Arch Install and Hyprland setup

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what's up guys welcome back to the channel today I'm going to show you how to install Arch Linux and I'm also going to show you how to set up hyperlend a tiling Windows manager that I think is pretty neat and I'm going to share my config with you all right let's get into it I'm so let's do Tech all right so the very first thing we want to do is download the lettuce ISO so we'll open up our browser and head on over to Arch once the site loads uh we'll head on over to the download section and we scroll down to find our nearest mirror where we can download from is plenty of mirrors all around the globe so I'm going to pick one that's near me and I'm going to grab the iso right over here this next step is optional but it's always nice to know how to do I'm going to show you how to verify to check some of the file here we have the hash folder file and if we open up our terminal there we go now we head on over to the download section where our ISO is and windows has this little tool called circuitil so we'll type that in and we'll give the parameter of a hash file and in here we'll get the name of the iso here it is and now we need to give it the type of checksumptions so it's going to be the sha256 and here we go so now it calculates the checksum and here's the hash and we can compare to see if it is indeed matching what we expect it to have from the site and sure enough it matches and now we're going to download Rufus so we'll open up our browser and type Rufus into Google and Rufus is a tool that lets us create bootable USB drives from an ISO so here's the site we'll scroll down and here is the download link so we'll click on that all right let's go ahead and plug in an Mt USB drive and let's open up our file explorer and go to our download folder and here we have the two files so we'll open up Rufus first thing we want to do is make sure that we're on select and we are and let's hit select and now let's pick the ISO and at this point we are ready to go so we'll click Start we'll tell it to right and we'll say yes and okay this is actually a confirmation that it will delete everything off the drive so make sure that was empty and you didn't need anything off of it with that complete uh we're ready to close the program and at this point we can actually shut down our computer because we're getting ready to install Arch Linux all right at this point it's important to know that we are going to be installing a brand new operating system onto the computer this means that your current Drive will have all data deleted off of it so please make sure you back it up actually I recommend that you get a separate drive for your Linux installation and keep your windows Drive untouched so I'm going to use this two terabyte drive right here to install Linux on and use that for my Linux install and keep my windows Drive separated now with the USB drive plugged in turn on your computer holding the Escape key this will give you the boot menu and you can go ahead and pick the USB drive to boot from and you'll get the Arch Linux installer booting up and now that we're at the prompt we are ready to start the installation first step is to get the laptop connected to the internet so we'll use the iwctl command this allows us to connect the Wi-Fi so we'll use the command station and then wlan0 and show this will show us what we're doing with the Wi-Fi commands so right now we're not scanning so we'll do up key and we'll change show to scan and here we go we're scanning now and now we're going to change the command to connect and we'll start typing our SSID in my case it's sold as Tech Wi-Fi and hit enter and now we'll type in the password and as you can see we're connected and we are sending data so we're good we can quit now and at this point I'll clear the screen this next step is optional but I find it very useful when trying to install arches to actually update the gpg keys uh so I'll go ahead and say Pac-Man key dash dash init and then after that I'll go ahead and do Pacman key dash dash populate and Arch Linux and this updates all the keys here we go and at this point we are ready to actually start the install so we'll use Arch install and hit enter and here's our installer first thing is our language English is fine here uh keyboard us is okay now I'm going to choose the mirror region and you can scroll through here and find your region but or you can forward slash and just start typing so I'll pick United States language is fine coding is fine drives okay so here we pick the job we want to install too again this will delete everything off the drive so be careful uh make sure you pick the right drive so here's my two terabyte I'll hit space and select it and now I have an option for disk layout so now here we have different options that we can do we are going to pick the wipe all so again it's going to delete everything here's our file system Choice I'm going to pick um ext4 and would I like a separate partition for home I'm going to say no to that this encryption I'm going to keep that off again all the stuff is optional depends on what you want to do bootloader I'm going to use grub even though it's not the default I'll use grub uh I'll keep a swap keep the host name same I can always change that later I'm not going to set a root password and I'm going to create a user account so let me click on that I'm going to add user so here's my user and here's my complicated password and I'm going to make sure it's a super user I'm going to say yes and now I'm going to confirm and exit now I'm going to pick a profile so we have four different profiles desktop minimal server and xorg this is going to be a minimal install so I'm going to go ahead and pick the minimal profile in audio I'm going to pick an audio server I'm going to choose pop wire uh kernels I'm not going to change anything here additional packages I'm going to add git let me type that in here we go and space and I'm going to use neovim as well because I enjoy using that text editor I'm going to hit enter it's going to verify and sure enough it found packages for it so we're ready to go uh network configuration I'm going to use network manager and time zone I'm going to click on that same thing uh as the mirror list you can scroll through it or forward slash and then start typing in your Zone mine is going to be the Los Angeles area so I'm going to pick that and on the option of repo I'm going to pick the multi-lib library just in case and now that I'm ready I am going to choose the install and the install is going to kick off now this install is going to download