How to Install a Porcelain Driveway from Start to Finish: Tips and Tricks.#porcelain #driveway

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okay so this is the property we're going to be working on this is what all the fest is going to be about so a nice little area here at the front of the tile little uh ramp area there we have to do um going around the side over there and let's take you for a little look around the back as well we're gonna be putting some artificial grass in around the back on this oval area so let's go for a quick spin around the back so that oval area there that's going to be dug out today and that's going to be artificial grass which is going to go into there and a little bit of stonework by here so where you see the border there around the actual grass area that's going to be the deco tiles we're going to cut those into like wedge shapes and that's going to be the exterior to that this area here we're going to take that out and we got some new aluminium brushed aluminium posts to go in they're in the garage but we're not gonna be doing that at the moment we're gonna be concentrated today on the dig out and there's um a patio area around the back indian sandstone that needs to be rejointed as well because it's starting to fall apart and we're gonna use the marshall's exterior joint and grout for that but yeah this is what it's going to be all about really really looking forward to this job so yeah stay tuned because it's going to be amazing so there's my good mate josh you'll probably recognize him from the last video so we're gonna start digging up an area by here so we can add all the earth and stuff around the back to it so the truck for their technology is coming friday two o'clock and four o'clock so we should be able to get rid of at least 26 turns by the weekend so yeah let the dig begin there's my man i'm gonna have a little blaster on the back now to get the oval sticker on the pit out the front i'll leave you to it now okay so we've got two loads out probably about 26 tons so i'm going to start getting rid of the first load yeah something i use paul fowler typical cardiff so yeah nice to see the first load going so first pile's gone josh is busy digging out now the next little section and i'll be going now in the next couple of hours so good to see you've been dug up you could see it being taken away as well so monday morning back on the job josh is around the front sticking some more of the driveway up so i thought whilst he's doing that i'm gonna come around the back where the oval is the uh we're gonna do the artificial grass and the border and uh we got six inches out already so i'm going to stick the whacker plate on it now just firm up all the ground ready for the hardcore to come on so yeah round and round we go with a whacker plate so only just once over with that because it wasn't any hardcore it was just the earth so just flattening down the earth for now so uh back around the front or actually no i might even um put some pegs down and start shaping the oval yeah maybe that's a better idea okay i'm only a little set out around the back i've just set some pins up for this oval so i'm basing the oval lining up with the middle of the window so at least when they're looking out the window everything's symmetrical so um we started filling up the back with hardcore already i put two inches down already and compacted that now we're going to start printing more on top there was so much hardcore around the front and the um under the existing driveway what was there so we just separated the bricks and started bringing around it's pointless how many are all taken away then bringing back the same stuff so utilize what you got stick it in the hole so more stuff going away josh is busy digging the hole down there all looking good all looking good so let's have a quick look around the back so i just put two loads of type one around here now just finish off compacting that so rather than throwing the stuff away i'll also use it so we're out the back of the moment we're gonna have a little mark out of this uh so-called overall we've now changed to a circle yeah we've gone for a circle design instead because the cuts which have to go around it will be so much easier if it's done circular so i've tied um some string line to some um some spray paint and i put a bottle top on the end of the string line sticking over the peg and that allowed me to spin it around without the string coiling around the peg changing the measurement so i'm going to set that up now and give her a quick spin and mark it out testing testing at all [Music] so that's quick look around the front so our friend's looking good here's my man who's the man josh the man he's the daddy so we got um yeah we've had three loads out now so there's a bit of a pile there for tomorrow we've left x amount of the path so at least they can get in and out because the next load we got going out doesn't actually go out till uh tomorrow at two o'clock so there's no point in ripping all that up yet i'm also let them get into the house just in case you want to get some milk bread and stuff like that so we'll crack on with the rest of that tomorrow so back on the job tuesday morning huge dig out there's already about a hundred mil of hardcore going in so we still got we still got the 350 mil we were looking for so that's good plus 100 already down so yeah proper big thick driveway all coming together nicely he's just dropping a load of type one off and taking the last last load of spoil away so that would be 48 tons of earth and concrete removed and i've lost how many tons of actual hardcore's gone in it but let's just say loads okay let's uh go over what i'm going to be doing for levels and expansions so from this point straight to the house we're gonna have an expansion joint there and the patio slopes this way and it's gonna slope that way and then that'll be picked up then over the corner and an echo drain which i'm going to connect that today ready so that's that side of it and then here flush going straight across i'm going to put another expansion joint in there so regarding levels then from this side um the drive naturally slopes towards the house anyway so we've definitely got a great fall going that way so from this point now that slopes all the way over there to an echo drain which has already been plumbed out ready so that's ready in the corner um the house was sloping it this way so any water lands that way slopes across there picks up this line slopes across there into the echo drain over that side and that should be um tickety-boo that should pretty much be the levels i need okay back on the job again today prepping everything out ready for the concrete and contractors my mate lee over there he's busy tying up the steel hello youtubers i gotta say hello to the youtubers so this uh steel mesh is the a142 and that's going down on floors and bricks underneath it the bricks are 75 mil and then be another 75 mil on top of that which is looking for the 150 we're after um i'm about to do some shuttering by here now as well and i'll put another expansion joint in there but it's selling for the contractors when they're doing it tomorrow from the back of the house to there it's gonna run away and everything else from here so they run away and obviously everything goes that way so we're almost there now got plenty of steel left fingers crossed is enough but yeah getting on with it getting on with it love it right so close close but no cigar i can't find any spikes to do some shattering over there so concrete contractors aren't actually coming in until um midday tomorrow so that gives me plenty of time just to get a couple of miscellaneous parts finished but yeah i managed to keep it at schedule um we've already only started it thursday last week so it's five working days to get it to look like this so yeah i'm really happy with that and the levels are great so finished off all little snaggy bits um's calm before the storm now so i just had a call from uh justin he's on his way over with the boys so quick coffee so here we go the uh company i'm using today is south wales concrete pumping i've used them before on a couple of previous jobs so we're always nice to know you can trust somebody so i just given the ground a good soaking first so at least when the concrete gets poured onto it the uh moisture doesn't absorb into the ground too quick so you know put the hose around it and give her a good direction [Music] trucks here ready to start pouring so i'll spin it around and we'll film it going in [Music] all right ladies and gentlemen it's a wrap i am a little bit short typically so i'm going to let that go off a little bit squared it up stick some steel in it on monday morning then i'll add to it and the steel i'm going to stick out of it that'll help bind it plus it's already got reinforced feet in it already so no biggie but yeah it's either too much or too little and this time is too little oh well absolutely shattered so yeah there's maybe a ton short i was so it was actually a lot thicker than i thought in some places but i