Watch This Before Installing Debian 12!

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can it really be a stable Debian version which is almost up to date Believe It or Not Debian 12 the latest release of the community developed operating system comes with almost or even the newest desktop environments and packages in fact it is that new that many even consider switching to it and why not actually like I said it's a stable distribution not to mention its long-term support up to 5 years as well as being the base of many and probably most Linux distributions out there on top of that the kernel that it ships with also includes support for recent Hardware even Intel Arc and the new AMD CPUs are supported but of course I wouldn't be making this video If Debian 12 was the Holy Grail for the Linux desktop so let's talk about it but first I'd like to remind you that you don't forget to give this video a like and if you're new to the channel why not also subscribe if you are here as second time already though come on just do it already alright so for those of you who don't know it yet Debian is one of the oldest Linux distributions which still get updated and has built a name for itself of being incredibly stable stable in the context of operating system means that new packages get tested through and throughout to make sure that nothing can cause an error which could potentially break applications or even the whole OS itself it is also the main reason on why Debian is so popular on servers it basically never crashes ever but sadly being stable also brings a huge disadvantage testing takes time and I mean a really long time it's no joke When someone tells you that stable distributions are outdated and get updated very slowly because that is the actual case so for a long time Debian wasn't really that great of a choice for desktop use since most users don't actually care about that stability but want better support and new features in fact on desktops stable doesn't really mean all that much for example how often does windows cause problems in comparison to a so-called unstable distro like Arch very often it's really similar or even worse but now with Debian 12 it seems like you can get both recent packages and being stable yeah about that see part of the reason why Debian ships with desktop environments that are that reasoned is that they just did a really good job of making sure that they are stable themselves interestingly the development Pace seems to have sped up while the amount of problems after a new release seems to actually decrease it's quite impressive honestly that being said even with all these new desktop environments I still wouldn't recommend Debian to a newcomer since it has a few rough edges which are there by design for once let's talk about the installation process because out of all of the distributions that I've tried so far Debian is probably the worst but also sort of good bear with me okay so their website is terrible I'm gonna be honest see the thing is that on the regular download page you get an ISO straight away however I consider this ISO Advanced for several reasons for once it is not an entire ISO it needs internet access to properly install Debian and second of all and that also includes the full installer it is too powerful for beginners luckily for those Debian also offers a live image with its own graphical calamaris installer and that's the one that you want if you either want to just try out Debian on a live USB stick or if you don't want to get too deep into the configuration detail tails you can already choose between several different desktop environments which is kind of neat oh and by the way if you try out Debian and want to launch the installer afterwards the password Here is live I literally have no idea why the live user even has a password which is not mentioned on the website by the way but okay apart from that the calamares installer is actually kind of decent and it was no problem for me to set everything up after the installation and the quick reboot you can already start using your system but you might notice that Debian actually comes with quite a lot I'm gonna say gimmicks out of the box like I don't know what you think but the first thing that I do after every single Debian install is to clear out all of the applications and games that I don't need don't really know why they are they are in the first place but just be gone okay so now let's talk about the things that Debian is very good at and what it is extremely bad at by default Debian 12 has very recent packages and it basically feels like a native install of Fedora upzuza or any other distribution the chips with gnome 43 or even gnome 44 but things already change when we take a look at downloading software for once on many distros it is nowadays a custom that you can install flat pack straight away Debian does not offer this out of the box so you first have to install it at the repo and the software Center plugin and just then you can use it and this is something that Debian does by Design see Debian is known to support open source software and up until this point they didn't even ship with any proprietary drivers out of the box which did cause quite a lot of problems for many I mean how can you enable the non-free repos containing the driver for your network card if you have essentially no network card while Debian 12 now includes crucial drivers by default it is still designed to refrain from proprietary applications which flat Hub offers in a wide variety another thing that we need to talk about is of course updates while Debian 12 is very updated at the moment it does not stay that way for example the next gnome release will be gnome 45 in probably less than half a year Debian will still be on 43. half a year after that there will be gnome 46. Debian will still be on 43 and the same goes for plasma the other desktop environments and many applications sure Debian releases security and minor updates to applications and drivers but the main operating system itself does not really change all that much it is stable as it is so in comparison to other Linux distributions it has disadvantages in user experience overall performance especially in gaming and the General application Suite while massive will be quite outdated until the next big release on the other hand however you don't need to care about updates breaking your system or messing up dependencies Debian stable is a great distribution for just workstations for building your own distribution or to serve as a virtualization platform it is a base distribution which does not break if you just use it normally but it also doesn't hold your hand when you go under the hood if you're someone who likes the newest and greatest are a gamer or even just brows the web then Debian will probably not be the right distribution for you and you're better off with something like Ubuntu Linux Mint or popos however if you use your system for production use for example for video editing 3D modeling and similar or you want to experiment with your system while also maintaining a stable experience than it is home for you it is still Debian after all in conclusion don't just hop on the Debian 12 hype train and install it straight away as your main operating system think first of what you actually want to do with your system and then decide just because it is new Now does not mean that it is new in a year or so Debian is great at what it is a stable and reliable distribution a great Foundation to build upon and one of the best ways to build your ultimate workstation but it is definitely not suited for everyone just think about that if you've liked this video then please make sure to show it with a like and if you're still here then why not also subscribe to the channel if you want to see more videos like this then you can already continue by watching this one next and all that's left to say now is good morning good afternoon or good evening wherever you are I'll see you around [Music]
Channel: Michael Horn
Views: 41,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: debian 12, debian 12 bookworm, debian bookworm, debian 12 review, debian 12 release, debian 12 gnome 44, is debian 12 good, is debian good for beginners, is debian good for gaming, is debian good, debian vs, how to install debian 12, how to install debian, why is debian so hard to install, debian live usb
Id: QMeH1B3-ynA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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