a whole bunch of packages from the internet it could take a long time go get yourself a cup of coffee and come back I'm obviously going to fast forward here at this point feel free to pause while your machine is downloading all the packages all right now we're at the end and we can go ahead and unplug the USB drive and hit no on this option and then we just type reboot and that's going to reboot our system into Arch Linux all right after the system boots we get the login screen so we'll type in our username and password and now we need to connect it to Wi-Fi so we'll use the NM CLI command here and we'll use device keyword and we'll say Wi-Fi and then we'll say connect and now we'll put in the SSID in my case it's solder stick Wi-Fi space and a keyword password and now you have to actually type in the password for your Wi-Fi so mine is obviously blurred out and we'll hit enter and we'll get a confirmation in a second here that it is connected and sure enough it was successful now we need to install a package manager called yay so we'll CD into the op directory and we'll do a sudo get clone and we'll type in the URL which is all going to be in the description this is the Aur for Arch Linux yay Dash get dot get here we go hit enter and it's going to ask us for our password again so we'll type that in and it's going to download and clone the repo now if we do an analyst we can see that this is owned by root we need to change the owner to be our users in my case it'll be Seoul call and soul and now we can see that Seoul owns that directory we can see the Intuit and we'll do a make package Dash SI and hit enter it's going to want to download go we'll say yes to that and here we go yay is installed now we'll type in yay dash s u y to update it and it's going to connect and everything is ready and now we are ready to download my project which has all the config files in it as well as a setup script so let's head on over to opt and we'll do a sudo get clone and my project is on GitHub so we'll put in the URL forward slash Soul does Tech forward slash uh hyperland.get we'll hit enter and it's going to clone it to the local location here we go now again uh this folder is owned by root so we'll do a sudo Channel Dash R so it's a cursive and we'll say soul call and soul hyperlane for you will be your username obviously for me it's soul and now we can City into hyperland and we'll look at the directory structure so here's all the configs and the set hyperscript is the one that we want so we'll change that to an executable here we go and now we'll go ahead and run it so the first thing it will ask me if I want to disable the Wi-Fi power save I'm going to say yes to that that's going to make my Wi-Fi connection more stable took care of that for me the next thing is do I want to install the packages well of course so yes and it's going to go through and it's going to reach out and download everything that we need for hyperlend all right when it's done it's going to ask me if I want to copy the config files I'm going to say yes because I would like all the config files to be copied it's going to ask me if I want to install the Starship shell in my case I do so I'm going to say yes and it's going to say do I want to install the Asus Rog software because I have an Asus Rog laptop I'm going to say yes to that all right now we got all the software that we need and it's asking me if I want to go ahead and start hyperlink now I'm going to say yes let's go ahead and start and here we are we have a fully working uh hyperland installation and it's fully configured and ready to go all right so let's get familiarized with the system on the very top it's called the way bar we have a microphone volume so we have mute and unmute when you click on it same thing for the speakers when you click on it you can mute it another click it's on mute you can use your mouse scroll wheel to increase and decrease the volume we have a monitor brightness control over here which is not going to work because I have an output to an HDMI and uh we have our battery we also have because we installed Asus Rog software a way to switch our power profiles so we have one click for performance another click for quiet another click for balance uh next thing we have our temperature and if we Mouse over we can see it in Celsius we have our Bluetooth it shows me that it's on and I also have my Wi-Fi connection it shows me the Wi-Fi strength as well as additional information about my Wi-Fi network in the center here right now we don't have anything open but this is where the title bar is going to be for each application that we launch we also have our workspaces here that can be up to 10 workspaces uh and now we also have our temperature local temperature and nice and sunny 69 degrees not bad and we have our clock and calendar free Mouse over we actually get a month view for the calendar all right so now let's dig in a little bit deeper and see exactly what we got here if we hit the window key and Q together we'll get a terminal and now we can see the into our home directory and then sit into the dot config directory here's all the folders with the configuration files for everything that we installed and the one we want to look at right now is the hyper directory and inside there we can take a look uh we have our you know background image we have a configuration we also have an executable in there for the portal let's take a look at the config so we'll open that up first thing that we see is the monitor so right now it's set up for the preferred auto but I've also left the config in there for if you want to do dual monitors or if you want to get an idea on how to set up your monitoring different resolutions different refresh rates so the DP will be the external monitor the EDP is your internal monitor um over here we're executing some stuff this is where we're starting our way bar and where we're setting up our uh background image uh we scroll down we have some additional options everything is documented the wiki I left links for the wiki in the config file if you want to go and look and see exactly how to tweak and customize your installation and make it more unique to you um here we have the various animations that are set up right now and our different gestures and over here we can set up some windows rule so this will allow us to make some of these uh Windows a little bit more see-through so over here you can see that I have kitty which is our terminal set up with the opacity of 0.8 and that's what you're able to see through it and here we have our key binding this is how we tell hyperlink which application to launch so the first one we already