don't mind that you know thicker is better than less so i gotta put another ten in now monday for um at least they'll be able to walk on it tomorrow because they got a dog so they're going to want to take the dog for a walk so as long as they can do that that's great but um yeah a little bit short well i'll come with them all for um yeah we'll come back to that monday oh then we gotta let it set then for about six weeks before i can come back around and start tiling it so there's gonna be a bit of a pause in this video but all things take time especially the nice ones all right well there's my van gogh man right so this is it this is the driveway um it's reinforced concrete base of how much is in there um eight inches of reinforced concrete and then we've got about 200 to 250 mil hardcore underneath and it's gonna be a beast so i'm gonna break this video down into smaller bite-sized videos and hopefully then i can get one in at the end so today i'm gonna have a go at doing the path depends if i can cut enough tiles right so there's a load of ivory tiles what we're gonna actually spin about round the width of the actual pathway is 1.2 meters 1200 mil so we're gonna have a 300 mil border there a 600 mil copper tile there and another 300 mil border there it's gonna be um gray ivory copper ivory gray um yeah so there's a load there the ivory ready here is a load of gray yet to cut that's what i'm going to be doing next here's my saw there's my zoe here's my bad boy proper saw proper saw if you're gonna do a proper job you need a proper saw so yeah this tables uh this saw is actually really good because it's got a table on the side for oversized pieces like i've got on there at the moment i got an 800 i don't want too much balancing on this end because it when as soon as i do my chop it might fall off so that is basically gonna sum it up so yeah loads of tiles loads and loads of tiles i got my levels set up hang on let me go over here i got one there going right the way across am i going to be putting slot draining in down here got my string line on the left my string line on the right nice and level that way slight full this way we're taking it up to two courses to dpc height so right i gotta crack on with my saw and start doing some chopping testing testing testing just intestine testing testicles right i got about 30 of these i gotta cut so i got loads so it's all pretty set up here at the moment i've got a piece here on the back so every time i cut the slab take this piece off slide it set it up against this next cut so i've got about 30 of those to do so i'll show you one and then i'll just crack on with it and show you something there when i'm finished [Applause] there's one done um another 29 to go and that's just for the path overall linear meters for the entire job because we're having a double board around everything it's about the equivalent of about 250 linear meters so that's a lot of shopping so well actually you probably don't need 30 of these because these are 800s i did that calculation off of 600 but i'm also top 30 men awake is i need probably in total 100 100 of those 100 of the ivory so it's gonna take a while it's gonna take a while but yeah i'll bore you with the rest of this now i'm just gonna crack on and chop a load and i'll take the camera after when i'm laying some but pretty much ready to rock and roll now right okay so um yeah i've had a little set out of the doorway area i'm just prepping loads today so the sun's just come out which is going to make it a little bit harder to see but we got the gray we got the ivory and that's a piece of basalt there which is quite good actually the size of it's 400 by 800 but it fits perfectly in line with the door so that's gonna be one of the pieces there then around here then we're gonna have some more copper but until then i've started cutting out my corners i'm not gonna just butt corners up against each other because that'd be really boring so i'm gonna cut those on my zoe and one of the gadgets i had with this saw which is really good is this corner piece here i can set that up to the angles i want i can tighten it up keep it everything exactly the same position so i can just repetably cut the same tile again and again and again because that looks much better so then when the ivory then comes here i'll do exactly the same with the ivory i'll put a nice cut in the middle of it so i've got 16 corners all in all 16 corners um so i'm going to cut 16 of them in that positioner is there then i'm going to grab this thing take it off put it on the other side so i can do the other angle i did try cutting a tile upside down earlier to see if that would work but as you can see there's chipped it so that didn't work but worth a go so yeah i'm just prepping today yesterday on the saw virtually the whole day i chopped all those that was a long day took me a lot longer than i thought but um yeah there we go it's all in the prep in it it might take time to cut but as long as it looks awesome at the end of it and it's the best porcelain driveway on youtube i'm happy yeah i just had to quickly put a put a g clamp on so we don't move [Music] i do end up with a lot of off cuts like this some triangular pieces i do have to do something fancy by the entrance of the driveway as well so i'll put these aside these possibly might come in handy leo can do that there we go nice sharp cut with a good end and quite close the end's quite good there so uh happy days right i gotta make a big pile of those 30 32 of these i've got to make oh so yeah i won't bore you with that lot i'll um crack on every time we put one of these on line these up and i can just make sure every single one is the same okay i got my bed down so beds laid we're going to two courses below dpc and the main thing is primer we've got to get the primer on so give this a quick little uh once over and this will just help bond so i've had lots of people asking me i've had lots of people asking me about can you just use cement and sbr yeah if you want this is pretty much exactly the same thing for um when you're doing it day in day out i just prefer to use prop stuff okay so that's all primed up so lay this thing so so i'm taking this now this edge about 10 mil back from this corner which is around about there as you can see my lines are already set up so i've got a full then from this side of the tile to that side of the tile it's about a centimeter so any water is going to land on here it's just going to fly over to there so first one get that in place i'll set my level just to make sure i've got the right angle of the dangle people like to call it so we'll go from there to there get the glasses on can't see anything these days a couple of taps that's touching there nicely and same for this side on this side slightly more awkward this gate so just put that on there like that little taps that looks good so yeah the primer on i've come back about a centimeter off the wall here i normally do a centimeter because some of the brickwork might go in and out and if i'm doing a five mil type joint today it could um it could interrupt what i'm doing cool so yeah i'm gonna lay the ivory down there next i'm gonna stick this one copper one in small one by there i'm not gonna bother doing these cuts here yet i'm gonna do that later i just wanna get this area down there done so yeah after x amount of weeks months i'm finally laying so happy days right i can't stand around here chat to you lot i best get on with it so here we go we've got a bit of a start going on um you can see where i started it's a little bit messy but it always is a bit messy and i'm looking not gonna bother with that bit yet on this cut yet i'm just gonna run this lot in but you can kind of see the principle of what's happening i got my level string line there my string line there centimeter full over the top gray ivory copper ivory gray bish bosh so we're giving another go manage to get that bit done yesterday not a great amount but then i did finish about uh three o'clock my um my leg was still in bits killing me right yeah really nice colors actually i'll spin around so you can have a look okay so you should start got my echoes in got my corners set up um contrast looks nice actually it's hard to see at the moment properly because um maybe if i hear that angle no it's not supposed to yeah colors are actually really nice a bit of glare at the moment from the uh sun shining down it got my first cut to go in there another one to go around it and get around to here today we get the engines up around the back leo sticking a mix on um bright light bright light bright light kremlins okay so five mil spaces these clips have been really really really good especially for the ivory because they're so small they do want to move around so yeah nice one tyler's the uh they worked a treat yeah that's nice so imagine this all around here it's gonna look pretty cool isn't it oh that's gonna be the next bit then sorting out the fancy bit around the front dirty as hell at the moment that middle one there that's a basalt so that's the only other single color on the job