How to Install Laminate Flooring | For Beginners | Step by Step

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[Music] hey everyone thanks for tuning into you do it I appreciate it all right so this here is their next project and it's gonna receive new floor in here because this one has been damaged water damaged it's been about 12 years they say so we're gonna replace this flooring okay so the before I put the padding down and start laying I want to make sure that my floor can't sleep under the door jambs so you just use we just use this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] riser goes here overlapped angle goes to hear all the good things about any better you don't overlap overlap seal their thing design to give us your needs we're in the bother sure hearing loss so if you're if you're in lots of water you don't think this seems later like shooting tape [Music] the riser and stair nose so this part sits on top of the flooring and this port it's beautiful your riser like this okay I'm gonna put it on my mark right there and I'm gonna put one mark over here and then I'm gonna put one more mark in line with that wall that's behind the door we usually take doors off this is the only corner that I'm gonna be working that's so that's inch and a half to the rounded part and then two and a quarter the inch and a half goes straight then turn a quarter it goes around like this okay yeah three and a half like that I get rid of all that before I go to that piece yeah so I'm just gonna measure so I'll measure this part and that of course supposed to live like quarter inch gap it's called an expansion gap and that expansion gap should follow basically everywhere anywhere you go up against vertical surface like walls or tile fireplaces whatever don't go tight to anything it's supposed to be allowed to expand and contract as they need so this might have expanded because it's the middle of the summer it now everything is hot so anyway I'm gonna go quarter inch for the expansion gaps of 12 + 12 + 5 8 of course I'm gonna have to measure from here from that and 12 and 5/8 and I'm gonna measure to this with expansion gap so two and five-eighths two and five-eighths I'm gonna measure to the wall and subtract quarter-inch so 14 and a quarter 14 in the quarter and now I have to make this round rounded part so I just eyeball it so this would have been the square right you just do this okay so if you don't round it up if you don't round it like this and you do a square knot when you place your rounded corner here let's square a notch will show and you don't have a gap over there so I'm gonna put an excess in here so I know it's on this side I know it's on that side but you know doing it so you see how to do it you do it also sometimes you take five points at a time you go cotton [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so I'm gonna see that I've done everything right before I actually blew it in yep let's check the other side you sure work yeah I probably should tell you a little bit more about this floor and it's a drop lock and I will down it upstairs in the bathroom but it's a little bit different than this much difference on this end actually see this one the edge walks by just dropping it down like this and now it's gonna hoped alright so I can't separate them I have to lift it to move it anyway when you're working with drop lock you gotta make sure you start at the right side in other words if I'm gonna put this plank first then I'm gonna have hard time getting this under I put this one first then I have no problem putting this one over it okay put some wood glue in the same in much and it I just need to go on together and [Music] it will helped me stick it in because I'm gonna force it in gonna lubricate at the same time I'm gonna use this one side goes against the product another side it strike with the hammer let's see I'm gonna start at this edge and see if I can zip it in put the angle as I can but that one I couldn't because of the door jam like it for the next next one I'm just gonna line it up with that of this I can't leave because of this again I have to I'm gonna have to force it so I'm gonna put my foot actually on the edge both hips and I'm gonna start at the edge and try to zip it right there you don't want to go past that line you can stop stuff hair quarter [Music] I'm gonna walk it I'm gonna go past this about stick your finger and see how much you want to go usually I can inch past this okay and put it on my line and I'm gonna mark it with this edge here Oh sorta oh I got a cutout here we're gonna have the same gonna measure from this 26 in the quarter and from there 27 in the ninth expansion gap right yeah 27 and 826 in the quarter yes and I'm gonna measure to this okay so so you can see but quarter-inch pass this corner on to the inside an inch there is my inch this gets removed right now and you do have to make sure the print is not the same because sometimes they they're packaged three or four identical planes back-to-back now this is easy right this is the right way I'm gonna flip it and turn it the wrong way put it up against this and I'm gonna mark it quarter inch short for expansion gap and I'm gonna mark on which side blade goes see what I am them Evan here alright so here we'll just remove this lip and all this pieces got removed I'm just gonna keep him until I need them toward the end so here see identical so I don't want to use it right right over this one looks a little ugly I'm gonna slide it take another one see again