How To Install Base Kitchen Cabinets And Save $1000.00's Of Dollars

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okay now as you can see we mounted our upper cabinets up on the wall we put our ledger boards underneath the bottom so that the cabinets sit on top of it and we screwed into the wall now as far as the base unit and the corner right here you can see we have a couple of plumbing issues we have to deal with that was the actual clean-out and the drain pipe we have the outdoor water coming through the wall as well as the other two we need to put through the base of the cabinet we are going to change this dishwasher and panel here as well and as our tools are going to accomplish that with as you can tell the cabinet itself we had to do a couple of alterations on it which I will show you in just a minute down on the one corner where the pipe actually protrudes through the wall we need to make a cutout in the base cabinet itself to accommodate the clean-out which is going to be down below so we just cuddled a small little hole in the back of the cabinet itself for the clean-out and then we down on the very bottom of the cabinet with a pipe goes down into the concrete we needed to trim off down the bottom there because it's gonna interfere very slightly with the bottom there as well so that'll give us enough clearance to get that corner unit in and it won't touch into the pipes itself and we have all the marks on the wall where everything is gonna line up that's our level line across where each cabinet is going to be located these are the pipes that are gonna be in the sink base unit we're gonna cut holes through the base unit to accommodate it and this is how the end panel is attached we are going to take the panel off and replace it and a new panel you see it's gonna line up with that line again across the top of the wall and then you can see them on the bottom of the base cabinet here where those little water lines come in we needed to cut a small little opening to sit over the top of those lines so they don't interfere with it okay now that we have our base unit in place we shimmed it to make sure that everything was level and plumb top bottom front to rear side to side as well as up and down so everything is perfectly leveled out we use shims underneath the the bottom of the cabinet to lift it up as needed to make everything so that is level and plumb now we'll also what we did is we came in the back over here and we put those screws in the back into a beam to secure the cabinet again we put whatever shims we needed in the back to make sure that we didn't distort the cabinet when we screwed the screws into the beam to secure the cabinet in place all right most important make sure everything is level and plumb all around front back sides all of everything okay next we take our our next cabinet and we bring it over and again we do the same exact thing we make sure that that's perfectly level across the top it has to be as near perfect as possible so we don't have any issues with the the granite counter when we install that later on so again we make sure it's it's level and plumb top back and sides to the you know to the other unit and then after that we come around here with with screws and we join the two cabinets together on the the hinge side over here we drilled in here we pre-drilled the holes and then we put in the screws and we screw them tight together so that the face frame lines up exact on the top and the end knees and the front exactly okay so now that we have a base unit in here the sink base unit you can see we cut out for all of the plumbing and we put that over the top here so that we can later on we can actually connect up the valves and everything for the sink we cut out a drain opening in the back and this is for our external faucet outside the water Fetty gardening so we have the the unit in we have it clamped together against the next is the the Troy unit we made sure it's level right across the top right here we made sure it was perfectly straight here and we clamped it together we put our shoes down underneath the bottom to shim everything up so that is perfectly leveled we shin to here and we actually shimming it down on the bottom on the other sides over here to make everything level we put our level over the top of it and we just make sure that it perfectly level here and this way here as well which is level and of course this make sure it's perfectly level so everything is perfectly leveled and squared the way it's supposed to be now we're going to come in over here and we're going to install the screws that go into the face of the cabinet to hold it to the face of the cabinet over here I'm going to put three screws in but that's personal preference I like putting three in there because it keeps it nice and tight the the joints all right so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to drill down on the bottom here I'm going to pre-drill this cabinet here with the drill so that this screw goes right into here and then this part here will cut his threads going into the face of this cabinet here alright so let me let me do that and we'll just drill a through [Music] now you only want to drill through partially as you can say I only drilled it through partially now what we're going to do is we're going to countersink this hole because the head of this screw will be sticking up and you can see how it's tapered right here so we're going to countersink the hole now if you don't have any countersink you can just use a drill bit to just put a little bit of a groove in here to the countersink the head or if you have something like this you can countersink it as well so let's so let's do that real quick just a little bit like that for the screw to for this part of the screw head to actually be recessed down into it so let's go just a tiny bit more just like that the face is nice and straight the bottom is nice and even down here as well and now we're going to drive that screw in half so let me let me get my screwdriver and you can see how flat that is against here so that you don't have anything sticking out alright now we're going to put another one here and then we're going to put another one up in the top up here as well so let's let's just do