which is kind of nice because it'll look like a door mat i think that was gonna be what we were going to use originally was a symphony matte deco if you can read it so yeah they took so long coming up with samples we ended up passing right okay mix on i better get down there and do something okay so i almost finished i'm gonna show you a little bit more so um yeah i was just showing you earlier the path really earlier but i might as well show you this bit i've done so these corners are really nice they're quite cool um yeah i got a water butt going in there for that bit oh spin this round ow so we got a water bot going in there in that corner and i still got to do some messing around with that pipe there so i haven't laid that one in a couple of tiles here on the corner they're just temporary at the moment until i cut a curve out of there because i got the border i got the double border around there as well the ivory and the gray um yeah there we go something um i'm not gonna bother showing anymore now not until my next video is gonna be the circular area here but that's gonna be a real mind bender that's gonna be tricky that's gonna be tricky this nice fencing's nice as well isn't it we've done that as well not too long ago this size goes around there in the corner that's pretty cool but yeah i'm just gonna i'm gonna upload this now tonight it's um almost like a bit of a teaser a little bit of a tease because i have been talking about this porcelain driveway for ages and i fosten driving possibly driving with passing driveways like yeah yeah yeah get on with it then let's see it so at least i'm on the job at least i'm on the job these have started after a long wait um yes i'll upload this tonight and um my next one then will be either i'll do some around the front on the drive i'll get some of those towels in next week or i'll do well i'll do a separate one for that one and i'll do one for this one for this circle a bit blah blah blah blah blah right okay so um right okay so even he's laughing every time i'm flipping say it right okay so i almost did it again just to continue almost right i'm not gonna i'm not gonna so well yeah kind of almost wouldn't it nearly nearly nearly right actually sign it one more time right okay so i'm going home like and subscribe if you like if not don't worry it's all good bye i gotta go see ya what's happening tiny bricks tidy tidy tidy tidy like so i left you the other day um with that bit done and yeah i posted that video um saturday i actually was really clever saturday i thought i'll post it at peak time so i did it on saturday around about five o'clock something like that so we get most views out of it um so yeah back on here today i'm gonna have to go the circle as you can see circle circle circle circle see the cement then all the way around it giddy so i did that the other day two allow me to cut the cuts and to lay them all down dry so i can go right the way around the circle because the last thing i want to do is hold one hole and hold one by the time i get all the way around to the start again end up with a little cut so i put the cement down on the floor already i still got a bed on top of it but it just allows me to put it down dry so i can make sure it all works um 72 cuts i've just done right i'm going to set the camera up on my stand and explain to you now how i'm going to make it into a visual i think yes i call it versus that's it i'm going to make some versois oh it sounds popular down a bit down a bit down a bit down a bit down a bit down a bit bang on right i'll show you how to do it versoire no doubt that's french so i got my center point as i showed you um come with a piece of string so i made sure my first tile is nice and square with the way it's gotta go um got myself a ballpoint pen so what i need to do oh it's gonna be lower i'm gonna pull this string line this end point here and then i get a mark mark that off there pull that round to the same mark that piece off there so i've got a string line straight edge now and i just straighten that up to this corner same there to that corner pop over to the saw and several hours later hopefully um i'll have them chops oh i love this bit not okay right let's start this one off with a right okay so so i've just set up my jig so i've got my mark there in the red pen you can just about see it and i go on that side so jig set up time for me to start shopping right so i've taken away the shuttering now i've got my pin there on the floor it's going to make sure it's circular so i'll show you my little gadget i've made up two pieces of string one end with bottle top on the end just so when it goes on here you can spin around and it doesn't get coiled round then the other end i got myself a screw two pieces of string line so when i pull it straight it will actually keep the nail straight as well because otherwise you could be going wrangles like that and like that so i've got two pieces of string on it and that will just keep it nice and straight so i'm going to go around now i'll pop the camera over and i'll just mark a couple of bits out and then i'll lay the versois out then and get them all nice and even because i don't want to end up with um a cut basically so i can lay them all dry put them all down if i can open the joints tighten the joints whatever i got to do just so i can keep that circle right well i'll pop this camera over there actually i'm also just moving all right if i put that like that so there's my string as you can see it keeps it nice and straight so i'll take this visual and hopefully you can see that so it's going to go around now and mark all my all my edges i'm quite sure if you can see that one i've actually caught the tripod but yeah that's a general idea keep it nice and straight so you can pivot all right boring blah blah blah but then say that might be useful for somebody it is quite cool one of those eureka moments [Music] there we go happy days so yeah i went round um i joined them all up i needed to cut another five and then i had to open up two inches throughout so i just went round i actually did two two round two loops trying to get it all nice and even but yeah all nice and even so i got a mix in the mixer now i'm gonna level off from there and level that way and level that way and um get that in today yeah my labor is not in today he's got a bad back ah bless so while she's got a bad back i'm going to do all the knick-knacks all the things only i can do and takes time so yeah perfect little number all right so lots of people mentioning the other day where's your knee pads where's your knee pads well thanks mr skye engineer left this around my house i got this as an e-pad that's actually pretty comfortable as well so right i'm not gonna lift up i'm only gonna lift up one tile at a time for instance i'm gonna lift that tile up stick a bed prime it glue it bang it down move on to the next one just so i know if i move them all then i'd have to figure out where the joints are again so one at the time um yeah pretty much it really okay so right okay so i'm mixed all right pop that one up stick the bed down prime the back of it as usual so yeah like i said before people did ask me about using sbr and cement yeah why not same thing really i suppose for um i just prefer to use the proper stuff you know when you're doing it day in and day out you've got to know right prime cement pop that on so it's in the same position as it was previous same size joint save some joint all i gotta do now is level it pop that on there so yeah just pick one up lay it pick one up lay it pick one up later um yeah always all about the prep though i got myself a little boat level as well so i can go sideways as well there you go right repeat repeat repeat what's going to say to them then um nah [Music] all right well i suppose you get the idea now cement primer tap tap tap level round and round and round around so yeah when it's all done then i'll just go around my level then and just tap tap taps and get everything perfect so don't forget as well when i finish doing this i've got to cut ivory for suarez next as well for this side of it okay right okay so right majority then i've just got to that one and that one was my first one so i haven't tried it yet i've actually left this last minute spray the moment this is where a big level finally see if i managed to get it level across or actually should be pointing it towards it tonight well it's on it reaches just a little bit high there on the right hand side but that's not too bad considering i was leveling around with the boat level so i started behind there oh i gotta do this slowly otherwise i'll spin out so yeah all that done with the boat level now i've just got to the end piece where i'm slowly getting to reach the corners that ends fractionally high talking couple of mil so yeah i'll just tap those down a little bit but um yeah i'm pretty happy with that that worked out well because you never know until you get to the end have you kept the level right um yeah so i'm doing the um ivory veneers today even though i got a really good saw and everything it's really