together take this one just put it like this this way and take full and flip it the wrong way market quarter inch short and this will get her off and I don't want to do the next one until I'm done with this so now I have one two three four five and then take five blanks with me that's why I gotta put lines and X's so I don't have to remember and gas [Music] [Music] [Music] okay let's see if this one lets me I'm gonna help it sometime just strike it over there to get rid of the gift and that's what this full bar is for okay I don't need it right now but I'm just gonna show you you stick it into your expansion gap of course I wanna make sure that I'm not going that's so the best way on the drop lock is actually put it down flat like this then lift it up easy that one's rough luck I'm gonna make a video about this eternity product that's my favorite brand not because I'm selling it I don't sell it anymore I used to have a flooring store and ever since it came about that became my favorite product right away no mine it's over installers has no major issues not even tiny little issues just has no issues I'm like boring that you get you know liquidation stores or home-improvement stores those are just cheap stuff nobody wants the liquidate do you think you getting a good deal with in reality you getting what's the word for it painting behind that's what you're getting what I want to do here is I'm gonna put a full plank I'm gonna put it in place I'm gonna take another one when as far as I can we've made enough space to lock here okay why I'm doing that because I want to know what my piece that goes over here is Gandhi and you can see it's not straight so five inches here my dad it is straight five inches over there you can make it work well now I know it's five do is measure I remember expansion get right so I'm gonna let a 400 quarter and pull it toward me quarter-inch okay all right I'm gonna take this one put it over here and more quarter inch away from there I'm gonna put it here again I'm gonna work with this wall quarter inch away okay I'm gonna do this this and that okay now of course I don't wanna go and cut just a few pieces so I'm gonna put it back this one over here wrong way up okay this is how they're supposed to grow female female edge out I'm flipping it with the mail and out this way I can mark it quarter inch short from the edge blade goes there quarter inch from the edge blade goes there I put a wrench there it goes there I'm gonna take this one with me mark one three-quarter here and put my X on this side so I know that's what gets removed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] these three tap pieces what got cut off and that's what I'm gonna begin my next rows with this way is basically creating zero waste on the field put this one here this one over here I'm gonna slide this one over so they connect you can see why the expansion gap profits press it with your hand there so this eternity brand I was gonna tell you about they don't they don't only advertise their products being premium they make their product to be premier actually they've actually send their rap to my store every no three four months every three four months it come and especially when they were introducing new lines like the droplet and the watt waxed edge this metro line they had it for a while then they decided to convert it into drop lock and the wax - meaning that this locking system is treated with War barrier with wax this is what it looks like raw I just got it with the sword notice there is a color difference this one is treated with wax so what happens is basically when water gets on the seams it won't penetrate into the paper core and it won't get absorbed let me show you what I mean and we had a bunch of those in the kitchen area that's why that floor had to be replaced but here barely sit in camera but we can really see it make you die and so what happened here is water was spilled here and it got absorbed and penetrating seemed stored in the seam you can see right there they're looking at the light you can see it right you can see it big-time and so in order to prevent water damage like that they started spraying wax and that happened 2018 that happened in 2014 so for four years ago we introduced the droplet and a waxed edge that raised the price really by just what 25 cents so 25 cents is nothing compared to how much trouble and time you're saving action I don't have to worry about spilling stuff you know so again I'm beginning here because my few male edge is on this side and so I want the next blank to connect easily okay if I start from the other side now I have to it's possible it's doable but [Music] and sometimes you have no choice for doing it like that but it's just easier if you start from that side if you can all these cuts start next rows the only thing that a pay attention to is identical flanks so this is listen that are the same I don't want to use it next to each other you do have to pay attention to this corner when you put them down sometimes it can get out of alignment and if that corner catches and you're striking it will be damaged here just pay attention and pay attention to these things you want to get rid of them so here just use this to be an expansion gap expansion gap from this side five in the quarter so do five plays in the quarter hold your fire and you might ask why I'm not using those two because if I do use them first I'm gonna create this much waste all right second I won't have anything to begin my next road with three girls