How to Install Java 22 on Windows 10/11 [ 2024 Update ] JAVA_HOME, JDK Step by Step Installation

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hello everyone I welcome you to geky scrape today  I'm going to show you how to install the latest   version of java that is Java jtk version 22  on Windows operating system and after that   I'm also going to show you how you can easily  run a simple hell World Java program within   our Windows operating system now to install Java  you to First simply go to faite browser to just   simply search over here jdk download and hit enter  immediately you'll be seeing this www. .c as a for   Source result so click on this Java downloads  and it going to redirect to the official site   of orl so this link I'm going to provide right  in your description so you can directly use that   link to land over over here and once you are here  you can see that under Java downloads We have the   latest version of java that is Java version 22 is  available to download so if you scroll down a bit   you can see that it is available for Linux Mac  and windows so you to switch to your windows Tab   and you can see that we have x64 MSI installer is  available to download so to click on this link and   immediately it will going to start downloading our  Java you can see it is rightly started downloading   if you're using some other operating system like  Linux or Mac W you need to just simply you know   proceed to all this tab and then need to click on  any of the download links so for Windows you need   to click on this MSA installer you can see our  download is rightly completed so let's minimize   our browser and go to our download directory  and you can see see that our Java jdk version   22 is already been downloaded over here so now  let's double click on the installer in order to   install it locally on our system so you can see  that our Java installation wizard for Java JK   kit 22 is rightly opened over here so now let's  click on next so this is where our Java 22 is   going to be installed which is totally fine if  you want to change you can always click on this   change button you can change the location over  here but I'll going to keep this default which   is C program files Java jk22 and then I'm going  to just simply click on next so it will ask you   for administrative privileges click on yes and  there you go you can see our Java installation   is rightly began so now let's first miniz our  download trory and can see it is at started   installing let's wait for a couple of minutes and  you can see that our Java is rightly installed so   now let's close this so now that you know that  our Java is rightly installed it's time to set   our environment path so for that you to First  simply go to your search and need to just simply   type over here Environ and immediately you'll be  seeing this edit the system environment variables   so just simply click on that and it's going  to open the system properties window you to   click on environment variables over here that will  open environment variable window so now you need   to click on path over here you can see we have a  path right so you to click on that and then you to   click on edit so when you click on edit you will  see this is edit environment variables so here you   need to click on new and then to provide a path  over here so how we'll get that path so to get   that path you need to go to your C drive first  so let's go to our C drive and then you'll see   like lot of files and folders over here right so  from here you need to go inside our program files   so if you go inside program files you can see we  have a Java over here right so you need to double   click on that and once you double click you'll  be able to see that latest version of jdk that   is version 22 is rightly shown over here so it  just simply double click on that folder you'll   get a bin folder you again go inside that bin  folder and you can see you have lot of files and   folders over here right so what you need to do is  you need to click on this address bar and then to   copy this path over here so you are copying the  C program files Java jdk d22 bin folder path so   you to copy that path and then you to minimize  and then you to click on new over here and then   you to right click you can paste that path over  here so once you do that then to click on okay   so now you know that our path is rightly set so  now what you need to do is you need to create a   Java home so for that to just simply click on new  and then you to just simply type Java _ home over   here and you need to provide a variable value so  here you need to right click and paste that same   folder path over here but this time remember  you need to delete that bin folder all right   so you to keep all little JD K22 now I just simply  click on okay then again okay and then again okay   so now if you go to your search and just simply  type CMD and just simply open our Command Prompt   and here if you just simply type something like  Java space Das D version and hit enter you can   see that our latest version of java that is  version 22 is rightly shown over here so if   you see this simulat type of prompt then all that  basically mean is our Java is rightly installed so   you can close this now we are going to create a  sample Java project so we going to create a new   folder you're going to name that folder as Java  practice and I'll just go inside that folder   and I'm going to create a new text document over  here so I'm going to create a text document and   I'm going to give the file name as hello world  and I'm going to remove that txt with Java and   hit enter and it will ask you whether you like  to change the file name extension so click on   yes so you can see our file name extension is  directly changed so if you don't see this type   of file name extensions you need to click on  view and then to over over show and then to   enable this file name extensions over here so  once you enable your file name extension so you   can see a tick mark over here right so once you  enable your file name extension you'll be able to   see this type of file name extension like Java  or txt all that so once you have hello world.   Java directly created let's open this on a notepad  file and here you need to just simply type class   hello world and then to give calibr so in that  calibr and then here going to just simply type public static void main then within  parenthesis you need to just type string ORS and then again you need to give C brace and   within C brace it just simply type  system do out do print L and then within bracket and to give hello world over here  so hello world right so just simply write this   much and then you to go to file and save this file  so once you are done with this then need to go to   your address board and just simply type C MD over  here and hit enter and immediately you'll be able   to see that our Command Prompt rightly open at  this location so here if you just simply type   Java c c for compilation then your file name  which is Hell world. Java so hello world. Java   and hit enter you can see that our program got  compiled successfully so our hell world. class   file is also generated over here so you need  to just simply type Java to run the file so   Java seat for compilation and only Java to run  the file so Java then your class name which is   held world so hello world and hit enter can see  that our hello world output is rightly shown on   our console so in this way you can easily install  latest version of java which is Java 22 on Windows   operating system so please do subscribe our  gy syntax Channel regularly I'm posting coding   related videos and also if you're interested you  can also subscribe G vlogging Channel so that   is basically all about this video thank you very  much for watching this video and God bless you all
Channel: Geeky Syntax
Views: 673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install java, install java, java, how to install java on windows 10, how to install java jdk, how to install java jdk on windows 10, Install Java JDK 22, JAVA JDK 22, Install Java 22, Set Java Environment Variable, Install Java 22 on Windows 10, how to install java on windows 11, how to install java jdk on windows, Install Java 22 on Windows 11, Java JDK 22, how to download java 2024, java jdk install, java 22, java 22 feature, java 22 download, jdk 22 install, jdk 22
Id: Cc_EJBkpUnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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