hard to get my jig set up perfectly and if there is a little bit of tolerance from there to there like that might be a millimeter bigger than that one it really is affecting it so i'm ending up with uh happy little joints like that so i'm on to do i'm going to use my grinder and shave in the blade shaving the edge down a bit i'll set my camera up just so you can see it all right i gotta shave i'm gonna shave one of these down a bit i'm gonna can you see that one no you can't see that one let's turn the camera around that way a little bit yeah this edge there that needs sunny's a millimeter just off the edge here so like i said run the blade over it like that yeah that's much better that's much better see those lines now more in line with each other so it looks like i'm gonna have to do this now with all of them um wow 70 something 75 of them i got to do as well so this is going to take me a lot longer than i thought but if you want perfection you got to put the hours in didn't bother with that idea in the end getting a little grinder and shaving bits off for a time um all right that's interesting i scrapped the idea in the end of uh cutting loads with a jig then um trimming them down if i needed i just cut into each one individually is there any way to do it so um yeah i did it that way in the end so a couple of hours doing that now it's time for corned beef branston pickle and mustard sandwiches um so in case you haven't watched any of the preparation videos reinforced concrete base reinforced concrete base all in all by the tire by the time the tile gets on the top it's around about 400 to 500 mil deep so it's mega mega strong tiles we're using supplied by marshalls we're using a copper colored tile they're not very coppery at the moment because they're quite dirty we also are using let me show you the front there we go check that out that's the bit directly outside the front um around the perimeter of the driveway we're using a gray color with an ivory that is going to go right the way around and that's going to go down there across there back up here around there around there down here across there back blah blah blah a lot of cats take me about a week to do all the cuts so yeah like i said the towels are supplied by marshalls uk really great tile and um yeah can't wait let's get going let me just give you a little heads up on what it looks like so far this is the 14th of december so highly unlikely i'm going to get this wrapped up by krembo but the entrance looks really nice now let me just pull back a bit so you can see the door and the entrance tiled area um i do have a time-lapse camera set up as well which did actually play up yesterday i recorded what i was doing around the front there and i went to turn the camera off and um it didn't process anything so that was a bit crap right i've really got to get on with this today because i'm on my own again it's my labor uh it's got a bit of a bad back so i gotta crack on but i shall keep you updated and um you'll have a good idea what this looks like or while i'm here briefly as well i will come back into this the house the driveway obviously slopes this way so what i've done the front area there from the door slopes this way slopes that way and also slopes this way i did slay some tiles this morning which are nice and level now these tiles here they're all sloping down so any water lands on this it's gonna land there and come down this way and this section here is gonna act as a gutter i would say and all the water then can run into the echo which is going to be right in front of the garage i have actually just ordered that the aco is thick i mean thursday i need some more sand and stuff so right i'd love to stay in chat but it's been three minutes already and i gotta get a move on so he managed to get that bit in yesterday kicked all the clips off i went around the back i did a load of cuts for the curve now we're going to crack on on the front i'm going to do a little bit more what i'm going to do i'm going to finish that row off and then i'm going to do two more rows there then i'm going to stop and show you a little bit more information on it uh yeah we're cracking on quite well here now i haven't showed you me laying any tiles yet but um you will know so yeah as you can see i've got these got these clips i bought from tyler's tools so for instance one over there one over there grab three of these caps then the beauty of it the beauty with these clips as well you can actually tell what you've already laid so you know what not to actually stand on so that is the other beauty plus they really do lock them in place as well so my bed's laid i got my clips ready this is the tile i'm going to be doing next so i'm going to stick a bit of primer on there nice dollop of it not to be shy a lot of people have have asked me about using sbr and um i forgot what the other is that's behind cement yeah you can do that if you want you can use it but like i've said on previous videos when you're doing it day in day out you just want to use the prop stuff so right this one's going in here i'll plop that there check me out i do have my mat always people asking about that thing so i'll get it round about in place and what i like to do then i like to lock one off straight away so i know it's not going to shift around anymore a couple of five mil spaces well i know the bottom of the tile is pretty much where i want it i just gotta tap down this end now so that's pretty much blocked so two more spaces one in there one in there spin that on get it around about tight then what i like to do then i like to hit into the corner and then when i know that's hit into the corner my string line the string line's good it's actually come off keep it there let me just lift that string back up where it should be okay string line's telling me where it is all good to go now i can tighten up these caps now you don't have to tighten up too much for um that's tight enough for them to hold so i've got another big square to go in there and then the long long one to go in there then this is this row finished for this area along here then we're gonna have the same as i've been doing up against the house we're gonna go for an ivory and a copper and then a bit behind me that's gonna be a fancy pattern just like the entrance to the um the entrance to the house so yeah that's just my little way of sticking these tiles together looks good a couple more to do there then i'll show you then the levels and what we've actually done that direction to keep the water from heading towards the echo drain which is the most important thing because it's not a permeable drive obviously so you really do have to get your angles really good and so far i've been very successful oh look pucker so um yeah all right cool i'll crack on now stick a couple more i've uh there's um there's a curved bit i cut the other day so i've seen this manual cover here i'm not quite sure if other people get the same issues but um sometimes the plastic covers turn up and they're a bit warped actually can you see that's got a bit of a bend in it so that had exactly the same that had a right bend in it i did try choose the best of the bunch but that was pretty much the best i could do so what i've done hopefully it works it should work theory anyway um i've wedged it open to this to the size it should be so we got a nice size joint there and a nice size joint there but i've poured hot boiling water over it so i'm hoping that's kind of made the plastic a bit malleable if that's um that's the word i'm looking for so yeah so that was it there that bit i just wanted to just show you that a little bit because um i suppose lots of other people get the same issues so this is where we are on the drive we've managed to get this top section in now so what's going to happen here next is along that edge is going to be ivory then gray because that's going to correspond with the section there alongside the hedge so we stop that now so it's gonna be um ivory then gray um gray and ivory then a patch then in the middle that's gonna have some design element added to it a little bit later on but for now we're gonna stop there and it's about our past three it's gonna start getting dark in a minute we'll have a crack of that bit there tomorrow let me come over here so you can see some of the angles i've got going if you notice the this section outside the door that slopes towards this gutter section i've got in the middle and then the top slopes to that i have tried it yesterday the water does land on it and it comes off really well so we're going to continue that angle going towards the garage and the aco drains which arrived earlier from travis so that's a bit of a heads up for the angle of the dangle i like to say let's finish off with a shot of my van right until then we're going home we'll catch you tomorrow see you in the morning so bear with me right what we're going to do we're going to do a quick little test and show you how the water runs off the driveway my kind assistant mr lee johnston all right pour it all don't be shy and the rest of it and the rest