Installing Brick pavers -start to finish day2

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okay so if you're just tuning in in the last video we sub cut the driveway brought in class five didn't bring in quite enough we pack that then we brought in more class five compacted that built a small Blake stone retaining wall found out that we needed to build the second small plague stone retaining wall built that and now today we're getting things ready to do the final installation of the pavers that need to go in place for this part off street parking so let's just dive right into it we need to be the class five needs to be three inches below that spring line we need sand and then our flops so we just ran one measured we're only about an inch less in some spaces so we have to scrape down another two inches of this class five to get it where it needs to be Sam and Blaine are prepping the class-five bass the next step will be Sam but before we do that we're gonna run through all of the depths and measurements of the different materials that we've put in place before the pavers get installed they touch up the site before they take their first set of measurements that's probably pretty close that string line represents the top of the pavers from there everything gets measured down and bass ackwards will show you exactly what we mean we're about three and a half inches down here so let's run through these numbers real quick the pavers themselves are two and three eighths inches thick we've got to allocate for one inch of sand then we've made our sub cut 12 inches below the top of the pavers so the rest of that means its class five base material in this case that's 8 and 5/8 inches thick [Music] boys add a little class 5 in places and take a little bit away they want to get this perfect because the depth of the class vibe determines the depth of the sand you don't want any more than one inch of sand anywhere beneath the paver project [Music] this base material is eight inches thick and has been packed into two lifts at four inches each any higher bow spots on the classify base get worked out so that they don't impact the depth of the sand that comes next what do you think about where we're trying to figure out so Blaine is going to Center this parking spot on its own what I mean is he's not going to Center it off from that sidewalk next door because that could be off and even the way the house is laid out could be off so he wants to make sure that when he puts this in he gets everything just right once the boys have the class five to the exact elevation that they want they lay down the pipe and that black pipe you see there that's just galvanized steel plumbing pipe one-inch the purpose of that pipe is to set the depth for the sand that comes next as they embed the pipe into the class five they make track clean up their dribbles plain make sure that the screen rails are set perfectly level because those screed rails set the elevation for the sand which determines how the pitch of the driveway ultimately goes so everything depends on each stage being prepped and ready before the next one moves on before the sand gets laid out and screed it off he makes sure that all of his elevations are on so he goes down the entire length of the pipe double-checking everything and making any fine-tune adjustments before the material gets put in place anything that worked loose from adjusting the rails get sri compacted before the sand goes down mouth sucks and with both blaine and tim fighting over who gets the dump trailer next blaine ops to get a bag of sand and ball [Music] with the sand down and in place it's time to get to screeding divots and unevenness in the sand are not allowed especially at this stage of the game so any imperfections in that sand base get levels out as Sam pulls back Blaine eyes up the base looking for any low spots and feeds more material as needed he doesn't want to get too much in place and overwhelm Sam but he doesn't want Sam to come across any low points each the outside edge is high and has to come down so it needs to be scraped before the sand can get laid before the sand can go down Blaine has to verify the discreet rails lining up the weight very good checkup that's right on up here the class 5 was disturbed so it has to be recompense tarts touching up the divots as Sam gets ready to start throwing out the next blow up Sam [Music] okay we got our sand in or the majority of it in so now we start laying blocked [Music] so we're doing what's a random pattern on here so you'll see we have some different shapes they all have kind of different colors on them yep okay we're trying to make some squared areas that we can lay in because without the sidewalk in the houses are it's not square at all yep the front edge of the sidewalk is jacked and we're gonna show you that in just a minute so Blaine can't go off from the edge of the sidewalk to establish his paver course that would throw everything off so he's got to establish his own separate string line snap we snap our line out at 8 then because that's where okay so this is our borders going out eight inches so then we're snapping our line at eight inches to get our square so with that we can follow for a while we're laying the block because the sidewalk