I'm just gonna slide them all the way to the back wall until this project is all about ready try to use them at the very end okay again wrong way up mark we have work I always do this please bring more boxes in [Music] movin my hand as a guide [Music] [Music] [Music] this will go to begin line next rows this way I'm wasting zero in the field I mean you can't eliminate all the waste [Applause] there see something's there [Music] you have to force them in I'm hardly even working with night tapping block other brands other brands you have to use definitely every time so let's get more boxes and I'm just gonna show you something over there real quick as well when you bring your flooring in you want to let it sit it's called acclamation it's to acclimate to the conditions of the house temperatures humidities all kinds of conditions so rule of thumb for the laminate is three days and so you want to stack them in this kind of configuration okay one row goes this way with about inch space in between then the next row goes crisscross with the space in between this is how it's supposed to sit for three days you don't have to cut the plastic because plastic is perforated see those billions of tiny little holes all over the place that's actually on purpose so they're not sealed so they can breathe and lose the moisture if they have time in most cases they do have to because most the lemon we're made overseas a couple brands that make them in us this stuff is made in China and good Chinese products and there's cheap crappy Chinese product this is premium product made in China you know I found they're made in China also because they make iPhones in the US which has to pay two thousand dollars for the American workers make I'd say twenty ten twenty times more than Chinese good Chinese products believe me or not okay we have the same like this which I'm going to stick it in place I can do that piece well I'm gonna have to wait I can do it but I'm gonna I'm gonna wait it's just easier that way okay so I have to slide just pass pass this legs a little bit they can go all the way in or whatever so I'm just gonna make a notch first whatever anywhere and try to stick it in just make sure I don't have any seams in this area seems supposed to be the rule of thumb is the width of the plank so this seam and those that seem cannot be closer than six and a half inches no we're here you can put your seam okay you cannot put your seem anywhere between these two lines can be anywhere there can be anywhere they're not anywhere close six and a half inches each side and you also don't wanna have seams through one line directly opposite each other so this one cannot be opposite this one right it has to be shifted a little bit few inches so in other words I don't want to have a seam anywhere here from this one through one it can be an inch out this way or more an inch this way or more let's just do this piece that piece [Music] [Music] hey are you doing alright so this guy this is up much as I can I stick it in don't take my tapping block and again you never strike on one of the sides you always strike on one side why because if you do this then it's gonna damage your edge [Music] now take this piece now we're gonna try to go underneath this leg all the way up this flow and the sticker one then what they had here so might have a problem a hard time faster that's why I decided not to run fading past the ledge it's too tight already this is beautiful okay let's finish this one there are two ways you can do it you can cut it like this don't come back and do that but I don't like them this way because I don't like going to the soft ice so I'm gonna begin with this 16 on the quarter I'm gonna do quarter inch less right 16 and then do this four and three quarters and four and a half and fourteen three quarter so 14 and a half 14 them in half four and a half okay so this is my rounded wall and yep I'm gonna do this one as well you can do this you can take a piece of short plank and just stick it here this way you can measure easily so this is forty six and seven eighths so we're gonna go forty six and five eighths forty six and five eighths that's 45 let's make it just under 45 just under 45 really Quorra bring the quarter round it here square here yeah let's do these and then do the rest don't try to make too many at the same time sometimes two sometimes even one you have to do it [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so here I'm gonna try and sleep Florine underneath it is drums legs this cabinet is much taller as you can see the rest okay here's identical plank I'm just gonna lay the world there please matter and take quarter inch houses I'm team in the core don't take a Fiat plan make sure you're measuring from the right side 17 a little bit seventh and a quarter the quarters kind of hard talking to remember things you know this water what else can I do I can put my pool one right here let me see if I actually they probably don't want to do that then it's two legs I'm gonna have to go with one plank see if I can do that yeah mm-hmm this will go here so I need the short piece do I have a short piece like that I don't this well my people let me do it's hanging over there it's probably screwed to the wall let me actually do that sito so I do have to do one at a time sometimes [Music] [Applause] here put it there slide it out for my suspension gifts [Music] they're okay [Music] [Music] this long pry bar to lift this cabinet stick it that's halfway yes Oh more than I thought I think this is