How To Install A Kitchen Sink

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hi I'm Shannon from house and I just want to show you how to install a dropin kitchen sink so we've uh gone ahead and prepped a few things up and what what we're going to be installing is a stainless steel sink so we've got a single bowl stainless steel and uh we've got laminate countertops I've already gone ahead and put some masking tape in the general area that we'll be cutting and uh that's really just to protect the uh the existing surface so we don't scratch anything uh so what I did is you'll uh you'll have a template if you bought a new sink it should come with a template so we've gone ahead and punched that out now some people might use like there was a piece in here I took that out some people might use that as their template I like to use this outer uh outline as the template so what you want to do basically is use the template lay it on here centered in your in your uh sync cabinet area so that you can get a rough idea where to put your tape you want to have at least a good three in of tape to run your jigsaw on you're going to cut this sink out with the jigsaw so mask your area all out Mark a center line here so this Center Line is actually center of the cabinet opening so mark that here and here into locations you want to also uh measure your overhang of your cabinet plus the thickness if there you know if there's a cleat or anything right here on the front of the cabinet plus uh usually about half an inch because you want to be able to get in so there's a lip a countertop on the inside for the clamps of the sink to attach to so add that all up get yourself a a line across here You' got your template all punched out sometimes uh the templates will come made for a couple different types of sinks so just be sure you're matching up the model of sink you actually purchased with the the lines for the model that uh you actually want off the template so we've got our template here when we when we cut out we're going to be just cutting this basically kind of oval it's not really oval but this the sink hole we're not cutting these little jogs in it those are just for reference this jog back here and here just shows you how far the the actual width of the sink is and that's what these are too they're the outside lip so if you look at the sink those little notches just give you the actual reference points for the very extremities of the sink but you going to be cutting your hole You know I don't know what it ends up being a quarter inch or so narrower than the the full size of the sink so so you don't want to cut the those you just want the basic oval shape of the sink okay so I've got my Mark here I'm lining it up with uh my reference to my template I've got the center Mark of the hole of the template marked right on the template as well so I've got a center line here that I can mark up with the center line that I put on my masking tape so I basically get that stuff all lined up just twist it here little a little bit and get my template basically sitting where I want it to be and then I usually just kind of step back and have a look and make sure that I haven't measured something wrong you know it'll be obvious if I've you know I'm off by an inch or something I should be able to see that just by looking at the cabinet so by looking at that I I think I'm pretty good now the one thing that I will need to do is run another strip of tape right here so that when I trace this out I've actually drawn right on the tape so I'm just going to run another uh couple widths of tape around here so I can actually see that line when I draw it on there see if that gave me enough get things lined up again like so uh yeah we should be good there my pencil so I'm just holding the template down so it isn't moving around you could tape it right to the counter if you wanted and I'm just marking with a pencil these cut lines as we come around here so get your lines marked all the way around fill in those kind of little gaps where those long cutouts are now you also uh you'll need to determine what you're using for a faucet uh in this case we're using a single hole faucet so I really only need this this middle hole cut out you'll notice that my sink had three holes but the faucet that I have has an extra plate that'll actually cover those all up so it's not a big deal but uh we only will need the one hole drilled out of the uh out of the actual sink area actually need a little more tape in there too okay so like that so we've got that all uh traced out and I think we're pretty good there so we're set the template to the side for now so you can see my might be able to see my lines here as they come around just darkening them up so you can see them more than anything so you can see that and it just follows right around now I'm going to uh something else when you're doing this uh you don't want too big of a sink you don't want the sink hole to be as big as the actual cabinet space because you need that little bit of a lip around the edges because the sink comes with some [Applause] clamps get them all out of here so the sink comes with these clamps that hooks around the perimeter and your countertop would be in here so then the clamp pinches up against the countertop so you need you need this much room inside the cabinet yet to work those clamps this this one's going to be a little tight but uh should still be workable so again just judge your sink size accordingly to your cabinet size a little bit and I'm going to also just have a look around and make sure there's no water lines I know in this case there isn't because it's a new installation there's nothing up there yet but if