How to install CodeBlocks IDE on Windows 10/11 [2024 Update] MinGW GCC Compiler | C & C++ Program

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hello everyone I welcome you all to geky script  first of all a very happy New Year to all of you   today I'm going to show you how to install code  blocks and after that I'm also going to show you   how you can easily write a simple hello world C  or C++ program and how to run and compile that   within our code block so in order to watch the  video till the end I can promise you you'll be   learning a lot of new things and I have also  started a couple of channel so in geky syntax   I'm posting coding related videos if you want to  learn more about coding or programming then you   need to subscribe this Channel and I have also  started on vlogging channel so recently I have   been to Kashmir show I have posted one D Leg video  so if you're interested you can also subscribe my   vlogging Channel as well so now without any delay  let's start our video so we need to download code   block so for that you to just simply search  over here code block and click on this code   block download and you will get this www.code  blocks. org as our first search result so here   you need to just simply click on download and when  you click on download you're going to redirect to   the official site of code blocks so this link I'm  going to put right in our description so you can   always go to that link to navigate to this site  and once you are here you'll be able to see this   download the binary l reses so you need to click  on that so once you click on that you'll be again   navigate to this page so here if you scroll down  you'll get Microsoft Windows so under Microsoft   Windows you can see we have lot many files right  so from here you need to download this code block   d2.3 MW setup.exe you need to download this one  itself if you're downloading some some other   else like if you're downloading only setup so  that will contain only the setup of code block   that will not contain any compiler so if you just  download on this setup your program or the or the   c or C++ program that you are writing are going to  be failed not going to be run okay you need some   sort of compiler so that's why we need to download  this code block 2020.3 me GW setup this MW over   here is basically our compiler all right so this  is very very important so here you just simply   click on the source you can also click  for up totally your choice so you'll be navigated   to this Source Force uh. net page and here you can  see you have code block and your download will get   started shortly and you can see it has rightly  started downloading so you know let's wait for   uh some time and you can see that our code blocks  is rightly downloaded over here so you just simply   click on the setup in order to install it locally  on your system and it will tell you that the app   that you're trying to install isn't a Microsoft  verified app which is totally fine and you can   just you know simply click on install anyway and  you can minimize your browser so this will ask you   for administrative privileges just simply hit yes  and there you go you can see code block is rightly   open so this is the welcome note of code block  setup just simply click on next so this is our   license agreement you can always read the license  agreement and click on I agree and this is what   it going to be installed so as I as I was talking  about that you'll need one compiler so here you   can see this m GW compiler shoot is actually will  get installed along with our code blocks so that's   why it is very important to you know download The  Right setup so here you need to keep everything   default just simply click on next and this is  where our code block is going to be installed so   on our program files directory it going to create  a code block directory right and you can see that   it will take 531 MB of space okay which is fine  again click on install and there you go our   installation has rightly began so this will take  some time you know about a couple of minute after   that I'm going to again come back to this video so  wel come back and now you can clearly see that our   code block is almost installed and it is telling  do you want to run code blocks now so you want to   run code blocks now I'll demonstrate you know a  simple C program so you need to open code block   first you can also open code block by just simply  double clicking on the shortcut uh that is there   on our you know desktop and here you can see that  compiler Auto detection so they have recognized   this gnu GCC compiler so status is detected  so that is what I was again talking about so   you need to have you know a compiler if you don't  have any compiler then here it will show that no   compiler detected now it is detecting that we have  gnu GCC compiler which is me MW only all right so   just simply click on okay and uh click on next  over here and there you go completing code block   setup finish and our code block is also opened  over here so let's maximize it and here I'll just   going to click on this create a new project to  create a new project you can also you know close   this you can go to file and you can here click  over hover over new and from here also you can   create a new project all right so that will also  open the same window so from here I'm going to   go to files and I'm going to click on the c or  C++ source code so just simply double click you   on next over here and here I I I'm choosing C you  can choose C++ whatever language you want to use   totally fine let's choose C click on next and here  you need to give a file name so let's you know   click on this triple Dot and here let's create a  new folder so I'm going to click on this and I'm   going to write C progs so C programs so I'll just  simply open that folder and here I'm going to give   the file name as prog do1 right and it going to  automatically set to dot C if you want to change   with C++ then then you need to select C++ there so  here it it would have been showing CPP all right   so just you simply click on Save over here and  click on finish and there you go you can see that   our prog dot prog 1. C program is rightly opened  over here so here let's write uh C program so I'll   just simply first forward this so here is our hash  include hd. then we have a main method and we have   a print hello world over here and we are returning  zero so zero we need to return because this is in   main so it you need to return something so yeah  so that's the program you can just you know after   writing this just simply click on this save and  then if you click on this run what it going to do   is it is going to tell you that do you want to  build it now yes we want to build this program   now and we want to see the output and here you can  see the output right hello world is directly shown   over in our console so in this way you can easily  install code blocks and you can you know simply   create a file if you want to create it in C++ can  do the same the process is different so on that   place where we have selected C you need to change  with you need to select C++ and you need to write   C++ Cod name it over here right and then again the  same process you need to save the file you need to   click on run and you can see the program that is  running showing the output in our console right   so that's basically all about this video as I have  told you in geky syntax I I'll be posting lot of   coding and programming related videos so please  do subscribe this Channel and if you are also   interested you can also subscribe gypt vlogging  Channel I'll be putting both this channel Link   in right in our description so thank you very  much for watching this video and God bless you all
Channel: Geeky Script
Views: 76,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: c++, mingw, codeblocks, how to install codeblocks, how to install mingw, mingw-w64, install mingw, codeblocks installer windows 11, ide, c ide, c++ ide, codeblocks mingw, integreated development environment, compiler, c compiler, c programming, c++ programming, MinGW 64, gcc, how to install code blocks for windows 11, mingw 64 for windows 11, c programming software, c compiler for windows, gcc compiler, c++ compiler, mingw w64 install windows 10, c++ tutorial, learn c++
Id: zmT79Ljo0lI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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