How to Install A Nucleus Hive (NUC)!!!

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hey there she'll see some little mountain ranch and today it's all about the bees and hopefully not about the stings so Tuesday I am installing my 8 nucleotides whoa into these supers that you can see behind me but I was hoping to do yesterday was to actually install the nukes last night but we didn't end up because it was so hot we didn't want to transport the bees when I was super hot so we didn't actually go where we were picking them up with an hour away and we didn't want to go do that when it was so hot so we I think we ended up getting back at around 8:30 yesterday evening and my bee guy told me it was no problem just to leave them in a cool location overnight and then do it today generally you're supposed to it's best anyways to install nuke in the evening they're all accustomed to being in the hive in the evening so they're not wanting to go off and forage and follow all of those instincts so they sent it to tend to stay put but it looks like it's going to be another smokin hot day today and I don't want to leave the nukes sitting even under a tree in the shade because even in the shade is still getting you know close to 30 degrees Celsius and I mean the other reason too is of course it's cool in the morning so being gutted out in this suit it's much more comfortable for the beekeeper as well to be able to do things when things are cool so doing it early in the morning like this it's also helpful for me a couple of things that you need when you are installing nukes or actually I should put if you're transporting nukes if it's hot if the temperatures are high you'll remember from my last video which I'll post up above that bees drink water and so and also these produce a ton of heat so if they can survive if you think about it this way they can produce enough heat to survive when it's you know minus 30 degrees Celsius Oh mosquitoes everywhere - this morning a disadvantage of doing it early in the morning in our location as the mosquitoes are out but anyways if you keep a spray bottle handy and you spray all demonstrate that but if you spray the side of or nuke there's a little hole in it where they're getting ventilation if you spray from a distance away then they have a chance to drink but it also helps to cool them off this little opening is where they're getting their ventilation so I'm just using just the standard spray bottle but it has a fine mist make sure you do that if you don't want to drown them you can drown them and this gently spray in their spray bottle spray bottle a lot of people use a smoker I actually don't and never have used a smoker I just I didn't end up getting one at the beginning and I've always worked with my bees without one I know that it's a good idea to have one I help keep them calm and things like that but I don't so if you don't have one it's not a big deal you can work them without one so when you get your bees back to your location wherever you're going to be installing them sit them for an hour before you install them or overnight again I said it was bestest to install them in the evening and it is but again you do what works for you and for me it's working to do it early in the morning some good gloves and a suit so interesting fact the reason that you wear a white bee suit and you'll notice today that this bee suit well is stained but it's actually clean so you can see in that video a link above from my last video about bees that I was not wearing a clean bee suit it had stress pheromones from the bees all over it and definitely aggravated them so I did wash the suit before I came out here today but the bee suit is white because it is a color that the bee that just does not aggravate the bees one of the worst colors to wear is black or it's like dark navy blue or any really dark colors around bees because to them a dark color like that especially on a large object is usually representative of a bear or even a skunk like a predator of some sort so that tends to aggravate them yesterday when I was picking up my bees I was wearing lighter colors but my camera I asked the guy if I could film him I'll put some of that fed footage right here but of the and I noticed that when I was holding the camera the bees were coming all over they were climbing on my hands I know the fair hands no gloves I had bees climbing on my hands whoo that took some like willpower not to completely lose my mind but they were climbing and so anywhere that the kids the cameras black they were actually climbing all over it and all over my hand so that was really interesting sort of interesting proof that yes indeed that is a fact they do not like black I didn't actually get stung which was I was very fortunate to be the year stings for me but they did actually climb all over that so white if you're going out to your hives even if you're not going to wear a suit and you're one of those brave people just wear light colors and that seems to work or if you're super scared of bees and you're in an area where there are a lot of feasts wear light colors obviously no perfumes because you don't wanna smell like a flower and also if you're using to wash your clothes if you if you say you know you're going to go somewhere you're going to go camping and there's going to be a lot of bees and wasps and things like that around don't wash your stuff and things that are going to smell like flowers because it will attract the bees so I think that's about it we'll go get started grab the news bring them up here and I will show you how to put them in a hot so this my friends is what a nuke looks like I was a bit worried about this one too because it wasn't super active on the front screen but it looks great okay so I am using as you can see this is a really high-tech hive tool so my last video I ended up throwing my hive tool and I found it again and then promptly lost again so the screwdriver works just fine I will get another hive tool so remember gentle gentle gentle when you're taking these out and you want to put them in your new super in the order that you take them out so this is actually empty I might end up needing to actually feed some of these look at that it's not beautiful look see if I can find the Queen for you guys you can see that they are not stressed out in the least so what you're looking at there that is called capped brood so inside of there