[Tutorial] Getting Started with Matter on ESP32

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hello all in this video we are going to see about how to get started with matter using esp32 we will see brief introduction to matter standard espressive matter Solutions and sdks then subsequently in Practical session like we always do we will see a DIY project about how we can make esp32 as a matter accessory or end device we will see matter light applications on ESP 32c 3 and C6 development boards and control them using smart speakers like Alexa Echo dot so without any further delays let's get started so what is matter the matter is a freely available connectivity standard for smart home and internet of things so it's a connectivity standard or protocol it originated in December 2019 as the project connected home over IP that is famously called as the chip for short workking group founded by Amazon Apple Google and the zigg alliance which is now called the connectivity standards Alliance basically matter is an open standard for smart home technology that lets your device work with any matter certified ecosystem using a single protocol hence in nutshell we can say matter is a protocol that allows smart devices from different companies to communicate with each other basically devices that speak matter operate on the same commands so you might have seen smart devices like smart bulbs smart switches and latest versions of smart speakers like Alexa Echo Dot and Google home mini which comes with matter enabled means the logo of matter standard is usually printed on the cover of device or on the device itself here you can see these are some examples of smart devices which are currently available in the market these all are supported for matter protocol and can be installed or integrate into existing matter ecosystems smart home is the main application area of matter standard it facilitates creation of matter ecosystem in which you can connect smart devices of different companies and even with different Wireless standards like Wi-Fi thread Bluetooth and zigby here matter is a global open-source standard that aims to simplify the smart home ecosystem by allowing Internet connected devices from different manufacturers to Simply and securely communicate so you can see as a this smart home floor plan we can connect different smart home devices like air conditioner lamps switches lights IP cameras heater cooler washing machine dishwasher gizer and so on here matter standard will let your devices work with any matter certified ecosystem using a single protocol let's see that the network protocol stack of matter here you can see the generalized Network stack diagram of matter standard it consists of different layers at physical layer or link layer you will see all radio and wireless standards like I e80 2.15 11 and Bluetooth likewise in network or transport layer you can see the different Wireless protocols like zigby thread Wi-Fi and Bluetooth matter itself comes at application layer with Bridge provisioning via Bluetooth low energy and different mesh profiles there is also a cluster library and application layer with all these specifications we can connect to cloud services and ecosystems like apple homekit Philips Hue Amazon Alexa smart things Google home Etc this was all about brief introduction to matter standard you will find plenty of information about matter on Internet please refer if you interested in study the matter standard in detail for the time being we will not go more deeper in theory of matter protocol since we are creating this video tutorial focusing only on espressive matter Solutions and how we can Implement them using esp32 S so's to learn more about espressive matter Solutions let's check out the website of espressive here is the website page for espressive solution for matter this is the link we will share it in video description so you can see they have given detailed information to build matter enabled smart home devices with ease let's see in brief so as they said here matter is an industry unifying standard that provides reliable and secure connectivity for smart home devices it is an IP based connectivity protocol that works on Wi-Fi ethernet and thread over 802.15 or radio transports with Bluetooth LE being used for commissioning so being an active contributor to the development of the matter protocol espressive with its unique combination of connectivity s so's software and complete Solutions makes it easy for their customers to build matter enabled smart home devices of various types espressive provides the most comprehensive solutions for matter including support for Wi-Fi or thread endpoint devices thread border routers and matter Bridges and Gateway reference designs now here comes most interesting part espressive hardware for matter so as they said earlier espressive has wide range of Hardware support for implementation of matter ecosystem so you can see here these all are types of devices and nodes usually comprises in matter ecosystem like Wi-Fi and devices thread and devices ethernet in devices thread border router matter bridge and controller let's see all these with smart home example so you can see this is a smart home consists of different smart devices installed around like Wi-Fi IP camera and washing machine switch and AC as thread in devices router as ethernet end device smart speaker with thread Bard or router and Bluetooth and zigg base matter Bridge so what espressive offers to implement these all nodes here they have given wide range of Wi-Fi enabled s so's such as esp32 ESP 32c and S Series can be used for building matter compatible Wi-Fi devices then ESP 32h Series S so's and modules supporting 802.15.4 can be used for building matter compatible thread in device devices similar to this for each of this not of matter ecosystem espressive has Hardware support with their feature Rich series of s so's and microcontrollers so this was all about Hardware now let's see about software for matter standard so matter has open- Source matter SDK this is the open- source implementation of the matter protocol which is jointly done by CSA member companies and the community not only does this provides a device implementation but it also includes Android and iOS controller implementations you can see here in diagram that the esp32 series of