and the other way i said that's it get it all over there chuck it chuck a chucky chucky jacket so let's watch the water come down and you can see it's already moving the direction i want it to move so that was one thing i was quite nervous about on this job was doing a porcelain driveway i just obviously not porous and the water you can still see it moving moving moving moving and then that's going to connect up to the echo drain over there but yeah works well which is a result because otherwise it didn't work well i'm sacked like a dog woof woof test and test and testing so here we go we're on uh part four is cracking on so what what it looks like so far is this um we're gonna do a small section behind lee over there this morning we can get the bit where the string line is back that way then today tomorrow then we can come this way wednesday thursday we can have a blast of that but over there but what we have to do because there's so many different variants of colors of tile we've got three different type of batches we've got a batch here where they're all pure copper then we've got another two batches there where the back ones are mostly dark and the ones in front here they've mostly got a bit of each so we don't want to end up laying the tiles then the last section we got they're all predominantly one specific color so we're having to sort everything out so yeah it's all part of it though we've got to do that so right i'll show you what today's plan is where we got this gutter level here we're going to continue that across here that's going to continue across there and we're going to do a pattern different completely different pattern then from this side to that side using the marshall's paving planner which allows you to plan out different patterns it's very useful if anybody wants to use something like that it's marshall's paving planner right okay so there we go my first right okay so for the day so there we go i've fitted that in now we're gonna start laying this small row first then we'll start the pattern back that way okay everybody got that right let's stick it together hi people stage four um yesterday galapagos today we've managed to get this bit in but it's really complicated it's so complicated the angles of the dangles drive me insane because when you think of it the back bit there against the garage where the echo is going to be that's got to be dead flat but then you look at this bit but there which is an angle i've got to go from that angle to leveling out yeah because this ends like that and by the time you get to the echo i gotta get it all flat which is such a pain which basically means i'll spin it around and show you it's it's not 100 accurate but it's manageable and it has to be manageable for doing what i'm doing because there's you just can't bend tiles on a curve well no it's not a curve but it's on a gradient which is changing angles i'll spin it around quickly show you then i'm gonna go to mcdonald's somebody hungry all right it's been around then i'm going because i've had enough because it's raining so what i'm gonna try and explain here is so because we're going from that angle there and then it's going flat these tiles these tiles here they're all following that angle but eventually i've got to get them to flatten out so what is happening is um classic example here here we go there's a good one see this one's a bit low not a lot it's only a millimeter or something like that but it has to be i have to oh god i it has to be like that because i got to get this end flat and that's following an angle so to get that end flat that means this bit has to be flat but then you end up with that being a bit low that's happening on that one there and that one there it's not a lot in it it's not a lot in it you know but it has to be done this i just can't do it otherwise can't do otherwise so yeah um belt me down with rain tomorrow so we won't be doing anything then it's christmas eve um i don't know it's a christmas eve wednesday thursday oh anyway but we got one more day so we're either gonna do some more work here or i'm gonna go over there and have a little blast of that bit but it started raining now and it's gonna be in for the rest of the day so rather than getting wet we're gonna get out of here because i need to feed my big fat belly all right one more quick little glimpse so yeah pat four part fours almost done what i've had to do tonight as well i've had a count up all these tiles then i'm going to work out the meter square of what i've got left to see if there's enough to do that bit over there to finish up it off there and the path down that way so i got a funny feeling i need to buy some more tiles but i won't know until i get my calculator out and start making notes but until then we shall see you in a couple of days time um yeah this bit i was showing you the other day was doing my head in because i'm trying to bend something around the curve it's going right though it's going well it's uh it's leveling up it's leveling up with that bit so i'm happy so yeah like i'm showing got the sword out we were i was hoping today we were going to do what we just done behind us and have a go down there but that's not going to happen i don't think so we're going to do a load of cats up against ako and be happy with that i think but it's a shame look so dirty at the moment it's a shame look so dirty but as soon as we get some more cuts in there then we're gonna run a couple more rows down there and then mcdonald's mcdonald's other companies what was it um yeah there are other places available for food ho ho it's almost christmas merry christmas merry christmas okay hate christmas i do i hate it right there we go hi so you can't see anything bright light bright light um yeah almost got a bit done on the drive but we've run out of the long thin ones um you can probably let me point one out [Music] one thing one see run out of them so we have to chop some big ones on the saw i just set up my jig so jigs there every time i cut one pull that piece off move it over cut another one move over cut another one um yeah so we have a little blaster there i'm going to spin the camera around now just show you how this is going with the angle of the dangle which has been driving me insane um yeah i'll spin around show you that chop some do a bit do one all right we just need a chop maybe three of each or something like that [Applause] [Music] chop chop chop got the time lapse up as well we're gonna go for a couple more rows we are definitely gonna be running short there's not a lot left not a lot left but it's it should be pretty much around about what we need but anyway we're going to get some of this in today um borders and stuff then all that will come later but yeah crack on crack on it's not um it's not 2021 yet plenty of time delay cold cold cold cold um got another little section of that in yesterday um yeah i started pouring it down rain about uh about midday yesterday so we uh called it a day and apparently today going gonna be the same it's gonna get cold and tomorrow is gonna be minus two so um yeah nothing happening tomorrow but then tomorrow is new year's eve or maybe new year's day i don't know okay got a job to do gotta crack on so i got my string line running across there to the end where that's gotta go so what i do then is level from the slabs i've laid to the string line to make sure i'm heading in the right direction but it's all looking pretty funky now and this section i figured it out ding [Music] we're going to go for something called a greek key [Music] which is uh quite a complicated pattern but worth it worth it might as well push the boat out and put something really special down so i know the dimensions are going to fit because i've checked it this morning i checked dimensions last night for the pattern it should actually fit and now i know it will fit so they'll give me something to do on the weekend figure out what type of uh the designs if i can get it all fit in symmetrically but until then we've got some more slabs today so yeah slap on or thailand yeah clouds all right i have to stick some gloves first it can't be quite messy so the cement beds down and i'm using these clips which i get from tyler's tools they are really really cool so i laid my bed already over here this is the normal this is the normal marshalls primer we're gonna keep using this stuff for now until i run out right okay so let's spin that round so what i like to do plunk it on as close as you can actually get it so i like to get it as close as possible which it is and the next step i like to do is put these clips on because they're going to stop it from shifting around so put them around about of those one in each corner then i'll tap it down then to exactly the position i actually need it but yeah these are really good he's tough these clips one the good some of the good reasons is you know what's laid so you know what not to stand on plus they do what they say on the tin they hold everything in position nicely so they're not all the way down tight now so i'm going to make sure i've got enough room for