How to install MinGW-w64 on Windows 10/11 [2024 Update] Latest 8.1.0 GNU GCC Compiler

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hello everyone I welcome you all to gy script  today in this video I'm going to show you how   to install the latest version of MW 64 GCC  compiler on Windows operating system so many   of my students are telling that sir you have  installed MW compiler but that's a older version   so how to You Know download the latest version  of MW so in this video I'm going to show you   the latest version which is version 8.1.0 on the  Windows operating system so I also going to show   you a 64bit one so do you know stick around  with the video till the end I can guarantee   you that you'll be learning a lot of new things  and if you are into C or C++ programming if you   if you have assignments from your college or  your school so again I I'll show you how you   can start your C or C++ programming Journey on  this video so yeah let's start our video now   to install the latest version of MW you need to  First simply go to favorite browser and to just   simply type over here MW 64 then download hit  enter and you'll be seeing this MW 64 for 32   and 64bit for Windows just simply open that link  and it'll be landed over to the official site of   source Force so this link I'm going to put right  in our description so you can you know you can   see that we have MW w64 for you know 32 and 64bit  for Windows so here do not click on this download   button all right that's the first thing so what  you need to do is you need to click on file and   here you can see we have lot many options so you  know again scroll down more and you'll be able to   see this MW you know GCC version 8.1.2 over here  all right so this is the one so you to click on   the second one I have already you know downloaded  this one also installed it I have tested it so   that's why I'm clicking the second one so you can  see download will start shortly so it is you know   rightly started downloading I have already  downloaded it so I'll minimize this I'll go   to my download directory and here you can see the  same you know zip file is already been downloaded   over here so just simply right click and click on  extract all and here you to click on extract so it   going to start extracting our MW so you can see  the total file size of the basically the folder   size of this m is 432 MB so this much will get  extracted once we are done with this so by the   time it get extract I'll go to my you know geeky  syntax channel so so I'll request you to subscribe   this channel as well so here regularly I'm posting  coding related videos so if you subscribe this if   I get substantial amount of subscriber I'll be  motivated enough to make more videos all right   and I have also started a gypt vlogging channel  so if you're interested you can also subscribe   this channel as well all right so let's minimize  this so you can see it is properly extracting so   once we have done extracting our MW I'm going to  again back to this video so welcome back and now   you can clearly see that our MW 64 is rightly  extracted over here so let's close this folder   so this is our extracted folder so if you go  inside you can see MW is properly extracted so   what you need to do is you need to right click  on this folder and you need to cut this folder   all right and after that you need to go to your  C drive and to right click again and paste that   folder so what we are doing is we are extracting  our MW and we are basically pasting that folder   over over C drive so here you can see we have lot  of files so you need to go inside this bin folder   and you need to you know basically select this  address bar and right click and copy this path   so now you need to minimize this and you need  to go to this search icon and to just simply   type over here Environ you'll get this edit the  system environment variables just simply open that   it will open system properties window now you  to click on environment variables it will open   environment variable window now you need to click  on path you need to click on edit to click on new   then right click and paste that M GW 6 for/ bin  folder path over here all right that's all now if   you click on okay then again okay and then again  okay and now if you go to search again and just   simply type over here CMD you you will be able to  see this command prompt open the command prompt   and here if you just simply type GCC space Das Das  version and simply hit enter you can see that our   latest version of GCC compiler that that is MW w64  project compiler 8.1.0 is rightly installed on our   system so that's the latest version all right  so in many YouTube videos You'll see they are   installing older versions even I have also showed  a older version but now I have found the right way   to download the latest version of GCC which is  8.1.2 all right so after downloading let's you   know create a simple project so project I'm going  to create create a c prog folder go inside create   a new text document I'm going to give the text  document as hello world and I'm going to change   that txt extension with C so click on outside  yes so we are changing our extension if you   don't able to see the extension you can always  click on view show and you to enable this file   name extension after enabling that you'll be able  to see this do c or. txt type of extension so open   the file in notepad++ so I I'm going to write a  simple hello world code over here so has include hd. and int main open a CRA and here first thing  that you need to do is you need to return zero and   uh before that I'm going to print print f hello  world all right hello world so now if you go to   file and click on Save and then to go back to  your folder just simply type over here CMD and   hit enter you'll be able to see commment from  rightly opening at our this Cog folder so to run   you need to just simply type GCC then your file  name which is hello world. C so hello h capital   then World W Capital do C hit enter you can see  that our program is successfully compiled so it   has generated a A.C file to run this you need  to just simply type a hit enter and you can see   the output hello world is properly showing  on our console right so in this way you can   easily install latest version of MW compiler on  Windows operating system please do subscribe our   geky script vlogging Channel and our geeky syntax  channel that will really motivate me to make most   such videos and if these videos really helped  you please give it a like and also don't forget   to subscribe our channel that will encourage  me to make more videos so that's basically   all about this video friends thank you very  much for watching this video and God bless you all
Channel: Geeky Script
Views: 16,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install mingw w64 on windows 11, mingw, how to install mingw, gcc, mingw 64 for windows 11, mingw w64 install windows 11, mingw visual studio code, codeblocks installer windows 10, how to install mingw w64 on windows, how to install mingw w64, gnu, install mingw, how to install mingw w64 on windows 10, mingw 64 for windows 10, c and c++ programming, c programming software for windows 11, c++ programming software for windows 10, mingw w64 install windows 10
Id: xWjXRV3mKa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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