chips is an integral part of this open source matter SDK espressive system also developed their own variant of SDK for matter espressive SDK for matter has been developed over the open- source matter SDK to provide a simplified API and the required tools for building matter compatible devices with espressive S so's here ESP IDF means espressive iot development framework it provides two chain API components and workflows to develop applications for esp32 using Windows Linux and Mac operating systems in addition to this the Alexa connect kit AK SDK for matter from Amazon also supported by espressive which makes the SDK work on espressive S so's like esp32 C3 and ESP 8685 modules with a 4 megab of minimum flash then going forward another espresso solution or service for matter is ESP Z code ESP Z code is a web-based application specifically created to prepare matter certified firmware for esp32 devices as per the user's preferences and specifications and as its name implies there is no need to spend time on such things as firmware development phone apps Cloud connectivity and maintenance certification or manufacturing complexities no coding at all ESP zero code modules provide a ready made plug andplay solution for building common smart home devices such as LED lights Outlets switches dimmers relays and fans ESP zero code modules are based on ESP 32 C3 esp32 C2 and esp32 H2 all of which come pre-programmed with firmware for the required device types you can learn more and try ESP Z code by going to this link zeroc code. espresso.com we have detailed tutorial planned for espz code in upcoming videos so stay tuned okay going back to our previous page next is matter pre-provisioning service espressive matter pre-provisioning service allows customers to order modules from espressive that are securely pre-programmed with the credentials that are mandatory for every matter device these include the unique DAC certificates as well as the QR code related information then next espressive have shown demo video of matter ecosystem implemented using their devices you can check out this video for more information this demo shows espresso's comprehensive solution for matter connectivity that includes Wi-Fi and devices thread and devices a thread border router and matter zigby Bridge providing matter connectivity to off-the-shelf zby devices this demo showcases the device to device communication irrespective of connectivity technology in the local area network without relying on the internet connectivity okay let's get back and going down here where they have given link to the guide of getting started with matter on esp32 so when you click on this get started button you will be redirected to the GitHub page of ESP matter repository you will find complete espressive SDK for matter on this repo you will get all information like supported matter specification versions and matter examples in this repository please note that you have to use ESP IDF for experimenting with these matter examples we will see this espf implementation and matter examples in detail in our upcoming videos but for the time being we will use n cesp Launchpad for demonstration of matter application on esp32 for that go at the end of this repository page here you will find this button saying try it with ESP Launchpad click on this button to open Launchpad like this new window will open which is similar like we seen in rain maker demo but this one is specific to matter hence its link is like this the matter Launchpad so as we know from our earlier tutorial that this tool ESP Launchpad is not supported on Safari and Firefox browsers yet so please try using another browser like Google Chrome as ESP Launchpad makes use of web USB to communicate with the device currently Safari and Firefox browsers don't support it yet so let's open it in Google Chrome and program the matter application into esp32 boards so here is the ESP Launchpad for matter which we have opened in Google Chrome we have seen ESP Launchpad in earlier video for rain maker this is for matter applications this is the link we will share the link in description of this video ESP Launchpad helps you to flash the selected firmware image onto your device then down here they have given supported ESP chipsets and the matter applications there are only two matter applications currently available for demo in Launchpad light and switch and the supported ESP chipsets are esp32 esp32 C3 esp32 C6 and esp32 H2 and above here in menu you will see all tools of Launchpad like connect you can click on it to connect to your USB attached esp32 devices here it also shown that on which com Port they are connected serially in our case we have connected esp32 C3 and esp32 C6 these two development boards and subsequently we have opened two ESP Launchpad tabs now let's go to the first Tab and here we will connect our ESP 32 C3 development board okay for that go to tools menu click on connect option new popup window will get open which is the web USB window here you will see esp32 C3 got listed as comp Port 8 since we have already connected our esp32 C3 board to one of USB port of our laptop select this and click on connect button then go to tools menu again select DIY option as soon as you select your board in web USB window the connected board's name will be shown here like this ESP 32c 3 revision 3 then go down here and click on this erase flash red button to erase the flash of device this will erase earlier firmware from flash memory of the de board it is good to start from scratch this window will show status of erase flash this will take some time once the chip erase get completed successfully you will get notified about it then next again go to menu and select quick start option to go to homepage here now device is connected and erased so we can now select application type here which will be light application and then as we have connected esp32 C3 select it then next click here on this flash button to download and Flash the matter light application firmware onto our esp32 C3 so check all things and click on flash this will open Another Log verbose window which will show process of flashing with percentage so once it reaches 100% another popup will get open stating that flashing a firmware is completed and you can now reset your device click on done or close this window and then