that you only wanted to a partially throw I drill works better if you drill in a little bit then you pull out then you can drop all of the filings off now we're gonna count on the sink that hole just a little bit I'm screwing make sure again that is perfectly flush here and then we could screw it all the way in okay we're going to do one more up top right here [Music] okay so now while faces are all screwed together we have everything shipped on the bottom where it's supposed to be here check the level here now the last thing we're going to do is we're going to come in the back right up over here where I walk the beam I'll go to install a screw right inside there so let me grab a screw and we'll come right back okay I just would explain what shims are shims are actually tapered pieces of wood like that it starts out very thin on the bottom and as you go up it's tapered to get much thicker and the reason is like that is because if you have a very small gap you have this in there and then you just slide this hem down until it actually takes up the space behind the wood and then you know you're in your shim door properly alright but there's lots of different kinds this is just one of the cons that pick up that I picked up in the big box store alright and the shim goes in here just like this the reason you put a shim in there is because the wall itself may not be perfectly straight and if the wall is not perfectly straight then you put a screw in here you're going to bow the back of the of the cabinet itself so that's why we put shims and they have to keep that from happening alright so now we're ready to put our screw in here we're going to just drill through the wood the reason we drill the wood like that is because sometimes when you put a screw in it splits the wood that's why we pre-drill it and that's it so now that's this cabinet we're gonna check it one more time in the back over here with our level to make sure it's level which it is we're going to check it this way to make sure there's actually level this way which it is and of course up in the front right here as well all right so this this cabinet is now finished we're just going to take a utility knife such as this and we're going to come in here we're gonna cut these shims off very easy you just take the utility knife and you just strike it across here a couple times and then you break it off like that same thing in the back alright so we'll break those off too and then we're ready to do our dishwasher in here so all right we'll come back and we're ready to put the dishwasher in and we'll continue okay so we got the dishwasher in we actually have you know obviously when you put a dishwasher in you have to make sure that is underneath the counter where the granite is going to go we did put a level on the front of this to make sure that it is level and plumb we did connect up the electrical and we we ran the the discharge line over through here where it's going to come into the sink once the granite counter is put back in with the sink attached down to the bottom down there you can see down here I put a hole through over here because I'm going to run the supply line into the into the dishwasher all right but the dishwasher is all connected now you know you have to have 24 inches from point to point we did install this side piece right here as well and as you can see I put a filler in the back over here the filler is because the ground is going to sit on top of that filler and I put an L bracket in here to hold the corner nice and tight we are gonna put a piece across the top here to here over the top of the dishwasher to make sure that it remains 24 when the granite is put back in here so that we are going to do as well the basin that you can see is in I do have the line in which you see right over here that line I'm gonna replace it but again that's close to the outside so that'll be a you know in the video later on once the sink is put back in and then we can reconnect all the plumbing here all right everything as you can see is up against the back right here it's up to the line so we have everything is nice and level throughout we have to put a filler strip on here so that we have the cabinets or even with the top itself top cabinets are in as far as I can go because that cabinet right there came damaged so I'm waiting for a replacement so this these cabinets are in and this one here we're waiting for a replacement door because the door itself was warped and this one we're still waiting on this one over here did not come in yet that one didn't come in yet all right other than that the tops are in and that's it all right so once we get the other the other cabinet and and wrap it up and like I said down on the bottom down here I'm waiting for my tiles to come in because I'm gonna actually put tile down on the bottom down on the kick plate down there with a toe kick they call them I'm going to put that in there as well now I'll have to grout the tiles on the other side there as well alright this one I'm probably going to chisel this tile out but we'll see how that goes I may just try putting one in there if it doesn't work then I might chisel that tile out but we'll see how it goes alright but that's it that's the update on the project until we get the replacement is probably going to take I think three weeks before I get the replacements but the granite I'm gonna have the guy come in and template it and we'll get this wrapped up and I'll show you that when he catch to it as always thanks for watching and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Get It Done Home Repair
Views: 60,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how do i install lower kitchen cabinets, how do i level cabinets, how do i shim cabinets, how do i install kitchen cabinets, how do i attach cabinets, how to install kitchen cabinets, kitchen cabinet installation, installing cabinets, how to install cabinets in kitchen, how to install cabinets, install kitchen cabinets, how to remove kitchen cabinets, cabinet installation, removing kitchen cabinets, hanging kitchen cabinets, install cabinets, how to remove cabinets from wall
Id: RrgdO8fSwc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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