Introduction to Arduino IoT Cloud

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hi in this video we will see small DIY project which we'll be giving brief introduction to Arduino iot Cloud we will make basic thermostat system using Arduino maker Wi-Fi 1010 board and connect it to Arduino iot Cloud for monitoring and controlling temperature so let's get started [Music] thank you hello all welcome to make to explore Channel first of all thank you to all our subscribers viewers and supporters we are going to use Arduino maker Wi-Fi 1010 board in this tutorial first let's see the brief introduction to this development board this Hardware includes the feature which we have missed so much in our most popular Arduino board the Arduino Uno that is Wireless connectivity we know that how it is very much needed in iot projects design so this is maker Wi-Fi 1010 board which features arm cortex m032-bit Sam D21 processor with the ECC 508 crypto chip for security and this u-blocks Nina w102 chip enables Bluetooth and Wi-Fi capability let's see more information about this development board on official website of Arduino here is the documentation of this board which says maker Wi-Fi 1010 is the easiest entry point to basic iot and Pico Network application design whether you are looking at building a sensor Network connected to your office or home router or if you want to create a Bluetooth low energy device sending data to a cell phone the maker Wi-Fi 1010 is your One-Stop solution for many of the basic iot application scenarios here you can explore quick start guide pin out and data sheet in setup guide when you click on this button you will see the information about how to program this development board using different IDs Arduino has developed software tools that work for beginners as well as for advanced users you can select your Preferred Choice and continue with the Quick Start then next in this get started guide they have given the procedure of installing the Sam D21 core for maker boards this is a step-by-step guide to install the core into an Arduino IDE it is needed for programming the maker family like maker zero boards and Nano 33 iot boards go through this guide to install this core into your Arduino IDE all information is given with screenshots and elaborating tutorial these steps are as shown here first downloading and installing then installing the samd core then next selecting the port and finally how to uploading a simple example we'll share this link in the description alright then going back here you will find the detailed pin out diagram for maker 1010 board you can download it from here and also this data sheet of this Dev board for future reference the maker Wi-Fi 1010 is a great choice for any beginner maker or professional to get started with iot Internet of Things these are the three main features which we have seen earlier down here you will find the technical specifications for this Arduino board let's point out some important specs in brief first and very important operating voltage is 3.3 volts not 5 volts eight digital i o pins seven analog input pins there is also one analog output pin this maker board supports communication protocols like uart i2c and SPI DC current per i o pin is 7 milliampere and so on you can go through them for more details then in compatibility section the following software tools allow you to program your board both online and offline you can program this board using Arduino IDE OT Cloud Arduino CLI the command line interface and by using web editor then here incompatible Hardware section these all Shields and carrier boards are also supported you can get further more information quick start guides tutorials built-in examples ideas for your next project and DIY projects data from this page [Music] okay all right this is all about development board now let's move forward and see next important concept for this video now let's see what is Arduino iot cloud and brief so the Arduino iot cloud is an online platform that makes it easy for you to create deploy and monitor iot projects it's like service of Arduino which provide all-in-one solution to build iot based project as we know in this iot era connected devices around the world are increasing by billions every year you can find iot devices everywhere around you in day-to-day life you also must have known other similar kind of iot service providers like blink iot Cloud Google Cloud iot Core IBM Watson iot platform Microsoft Azure iot Central Amazon AWS iot core particle iot Etc and so on Arduino also launched their iot cloud services few years ago so in a nutshell the Arduino iot cloud is a platform that allows anyone to create iot projects with a user-friendly interface and an all-in-one solution for configuration online editor for writing codes uploading codes over the air and also a dashboard for visualization of things let's see in detailed features of these arduino's iot cloud services so first is data monitoring means you can learn how to easily monitor your arduino's sensor values through a dashboard then variable synchronization allows you to sync variables across devices enabling communication between devices with minimal coding then next the scheduler you can schedule jobs to go on or off for a specific amount of time like seconds minutes hours the next OTA uploads memes over-the-air uploads you can upload code to devices which are not connected to your computer with cable next important feature is web hooks you can integrate your project with another service such as if Triple T then next is Amazon Alexa support means you can make your project voice controlled with the Amazon Alexa integration the next very interesting feature for makers dashboard sharing with this you can share your dashboard data with other peoples around the world awesome right so how to get started with Arduino iot Cloud let's see this with practical example of a simple DIY project a basic thermostat control system and its monitoring and control using Arduino iot Cloud let's see the functional diagram of the project which will show us how exactly this project will work so the thermostat system means it's a device intended to detect temperature changes for the purpose of maintaining the temperature of an enclosed area essentially constant enclosed areas like house shop floor server room Etc so