How To Install Coving/Cornice. Using a Mitre Saw. Easy No Jigs! Internal and External Corners!

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Happy Days [Music] what's happening everyone welcome back to the workshop I hope you're all keeping well now with a bit of a DIY video for you guys today so I'm installing some coving in a bedroom in my house so I thought I would show you guys some tricks how to install it and how to cut perfect inside and outside 90s are monitors using this coven we're going to be doing it on a motor so it's going to be super quick simple and easy there's gonna be no jigs no Goods nothing like that we'll set the motor saw up wounds and we can chop all our corners I'll show you just how quick and how easy this stuff is to install so I'll show you the particular kit that I got the type of stuff I'm using and then we'll jump in I'll show you how to install it and how to do all your Cuts let's do it okay let's have a quick look at the case I bought and this particular case comes with two packs of six a total of 12 Lanes or two meter lens in total and this is by a company called Supra Cove never paid for this myself this is not sponsored right now uh this is just stuff I bought myself and a particular case comes with the uh coving adhesive and filler as well so you get four tubes of that which is more than enough to put up all 12 links now it's the super lightweight stuff so if you guys can see it's a just a kind of a fold and it's papered both sides so it's nice and quick and easy to stick up it's nice and lightweight there's no waiting at all not like the old kind of coving used to get which was made from plaster which was quite heavy indeed so this is very very easy and quick to stick up and nice and easy to sand and paint and do all that stuff with it as well so like I said in this video I'm gonna be showing you guys how we achieve our internal 90s and how we achieve our external 90s cutting this because we can't just call it at 45 anywhere we like we have to set it up and code it properly otherwise our angles will not be correct and it's a soup or simple so you can see on the pack here I'll roll in a shot of this now it shows you the 90 degree Corner as you've only got you're going to be going into and you measure out from your corner 83 millimeters top and bottom and that would fix your piece perfectly in that 90 degree corner and we're going to use those two measurements that happen to be on this nail to set up our monitor saw nice and quick and simple and it'll be super easy to make all these chords so let's do it okay guys here we are at the motor source so nice and quick and easy to set up our motor so I'm just going to be using two sticks to do so you can screw these in place or clamp these in place and once this is set up you can do all your Cuts so here's our table and our fence for our motor Source this is a perfect 90 degree corner so imagine that this is our wall and this is our ceiling we know from the drawing that comes from the manufacturers is that this covering needs to be 83 millimeters out from the corner on both sides so nice and simple I'm just going to get my ruler I'm going to put a mark exactly at 83 millimeters there I'm going to put a mark exactly at 83 millimeters here I'm just going to take my coven make sure it lines up perfectly with those two marks which it does so I know now that that angle is good that's sitting perfectly within that 90 degree corner there you can't just drop your coven onto your motor saw at any angle and cut a fart in five minutes you will end up with the wrong angle so that's why you're more scared this right and there's Jigs and things on the market for doing this but honestly you do not need them just follow do exactly what I did there check the manufacturer if it doesn't come with the coven you can always just set your coven up and measure out till you have exactly two equal markings out from your corner here and up from your base to here so I know that's 83 millimeters so I've screwed a piece of Timber in place right there I'm going to screw a second piece of Timber in place now right here just to catch it on this side right at the markings and that's all set up now ready to go we can now do all our Cuts internals and external so let me show you how to do that now okay so our miter saws are celebrated cut so all you need to do now is take your Cove and your piece you want to cook you just drop it in there like that once it rests against your fence and rest against this piece that you have put in here and again you can clamp this or screw it like I said you know you're good to go swing my miter saw over to 45 degrees and now I can put my coat there and I know at the angle that I'm going to put into this is absolutely perfect now this piece technically is upside down so let me show you what I mean about that and how to think about it again this is very very simple we get coating there when you're installing this all right guys I just want to give you a quick way to think about this in your head so you're not trying to visualize it the whole time technically this piece is upside down so if I caught a monitor in this nail I'd have to take it flip it around and then put it up like that so here's how you think about it imagine this is my corner here so my corner is to my left hand side so the piece that I'm measuring is going into the corner to the left hand side so that piece I put on the left hand side of the miter saw likewise if I want to go into this corner I'm facing the wall the corner is to my right I put the piece in from the right hand side of the motor saw and make the cut so let's make our cut so I might have taken a measurement now let's see this is my wall here my corner I'm going into is still my left so I'm going to put my my piece in from the left hand side of the motor saw bevel my miter saw left to 45 and make the cut so let's make the cut now before we continue on with the coving job I want to quickly thank the sponsor of today's video and that is tradify you know Trader 4 is a complete job