is absolutely not not square there's a pretty good lean to it the sidewalk is crooked and can't be trusted to be used as a straight edge so Blaine comes up with a new plan three we're gonna start down here wait yeah this is getting goofy over here the slabs of the sidewalk are very - very so we somehow I gotta make up for that if the line square on off of there okay all right so yeah we can't measure we yep I got you so even though this is a random pattern block patterns sometimes do form and we're actually going to show you what we mean so sometimes you have to intentionally disrupt the randomness to make it more random just trust me you'll see what I mean [Music] to keep from disturbing the base as they lay the pavers off they use what's called a click and drop it they make the blocks touch and then release them they don't slide the blocks blocks across the same I lose control [Music] with the field going down at a pretty good clip Sam decides to jump ahead and finish off the rest of that base he makes sure to hit every imperfection in the base and what the board misses the trowel gives the pipe gets removed so that divot gets filled with the base finally done it's time to get busy in the field [Music] [Music] all right so it's not a pattern of this it is random but you don't want these long straight lines like this that's where you have to add a bit more randomness into the pattern no like Jewish 3 your speed is okay but this one's about for break it up a little bit right in here tree Holland [Music] [Applause] with the field installed the boys can now concentrate on making all of the cuts to but up to the sidewalk but they need a saw to do it so Sam makes us all another one just in case Mike well there's the attack dog hi sweetie look at these girl hi baby good to see you too oh hi baby so sweet alright I gotta go to work good good seeing ya we'll see you on the next one love that dog she's so sweet so let's say I'm getting his cuddle time out of the way it's time to start cutting some locks there's a lot of custom cuts that have to be made on this project some of them are big cuts but some of them are just shaving slivers off from a block to get them to fit all right gonna be the last cut right here oh wait I forgot nope okay there we go gasps on your work so we'll drop this in there with the last brick going down and in place the boys have to get the edging in to hold everything together to make sure that the edging is very properly employees have to cut down all of the dirt along the sides of the pavers some people prefer to use spikes that won't rust but to me it doesn't matter because even if you use a spike that rust once it's in the ground it rust welds to the soil around it it's still not going if we've got all our base prepped the right way the pavers will compact down about 3/8 of an inch what is it about this place so we do a process of sweep the sand in then pack it then we sweep it again and pack it again because it won't hurt nothing and then do a final sweep off before we leave it with the customer [Music] ah so full of aggression with the main project completed the boys get ready to move on to the next one Oh buddy oh that is leaking fluid the lock on the buckets look at dad well I guess the you're gonna blow a hose the timing is right because the job is done and the boys are moving on to the next one so the camp will go into the shop for a repair and we'll get ready for the next project but we still got a little bit more work to do well Blaine heads off to the next project Sam will give you a quick rundown on how this one turned out all right moon just finished cleaning up so we're all wrapped up here's what we ended up with so the neighbors currently have their downspout aiming right toward this paver driveway and that has to be moved before the next big storm comes alright guys well that's our video for today on the next videos you will see coming up and these I promise probably won't be out of sequence as we are going out and doing a massive grading project we got to tear down trees we've got to tear out retaining walls there's a big bumblebee buzzing over my shoulder we're also going to be going out and doing a French drain job we're also going to be taking a little close look at makita's newest power tools and we're gonna be doing something else which I don't know I guess you just have to subscribe sure that's a good enough excuse isn't it it's all we got for you today hope you enjoyed the video god bless go get em you guys and we'll see on another one if you subscribe
Channel: Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek
Views: 909,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pavers installation, pavers patio, pavers driveway, pavers patio diy, pavers patio installation, pavers driveway diy, pavers driveway installation, pavers patio base, pavers installation diy, landscaping pavers youtube, patio pavers youtube, diy paver patio, how to install pavers youtube, how to install brick pavers youtube, paver patio installation diy, pavers, pavers installation time lapse, how to install pavers, how to lay pavers, brick pavers, brick patio, diy pavers
Id: dDN60f587oQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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