we must require sensors to detect temperature and humidity changes right so here we will use dht-22 sensor which will be connected to Arduino maker Wi-Fi 1010 development board here Arduino will act as a brain of this system to maintain the temperature level there should be a cooling device and heating device here we will use two DC fans as actuators or load devices these two fans will be driven by these two relays we will use two-channel relay board hence these two devices can be controlled by Arduino as per programming here we will also use an OLED display to show the status of system and readings these all blocks will form our main Hardware unit as its name implies this Arduino maker board as Wi-Fi enabled hence we can connect it to any Wi-Fi router which is further connected to the internet once this system get connected to Internet we will program it to connect it to Arduino iot Cloud so once we got successfully connected to Arduino iot Cloud we can monitor and control this thermostat system from anywhere in the world using any internet-enabled devices like smartphones laptops or desktops okay so in nutshell Arduino will continuously sense the temperature and humidity using sensors adjust the Fan's operation as per programming to maintain the thermal level of that enclosed area it also displays system status on OLED display subsequently it will send all the data to Arduino iot Cloud via Wi-Fi and internet on other side we can log into our iot Cloud dashboard and can monitor configure and control the system here the most important and fascinating thing is once we registered our device to Arduino iot Cloud we can change its firmware programming scheduling and automation over the air wirelessly isn't it cool here we can also tweet with the system's settings from mobile application we will see all these features in demo so this is all about functional block diagram of the project now let's move over to the hardware section of this tutorial NC schematic or circuit diagram of the project here is the one let me give you brief description of all the connections so you can see all wiring connections are in color coding and properly commented hence you can easily track them you will get this schematic on our GitHub page links will be shared in the video description this is high resolution image you can zoom it further if you want for more detailing okay so this was all about circuit diagram of the project now let's see how to create project in Arduino iot Cloud so for that let's go to this website you will be visiting arduino's official Cloud website this one here you can see this is a simplest fastest low code way to get started with connected projects in the pricing section Arduino offers different plans for students schools and professionals as per their needs let's see click here to explore the plans these are all plans here is the free plan where you can create two things and unlimited dashboards other plans are paid versions the features which we mentioned earlier like OTA updates dashboard sharing apis and Etc comes in two premium plans you can select those as per your need [Music] in this project we will use only free plan so students don't worry you can replicate this project even with your free plan all right so let's get started click on this button for free plan you will be redirected towards arduino's login page you need to sign in into your Arduino account with your username and password if you do not have Arduino account yet then you can just create new all-in-one account here you can also sign in with your Gmail GitHub FB or Apple account note that this will be your main all-in-one account for Arduino Cloud Arduino online code editor Arduino store and other Arduino services so we recommend to create new one okay so we already have our free account we will just sign in [Music] here you can see we have landed into Arduino Cloud home page you can find all the resources documentation these all guides about Cloud Web editor different iot project templates Etc you can access Cloud apps from here on the top side of this page or you can also go to this nine dots icon okay now let's go to our iot dashboard for that you can click here all right here a new tab will get open showing you the dashboard which consists of your things dashboards devices Integrations templates Etc you can see this is our previously created dashboard about esp8266 then you can also click here if you want to create new thing on this devices tab you can manage your devices add new devices like our previous ones here node MCU esp8266 maker GSM board Etc on Things tab you will find things you created previously going into further you will see on the setup tab their Associated Cloud variables then Hardware devices associated with this thing and its Network credentials means Wi-Fi SSID and password Etc since everything should have at least one device associated with it [Music] then down here you can set the web hook if you click on this button set webhook window will get open as they said here web hooks allow you to send and receive automated messages to other services if you are new to webhooks you can check this sample project you should enter a valid webhook URL for your thing these all are supported domains like if Triple T Google apis cheats or Maps zapier hooks Etc you can enter your webhook url here and then click on set webhook to turn on webhook function we will see this in our DIY project okay then going back next feature is here is the sketch tab where you can generate the sketch means the code for your device associated with the thing it will get opened in Arduino web editor we will see that in a minute and next in metadata tab you will get details of your meta like thing ID time zone Etc so tags are metadata composed by a key and a value assign tags to your things to organize and filter them each tag can be assigned only once per thing okay then these function Integrations and apis comes in premium plans we will see about them in our next video in the templates tab as they says here import use and customize ready-made templates for your iot projects here are the few templates which you can directly import into your dashboard for learning purpose like Cloud blink Cloud energy meter home security alarm and so on down here you can see supported Arduino devices and Hardware is mentioned for