How to make your own Coving Mitre Jig & Installation Demonstration

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hey what's up guys it's your man jb here and in this video i'm going to show you a quick and easy way to make a coving miter jig welcome to jb tv so i've got a job to start tomorrow and yes i'm putting up some coving here's the coving that i got it's a hundred millimeter coving and that means it's a hundred millimeters from these two outer edges here from here to here now this particular coving is lightweight i didn't necessarily want to get the polystyrene one particularly without the paper so this is papered and it's actually a little bit harder than polystyrene this is more like a fomex type coving so the great thing about this coving is it's really really light so it's not going to take any nails or anything to put up i've got some adhesive and this is hopefully going to be quite straightforward now the room that i'm doing is square so obviously there's going to be four internal corners i'm not sure whether there are any external corners where there might be parts of the wall that are sticking out but it doesn't matter because the jig that i'm making will cover an internal and external miter now what i've done here is i've cut myself a baseboard here it is now the size of the baseboard is really dependent on the size of the coving that you're using now as i've said already this covering is a hundred millimeter and i do need to be able to place a bit of coving around here and then also here so i can cut an external and internal corner so this is probably a tiny bit bigger than what i need but the bigger it is the longer the piece of cobin you can have on your jig which will mean that you will get the angle cut better otherwise if you've got just a very small portion of your cobin on the jig it may be liable to move slightly so uh this is absolutely perfect i've cut this at 450 millimeters square now i've got six pieces of this cls which have been cut and all of them have a 45 degree angle on the end and what i plan to do here is actually glue and screw three of these together so i end up with this rather large piece of timber with a nice 45 degree angle on it because i'm not going to be able to cut that with my mitre saw so let's get these screwed together [Music] uh [Music] me [Music] that's one block made i just need to make another one [Music] now i've got my two blocks glued and screwed i'm going to attach them to the baseboard we'll mark that 262 on the board right there g62 262 and we'll get a nice straight edge and mark that and then we do the same thing this way 262 and 262 and then we'll just mark so that gives us a good idea of where these blocks need to be so i'm going to be using a panel saw when i do this and as long as i can get a saw in there yeah there we go perfect so the thing here is because i've used this timber which is quite wide it means it will keep the blade quite flat and straight if it was a quite a small piece of timber it would easily do this next up we'll glue and screw these blocks to the baseboard but we'll do it from the baseboard to the block so we'll flip it we'll mark it and then flip it and screw it and we'll just mark where that one's going and just means that i can put a few screws in i'm going to put three in here so you can see here this is my block right here and i've done the outline i've marked three points where i'm going to put screws i'll drill it this way and then i'll screw it from the back so i might just put a little countersink on those just to ensure that the screws [Music] do sit flush we'll sit that in position so that's all square on there that's just holding that in position so now we'll do this side and just want to leave that little gap there we go what we'll do here is get the framing square on these blocks so what i think i'll do is get one screw on this end square it up again check it then screw this end we'll drill a few holes out roughly get that in position we'll put the panel saw in there maintain that gap framing square on make sure that is spot on yeah right about there just tighten that off double check the third stage is done so we've got our two blocks on there set at exactly 90 degrees got a nice gap down here which will allow the saw blade to nicely glide through and cut and miter our cobin now what we need to do is to get these thin strips glued and screwed to the baseboard on the inside and outside of these blocks now just bear in mind that not all coving is completely symmetrical what i mean is this point here or this measurement here is different to this measurement so it's not exactly the same height there as there so just check with the product that you're using so i need to make sure that this goes in the same way on the jig every time i'm using it i know that the measurement from here to here is 67 millimeters so what i've done is measured it from the bottom out on the inside and on the outside and then what i'll do is i'll glue and screw my strips along that line which will then give me my exact position for my cobin now i was going to use 30 mil screws to screw this batten down here but that is too long the screw is going to be too long so i've got some 25s which will be perfect well that's the jig made and what i've got to do is just try one internal cut here to get the blade in there hold that in still [Music] so i do just need to screw this down when i'm cutting and that is how the corner looks that is absolutely spot on i'm loving that right then let's see how it looks on the job [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] right then fantastic that worked really well it didn't take too long to make and it sure made easy work of putting that coven up i'm sure if you've got any questions or comments you're going to leave them in the box below aren't you and i'll do my best to reply awesome i'll see you on the next video [Music] you
Channel: Justin Bailly JBTV
Views: 90,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cove, coving, cornice, installing coving, how to fit coving, how to install coving, mitre cuts, coving corners, corners, cornice mitres, coving angles, how to make a mitre jig, how to make a coving mitre jig, coving mitre, fitting coving, how to cut mitres, how to cut coving, make a mitre jig, make a mitre template, coving template, cove mitre, jig, mitre, mitres, cutting mitres, internal corner mitre, external mitre corner, external angle, internal angle, make a mitre block
Id: GQftXHpi0Us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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