How to install MinGW w64 on Windows 10/11 [2024 Update] MinGW GNU Compiler for C C++ Programming

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hello everyone I welcome you all to my Channel  today in this video I'm going to show you how   to install main GW compiler and after that I'm  also going to show you how to run a simple hello   world C program with the help of MW compiler so  if you want to code in C or C++ program they need   to stick around with this video so that you'll be  able to learn how to install MW compil and then   how to start coding in C or C++ language so do  watch the video till the end I can guarantee you   that you'll be learning a lot of new things and  if you face any issues in Middle you can always   comment in our comment sections I'll try my best  to help you so to install MW compil first you need   to go to faite browser and I just want to mention  one thing that I I have started this geky syntax   channel so here you're going to get programming  and coding related videos so please do subscribe   our channel that will really motivate me to  make even more videos and this I have started   one vlogging channel so if you're interested  you can also subscribe this channel now for me   GW compile I to First simply search over here  M GW download and this will show you this m GW   minimalistic gnu for Windows download so to open  that when you click on that it going to redirect   to the official site of source Force net so here  you can see we have this big download button so   you need to click on that download button and it's  going to start downloading our main GW compiler   within 5 Second so here you can see it is you know  the setup is rightly downloaded over here so you   click on setup and here you need to just simply  click on install anyway so this will open this   MW setup version window so you need to minimize  your browser first so here you can just simply   click on install so this is our you know license  agreement so you can view this license agreement   so I'll just you know simply click on continue  over here and you can see that our download is   rightly began right so now it is switching all  the files from internet and going to show you all   of that within you know a few minutes so thing  is you need to have active internet connection   right throughout this installation and you can  see that all the 113 items are you know rightly   processed so you can just you know simp click on  continue over here and this will show you this m   GW installation manager window so here you can see  that we have under package we have some options   right so what I'm going to do is I'm going to you  know select one by one and I I'm going to select   this Mark for installation for all the items so  you to keep on repeating doing the same so it   going to install our MW compiler so you know now  that I I can see that I have selected uh all the   items so after that what I'm going to do is I'm  going to click on this this installation menu   and I'm going to click on this apply changes so  when you do that it will show you this schedule   of pending actions so can see that all these items  it going going to be you know installed or upgrade   so it's just fine you need to just simply click on  this apply and it's going to start downloading our   you know uh all the libraries all the packages all  compiler everything now so you need to have active   internet connection so we can see it is currently  you know fetching files from our source   and it is installing it locally on our system so  it takes time you know so once we are done with   this I'm going to come back to this video so so  we'll come back and now you can clearly see that   all changes were applied successfully so you can  see everything is done now so you can just you   know simp click on close now can also close this  window so now that our MW is properly installed   so it's time to set our inent path variable so  for that you need to go to your C drive and need   to you know you'll be seeing that we have this  MW folder right created over here within our C   drive right so it to go inside that M GW folder  and you will be getting the bin folder over here   so go inside that bin folder and here you can see  that we have lot of files right so everything is   properly set so only just one thing that is left  is you need to you know just simply click on this   address bar right click and copy this path can  minimize this you can just simply click on the   search icon now and here you need to just simply  type Environ so when you type in viron you'll get   this edit the system environment variable open  that and here under the system properties you   need to click on this environment variables it  will open this environment variables window so   here you need to click on this path and to click  on edit when you click on edit it will open this   you know edit environment variable window you  to click on new and right click and paste that   path that mean GW /bin path over here now you  can just simp click on okay then again okay and   again okay so now if we again go to this search  and just simply type CMD to open our commment   prompt and here if you just simply type g++ Das  Dash version and hit enter you can see that our   latest version of MW is you know directly install  and it is properly showing this prompt so if you   see this similar type of prompt then all that  basically mean is our MW compiler is rightly   installed so now it's time for coding all right  so you don't need to worry about compiler and   all now so it's installed it's time for coding so  right click create a new folder so let's give the   folder name as C progs so here in this folder I'm  going to write about all the C programs so I'll   just simply right click and I'm going to create a  new new text document and here I'm going to give   the file name as hello world do c I'm going to  remove this do txt extension I'm going to change   it to do c so sometimes you might not be seeing  uh this C or txt this file uh type extension so   for that what you need to do is you need to click  on this View and to click on the show and here   you need to enable this file name extension so  that's a very important step all right so once   you see that this is checked file name extension  is checked you can see the extension do C or CPP   CPP is for C++ or py for python so in my you know  this channel you'll be getting lot of videos on   python Java JavaScript so there I have used all  different type of file file L extensions right so   that is pretty much all about it so so we are  writing now a s sample C program so I'm going   to name it C so simply open the file in notepad  and let's write a simple you know program so hash   include htdi do and I'm going to write int Main  and within in M I'm going to write a simple print   test statement hello world all right hello world  and I'm going to after that return zero right so   you know just simply write this much go to file  save this file then click on this address bar of   this folder and type CMD so hit enter so what  you'll see is you'll see that our you know our   Command prom is rightly open within this folder  itself so with the proper path so now to run you   need to just simply typee GCC then the file name  which is hello world right so hello and world do   c hit enter you'll be seeing that our program is  properly compiled and it is generated one a. txc   you need to just simply type to run you need to  just simply type A that is the file name of that   exe and hit enter and you can see the output hello  rightly coming on our console right so in this way   you can easily install latest version of main GW  compiler on Windows operating system and after   that I have also shown you how to run a simple  hello world C program on a Windows operating   system so you know also subscribe our geeky  syntax channel so if I get you know good amount   of subscription then I'm going to post regularly  coding and programming related videos so that's   basically all about this video thank you very  much for watching this video and God bless you all
Channel: Geeky Script
Views: 7,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install mingw w64 on windows 11, mingw, how to install mingw, gcc, mingw 64 for windows 11, mingw w64 install windows 11, mingw visual studio code, codeblocks installer windows 10, how to install mingw w64 on windows, how to install mingw w64, gnu, install mingw, how to install mingw w64 on windows 10, mingw 64 for windows 10, c and c++ programming, c programming software for windows 11, c++ programming software for windows 10, mingw w64 install windows 10
Id: 7KN_blyISLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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