each example like Arduino Wi-Fi boards maker Wi-Fi 1010 Opera iot kit Etc let's see this Cloud blink example in detail click on it to go into next page of information here Cloud blink means you can control your Arduino boards built-in LED remotely through a dashboard in the Arduino cloud so you can see here is the import template button showing this project have one thing one variable and One dashboard so as notified here this template will help configure your device Network credentials and upload a basic sketch to your board it will also generate a dashboard in which you can directly control the built-in LED this is a great template if you want to get started with the Arduino Cloud after you have completed the installation you can modify the sketch and dashboard freely down here they have given which development boards can run this template like Nano 33 iot Nano RP 2040 connects mkr Wi-Fi 1010 Nikola vision and portenta H7 Etc we are going to use maker 1010 board so now I will just show you how this template get imported click here to import the template so here new window will get opened prompting about before importing you will be guided through the setup of the device and the network you will use with this template at the end of this process a sketch will be uploaded to your device here click next here it will prompt us about Arduino create agent not found if you do not have already installed the agent or if it is not running so what is Arduino create agent it is the software which recognizes Arduino boards and other supported devices connected to your computer via USB it is an agent between your hardware and online web editor so let's see how to install it for that click on this download button it will download the program file in your downloads folder let's go to downloads in downloads folder here is the setup file let's install it install as per instructions given on screen [Music] [Music] there will be one security warning about certification just click yes to install the certificate allow any firewall access prompts if appears when installation get complete you will see gray icon in taskbar tray like this showing that agent is running and is ready to detect any Arduino boards you connect through USB ports of your computer let's connect our Arduino mkr Wi-Fi 1010 board in device manager window you can see it is getting populated in com ports like this [Music] all right now return to your template import page here you can see our device will get detected please note that only Chrome and Firefox web browsers are supported by this create agent so it is recommended to use those only to get proper connection between your Arduino board and Cloud console in our case this is showing an Arduino maker Wi-Fi 1010 has been detected on com 15 port and ready to be get configured so now you can click on configure you can name your device as per your choice then click next here this will make your device iot ready your Arduino maker Wi-Fi 1010 will now be configured to communicate securely with the Arduino iot Cloud the process can take up to five minutes please do not unplug the device [Music] okay in next window you have to set your network parameters you have to enter your credentials to allow your device to connect to the network let's enter SSID and password and then click next now the process of template components creation will get start the cloud blink template is almost ready to be imported we are creating all its components and uploading the sketch to your device foreign [Music] next window this will prompt that coder sketch has been uploaded to your device and now you are getting connecting to cloud and when you click on done you will be redirected towards your dashboard like this and here you can see you can toggle built-in LED of Arduino board using the switch and its status also shown here let me show you the devices tab here you can see our mate2 Explorer maker 1010 device and its status is online also it is showing that device is linked to thing named Cloud blink okay now let's see sketch and variables associated with this template project for that go to Things tab and click on this Cloud blink thing which we have just imported you can see Boolean variable named LED is automatically created our device is associated and network credentials are listed next when you move on to the sketch tab you will see sketch generated by the Arduino iot Cloud thing named Cloud blink you can also click on this open full editor button to open this sketch into new window of full size editor like this [Music] is web editor interface let's see its features in brief here first you should select your correct board like said here select both board and ports if you want to upload a sketch if you only select a board you will be able just to compile but not to upload your sketch if you installed the Arduino create agent successfully in last step then your board and its Port will get listed here here with this button you can create new sketch create new folder or import like our offline Arduino IDE this web editor also have examples libraries serial Monitor and other options here in libraries you can search any library or you can also import custom Library if you want but just remember that it should be in zip format you can also go to library manager to explore or sort more according to boards or topics here this is the compile button and this is the upload button which will get enabled when your board is connected to the correct com port with this three dots button you can save download or share your sketch this is tab button for adding new tabs or importing any file into sketch like header files or Secrets file Etc and finally this is your console log window where you will see verbose of programming compiling uploading Etc okay let's go back to our main editor window let's see the procedure of uploading code into any Arduino MCU board now let's upload the code into our maker 1010 board for that first check our board is connected or not then check com port number select that correct com Port if it is not Auto populated usually it will get Auto populated here in web ID after that make sure you have entered your Wi-Fi credentials SSID and password correctly in the secrets tab then you can click on upload button to upload the code during this process you will get verbose of uploading and