four of these spaces i'm going to plunk them in and when they're in position like that i like to hit him from the corner to tighten it right up so i'll do a couple of taps here making sure that lines level there that lines level there they do pop out every now and then these things but it's totally fine i'll just grab my skirt up just to make sure that's so flat underneath it is i'll just give it a quick level that way nice and flat so now this is in position now we can tighten these up as soon as they're tightened up then then i'll just give another tap into the corner the reason being hitting it into the corner so you know it goes right over there touching the spacers i'll do that cover little taps make sure it's solid final tighten and you know you're good to go then you just come back the following day you get the clicks off pick up all these things stick them in a pile you're ready then for your next area but it's almost the end of the day now well it's not almost the end of the day we're actually running low on tiles so we can put two more in over there another long thin one and a big square one then we're gonna have a bit of a tidy up then and i gotta wait for marshalls to open back up on the fourth of jan so i can get on the phone i need some more tiles out of 127 meters i ordered i think i need another five meters or something like that but yeah that's fine you know you only can get it so close and if you need to add to the order later then so be it but yeah so that's a good way of installing tiles nice for one sharp sand so mix clean all this out next stick two more tiles in then went off to um get some food mcdonald's probably there are other food outlets available i must say testing tests in testing testicles so 20 21 back at it and we're just figuring out a bit of drainage over there for the akos to go down the side of the house but we're gonna do the echoes along here today we're gonna get this section in there i've got a bit of copper to go into that string line that is ivory then the gray and then the aco so i was short of tiles i just found out tiles can't come until this time next week this is a real swine but that's okay because there is loads of snagging i gotta do aka not ak nothing to do there come on i'll cover right down the end i can do all these bits a bit along the front bit in there um i'm actually gonna have a blast they're doing the greek key pattern design over there this week whilst i'm waiting for tiles but i got my time lapse set up already so yeah we're gonna crack on with the akos long here for now and um i'll come back to you later with something you know what probably some news of what i'm doing bye so got a delivery behind me happy days needed one more pallet i thought it was about eight meters but actually it was a lot more than that so yeah lush so i was coming along nicely now come along nicely nice little section there so these tiles i got coming now they're gonna help me to this area around there and down the side of the house over there finally coming closer more excited um yeah great to see these slabs i wouldn't expect them to turn up today i knew they were going to possibly turn up tomorrow well monday sorry but um yeah it's turned up early happy days so we get those in position now and we'll be able to crack on then monday start getting the majority of it done but i'll spin it around now just show you what i've been doing the last two days cats cats plenty more cats so the last couple of days we've been having a bash in this corner june in that corner there had to go with that one just had some swines look up to do around there so glad they didn't could get all the snagging stuff done and i got another manual cover done down this end as well and i must admit i hate to admit it but cross joint alert cross joint alert the two tiles there on the right where my foot is they actually went in first they were done ages ago then the tiles ran the manual cover i put in later and yeah that was the best option to put in them like that so i ended up the cross joint so i can't have that so i'm going to whip that out now and we're going to put some different cuts in there we're going to put a big 600 by 600 from there to there then a cut then along there which i've got in several places down there so i'm gonna get the just cut it out now and chop that out and make it look better because that's just one thing you can't do well he can but i don't all right okay so that's out that one sorted because that was bugging me can't have things like that not he can but i don't like i said blah blah blah right the next bit which is bugging me here's that bit there let me come around this side so when i started from that corner that was a set size set size set size this was where i first started there so i didn't really have this bit in mind calculated how that was going to work here but yeah i don't like it i don't like that little edge here so i'm going to trim that off then i'm going to cut that up there to match that joint then i'm going to put another piece in there flushing up to that corner so that's the next bit i'm going to rip up and whilst we're talking about cross joints somebody did mention to me the other day about cross joints let me uh come over here so here yeah there are cross joints cross joints there cross joints there but don't forget it's a different style that's linear this isn't linear and it's an expansion joint so yeah there are some cross joints but yeah that's to be expected you can't do it otherwise otherwise that pattern would have to come through there and i wouldn't be able to do that linear enough yada yada let's um set my time lapse up and rip that bit out one more thing i did as well i put two halves next to each other there's none there and there's none there so why did i do it well anyway i don't like it it's coming out so morning people so i've got this section in yesterday and that was lee over there dude that's when we've done that primer test so that bits clear so we're gonna have little blast rounds here now got this bit in here i'm standing on done that yesterday that's gonna allow me now to put the corners in these are the corners i chopped ages ago so they're uh they're ready to go in there so yeah i'm gonna put those in along here and along there along the front there as well then after that we're gonna have a blast down the side of the house and yes there is enough tiles thank god for that morning morning morning morning morning morning morning i had a bruh cold winter is yeah it's been really chilly this morning um i woke up right o'clock just minus one yeah too cold spent's gotta be three degrees and rising anyway to actually do anything so a lot has actually happened snag wise pathways done a lot happened since i last filmed um now i'm starting over there now in the corner on the ramp i'm gonna have a blast of that today i got a little bit of border to do but there to follow what's been going on around there um you might have seen the other day i might not have actually depends um i've got the pattern sorted actually that greek key thing i'm doing it's in the back the van so that's my template for the entrance bit behind me so our customer's coming down about 12 o'clock today we're just going to discuss borders going around the outside for the chipping area so nothing lands on the path um yeah slowly getting there slowly getting there but almost yeah so just this area i gotta do now today i'm gonna sort this out i've uh i did my first cut yesterday around the pipe i got another one pre-cut there they got that mitered corner to go in there as well and get that bit in and hopefully the tiles i got there aren't gonna be enough i had a bit of a calculate yesterday i think it's gonna be enough i think so soon find out start laying catching a bit what's happening youtubers faithful subscribers and new viewers hit that like button um getting there getting there got a bit of a border to do around that cop a bit there um i'm going to have a go with a ramp area today i've got my first corner in there around the downpipe i cut another one around the down pipe we've got another corner miter corner to go in there and start running this into maybe around about here then start my ramp hopefully you saw that and i couldn't see anything now i got those tiles to do it i think i've got enough i think i got an f i hope i got enough i'm sure i got enough be sure to go enough right so nothing spectacular to show at the moment i'll get my greek key thing out there after my template and i'll stick it in the uh entrance area by there that's gonna look cool customers coming down about oh sorry about that customers come down by midday so we can have a look and we can discuss a couple of things till then i'll start laying things to do what how are you doing guys saturday afternoon sun's just finally come out um yeah i haven't done much filming lately because i've just been trying to crack on with it probably not a blast to the um the ramp area today so i got a little wall in there just to take the tile so usual things gonna be the board around the outside then then the