Install HYPRLAND. Base installation on Arch Linux with Waybar, WOFI, Hyprpaper and KVM/QEMU support

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hello everyone welcome back to my channel in this video we will try out one of the most trending Linux window managers of today I will show you how you can install and test hyperlint hyperlink stands out by fully embracing the Weyland display server protocol positioning itself as a Cutting Edge and future oriented Window Manager through its integration into Wayland hyperlink guarantees high security seamless graphical performance and expanded compability with Graphics Hardware like many other window managers hyperlink is extremely customizable here are some examples installing and testing hyperlink is something I've been meaning to do for a long time and I managed to install hyperlint in the KVM qemu based virtual machine so I can test hyperlink without any risk and learn to configure the system and you can do this too but you can also follow the steps to run the installation on a real Hardware you can find all commands and the scripts that you will see here in the video in the description below and if you like that video please subscribe to my channel let's start first I want to prepare the virtual machine to do this I clone the Arch Linux base installation from the last video and name it Arch Linux hyperlint and click on clone okay now we have here our new virtual machine and I can start with the configuration because I have to enable the 3D acceleration for hyperlens this is required to run this window manager also here in display spice I have to enable opengl and the listen type is none and now we are ready to launch the virtual machine the system is booting up okay we can log in the first thing that I want to do is to install the AE to get access to the arch user repository with Aur Arch yay bin dot git so I clone now the files and I can CD into the a folder and I can start the installation with make pkg-s-i my password and I confirm the installation and now we are prepared to install hyperlens I clear the terminal again and I install the packages with yay dash s hypernand dolphin my file manager Wolfie the application starter hyper paper to set up a wallpaper and electricity is my terminal emulator I confirmed the installation and the installation is done I clear again the terminal normally you would start hyper rent now with hyperlant command but in my case I'm running hyperland in virtual machine I need to set two environment variables to do this I create a script I switch back into my home directory and create a script with whim start and these are the two environment variables the first one is needed to get mouse support individual machine on Wayland and the second parameter enables the 3D accelerated software rendering and the last one is to start hyperlint I save the script clear the terminal and now I need to give the script execution rights with change mode plus X start hyper and now we are ready to go let's give it a try dot slash start hyper the system is booting up and here is hyperlint before we use the system now I will leave the window manager again with super key m clear the terminal and open the configuration file of hyperlint with CD dot config hyper and in this folder it's the hyperlamp curve with whim hyperland.conf okay the first one is that I that I comment the auto generated equals one out this is yellow bar on top that you have seen and here I in the monitor section I will enter my screen resolution and I do not want to scale the screens or with one I can disable it the keyboard layout is VE in my case when I scroll down I see here first key bindings the super key is defined here with super um but I don't want to start my terminal with Super Key Queue I want to start my terminal Super Key return and I don't want to use Kitty I want to use my alacrity I kill an active application with Super Key Queue and I would say that's it for now all right save the configuration clear again the terminal and switch back to my home directory and start the script again yeah and now I have the right screen resolution available and I can start my alacrity with super key return I also can start a second terminal of the Super Key return I can switch to the second workspace with super key 2 and I start again a terminal and I can switch back to workspace one with super key one so you see already the very smooth nice animations are part of hyperlint now I want to configure my alacrity I want to have a transparent background here and I also want to increase the padding here I CD into the config folder and create a folder a legacy now I can copy the default configuration of electricity into that folder with CP user share doc alacrity example and then we have here the electricity yml into the folder that I've just created config electricity let's CD into the folder and here is our electricity configuration let's open the configuration with rim and when I scroll down I need to uncomment window and the padding value here and I change it to 10. and when I scroll down a bit further then we have here the opacity and I changed this to 0.8 and let's give it a try I save it close determiner and start again and I have alacrity with padding and transparent background looks much nicer now we can set up a wallpaper I want to download some wallpaper I can do this from my gitlab wallpaper.kit okay this is done when I know open my home directory I see new folder wallpaper perfect and here are now some wallpapers available okay let's use it um as a background wallpaper to do this I need to create a new configuration file for hyper paper all right CD into the folder config hyper and create a new configuration file with whim High part paper Dot conf and this is how the configuration file looks like the first line is I want to pre-load the wallpaper into my memory and then I set the wallpaper on all of the screens in my case I only have one screen um with setting the variable wallpaper and don't forget to set the comma before the path to your wallpaper image now I save the file and go back into the hyperlink config with Vim hyper because at the top of the configuration file I can Define all the applications that will be start at the launch of hyperlink with exec once weighbar will come later and Firefox is not needed so only at the moment hyper paper this is the application that I want to start at the beginning I can save this and I can exit hyperlint I can clear the terminal and I can start hyper land again and now I have a wallpaper defined so it looks super nice already okay now I want to set a bar for hyperlens I will use way bar first of all I have to install it with EA Dash sway bar and here we are way bar is installed I need to configure the way bar to do this I create again a folder in the config folder with mcad there way bar and here is now the way bar folder visible and next I want to copy the default weighbar configuration from Etc xtg way bar config into the new folder and when I now CD into waybar you will see that there is a config file available and I open the config file with Rim config and here are some configuration needed first of all I Define that the waiver will appear on the top of the layer and the modules left is the I want to enable a workspace indicator I replace sway with wlr and the rest should be fine for now module Center are not needed and the rest I will keep the standard here okay I can save and close the file I clear the terminal we need an additional installation because the way bar includes icons font awesome items that's why we need to install the true Drive font or font awesome with yay s through type font awesome now we can test it let's start the way bar with entering way bar and here's the way bar up and running with icons and the workspace indicator so when I switch to workspace 2 then I have the workspace tool visible and I can switch back to workspace 1 and workspace 2. okay it seems to work let's stop way bar because I want to configure hyperlink to start Weber with the launch and to do this I open again the hyperlint config and add waybar to the exec once and the ampersand and it's close it stop hyperlens and start hyperlink again with our script and here we are a wallpaper available and the way bar as well yeah it looks very nice I want to change two more key bindings I Define the key bindings of hyperland in the hyperlink configuration and when I scroll down you see here the existing keyboard bindings and because I want to show you Wolfie the application launcher and I use in my Q type installation the key command Super Key control and return and here is Wolfie and I can start several applications directly with that application startup I close Row V and now I want to change the key binding for Dolphin as well I don't want to have E I want to have F Super Key f for file manager let's see if it's working Super Key f yeah and here is my file manager he is dolphin and you can also see here in the folder all my wallpaper and I can close it again with Super Key Queue I will definitely give hyperland a try and this is also for you a good starting point for your own experience with hyperlint and that's it for today hyperland installed in a virtual machine I'm very happy with the result and I hope you will like it too then see you next time
Channel: My Linux For Work
Views: 74,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arch, Linux, Digital Workflows, Linux Installation, Linux Configuration, Linux Distrubution, Virtualization, Terminal, Scripting, Script, Arch Installation, Arch Install, Installation, linux tips, arch linux tips, linux tutorial, arch linux tutorial, how to install linux, how to install arch linux, linux for beginners, learn linux, Hyprland, install Hyprland, hyperland, install hyperland, tiling window manager, dynamic window manager, Arch linux review
Id: V7nP-To0630
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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