click on this reset device button to reset the esp32 device on next window it will ask for confirmation then once device has got reset you will see this green color text for both log showing that matter firmware is started running on our device now next is commissioning so to commission the sample application you have to scan this given QR code with matter supported phone apps to set up the device so here we have already opened window of our matter supported phone screen and we have already installed Amazon Alexa app since we are going add our esp32 matter light device into Alexa app and control it using our smart speaker Echo Dot so let's open Alexa app to add a new device click on the plus icon from top right corner here in Alexa app select add device option then on next window you can either select this connect your matter device option or go down in this list at last the option is other devices click on it here it will ask which logo you have on your device device with this method you can add all types of wireless devices like Bluetooth zigg or matter then on next window it will also ask does your device have a matter logo so click yes since we have it you can confirm it here in Launchpad okay then next is your device turned on click yes okay now this is important step here you have to locate and scan the QR code down here in app is the scan QR code button you have to click it it will open camera smartphone and you have point the camera to the QR code which we got on Launchpad as soon as you do that Alexa app will start looking for your device via ble here make sure that your device is in pairing mode turn on Bluetooth and location services on your smartphone your ESP 32 should be within 10 m of your Amazon Echo device and your smartphone this will take up to a minute okay so once esp32 gets successfully connected to Alexa this window will be shown saying that the test vendor light means our matter application is found and connected [Music] then you can click next on next window you have to get proper name to your matter device we will name it as matter light then on next window is group setup which you can skip so finally you will get this window saying that our device that is matter light is set up and ready to use and you can control it by saying Alexa turn on matter light okay let's see this so here is matter like got added in devices and it is showing status which is on that is correct you can see and confirm it in real time click on this button to go further into setup of light here you can change light application properties like power status brightness and color you can also create routine if you want here in demo you can see the real- time changes we will also check it using voice commands [Music] [Music] Alexa turn off the the matter light Alexa turn on the matter light okay Alexa turn off the matter light okay Alexa turn on the matter light okay Alexa turn brightess of matter like to 50% okay Alexa turn brightness of matter light to 20% Alexa change color of matter light to White Alexa change color of matter light to Warm White than Alexa turn off the matter light [Music] okay this was about our first device ESP 32 C3 now let's test for another device that is ESP 32 C6 so let's check for this one esp32 C6 for that open another tab in browser with starting new ESP Launchpad tool here we will do similar setup or process like we did earlier for esp32 C3 just follow along select Comm 9 in web USB window which is our ESP 32 C6 you can see Launchpad has detected our ESP 32 C6 then as we've done earlier first erase it and then flash it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Music] then once flashed add it to Alexa app by scanning matter QR [Music] code just remember in set up give different name for to this matter application like matter bulb or second light and like previously done test it using voice commands and manual method [Music] he [Music] Alexa turn off the matter bul than Alexa turn on the matter bulb Alexa turn brightness of matter bul to [Music] 50% Alexa change color of matter bulb to White Alexa change color of matter bul to Warm White okay Alexa turn off the the matter World okay Alexa turn on the matter light okay Alexa change color of matter light to height okay Alexa turn on the matter bulb Alexa change color of matter bulb to White Alexa turn brightness of matter bulb to 50% Alexa turn brightness of matter bulb to 20% so in this way we can use ESP Launchpad to program matter applications into esp32 and control them remotely here please note that while we were making this video tutorial espressive updated the matter ESP Launchpad hence there are some big updates happened previously we have seen that in matter ESP Launchpad there were only two applications given which were matter light and switch but now there are four applications are showing at the time of this recording in May 2024 they have also removed support for esp32 and esp32 C3 Dev boards now only two Dev boards are showing here ESP 32 C6 and H2 let's hope they will add support for more esp32 boards in future on repository of espressive ESP matter there are several other applications you can see it here in examples but to program them we need to install ESP IDF espresso's I development framework we also need some other matter ecosystem devices such as thread Bard router matter Bridge controller and thread devices we also need to study espressive SDK for matter which is very integral part of ESP solutions for matter ecosystem we will also see some DIY projects on matter and ESP rain maker integration as this is very vast topic we will see all those things in upcoming videos all right so in this way we have seen overview of getting started with matter on esp32 development board in future we will try to make more projects using this amazing standard stay tuned for more projects and Tech updates if you face any difficulty in replicating our DIY projects feel free to Ping us on telegram or WhatsApp you can also send us email at info@ the ratak toexplore tocom we would be happy to help thank you
Channel: make2explore Systems
Views: 993
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Id: c6K8ZA3cKEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 49sec (1849 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2024
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