little ramp there's that bit hopefully you can see it there's that bit then um almost then we i put a bit of salt down on the floor i don't know if you can see it a little white stuff apparently it's going to pour down with snow tonight so um yeah just in case in it just in case put a bit of salt down right i gotta go see another job around the corner so uh catch you monday oh sun's in the way catch monday what's happening youtubers what's that mean scott here tidy bricks um yeah doing the greek key now got them with virtually the driveways done just got to figure out the pattern now on the front um yeah so this is the greek key design this is going to be mega complicated so i got my time lapse set up i'm going to do a time lapse of me chopping them all and installing it so i'll spin it around and show you what the plan is so here we go so here we go test intestines so so so right okay here we go it's um it's started it's commencing so what i've done i've got i got three of these i've already chopped two of them but i'm going to show you this one so for my mitered corner i've gone from corner to corner so when i chop that then i'm going to chop these down to 50 mils and when i do that i've already got my mitered 45 corner sorted so i'm going to crack on now start chopping these and like i said got my time-lapse set up as well um yeah it's gonna be a separate video so yeah this is gonna be lush or tidy so here we go game on game on so saw setup time lapse set up that's the pattern there um border border border border greek key in the middle so yes stress on um i have to say a big thank you to juniper landscapes this morning i went to see in bristol um another marshalls installer i was a couple of tiles short of the ivory so we got a whatsapp group and um yeah some spare ones so rather than waiting days and days and paying penalties of fees and marshals and stuff i went round to bristol this morning picked it up so yes saw set up over there so what i'm gonna do every piece i cut i wanna lay it in position so i know it works then when it all works i'll unwrap it and start sticking it where it's gotta go so i got a couple of boards down on the floor some plastic to go on top of it because if that ball gets wet it's gonna uh it's gonna warp and uh make a mess and it won't be good enough for me to use so right let's get dressed so here we go then game on great key time so first thing cut the scaffold planks down some dpm put the template on it got to put the templates on it gotta protect that because that's that's god so yeah as soon as the template was down it was a simple calculation of because everything was actually drawn out i can actually count the 50 ml increments and the joints and whatever that measurement was kept that 45 degree angle and hey presto there's the first cut and yeah theory worked well practical work well and um i was most impressed so there might be some more of these things coming up test intestine so here we go guys there we go there's one done one done three more to go but actually i'm quite happy with that i'm quite happy with that uh it looks good right okay let's move on number two so this is when it went a little bit pear-shaped because my original idea was cut the first piece and take it over to the saw cut another three pieces bring them back put them on the template so on and so on and so on but for some reason i just got completely distracted because the first way was so easy i just thought oh sorry i'll just keep measuring them individually test intestine so here we go two down two to go that's going quite well actually and the lines the lines are pretty good as well actually that bit there that looks like a bit of an optical illusion well never notice these things until you start doing it does actually look like an optical illusion cool it's just gonna look even better right two down two so two town two to go so what was really good as well is that square i'm using there at the moment because it was actually um five mil recessed piece of steel which was on it which was so handy because i could put that in the actual joint which is there and i could mark off a perfect 45 degree angle from there absolutely great test and testing three down three down one to go happy days it's not as bad as i thought actually um yeah see if i can get the last one before it gets dark um i believe this one was first one of the morning so yeah i had a fresh head on which was handy i was thinking about it all night preparing my brain for it so as soon as i turned up in the morning put together bish bosh test and test and testing so there we go people number four in um yeah started a drizzle of rain now there's a couple more cuts to over my sharpies not working um on wet tiles but i am happy with that i am happy with that i think it looks good and actually those square bits they look they do actually look a bit of an optical illusion don't they cool there we go so happy days i got that bit in we'll uh hopefully there's a bit of better weather tomorrow and um i can finish off the cutscene to go around the outside copper to go around the outside slam in the lamb get it in so right my time lapse is very low on battery i better take that home and stick some more batteries in it okay guys see you in the morning so i kind of got the border figured out i just had to use different size tiles to the ones i was actually going to use but they're almost going to be kind of temporary i'm going to put the middle ones in but i'm not going to put the mitered corners in yet until the shape's actually done then i can get an exact measurement of the miter so i got some smart made up now just got gonna make some primer i'm gonna start sticking them in start getting some progress [Music] oh [Music] so here we go then let's start laying um yeah a nice bit of cement primer under each one of them those fight clips i just put in there they were really handy i'm so glad i bought those things because the smaller ones really did want to move around a lot and yeah this is a typical example where those things do come in handy rather than you know laying larger tiles on a patio or anything but yeah most impressed um it's a bit of a mishmash but i think we got there in the end so there we go there's one of them in wow that was hard that was tricky i'm so glad i got those clips from tyler's tools they've really helped out especially the small ones the small ones just they just want to move around loads um right next so unfortunately the one you're actually watching at the moment is the fourth one because i had a bit of a mishap with my time-lapse camera it was filming everything i got it in the angle to film every single square it would run in perfect until the end of the day came i went over to take the camera off the tripod fell on the floor and nothing was saved so unfortunately we haven't got a proper video of that this is filmed from my ipad balanced on a blog check it two down two to go i think it's going quite well actually um yeah a little bit of adjusting here and there but good thing with these screw caps because they hold it so tight especially the little ones they just want to move all the time so yeah you know i can put it in if i need to adjust it just loosen the cap slide it down a little bit to meet the corners but um most impressed hope you are too because i'm stressed out there we go three down three down this is the following day by the way three down one to go so i'm gonna put that one in now then i'm gonna start then with my uh with my ivory and gray border to go around the outside so yeah nice try day today as well finally and it's dry tomorrow so that's gonna help loads so this one we do actually have a time lapse because this is the following day after i realized my camera didn't record everything so that's doing a good job filming the fourth one as you can see i got my ipad and my phone filming it for the ones you saw earlier sorry about that testing testing testing what's happening yeah so came in yesterday i um had to go the last square that went by my head i had to go with that one yesterday um yeah it was going down well nice the forecast was okay started raining stopped covering up sat in the van have a coffee started raining stop cover up back in the van down there about three times i went home and the worst part is i got home had a shower put the kettle on and sat down about right past one and the sun came out and it was setting for the rest of the day and there was no way i was coming back and fall back for it's a long distance i got to travel to come to this job so i didn't want to spend half my time on the motorways oh well anyway anyway anyway anyway anyway that's what it looks like um that last one that does need a little bit of tinkering doesn't need a little bit of tinkering um and one of the other ones needs a little bit of tinkering so i'm going to pop those ones up today the ones i'm not really happy with pop them up and relay them um right i'm going to stick the gray in now border and the ivory and stand back have a look at it then decide what else i'm going to do after that finally on the home