How To Install Skirting Boards | Easy DIY Guide For Perfect Skirtings

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are you guys at home looking to do your own skirtings like these we're going to be showing you an easy step-by-step guide covering all aspects of skirts so you're going to become a pro by the end of this right before we start installing our skirt and we're going to run you through some of the tools you're going to need for your install we've got here a little DeWalt miter saw you don't need a default one but this is a great little bit of kit a jigsaw or A coping saw like this one obviously you're going to need a pencil because you need to Mark a measuring tape this is optional but we like to use it it's might a bond and we'll show you that in use so grab adhesive to stick your scones on a wall and obviously a hammer if you're going to be using hammer and pins to hold it in place or a nail gun if you've got one now we've covered the tools I'm going to run you down what we're going to be doing in this video so we're going to be covering external Corners scribing internal Corners how to get behind radiator pipes how to finish it door casements or Linings if you're UK and how to do basically every step for your skirtings or baseboards if you're not in the UK so your first step is going to be deciding where you're going to start so traditionally with a scribe which we're going to show you how to do it would go away from the entrance to the room so if the entrance is behind me we're going to put this wall in hole no cuts and our scribe is going to go into that piece so you can't see it visually so as you can see we've got ourselves some pipes here and you're not going to be able to get your skirting behind unless you have your radiator removed so if you don't want to do that which we don't get your tape measure measure from one end as close to the pipe on this side as you can get so we're going to call it 1.4 meters or 1400 millimeters and that's what we're going to cut our piece to and when we cut our piece we're going to have a butt joint there so a square cut and here we're going to have a 22.5 angle on both pieces that's going to give us our seam it's a better seam and it's stronger so now we've got our measurement we're just going to transfer it onto our bit of skirting so we add 1.4 meters you do whatever your measurement is and then what we do is we set the bevel on our saw to zero down on the bottom plate here and we tip the saw over to 22.5 so as it's set and then we're just going to run our saw through and what we're going to end up with is that little angle on the end there we then take that and we slide it behind our pipe on the left hand side until we clear the other pipe which we have now we're going to cut the angle into the other side of our baseboard or skirting so a good way to do this if you look at that and mark the angle of that onto the top of our skirting like so that's an easy reference for us so we don't get confused when we're on the saw so we know we need to chop like this into this piece here we're going to cut that first before we cut the length down now we're cutting indoors make sure you're cutting outside or you've got dust extraction but because we're filming we try and make it clear for you so we're Square on our fence so now if you look from the top we've got our second angle put on there this being the longest point so we're going to measure that and we're going to transfer from the longest point and put a straight cut on here so let's do that now so look I'm on that wall there and I've come up to the furthest point away on our skirting which is the face on this one and we've got one four seven five so we've now come to our piece that's got our angle on we hook it over the end on the longest section we come down to our measurement one four seven five for us right so we're going to take our angle out we're going to set it back to zero one zero on the front double check we're all good and then just remember when we're cutting our blade is on the Wayside so we're keeping this so we're cutting to the right hand side of our Mark otherwise you'll lose the thickness of the blade now that it's all cut to size we want to check it before we start gluing or doing anything like that we just want to make sure it fits without any adhesive so all we're going to do we're going to pick it up above and then slowly slide it down into position and we're just going to check that our little miter here is going to be okay so we just line that up and as you can see it's going to be nice and flush shouldn't need any adjustment and that seam will sit under there and once we fill it and sand it it'll be invisible so we've double checked everything's going to work out nicely we've now taken it back out and we're going to use ourselves some grab adhesive and we're just going to run it along the back like so and then we're just going to fish this back behind try not to hit the wall as much as possible until we're ready to put it on it doesn't matter if you do a little bit so all the way up and give it a little whack and that gives the adhesive a chance to bond and now we're going to glue the other side so we'll get that done now that piece is in we've put our adhesive on the second piece now we're going to be using our miter Bond or you can use wood glue but we prefer this because it's instant so we're going to put our glue on the easiest section which is for us is this one and then we take our activator which is the spray and we're going to spray the second piece and it's only activated stop worry about getting it anywhere and then we take our piece and we slide it in and we push it nice and flush because this will set off very quickly this should all be on and grabbed but if you're in the UK you will know very well that our walls are not that straight so this is when your hammer and now your little pins are going to come into place because look we've got a bow here and it just won't hold or if you've got a little 16 gauge nailer like this this will do perfectly so we're going to push it back I'm down at 45 degrees now we're going to move on to our internal scribe so we won't be mitering the internal Corners because it's not a very good way to do it it can come apart it can leave gaps this way you're golden so remember if our doorway is there we want to be scribing in this direction so you're never looking directly at the scribes I'm sorry it was traditionally done so we take our new piece of skirt and I'm going to show you exactly what you need to be doing and a little trick for you as well so what we're going to do we're going to cut a 45 degree miter or an angle because it's a single gut so we're going to go towards the piece we're joining onto so we're going to put 45 there but we're also going to take a block a scrap of skirting go up and draw a line like so and what that's going to do if this isn't exactly 90 degrees on this wall it will make us scribe perfect if that's leaning I'm being dramatic but if that was leaning like so describe won't work very well so now it's just a case of taking it to our saw and I'll show you that cut now so the first thing we're going to do is leave this at zero degrees and zero and we're going to match our blade to our line that we've just drawn on so fits like that we line it up like that and then lock this off and