How to Install ESP8266 & ESP32 Dev Boards in an Arduino IDE

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[Music] hey guys today we will see how to program esp8266 and esp32 development board using arden id so let's get started here are all the steps which explains how to install arduino ide and how to install esp8266 board into that arduino ide so we will see for both boards development boards esp32 and esp8266 so for that we have to first install arduino ide so go to this link first this link will be share this link into [Music] description of this video so this link is arduino dot cc en software this is arduino official website to download an arduino ide this version is 1.8.13 arduino ide so these are download options for windows 7 and newer version or zip file or windows app linux and mac os so you have to download as per your system so we will download it for windows 7 and you are just click on that it will ask for if you want to donate to support the arduino ide or you can just click just download here here so it will firefox will show pop up download allow that pop up here okay this window shows that 1.8.13 version which is of size 112 mb so click on save file it will start downloading dot exe file set a file okay now file get got downloaded just click on open folder okay it will get opened in a folder just double click on that file exe file to install that ordinary it will ask the prompt to install it click on yes license agreement click on agree just one important here you have to install usb driver then click next install it it will start installing the setup all right now setup is completed just close the window go to desktop where the shortcut of arduino has been created get created okay now we have just downloaded install arden id so now let's prepare the esp8266 board in arduino ide so to install the esp8266 board in arduino ide follow this instructions in your arduino ide go to file preferences and enter the following text into additional board managers url field and then click ok so this is a link you have to enter in additional board managers url field so please note that this uh link above link is separated by comma here is for esp32 this one is for esp32 and second one link is for esp8266 so both for both boards procedure is identical you can see here procedure is identical so you have to enter this after that you have to go to tools boards and board manager now for you for esp8266 in board manager when board manager will get open search esp8266 board in search box it will list the esp8266 ports install the latest version this will take a few minutes and for esp32 development board you have to search esp32 in boards manager so we will see all this procedure in live mode also and in screenshots also so let's move forward so we have just downloaded and installed arduino ide now next step is here go to file in arduino ide when you open the arduino ide go to file then preferences then you have to go to this window will open this is a preferences window this window will get opened so in that window you have to find field named additional board manager url here is that field you have to enter this link this one into that field and then click ok so next step is installing the board so we have just linked the boards now we have to install using board manager so go to tools then board and boards manager okay board manager will get open like this this is one is board manager here boards manager so you for esp8266 you have to search esp8266 in search field here search box and search so the board will get listed here esp8266 community version whichever you when you install at that time you have to install that latest version okay so and for esp32 same you have to search esp32 in a search box of board manager and it will get listed here and you have to click on install okay now how you will verify the board installation okay for esp8266 when you go to arduino ide you have to go to tools and boards you will find here listed avr arduino er here esp32 and here are esp8266 board and you can see all the boards uh in this esp828266 related it will get listed here like this and in the same way you will verify the board installation of esp32 like this also okay both are same you will also find when you connect mcu or esp32 development board on any compound you will verify in this section also of id so here is same procedure for how to verify the installation of esp32 okay tools board here esp32 it will drop down this list of different esp32 development ports okay yeah when you connect esp32 development board it will get listed here and which com port it will show also okay thank you now we will see live demonstration of this procedure of how to repair esp8266 and esp32 development board in not into an arduino ide okay okay now let's see how to install esp boards into arduino ide open arduino ide by double clicking i don't know uh icon on desktop id is starting okay this is interface of id now go to file preferences here i will show it again go to file and preferences here is option preferences this preferences window will get open okay this is interface here is the field additional board manager urls so you have to paste that url we have given earlier into this field here you can paste for both boards and then click ok ok then go to tools board board manager here board manager okay board manager will get open so you have to search here in a search field esp8266 for esp8266 board you have to search by its name esp8266 here it will get listed esp8266 by esp community click on install it will take a time i have fast forwarded this video okay now installation is completed okay it is showing install here esp8262 now we will install esp32 now let's install esp32 search esp32 it will get listed here just click on install here it will also take time i have just fast forwarded this video okay now it is get installed completed now close this boards manager window now how you will verify the board search installed just click on tools board and boards manager here you can see both the boards esp32 these all boards are got listed here earlier it was not there here esp8266 board are got listed so we have successfully installed both the boards in or into arduino ide [Music]
Channel: make2explore Systems
Views: 2,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arduino, DIY arduino, diy, school project, mini project, Arduino uno, Final Year Project, Engineering Project, IEEE Project, DIY Projects, Electronics Projects, Electronics School Projects, Electronics Engineering Projects, Diploma Projects, IoT Projects, ESP32 Projects, ESP8266 Projects, ESP8266, ESP32, NodeMCU, Embedded Systems Projects, IoT, Internet of Things, Do It Yourself (Hobby), How to
Id: 7fmgDn_1_cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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