compiling in this log window [Music] when code gets successfully uploaded you can move over to your dashboard to see the demo check the LED toggle button is working you can turn on or turn off built an LED of Arduino board from iot cloud dashboard okay so this was all about simple demo of Arduino iot cloud with ready-made template now we will create another thing for our new project thermostat system so let's move over to the Things tab here you can see the create button is disabled because in a free plan we can create only two things since we are opted in free plan if we want to create another thing we either need to upgrade or delete one of these things so let's delete any one of these here is the delete button click on that that will delete the selected thing now let's create new one for our project click here on create button which will open another window here on this page give proper meaningful name for your thing then next associate a device for your thing click here on this window you can choose your previously used Associated devices or you can set up new device so we already connected and Associated our maker Wi-Fi 1010 board in previous demo we will select that only okay you can see it get Associated successfully now let's configure the network click here to open network configurator here enter your Wi-Fi SSID and password this will connect your device to network as they said here you can also find these Network parameters in the secrets tab in your sketch and your device will be able to connect to the network once the sketch will be uploaded let me show you for that go to sketch tab here you can see basic startup code is auto-generated open this sketch in web editor [Music] okay here you can see our project code is got saved in SketchBook and this is our secrets tab where our Network credentials got saved okay we will come back to editor for coding but for now go back to iot Cloud again to The Things tab and in setup let's create some variables so variables are nothing but what you can monitor or control to make your thing function for example a temperature or a smart lamp once created you can use them in your sketch click here on ADD variable name it like here temperature then select its type like given here as a float then select permissions there are two types of variables a read and write variable can work both as input and output the data can be sent from the device to the cloud and vice versa and second is a read-only variable it can work only as output the data can be sent only from the device to the cloud in our case temperature is read-only variable since we are reading it from DHT sensor next setting is variable update policy means how often it will get updated here also have two options like on change means the variable will be updated to the cloud whenever the change in value is greater than or equal to the set threshold and another option is periodically means the variable will be updated to the cloud each time when the number of seconds preset by user have been elapsed let's set it for one second and then hit the create button likewise we will create different variables which we will require for this project just pay attention to control the heating and cooling fans from cloud dashboard we need to create Boolean variables [Music] foreign note that space between variable names is not allowed then next we will also send the status of our whole project system to the cloud as a message for that we will create string variable here note that in free plan of Arduino iot Cloud we can add only five variables we need to upgrade plan if we want to add more variables therefore to continue with the free plan we will keep them as only five okay so you can see here in sketch our changes are populated automatically and respective codes or subroutine Loops are also got added all right now we will create dashboard for our project for that go to dashboards tab you can see previously created dashboards are listed then click on create button to create new dashboard for our thermostat system name it as per your choice [Music] after that you can see this is a canvas where you can add different widgets representing different parameters data and variables [Music] let's see click here to add the widgets you can also search them you can see different widgets like switch push button slider and so on so we will first select gauge for temperature once you click on gauge you will go to widgets setting by default give a meaningful name [Music] link it to correct variable then select gauge range then click on done you can change or edit its setting Anytime by going here on these three dots option likewise let's create other widgets required for our project like percentage for humidity switch for fans Etc [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] with these two buttons you can toggle your view from edit mode to screen mode with this button you can go to arrange mode here you can change size of widgets and their location on canvas likewise you can also lock their position then next click on done in the same way here with this button you can switch to mobile view editor to edit and adjust your mobile dashboard view okay all right now let's see the code of the project but before that let's see the algorithm here we know that there are different kinds of thermostats and relevant systems but in general their main function is to read the temperature and switch the heating or cooling devices on or off depending on what the desired temperature is set to we can use the DHT sensor to record temperature and then use this data to activate either a heater or a cooling fan to maintain the thermal profile for example let's say that we want to have a room temperature of between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius then if it is below 19 degrees we need to increase the temperature so we will activate a heater if it is over 26 degrees we need to decrease the temperature so we will activate a cooler if it is between 20 and 25 degrees we have a perfect temperature so both the heater and cooler will be deactivated this is the brief explanation to basic algorithm okay now let's see the code for that head over to the Arduino web editor here is the code let's see that in brief so you can see this code or sketch is generated by the Arduino iot Cloud thing thermostat