management platform designed specifically for self-employed trades people so if you're in the trades and you're on the tables all day you struggle with that office work I highly recommend you check it out I'm over 17 years working as a self-employed electrician and I use it and it saves me countless hours and headaches every week it's all your office administration in one place it's desktop and mobile based so you can carry your office with you in your pocket everything from invoicing from quoting from timesheets scheduling jobs all your customer information when you get to the end of a job it makes it super simple to flare off an invoice from your mobile device and track and set up all the magic payment reminders for that invoice as well it does so much more than that saves accountants errors and super simple to generate and fire off those professional looking documents so a whole immigrant you guys check it out there's a promo code man in shed which will give you fifty percent off for your first three months links and everything you need to know will be in the description so definitely save yourself some headaches and time on that office work always trust me I use it and it is a very good indeed so check it out tradify everything is in the description now let's get back to this coven [Applause] [Music] okay so there's our cut made I'm just going to mark this piece number one I'm just going to square it off now so again this works perfectly for squaring anything off and I cut the second piece now we're going to come in from the right hand side and you guys on the market number two and you guys can get to see it so let's just do that okay so that's piece number two coming in from the right hand side here's piece number one now I have a perfect 90 degree monitor there so if I flip it around you guys can then see this comes in from this side and this piece comes in from this side and that's how it's going to sit in our room against the ceiling and against the wall so for looking at a corner from the that's going into the left put your piece on the left hand side if I'm looking at the wall and the corners to my right hand side I'm measuring the piece into the right hand side of the miter saw nice and simple and it's the exact same thing for coating external 90s which I'll show you now okay so when it comes to coding external 90s it couldn't be simpler we can still use this exact same jig all we gotta do is flip our piece over let it sit in there it will sit in itself naturally just make sure it's hitting our fence and that it's hitting our Timber pieces that we've put in there are measurements at exactly 83 millimeters so again all I'm going to do for my externals is flip it over let it sit against my fence and let it sit against this and then we can cut our heart and fives exactly the same way so coming in from the left hand side I'm going to move my saw over to the left coming in from the right hand side I'm going to Bevel my saw or compound cut my saw or to the right hand side so let me just cost you 45s in this and I shall show you guys [Music] foreign [Music] so here's our internal 90. again piece number one coming in from the left hand side piece number two coming in from the right hand side when we put two of those together there we are there's our perfect internal 90 and again that's how it's going to be fitted so number one is going to go into the corner as I'm facing it to my left number two is going to go into the corner as I'm facing it to my right so right hand side of the miter saw left hand side of the miter saw nice and quick and easy Once you keep that in your head you no longer have to think about it and you guys can just chop away and Happy Days now here's a look at our external 90 then so piece number one piece number two and as you can see if you look at that we have a perfect external 90. once we're set up to go we can chop away and it makes it super quick and super simple again no jigs no guides not messing around not buying anything extra just use your motor so I'll chop this and it's just paper and foam so your motorcycle will flow through this no problem and again how to think about the corner if you are facing the wall and the corner is to your left put this in from the left hand side of your motor saw so it'll be going in like this and I'll be chopping it that way if my corner is too moisturized then this comes in to the right hand side of my miter saw and I will be chopping it this way nice and simple and when you join your two pieces up they go in just like that at the exact same thing perfect 90 degrees to go around an external 90 corner so that's how we do all that now installing this stuff is extremely simple let me show you how to install it okay guys just before I go in I'm going to make myself a little story stick and this is going to make this exactly 83 millimeters you'll see why this is quite handy now in in a minute rather than using our measuring tape and faffing a bit with that this will be able we'll be able to use this just to put some nice quick and easy marks on the wall and on the ceiling so exactly 83 millimeters so that's the same measurement as we were using to cut our pieces that's exactly the how far out the end of our piece wants to be on the ceiling and on the wall so I've squared off this end so now that's perfectly square there's my Mark at 83 millimeters so let's cut this and then we'll use this as a little story stick foreign here I am in the bedroom in question I'm going to stick this up now like I said I'm facing the wall this corner is still my left so I'm going to cut my monitor I'm going to put my piece in from the left hand side of the Moira sauce so see what I'm saying I'm facing the wall the corners to my left I'm facing the wall the corner is to my right so left and right hand side of the motor so now a little story stick we made it's not using our measuring tape I can just put that up against the ceiling and just draw a line every so often just like that and again put a tight against the wall and I can just Mark at the