How To Install Mods For Gorilla Tag (Fastest Method)

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hello guys as you can see today I'm going to be showing you how to install mods for girl attack in the lat update so the first step you want to do is install monkey mod manager from the link in the description that I hopefully put there you just want to open this up it look like this if your grill tag folder path is incorrect so to click these two dots right here I go um your C drive or day drive wherever your game is installed let's go through all this and just go to grill tag select the exe5 right here to B already be installed you just want to scroll down like youer like install update and just minimize that or close it whatever you want going to open up steam here to run gorilla tag your b x can actually load up and install the files it needs to should load up to exit our girl tag should close to right click manage browse local files or go whatever method you want that's the fastest method though want to click bonex plugins and you should be done however this is the incorrect utility which does not work anymore so in the description I should have put the updated version of uer which should be here right now going to just drag and drop it from your downloads or wherever you put it place the F destination and then after that well about that this goes in the util folder it should be there ready and after that you want to just click play again should do this if you have a selected on and you should see down here you have that which is modded game mode and and that should be done guys by the way sorry about this but this is my first video on this channel and I would really really really like it if you guys subscribe hit this like button and comment if you get any issues or if you want another video idea on how maybe install mods on the Oculus store or how to install a specific mod yeah so goodbye guys
Channel: AttiumGT
Views: 49
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gorilla, Tag, Gorilla Tag, Mods, Modding, gorillatagmods, DAISY09, pbbv, gorillatagupdate, gtagghost, vr, oculus, steam, INSANE, legal mods, bark, bark menu, gtag, modder
Id: hECmreWeSK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 26sec (146 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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