we're all the way along that line and then we're going to tip the blade over to 45 degrees that Mark that's the direction we're going to cut in we're going to be cutting all of this material off so all of this needs to go and we're going to be back cutting so we're going to be cutting it slightly back off of square now a couple of ways you can do this you can use a jigsaw you can even use an angle grinder but we're not going to be doing that we're going to show you it with just a simple coping saw so we're going to get this set up somewhere and I'll just show you how to cope it out so that's a coping saw that's what I look like and we're just going to come right up to that paint line start our saw off and you see I'm not exactly at 90 degrees I'm cutting back and we're just just take your time and follow that paint line and then what we do once we come up depending on your skirting once we come up to a little detail like this one here so you see as comes in and out and around we're then going to come from another Direction so don't try and get it all in one because you'll struggle with that just just move the saw around so we're going to get that now and then what we'll do now we'll come around this curve and so on and so forth what I do like to do on the top because this has got a square top I will actually do that [Music] at 90 degrees so that on the very top it's nice and clean and what you'll be left with is the design of your skirtings or baseboard but it'll actually be cut backwards ignore this because this is actually a double design so after you've cut your scribe and you've gone around and you've followed that little line it should hopefully line up like so and that's what we're looking for nice crisp little fit so once you're at this stage there's one more thing you need to do we need to put a 22.5 on the other end because we need a joining as if that's our entrance we look into the room this way we want our join to come towards us so we're going to put our 22.5 this direction so as you look the lap is the way you look so it's much more hidden so this will come this way this will come this way so you could butt joint these but the method that feels showing you it actually helps when the floor is unlevel or the wall is Twisted to get a much better finish so putting them to 22.5 in might have bonding them together makes a much better finish so Phil's cut the two Motors it's time to measure this Gap it actually ends terminates on that door frame so this will just be a single measurement and we've got a measure to the furthest point on this miter at the bottom because that's the furthest bit back and we'll take this measurement so we're going to mark that onto our board so we'll hook it over the edge and we'll mark it on the so that's the mitered edge we're going to mark it on our bold and then we're going to take it over to the saw and this is actually getting a straight cut so just a straight cut we're going to put in the saw right we've got our two pieces so it's the same process as we did on the pipe well we're going to stick our first one on with our grab adhesive voila remember guys everything we use in the videos including adhesive and tools will be listed below so if you want to grab anything I have a check in the description we're going to stick this one into place and then we're going to do the same on the other one and we're going to miter Bond the join so once you've lined your wire up Hammers and pins in and let that adhesive go off wow so we've got that long run in a couple things to know you're going to get a gap on top unless you've got an absolute spanking new building do not worry about that you're going to put decorators Coke along the top after you just get it as close as you can you're never going to get it perfect and secondly remember fixings like this sockets don't put your nails in there because the cables are likely to run straight down straight up or straight across so avoid pinning below any sockets or light switches Etc now that we've got that on the wall we're going to show you the external Corners so we've shown you how to get behind pipes how to do internal scribing how to join long runs of skirting the last lesson we're going to be teaching you is external miters so what you're going to want to do is get yourself an angle finder like this one from cheek jig this is an absolute Beast of a bit of kit this thing will give us a single Parts uh miter cuts and it's a standard protractor as well what we're going to do on our external miter we're going to wrap our angle finder around until it's flat on both sides and then we will come to the miter section on our angle finder so on trick jigs one it will actually tell you miter so if we come there that looks like a 45 degree angle but it actually is 44 degrees now we've got our angle of 44 degrees we're going to lay our piece so we've done our internal scribe that end like we've shown you already we're then going to pop that up tight take a pencil on the back side and just Mark along the side of the wall so when we miter this we're going to come away so if you look there's our line we're coming away from that Mark so if we use a square the reason we do that is if I lock that down there you see our wall isn't straight so we're going to do our miter from the furthest point which will be there so you'll have a tiny gap on this and it's going to work this will happen across all walls they're never perfect and then we're going to do our 44 degree miter away from our line so we'll cut that now we'll cut another one through here so we're just going to measure from there scribe the line again do exactly the same and see if they work now that you've cut your external wires just bring them to the wall first and double check before fixing them to the wall just make sure that the miter lines up nice as lines are all nice and good so what we're going to do is lay that one down and lay this one down and we're going to grab some grab adhesive as Phil's been doing in the show earlier right so we're going to fix that one into place lining our motor up in the corner then we're going to grab the other piece right so we're just going to apply some miter Bond on this external corner it just helps to line up your might as a lot better than rather than just trying to glue it in place spray the other side spray lovely stuff then we're going to line this miter up so if you've followed all the steps in our video you should end up with a beautiful bit of skirting all you've got to do at the end is run some decorators cork along the top and the joins and it will be mustard and I'll see you on the next one please [Music] foreign
Channel: The Home Improvements Channel UK
Views: 145,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, how to install skirtings, skirtings, skirting boards, baseboards, flooring, home improvement, carpentry, skirting installation, mitre, mitre bond, easy DIY guide, perfect skirtings, diy guide, tips, diy tips, home decor, decorating, caulk, scribe, internal corner, external corner, how, how to guide, step by step guide, skirting board installation, installing skirting boards, joining skirting boards, mitre skirtings, angle, angle finder, scribe skirtings, grab adhesive, join
Id: y6Fm_3QskOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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