone veneer installation part 1, stone venner installation, Stone veneer corner install, stone veneer corners, stone veneer flats, eldorado stone, cultured stone
Id: wMjsEI-ihaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2022
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