ceiling along like that as well so nice quick and simple a little story block that's all it is you're not using your measuring tape all the time and I can see my mark stain so I know that I have my coving sitting right into that 90 degree corner so I have to do a cut nail on this piece and their kilometer lens so it's not long enough to reach that wall so I'm gonna have to join this land as well now I'm not going to bought two straight pieces together I'm going to put a moisture in the end of that and I'll show you guys that as well it's the quickest and easiest way to join it and you get the neatest joint as well and if your joints are not perfect don't worry a little bit of filler a little bit of sanding paint it up nobody will ever know so I got to put a monitor in this let's do it okay so we're back at the motor so I'm cutting my first moisture to go into that corner and again like I said I'm coming in from the left hand side so my piece is in from the left hand side of my motor so I'm not going to say that anymore or hopefully you guys have got it so let's just call our first motor [Music] lovely another nice thing about coding on the motor size you get such a nice clean cuts you're not doing any sanding or cleaning up afterwards it's just a straight cut and it's ready to go up on the wall now I want to put another monitor in this end because I am going to be joining these two pieces so I can actually flip this around and cut it at this side it doesn't make a difference and I can cut a moisture to match into this then as well okay so I've put a moisture in the opposite end so this is going to be going up against my ceiling and the piece and I'm going to join on to continue on it's going to have a motor in it as well and that's just going to go back together just like that and having that angle motor it just gives you a cleaner line rather than boating a straight flush cut together it's always better when you're doing skirting or anything like that boards data or that kind of stuff is to put a 45 in it because it closes up much tighter it's easier to fill and it's just a better joint it's easier to hold the actual joint in the clothing so let's get it up okay back in the room let's get our first piece set up so I have the adhesive ready to go nice thing about this really light stuff as well you're not mixing up any heavy adhesive trying to stick a heavy plaster code into the wall so this stuff is pretty quick now you don't need much just a light bead where it makes contact with the wall and where it makes contact with the ceiling just the beads don't eat outside and you can stake it up and it's going to be going into the corner just like that so let's get it up now we've got to work to my marks you can leave it a mill or two back out of the corner just so your two monitors close up I can see my marks on the ceiling and on the wall so I'm just going to work down to those get it into the corner and just press it off now this stuff is so light that the adhesive will hold it up but if you feel like it's going to start slipping just get a couple attacks and just tack one every so often along the wall and you can pull them out again afterwards just to support the piece but honestly this stuff is so light that it's not really not necessary so there we go Happy Days how many gaps we have there we can take the adhesive and we can just fill it as we go now that's the first piece up I'm going to go and cut the rest of this and start sticking it up I'm not going to keep taking the camera in and out of the workshop you guys have seen the gist of it now and I'll just show you as it goes together it's nice quick and simple it's just going to slot in right like that now the walls are not perfectly Square so but don't worry about that there's a little Gap here again the 90s are perfect but the walls this is this house is over 100 years old or more it's a little Cottage Country Cottage nothing is square on the hill so but a little bit of filler in there give that a robe paint it up and it'll never be seen so I'm going to continue on now guys and stick this up nice and simple another thing I should point out as well when you're measuring into your corner for your length of piece make sure you're measuring to the farthest out point on your monitor that's the measurements you're going to take from your car back to the end of your piece and line that up on your miter saw so that you're cutting the foreign car don't make a mistake and cut back in here because you'll have a big gap that makes sense so there we go nice and simple just like that okay guys I'm making my way around it's turning out quite nice now there's a couple of things I want to show you guys as well so one of them I have to put china monitor here so this piece wasn't long enough to continue on so I'm going to be just joining a motor there so I'll just show you that it's just a nice way to hide the joint like I've said already and I need to put a stop end on this piece as well so it's going to look like that so in order to put a stop end on it's very very simple it's exactly the same way as I showed you to cut the external 90. all you need to do is make sure we can just hold this together now and show you this on camera if the camera will focus on that or not on my face just make sure the width of the ndr piece is the same thickness as you're coving here if you guys can see that so this line here will line up with the back of your clothing so cut this just chop it off have a flush cut on this side and cut this exactly like you would as if you were cutting the external 90 so I'll show you guys from the back so you can see it's the external 90 here and that will work as a stop end so if you have to stop your Coven in the middle of a room and you need to blank off the end that's exactly how you guys do it there is the camera focusing on that hopefully that's making sense now I'll go stick this up and I'll show you okay guys hopefully you can see where I have you set up it's quite toys in here so here's my monitor piece here's another monitor piece