How to Install Java on Windows 10/11 [ 2024 Update ] setup JAVA_HOME, JDK Installation

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hello everyone I welcome you all to geky script  first of all a very happy New Year to all of you   today in this video I'm going to show you how  to install Java and after that I'm also going   to show you how to run a simple hello world  Java program on our Windows operating system   so do watch the video till the end if you face any  issues in Middle you can always put a comment in   your comment sections I'll try my best to help you  and recently I have also started this geky syntax   channel so if you're interested you can always  subscribe this channel so here in this channel   I'm going to post regularly programming and coding  related videos once I get you know a substantial   amount of subscriber I'll you know regularly  going to post and also I have started geeky script   vlogging channel so if you're interested you can  also subscribe my geky script vlogging channel   so now for Java you need to just simply you know  search over here jdk download and hit enter and   this will show you this Java downloads so you  need to open that link and it going to redirect   to the official site of Oracle so this link link  I'm going to put right in our description so I   can directly use that link to land over this site  and here I can see if you scroll down you can see   that we have Java jdk 21 17 all available to  download right and you can see here a list of   operating systems as well so here it is showing  for Linux you need to switch to this tab for   mac and need to switch to this tab for Windows so  here under Windows you can see that we have these   three products right so from here I'm going to  recommend you to download this x64 MSI installer   MSI basically means Microsoft installer all right  so you to click on this download link and what it   going to do is it going to automatically start our  download right so I have already downloaded it so   I cancel this I'll minimize my browser I'll go to  my download directory and here you can see we have   already jdk downloaded over here so to install  you need to just simply double click on it so this   is our Java installation wizard let let's first  minimize our download directory and here you can   see the installation wizard so just simply click  on next over here so this is where our Java is   going to be install so on our C program files Java  then it going to create a jdk 21 folder and within   that it going to install all these files so it's  is totally fine just simply click on next and you   can see it will again ask you for administrative  privileges just simply click on yes and there   you go can see our installation is rightly began  right so this will take some time you know about   a couple of minutes so once we are done with  this I'm going to again come back to this video   so welcome back and now you can clearly see that  our Java AC development keit is rightly installed   so you can just simply close this now so now that  you know that our Java is installed it's time to   set our environment path variable that's a very  important step so for that what you need to do is   you need to First simply go to your C drive and  to go to program files and within program files   you can see that our Java folder is now created so  you to just open in that folder you'll get Jed 21   folder so version 21 that we have installed that  folder is also created and here you'll be able to   see lot of files right so from here you need to  open this bin folder so when you open bin folder   you'll again get going to see like this many files  so what you need to do is you need to just simply   click on this you know address bar and you need  to right click to copy the path over here right   so you need to copy this path so after copying  you can minimize this now we need to go to this   search icon and here you need to just simply type  environment when you type environment you will get   this edit the system environment variable you need  to click this edit the system environment variable   all right so when you click on that it going to  open this system properties window so within here   you need to click on this environment variable and  you'll get this window and here you need to click   on this path and then you need to click on edit  so when you click on that it going to again show   you this edit environment variable window so here  you need to click on new and right click and paste   that path over here so that same path that you  are copying right from the C program files Java   jdk 21 bin folder path is what we need to paste  it over here once you are done with that you can   just simply click on okay and then here you need  to just simply click on new so here after setting   that path it's time to set our Java home so that's  why here in to give the you know variable name as   Java uncore home all right and here under variable  value you need to right click and paste again that   same path but this time you need to remember to  delete this bin folder you to only keep this C   program files Java jedic 21 that's all just simply  click on okay now so click on again okay and click   on again okay so now you just know that Java is  installed but how to verify that right so for   that you to again go to search and just simply  type over here CMD it will open command prompt   and here it just simply type Java space-- version  and hit enter once you do that you'll be able to   see that Java 2.01 which is latest version is  rightly showing up over here so if you get the   similar type of prompt all that basically mean  is your Java is you know up and running so now   it's time to create a hello world Java program so  over to this new create a new folder I'm going to   name this folder that as a Java practice right  and I'm going to you know go into that folder   Java practice folder and here I'm going to right  click and click on this new text document and here   I'm going to name this file as hello world dot  I'm going to remove this do text with Java so do   you want to change the file name extension yes and  can see file name extension is changed but I want   to mention one point over here maybe you might not  see this txt or Java extension over here so how to   enable that so for that you to click on this View  and click on the show and here we can see that   file name extension is enabled so this is what  you need to enable all right so this file name   extension once you enable that you'll be able to  see this Java or txt or you know all these type of   extensions now you need to open that file and here  I I'm going to open it using a notepad and I'm   going to write simple hello world code over here  so class hello world and I'm going to you know uh   open the parenthesis and I'm going to click Tab  and I'm going to write public static void Min and   within bracket I'm going to write string ORS right  and again I'm going to take press Tab Key on my   keyboard and I'm going to write Sy system.out do  println and again within bracket I'm going to you   know write hello world over here hello world and  then I'm going to just simply go to file and save   this file I'll go back to my folder and here I'm  going to type CMD hit enter immediately you will   see that our Command prom are opening right in our  this same directory so now if you just simply type   Javas see then the file name which is hello world.  Java so hello world. Java and simply hit enter   you'll be able to see that our program are getting  compiled successfully along with a DOT class file   generating over here right this hell world. class  file so now to run you need to type this Java but   this time you need to type only the class name  which is hello world so hello world right and hit   enter and when when you do that you're going to  see the output whatever you have written on that   program so that program's output you're going  to see right in our console right so this way   you can easily install latest version of java and  you can you know start you know practicing all the   assignments that you have get from your school or  college maybe and I'll will be highly recommending   you to install Intel IG idea as well so that will  give you a proper you know graphic user interface   where you know you can start writing any sort of  java projects right so that's basically all about   this video please do like share and subscribe  both my gy script and gy syntax channel so so   that I can you know get motivated and make more  programming and coding type videos so do subscribe   this Channel and also if you're interested you  can subscribe my DP vlogging channel so that's   basically all about this video thank you very  much for watching this video and God bless you all
Channel: Geeky Script
Views: 142,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install java, install java, java, how to install java on windows 10, how to install java jdk, how to install java jdk on windows 10, Install Java JDK 21, JAVA JDK 21, Install Java 21, Set Java Environment Variable, Install Java 21 on Windows 10, how to download java 2023, java jdk install, java 21, java 21 features, java 21 download, jdk 21 install, how to install java on windows 11, how to install java jdk on windows 11, Install Java 21 on Windows 11, jdk 21
Id: jPwrWjEwtrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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