system these comments variables declarations function prototypes and subroutine Loops will be Auto created during thing creation on Arduino iot Cloud so you can see there are three main source files which are important first is main code file where setup Loop functions and most of the code is written this one which we are looking at right now then another important header file is thing properties.h the header file which we have included initially at the top of this main file let me show you here if this one so you can see that header file here in this tab let's check this out as they said here this code is generated by Arduino iot Cloud do not edit so it is advised that we should not edit any of these variables functions subroutines unless necessary so here you can see these two Library files Arduino cloud and connection Handler are very important for connecting or Arduino Hardware to Cloud here are the Wi-Fi credentials variables these are things variables which we added in Cloud then their properties functions prototypes then next these are properties of variables which we set during addition of variables in the cloud like read write permissions update policies Etc and this is Wi-Fi connection Handler you must be thinking about from where this function will get these Wi-Fi credentials that is SSID and password so it will get them from another header file which is secrets.h here is the one we have done this earlier if you remember when we were associating our Arduino device in iot Cloud we've been asked to enter our Wi-Fi network credentials let me show you where here in things setup this is network setting where we configured our Wi-Fi these same facility will appear in Secrets tab you can change these credentials from both places if you want so these three are important source files now let's go back to see our projects coding in main file so here at first we have included all necessary libraries of interfaced peripherals like for DHT and OLED display all code is well commented we have added detailed comments to each important code snippet functions and subroutines to guide you through these code implementations we have added comments for each section of the program to easily understand for what purpose that code snippet is used there therefore you can understand what's going on with these functions and variables let me show you the key point where we have implemented our thermostat algorithm inside the loop function we will create three main conditionals each of these checks whether temperature is within a specific range and executes the code within the conditional statement we have discussed these cases earlier in algorithm diagram explanation besides if you have any doubts questions or suggestions or found any bugs in code please feel free to contact us on WhatsApp or telegram all these source code will be available on projects get Hub repository on our GitHub page we will share all the links in description okay now let's see the demo of the project first log in into your Arduino cloud account here is the link then go to iot Cloud dashboard it will get open in new window in Arduino iot Cloud go to things here is our projects thing the thermostat system you can see all the cloud variables Associated device maker Wi-Fi 1010 then in network settings network is configured okay now let's go to dashboard here is the dashboard with desktop view and mobile app View all right now let's go to web editor and upload the code written for our project here is the code we will keep dashboard open in another tab to monitor the thermostat parameters from iot desktop foreign now let's connect Arduino maker board to laptop you can see when we connected at VA USB cable as soon as we plugged it in it got detected here in web editor it got listed with com ports now let's verify the code here the error is showing that we need to select the correct com Port let's select it com15 click on verify button it will take some time to compile the code once compiled you will see success message in console window then next click on this arrow button which is upload button to upload the code into your MCU board [Music] once code get uploaded you can co-led display will show some startup greeting messages then it will show temperature and humidity readings on other hand on iot cloud dashboard you can see same temperature and humidity readings and status of thermostat system here due to high temperature cooler is activated heater is off you can turn on heater manually from cloud dashboard [Music] foreign [Music] you can see temperature is greater than 26 degrees hence cooler fan is activated and red LED is showing high temperature status on cloud dashboard you will get temperature humidity readings then status messages and here you can also manually override the automation to operate the heater fan or cooler fan you can turn on or turn it off from here on dashboard it will get reflected on Hardware since as we learned Cloud dashboard is digital twin of Hardware assembly we connected to the cloud [Music] okay so in this way we have seen brief overview of Arduino iot cloud in this video we have seen Arduino iot Cloud free plan features in upcoming videos or part two of this tutorial we will try to explore more features of Arduino iot cloud with Arduino Opera iot cat and the carrier board all the important links are shared in the description stay tuned for more projects and Tech updates if you face any difficulty in replicating our DIY projects feel free to Ping us on telegram or what's up you can also send us email at info at the we would be happy to help thank you thank you
Channel: make2explore Systems
Views: 3,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arduino, diy, school project, mini project, Final Year Project, Engineering Project, IEEE Project, DIY Projects, Electronics Projects, Diploma Projects, IoT Projects, Embedded Systems Projects, IoT, Internet of Things, Do It Yourself (Hobby), How to, Project Ideas, Arduino Projects, Home Automation Projects, ESP32, NodeMCU, ESP8266, ESP8266 Projects, Blynk App, Blynk Project, Blynk IoT Cloud, Arduino IoT Cloud, Arduino Cloud, Arduino Web IDE, Arduino MKR WiFi
Id: khxzE7lxrPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 33sec (2733 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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