Installing MinGW Compiler for VSCode on Win 10 x64

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hello everyone i'm going to show you how to install the minimalistic graphical interface for windows you go to the address that i'm i'm going to link below so it's this it's in for sourceforge we go to files and scroll down we go to the latest version which is the 8.1.0 if you try using the online installer at the time of this recording it will not download properly for you possibly okay so what you want to do assuming that you are on a windows 64-bit computer is this one x86 underscore 64 pos i x s e h so when you click on it it's going to download and it's going to download a a file with a 7z extension okay i already downloaded it so i have it there i'm going to show you real quick i already have it downloaded you can you can go to the the webpage 47z and i'm going to upload a zipped version of the contents of the same folder okay so in case you don't wanna have to download another program i'm gonna do that for you so once you download this you're gonna get a folder that's gonna be minimalistic graphical interface so that's ming w64 and these are the contents so those contents are here as you can see they're the same so i i already unzipped all the contents now this folder the main w64 is the one that you want to copy somewhere else not necessarily your downloads folder because depending on how you work with your downloads possibly you cleared them out so you want it in this in a stable place right it could be the programs folder for example we could copy this go to the programs files and we paste it here and that's what i have done so actually i can delete that one that was test i'm gonna continue okay so i pasted it here and as you can see the contents are right here you can also you can also paste it inside the using the the version the longer name of the of the folder but i did it just like this okay and once you are here once you paste it somewhere it could be in your document it could be in your program files it could be a separate hard drive even now once you're there you click here bin right and if you check it out all the contents here we have g plus plus so that's like graphical interface for c plus but actually using command line now you copy the the path right click copy or ctrl c now on your keyboard you do windows key and then the pause key is going to bring this up right or if not you can go to you can go to settings and then edit environment environment variables for your accounts and it's going to bring that up okay environment variables right so before i said hit control pause is going to bring this up you can click on advanced settings and then here where it says environment variables bam okay so it brings you up to the same place environment variables and here you double click on path or you click edit and let's imagine i don't have this deleted i click on new and i paste it hit enter and click ok all right now after you've done this you will have installed you have set up your computer to use that path so they know they know how to use g plus plus okay so if we go to your code for example this if you already have it if you already had it open before installation what you want to do is close it you want to close your your vs code otherwise it's not going to [Music] know that that um windy has been installed after you close your vs code you open it up again you open a new terminal and to check the version you type in g plus plus dash dash version okay there it is you can do the same in the command line or powershell you could do g plus plus version so when i try to install it for example i had issue it was not working on vs code and i tried it on the command line on the on the windows command line and it did work so i was like oh okay i need to restart my vs go and that's what i did that worked for me now after we have this let's clear this out we have confirmed that we have installed windy and now we can because we have the path here we can call that program g plus plus and then say main.tpp oh here it was not there before let me delete it uh-huh oh let's say okay okay so it's not there i'm gonna run the command again and create the file okay so it's called a dot exe i do dot forward slash a dot exe and that is the return that is what it does so to the to the console it will type out hello bsccs as shown in the lecture i hope this video was helpful
Channel: LevDoesCode
Views: 58,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: c++, vscode, visual studio code, MinGW, MinGW-w64, Windows 10, Windows
Id: oQHdm6TpLsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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