good all right the half halfway is plenty line it up it's not sitting crooked this warranty comes in everybody you want to keep wanted to that unfortunately and then I have to do strip there and that's strip it's going to be playing right to those front legs you can see I have elected to leave that piece in there why because all these legs are up all the way okay in order for me to sweep my thicker floor and with a thicker padding which is thicker than this under I have to lift the whole cabinet with the tower top and it might crack things I don't want things to crack so I'll just go into the quarter and that should do the street mention a quarter I'm gonna take what I'm gonna do I have a piece of scrap flooring that is damaged I tossed it because it was damaged somewhere all right there are little gypsy but I can still use it here you don't throw anything until you're done with the job I wish you look for do put two marks and look at that this cut wine falls right on this tip I do two lines I make sure I'm making sure that I'm doing the straight cut all right let's do these two am i filming [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all the apples LeasePlan come on I put cream in center so it lines it up this is the perfect candidate for that and we probably want to put it first have to same thing here I don't think this is quarter range I don't think is gonna you know what live this where it is there's no way this is a ten millimeter product can a millimeter this is 12 12 millimeters half-inch so see almost eight of an inch thicker they use thin padding 1/16 of an inch we're using thick bearing 180 over almost 3/16 of an inch thicker then what this flooring needs to be having a hard time even putting that piece in there [Music] no way I can watch this much different flooring and now we have to line it all up now it's so cool kid I'm gonna make it straight again [Music] that's okay then that's for staying a little bit this has to go in it it's it wedge-like seem this now it's where I want it almost what I'm gonna have to do here in order to pull this where it needs to go I'm gonna build my Waring first well if we're gonna do try to do it now it's gonna just separate over there [Music] [Music] you do want to look at the plank since you're installing them make sure the corners and that's shift looks good no scratches slide it down gently [Music] okay so I'm just gonna finish this it's almost 6 o'clock so I'm gonna finish the rest of this tomorrow including put in the basis [Music] [Music] see that thing this little piece is gonna keep you from keep you from tight sheet like this identical yes I'd have to go [Music] I'll fetch in half yeah sometimes they do come damaged that's most likely shipping one or two boxes that are damaged like this it's not a problem don't take them back and return exchange you're cutting a lot anyway and you begin and end in rows somewhere anyway so you can just cut off the damaged board this one is damaged also like for instance this I can start my row with right put it against the wall under the cabin you know what I usually do I can smoke it like this so I know it's damaged over there that don't grab it by accident or somebody else and I was running my installation crew you have four or five people on the job you don't really know somebody's gonna go and grab that because they need a piece like that and I don't want to go and get a full box that's fine I do that also I'm gonna steal a piece somebody else I can tell and maybe three looks perfect [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just tip it in [Music] closer to where it needs to go I'm gonna try to lift it on this side and stick it in with me now I'm gonna take my pry bar this one you know put it right this way just lift it up step out with my foot and I'm gonna go to zip it and from there this pull bar is done is it okay unfortunately I have to strike it with a metal part now you do it alright time to go home all right day two of our ulema project yet the patting them get everything ready to start so of course I'm gonna go around the island so first we're gonna do this get out there get to this cabin then we'll do this tie into that and do the rest that's the plan okay so of course here if I can take this full plank under these three legs so that's right of course if you leave somewhere inside the body for everyone you leave like you do fine you don't take all these seams [Music] Slaney [Music] wasn't this one good here I'm gonna let this blink in place so there's no light up here and then we're going to wait on the wall mujin in the measure maybe better here come here this isn't it if it's straight that's for you or much less okay one don't get a priest rates in this way [Music] [Music] okay under this one force again let's see it's line continued the line that's gonna be the line oneself maybe four times I'm gonna make sure it's like here just drop it okay stop here trace the line here of course it's not 45 right you can find out the angle an angle meters or whatever they call but I have a different so you basically trace this to wear like this you know your zero is here just put it somewhere Klaus and parallel see a four and then you can take a plane bus ticket like this make sure this is the same here's your wine to do this several ways the easiest list you line it up against the edge well your plane can explain the table create a basically straight edge to the look at the reading take quarter inch off so 35 35 and 5/8 or so if I find mates of course I