know it's a Windows Q to launch Kitty next one is Windows shift X that will kill an active window then one after that is Windows L which will lock your screen so I'll go ahead and demonstrate that right now here we go and um to get out of this you can just type in the password and hit enter so I'm gonna try that right now and here we go um it also will capture if somebody actually uh typed in the wrong password so let me show you that and now when I start typing my password again I'll see the number one there which tells me that there was one bad attempt um the next one is uh Windows key M and that will let you uh do the log out screen uh which there's the various things here you can reboot you can shut down you can log out you can also lock the screen uh the one after that is Windows shift M this is a force exit of hyperland uh the one after that is going to be the shift e which is a graphical file browser named thunder so let me launch that here we go so this allows us to browse our file system let me go ahead and close that we go all right um the next one is uh Windows V this allows us to actually toggle the window from being tiled to floating so let me demonstrate I'm going to hit the windows V key right now and as you can see I can make this window smaller and I can grab it and move it around now this is not a full-blown Windows environment right so let me launch another window right now there we go and then I'll make that float as well and I'll make it a little bit smaller here we go and I'll move it around and as you can see it's not exactly a great experience with multiple windows um when they're not tiled but it's still doable so let me close it and then if I hit Windows V again it will put it back into tile mode here we go and then the next one is Windows space and that launches the graphical launcher so all the applications that I'm going to install are going to show up in here and then I can just pick them from a menu and click on them and run them and there's a few other options here um again this is all customizable you can definitely make change those if you don't like the key binding and you want to make it your own you can definitely do that this Windows s key is for taking a screenshot and very self-explanatory right there now if you do have an Asus laptop then uh there's some key binding already set up for us access laptop this particular one is for the Rog g15 that I have and this key binding right here will actually launch the Rog control panel which is an excellent utility it'll allow you to control your your fans um curves um as well as control your keyboard lighting so I'm going to change this here to a little purple light it kind of goes with this theme and I'll update my battery here to stop charging at 80 since I have my computer plugged in most of the day and there's various other um key binding in here I also have um the volume already set up I have key binding for switching the the fan curves which is going to be the different Power modes right over here for brightness as well for the screen brightness as well as for the keyboard brightness so nothing is already set up and next are the default key binding for various movements within hyperland switching between Windows moving Windows to different workspaces uh this is very straightforward if you look at the config um very easy to understand next what I would like to do is I'd like to get this program and any other program that I've installed to actually follow the theme that I have here um already set up so this is an xfce program so I'll go ahead and load the xfce appearance settings a little utility and I'll pick the Dracula theme which kind of fits this whole look and I'll go to icons and I'll do the same thing with the icons here we go so now we're looking pretty good um I'm also want to make sure that my gtk themes are set so I'll open up LX appearance and I'll do the same thing here so I'll switch to Dracula and same thing for the icons all right now everything looks the way I would like it to look all right at this point I want to install a browser my browser I'm going to choose chromium you can choose any browser you like um so I'll go ahead and use yay dash s and chromium I'm going to put in my password and it's going to go ahead and install all the packages needed for chromium all right let me close the terminal and now with chromium install I'll just do windows space to open up my graphical launcher woofie and then I'll scroll down and look for chromium there it is and then I'll go ahead and hit enter and chromium launches um I'm going to go ahead and switch the theme so I'll click on the side here and go to settings and then click on appearance and I'll tell to use the gtk theme here we go then one more thing we need to do here is because we're running on Wayland we need to go to Chrome colon forward slash forward slash Flags hit enter and in the search bar let's type Wayland and we'll switch the first one to enable for pipe wire and the second one down there will make sure it says wingland and then we'll say relaunch and now we're looking good now I would like to make this window see-through so I'll open up my terminal again so Windows Q and I'll see the into the config folder and the hyper folder and I'll edit my and I'll scroll down and find my windows rule down below here they are and I'll uncomment the window rule for chromium what's nice is that once I do that and I save this file I don't have to restart hyperland it automatically reloads so now if I'll go ahead and launch chromium again as you can see it is see-through all right on this last section I want to talk about logging on logging back in since this is not a full-blown desktop environment uh it's important to understand how to do this so I'll go ahead and hit Windows M and choose the log out and that puts me back on to the command prompt so if I type in my username and password I get a command prompt so now I just type hyperlane with a capital h hit enter and I'll be back into hyperland thank you for watching the video guys I hope you enjoyed it if you liked the video please hit that like button please also consider subscribing to the channel and thank you to everyone that already has if you have any questions please hit me up in the comment section I do my best to answer all questions in a timely fashion thanks again guys I'm Sol wishing a nice rest of your day
Channel: Sol Does Tech
Views: 395,748
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Id: lfUWwZqzHmA
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Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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