straight yeah these mitered corners i thought i'd put those in last so i know exact measurement that i really do need this one there on the top right that one worked out within five millimeters of where i hoped it was gonna work out so i was just dead chef about that it just worked right to the edge of the drive so yeah last last corner to go on then i can start concentrating then on doing the rest of the ivories and finally getting to the last few on the front and calling it a day so as soon as this grey one goes in there then i can move across the middle and start putting the ivories in there i did actually make a mistake here you can see i'm actually over the joint so um yeah i realized that lifted them up cut them again put them back in to where i wanted them and carry on this corner was a bit of a pain with an odd shape and that diamond piece because there was a difference in angle i really couldn't get the corners exactly where they had to be i had to make that executive decision go that'll do that's good enough right last couple on the front then and uh time to wrap it so friday friday afternoon five o'clock wrapped up guess what i've just done [Music] check that out baby and yeah that's gonna be in the other video the installation of that one so um yeah i'll put a link in it in the display somewhere around there and now you can see actually how i installed it but yeah almost there now just got to put some engines in engines didn't grout it take away all the junk lots of junk to take away so right friday going home see you monday hello hello there i've been taking ages this job and it will be taking ages but the weather's been really really unkind to me it's either been pouring down with uh rain or it's been absolutely freezing like it is today with a minus six of wind chill factor i just can't do anything just can't drain this smell won't go off it fits anything less than three degrees so thanks for your patience in um waiting for this i'm just going to give her a clean today and make it look some pretty something to do i suppose but yeah we'll get a pressure washer out now and we'll give her a good blast morning everybody scotty again tidy bricks um yeah back after a week off work we're all like extreme cold we had last week from the uh beast from the east yeah it was way too cold way too cold windshield factory was like minus four minus five of the minus seven so yeah i couldn't do anything i did actually come in one day to see if i could um cut a bit of earth back for the engines which i'm about to do now but i have to use a hammer bolter to break up earth uh i did that for a couple of hours froze big time and decided to come home but now the cold's over and i'm back in work i'm gonna start putting the engines in and get this job wrapped up this week so this is what i was doing around the back this is the bin area i was working on so what i use for this i got two trestles and four long boards two either side keeping the actual post nice and plum and what i did in between the posts i put tied string line around it so they weren't button up against each other so post create it check a load of water and it's solid cut the string line off after there was a nice gap then in between each one so out the front now we are using the sun vsuru engine it is one of the best engines i've ever used the marbling on it when you throw some water on it the pattern which actually comes out of the stone is really really incredible some of the markings you can just stare at for ages look really nice so yeah nice product to use and nice bit of haunch in behind it as well to keep everything nice and steady so that's that end sorted back down to the front that tile there i have to recut that one i wasn't 100 happy with it so um i had to lift it up redo it again but yeah glad that bit was um sorted in the end to my satisfaction so working on the front now for this little bit um the tile the engine which comes to the pavement i didn't want to stick it up that much so i cut it down to size when it came down to the pavement height so one last trip pattern for people coming in and coming out so that side's wrapped up just got my string line sorted now one time the other end put my line up here start running them across um yeah home straight now so literally as soon as these bits are done then i know i got to clean everything up because grouting is not going to be far away oh sorry people see my door it's open because i'm going home yes so otherwise um engines that's right then today engine's going along there and you can see it there past my ugly mush and going down the side there so that's good the engines are in and i did a little bit around the back as well earlier for the bin area so now that's bit in i got about three tiles to go in around the back get the pressure washer out start cleaning this thing and before you know it i'll be granting and soon i'm crouching then that means the video can go online and you can actually see what the hell i've been doing for god knows how long all right go home bye hello going home well not going home we're packing the van up yes clearing the garage out load of stuff on the floor there got to get the saw in the back bit of room in the back of the van not too bad so i got to get the zoe in there now so we're going to put that in there start packing taking some of this stuff away again we're all locked up and pressure washing no no sorry not pressure washing grouting did the pressure washing yesterday cleaned all the joints out that's a really really important part is making sure all your joints are empty do i know bits of crap in it nothing like that so i did all that yesterday got home but i passed four absolutely soaked i was drenched so we're gonna pack the van up and get ready to start grouting and before you know it footing we're off and i'll be able to put it online then for you guys to watch on saturday so yeah here we go right not gonna bore you too much now i'm gonna start clean all this up and then we can get it all done and go and have some food somewhere so keep watching and we'll see you in a bit in okay guys all grouted all grounded did that yesterday i didn't film anything yesterday because it was really stressful grouting because i was on a timer so i'm on my hands and knees at the moment scrubbing it all this is the product i'm using i'm using lithofin cement residue remover the thing with the grout it's really good it you know it's really quick and stuff but that looks nice now because it's wet but when it's dry there'll be a residue all over it so i'm on my hands and knees scrubbing scrubbing scrubbing it's half past three i gotta get this done because i gotta sort this video out tonight there we go one driveway completed oh this is uh this is one of the longest jobs i've ever done but i must admit i have put a lot of love into this job a lot of love's gone into this i was um 21 when i started i'm uh nearly 51. that's how long it's taken me but the main thing is it looks lush and fingers crossed is the best porcelain driveway on youtube because it is really nice right i'm going to spin the cam around give you a lap of what everything looks like then i can say one more thing before i go so right let's show you what it looks like all right so we're going to start around the back so you can see what the back looks like i can't fit the grass yet because um when i glue it to the horn chin it's got to be dry and the concrete's not soaking wet so there's your back bit this is the rear area that was fun actually cutting all these for swells lol um right around the front let's have a look at this bit [Music] yeah these contrasting colors look really nice and they that um green ivory border does look pretty damn cool fair play uh right wind's picking up hopefully it's not screwing everything up great key awesome that was a test that was a real test nice entrance and then we got a ramp area there you have to excuse the cables until we figured out what cables are what we can't really chop any of them off but yeah these these great ones are higher than the the copper ones just to give a little bit of grip so that's it people that is a wrap one porcelain driveway complete um i hope you like it i really do hope you like it because it's battered my brain this job oh so tonight i'm gonna go home and i'm gonna have a chinese for two i think i deserve it right thanks for watching hope you really enjoyed this video as much as i've actually like doing it and we'll catch you on the next job see you thanks a lot for watching and goodbye oh don't forget like and [Applause] [Music] subscribe
Channel: Tidybricks Landscaping
Views: 392,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #bricklayer, #bricklaying, #skilled, #tradesman, #skill, #workman, #stone, #porcelain, #Ceramic, #sand, #cement, #lime, #primmer, #slurry, #wall, #walling, #bricks, #blocks, #patio, #driveway, #garden, #Bespoke, #youtuber, #youtube
Id: pEZjmfIKu5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 46sec (6286 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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