measure that if I don't have from this side I have to find out this angle to do that it's not 45 to do that plank against this this one goes against a sea and that's laid out there it is okay now I'm pissed they won't install this piece here's the issue with a prep lock yeah I start from that and in this case we just had to go the opposite direction for something like this at this point let's go from there this corner here we're keeping the riser and see if I have to cut it I'm gonna have to trim it down see how high it is cause it's easier to do it now [Music] [Music] okay here I'm just gonna hook it and then market and they and then take another quarter inch again for the same purpose expansion contraction this thing sits here right this cannot sit like that needs to have room to move under expand contract I'm gonna hook it here slide my piece underneath take it out make a small mark and then make a bigger quarter inch away it's actually the line okay take it weird word goes and so basically I want my molding to end with this right so for that to happen I want my flooring to go just quarter-inch pass that line and then I'm gonna trim that on the back and to sit on top I'll do some trim here and cut out this part like this much here it is so my next piece is this okay so what we do here basically it and then it's gonna go in mention a mate mark a line here I do it inch in the night take my square this is the rounded part of the corner [Music] and I'm just gonna go and notch it this way I'll stick it in place and trace the rest it's gonna be easier now I can take any plank yeah put it on my line here line it up here's this line and now I just have to do this corner I'm gonna trace this stick it in place and this is my 90 against the wall of course you can move square to do this so here it is these are too short to do you don't want to do this the short pieces so I'm just gonna put them here again with about six and a half whatever you inch space in between to make sure they're not identical make sure this its side against each other now want a straight edge and I'm going to connect this to that [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so here you don't want to force hey you know push it the touch that's still really gentle you can pretty probably should reinforce here [Music] can you so I can talk with address focus here [Music] you remember the bucks that came with broken edges [Music] you now I got to do is to connect this chip together it should be on the same line so laminate you cannot do it wrong because they're all interlocking hardwood when you do hardwood sometimes they can be out of the line monolith laminate alright so last week II got here and then we have a wide open room so I'm gonna mark this corner this corner you can use a square I'll just eyeball now I have all my measurements so this one is another tool that lace in 3/4 it plays this line and here it is so we're here now we're gonna go to this point want a quarter just one Supporter I'm gonna go to these four here [Music] [Music] what you think perfection yeah gently tap okay now I'm forcing this all the way into the living room I wanna create a step pattern but I don't want to make it uniform it's supposed to be random so don't do these these steps same distance otherwise you can have to follow that throughout the whole project and you're gonna have to burn lots of product to do that actually okay [Music] you nice huh the end of the wolf how about over toward peace is the only mother snack them now before we go oh those actually since there's no way to halt there and there okay let's roll team we drove to the airport please if this is you know three down Saturdays explain a shorter profile yes do a nice easy double cousins okay so nice okay there's a little this is big one you know sweet well anywhere in world no no no no boys [Music] now one thing if I'm dipper can do actually he's come up with a pencil that is like white that's a great floor dark floors are being made lately right would be great thank you very much all right [Music] [Music] all right so moving 140 drop I got a secret so then just wall you stick a finger in there take a pry bar [Music] oh you think so let me see so it took me about an hour to do this hole or what is it 250 feet 300 maybe it took me an hour and a half maybe to do the kitchen and this little entryway took me 4 2 3 about 6 6 hours to do 150 feet or so 6 hours at least and under 2 hours to do almost 300 feet together it's it's 450 450 all together so when you call a store and ask them how much they charge per foot hmm don't expect straightforward answer if your project is mostly like this it will pay the minimum the ongoing rate right now is 250 per foot two dollars fifty cents per foot when you have this it's at least five dollars a foot or even more well anyway let's put our basis back put our toe kicks back and before that let's install our staircase here and clean up a little bit [Music]
Channel: Youdoit!
Views: 66,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install laminate, lay laminate flooring, laminate floor installation, install laminate floor, DIY, home improvement, how to, remodel, renovation, step by step, tips and tricks, tutorial, A to Z, 101, tools in action, DeWalt tools in action, DeWalt Table Saw in Action, installing laminate for the first time
Id: ru-l1_vkLbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 17sec (7157 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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