little bees forming so that's good there's lots of and there's some honey I don't know if you can see that up in that corner that's cap honey they do not have a lot of food in here so I'm looking around to see if I can spot the Queen for you so you'll notice these guys aren't aggressive at all they're I could probably do this barehanded although I'm not going to and the reason that is is because they're not super territorial yet they've been moved into these boxes not long ago and introduced to a new queen so they're not feeling and they also don't have a ton of honey stores so they're not feeling aggressive like they need to defend their hive so nice and gentle in there so I really hope that at least in one of these I'm going to be able to find the Queen for you so that you can check her out but the good news is is there is a lot of brood in there which means that Queen Bee is doing her job but they don't see her yet I'd really liked oh there she is oh look look can you guys see her she's big she's actually trying to hide okay I'm going to see if I can point to her oh that's so exciting okay there she is look right there and she's trying to hide can you see her hiding in there so I want to be super gentle with this frame so that we don't end up hurting her so really really gentle ah and again put them in the way that you took them out there we go okay these ones I'm just going to push over to the side here so I can slide this one in so they really don't have you can see here that shiny stuff that's uncapped honey so these guys don't actually have a ton of stores here oh one other thing I'll mention is what another reason to put it in really really gently you don't want to squish them but you also don't want to roll them that kills them so gentle gentle gentle there push those in nice and snug push all these guys over so I'll use my super snazzy high-tech hive tool here okay so this one is not in straight so you'll see that these little these frames have little spacers on them so it's stuck look so you just want to line them up so that the spacers are giving you adequate space so then I push everything over to the side so everything is nice and snug and then I leave myself space so that when I'm going to come in and check these guys later on that I have some room to move otherwise it's really snug I'm just going to leave the box by the entrance of the hive here so that these bees can make it in back in we're going to let this very very gently so you'll notice on here that I don't have any top board so normally you're going to have a board that goes on top of this and then you put this on so I realized that I didn't actually have enough when I got had these types so I have to go get some and then I'll put those on but this will work for now so I'm going to close this hive right up but in the summertime a tricks to increase ventilation is to actually tip the lid up and put a stick inside of here so that they get more ventilation so I will be doing that but I'm going to leave this locked down until these bees are settled in so I'm going to show you another one of my high-tech fix's so you'll notice here then I have stuck a stick across the entrance and there's just a little bit of an entrance to the hive right here you see that so the reason that I'm doing that is because this hive is just getting going and they are not super strong so this is the area that they have to defend which is much smaller than this area so once the hive gets really active I'll take the stick out and allow them full access but in the meantime that just allows them to sort of protect a smaller a smaller entrance from robbing or any other predators that might try to get into their hive so let's get on the rest of the insulation [Music] [Music] I wanted to show you guys this I've not seen this in one of my news before but that right there with me not that is how the Queen and was installed into the time you see actually I'm going to get that out for you so you can see Jessie gently gently so the Queen was in here see if you can see that there we go and on the end of this there was a sugar plug so they the keeper put the bees in and then stuck this Queen in there if she had just thrown the Queen in there they would have killed her but they were able to acclimatize you can see this had some dents in it I don't know if acclimatize is the right word but they were able to to get used to her smell and understand that that was their queen and then they eat out the tip of this the sugar plugs it's there and then by that time they've all adjusted and they've accepted her as their queen not just amazing so I've never actually seen this in here before so that's pretty cool so okay let's get to getting this one in there [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks so much for watching guys we really appreciate it and if you have any suggestions for videos that you'd like to see please don't be shy post those flow some of the requests that we've had that we are working on are how the heck do you afford a homestead so we can't talk about that for everyone but for us we can explain how it is that we thought about doing it how do you finance the homestead things like that also a farm tour that's the big requested one so we're going to do a farm tour in the next couple of weeks and then also to go through some of the old buildings that we have and talk a bit about their history and then a lot of the old equipment that is here we're going to we're going to talk more about that and then see if we can find some modern applications for a lot of the old things that we can find on our property so those are some things that you can look forward to in the next couple of weeks again like it if you sort of bee buzzing by mayor just like this video if you did like it comment below leave us any or any requests or any anything that you want to hear from us or questions you have it doesn't even have to be farm related if you hear me talking about other things and you want to know more about them leave those in the comments below and subscribe if you would like to see more from us thanks for watching everyone bye
Channel: Little Mountain Ranch
Views: 59,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bees, honeybees, nucleushives, nucs, installingnucs, installingnucleushives
Id: cgZ44TMtOn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2017
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