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hello and welcome to Vancouver carpenter today I'm going to teach you how to install a corner bead in a renovation so it's one thing to install a corner bead on fresh drywall when everything is relatively perfect and easy to do but it's a whole other thing when you're dealing with renovations so let's take a look at this wall right here so this was an old steel corner bead and it's built up about an eighth of an inch now what's gonna happen if we decide to go and put a corner bead on here just as it is is it will shrink too much on this side and it'll pull your corner bead over as it dries so what we need to do is we need to mix up some quick set and pre fill this spot I'm actually gonna do it in my butt today that looks awesome [Laughter] [Music] okay so it's mixed up and it's pretty thick because I don't want it slopping around and changing form as I apply it but what we're gonna do is pretty simple it's pretty simple I'm just gonna make sure I don't have any loose spots on here and now I'm just gonna apply like so so what we're trying to do here is make sure that it stays flat so you don't want to be pressing too much to one side and hollowing it out like that you want to make sure that it goes on nice and flat so making sure I have lots of excess material on there and then I'm gonna just pull like so making sure it's very flat on this surface and then what I like to do is just really quickly take off the excess like so just shave it off so now I'm just gonna let this set up and once this is set up it doesn't have to be dry just set then I'm gonna install the corner beat this quick set is now had a chance to set so it's time to give it a scrape to scrape off any niblets so that you can get your corner feet on nice and flush I've got my corner bead cut to length with a little half-inch gap now if you want a more detailed corner you can video check out some of my older videos on installing corner beads but we're gonna install this one real quick here so I've got some taping month make sure I have a nice even spread plenty of mud so now that I filled in that little gap I can just treat this like any little corner beat just install it nice and quick make sure I have you know good liberal amounts of mud on there solid 8 to help this minute stick and my mind is quite runny makes it easier for pressing the corner bead on and wiping the mud out push it up to the ceiling okay and I give it a little wiggle as I'm installing it looks like I'm giving you guys a debriefed gonna be to install a video after all okay so when I'm squishing the mud out this is what I'm doing now I'm kind of using my fingers pressing on this tape on flange and then pushing the mud out now just a little bit I'm gonna keep jiggling it to make sure it's where I want it and now and now is the time where you check it so I've got a bit too much mud under some of this part so I'm going to make sure to squeeze it out but what we want to make sure is that we've got daylight so look down there you can see that there's a little bit of room to fill just a little check yeah that looks great great a little bit hole here still or I need to pull the bead of it not bad not bad probably just a bit too much mud under here now we're looking good that's tight [Applause] okay so that is how you install the corner bead in the renovation when you're going from a new wall to an old wall anyways thanks for watching Vancouver carpenter I hope you found this video useful be sure to check out my video on how to cope corner beads if you want to know what to do next so thanks for watching and until the next video
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 79,194
Rating: 4.9515533 out of 5
Keywords: drywall, corner, bead, mud, tape, fill, coat, cornerbead, install, fix, repair, taping, mudding, sanding, paper, joint, compound, joint compound, plaster
Id: 28i6xTzig0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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