I've got straight Motors and that's just going to overlap there like that I can just fill that little line there it's just much easier to hide that standard back than it is a straight cut like I've explained already and then I'm going to put in my stop piece here so I have a trapdoor for an attic to contend with so I'm just going to stop the cove and eat our side rather than trying to match it in or do something crazy crazy with the uh Toyota rats already around that so I'm just going to stop it either side so nice and simple so I'm just gonna get this stock up again a damp cloth always have that to hand when you're dealing with this fill out very very handy indeed and another top tip if you've not used stuff like this before when you're finished and you release your hand off the trigger always the pressure back here because this thing will continue to squirt even though you've released the pressure from the handle so just a little top tip for you guys because you can leave these things out of your hand and the stuff continues to flow out of them which is a little bit annoying so again once you're done squeezing go with a handle and just release the pressure at the back here yeah that closes that motor up nicely and again a little bit of filler on that a little bit of a sand and that will be good I'll get you guys in for a close-up right now all right guys there's a close-up of the monitor you can barely see here I'm just gonna run a little bead of fillers down that monitor move that in give it a slight wipe off of the damp cloth let that Troy if it needs another touch up I'll hit it and then we're just going to give it a little sand before we paint it and that will never be seen now the case in my house is nothing as straight it's like a hot like I said it's a couple hundred years old or 120 years old is this hill so the water demonstrate the ceilings aren't straight here and everybody's going to end up with gaps because you're dealing with perfectly straight lines on the coven and the walls and ceilings are in and out and up and down so we'll just run a bead top and bottom anywhere you have a gap let's take a finger rub that in wipe it off on the dump cloth like so and then all you do is just take your damp cloth and you can give that a wipe off so with a good damp cloth and where the filler is still going away it's very easy to wipe it off just like that happy days and when that's painting that'll all be filled and you won't even see it okay guys you can see what I'm dealing with here again I have this coven around the trapdoor or the data or in the trap door and uh I'm just rather than trying to tie into this I think the best thing to do in this situation with just the video is stop and just like that to close it off so like I said if you have to stop your coven anywhere and you're going to see that open end just cut a little piece as if you're doing the external 90. um it's Happy Day so a little bit of filler on that and we can close this up and after that there's really not much more to do in kovan foreign ERS in there love that Gap here as well it should be good to go with a nice little crisp line on our corner here so everything is happy days now we can leave that all set up give it a little sand at the paint and it'll be perfect okay guys just before we finish up a couple of things just to point out now if we're trying to do delicate little pieces like this stop ends it's always better to cut it off a larger piece so cut it off the end of a larger piece that way you're not trying to hold any small fiddly pieces with your hands close to the blade you can also extend these pieces in further you can add pieces onto them if you want more support you can put a complete piece all the way across this remember you're going to chop through it at zero degrees and 45 and 45 this way so you're going to end up cutting it off anyway that's what I've stopped these where they are it's because if I continue that all the way across I end up cutting through it here and cutting through it here that's just something to remember but you can always like I said clamp in another piece like this if you need that extra bit of support nice quick and simple and coat your delicate little pieces off the end of a larger piece that way your hands are always nice and safe and you can always touch these pieces up with a knife because this foam stuff pretty easy to cut with a Stanley blade so that's it guys not much more to say okay guys so there you go the coving in the room is all finished now just a little bit of sanding and a bit of painting and that should be absolutely perfect so hopefully you've enjoyed this video guys and hopefully you've got something out of it coven really is nice and easy especially this foam stuff and once you understand the principles of how to cut your angles that you can't just set it down and put a 45 on it any way you like you must set it up either on the motor saw or in any of the jigs exactly as it goes into the corner so you're in that 90 degree corner and you're cutting your angle 45 across it correctly once you understand that it's pretty plain sailing and you can't really make a mistake if you do exactly as I showed you on that motor so it is pretty easy indeed so like I said guys hopefully you've got something over and hopefully you have enjoyed it give it a thumbs up if you liked the video if you're new here think about subscribing or comments and questions below I will get back to you anything I left out or anything you want to know about the video guys just shoot below and I will do my best to reply to everybody so that's it guys I'm going to get out of here now I have some sanding and painting to do so I get on with that I shall see in the next video
Channel: John McGrath
Views: 51,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, home improvemnets, home decoration, carpentry, woodcraft, woodwork, trades man, coving, cornice install, crown molding
Id: nuJukWSqUXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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