you're replacing a sink or something um I guess if you are repl placing a sink in an existing countertop you need to make sure that the sink you're going to put in there is you know if anything may be a little bigger than the old one so that you know that the hole shape is going to be right um sometimes it can be a little bit tricky finding one that fits the existing old hole so I'm going to take a doesn't matter as long as it's about a 38 uh size drill bit in this case I've got 7/8 I'm going to pre-drill a hole to the inside of my cut lines like so that's just so I can uh get my uh jigsaw blade in to get started and I'm just going to remove some of these wood chips here so they don't get underneath the jigsaw and cause any scratching um I'm going to get my safy glasses and we're going to use a uh down sorry we're going to use a a blade in the jigsaw that actually cuts on the downstroke just trying to get some of this dust off here so if you look at the at the blade I'll put it down by this green tape you can see the direction of the of the little teeth are pointing down so when that blade is going up and down it is actually cutting on that downward stroke and the reason for that most most of the normal blades that you'll find are cutting up so the blades are angled up so when that blade is pulling up through the laminate is where it would want to be cutting and it would actually chip the top Edge quite a bit where if it's cutting down it's kind of using the wood that's under the laminate right now as a backer and it gives you a much cleaner cut so use a downstroke blade if you can you can get away with the other one you just need to cut really slow and careful because you do have a little bit of coverage here on on the sink lip outside of that line but uh it's safer if you can use the downstroke blades so so I'm going to just simply go around and follow that line and cut it all the way out and then we'll stop and just uh dry fit the sink and see we may have to do some fine tuning here and there [Music] so [Music] so you can see I'm getting close to coming around to where I left off the first time at this point you want to either have somebody else give you hand or reach under there by yourself and just kind of hold this piece up so that when you get your final cut done it doesn't drop down and bind and uh fall in the bottom maybe break some Plumbing or anything obviously keeping my hand and fingers out of the way of the blade and that's partially for me why I went and started over here and worked my way to that corner it's just more comfortable for me to reach under with my right hand and uh and hold that up then it is the other way so Okay so we've got our piece there that came out now I'm I'm just going to leave the tape there for right now because uh I might have to fine-tune that hole a little bit I'm just moving some of the dust out of the way I'm just going to drop this in and see how it fits actually we're probably going to be all right so I'm just double- checking that everything's sitting nice I've got a little bit of wig room there to maneuver I'm now looking at the hole I marked for my Center hole where my faucet's going to be and it looks all right so I can also uh drill that out as well now you'll notice that we cut the hole for the sink we didn't cut you know way back here around all this stuff we want this part of the counter that's under this area to still stay intact so that's this space here we just cut out where the tub of the the tub area of the sink is going to drop through so I'll just uh drill an inch and a half hole for this [Applause] faucet okay so now I can remove all this tape I'll just pull the tape off I'm going to get the vacuum and just clean up some of this dust and then we'll come back and uh start working on the sink okay now I thought of one other thing before I actually cleaned up here you can see the water lines down here and I just put some tape or whatever to cover up cover them up so that they don't get full of dust and dirt because if you don't H get that out of there it's just going to go straight into your tap and clug your uh your your screens up and stuff so just tape that up before you cut your uh sink out okay so before I install the sink in the hole over there I prefer to put the drain assembly all together uh just it's easier to work on here upside down as opposed to laying in the sink trying to reach it and everything so uh it most sinks come with all these bits and pieces and your your system might look a little bit different this particular brand is just this is what they have so so uh just try to do it here so you can kind of see what I'm doing so there's a strainer uh basket that goes in there first there's usually uh some kind of stamp or emblem on the inside so I try to get it in a appropriate position so it looks right uh I don't know if you noticed this one comes with a gasket already on it so you don't need any uh putty or anything on it so this one's on there these most of the sinks all come with instruction ructions as well so if you're not too sure here's your your uh bottom uh what do they call that I just forget now the bottom of the drain anyways and it's got a little rubber gasket you can see in here as well so I'm just going to get that all started onto that into that nut make sure that the gasket gets centered up in the in this cap in this cup so you can see inside here there's some little emblems in this case there's actually two of them so if I can tight already just going to loosen that off I like to try to get I know I guess it's just me but I like to try to get these so they look right in this case there's kind of two so I'm going to am I going to offset them or put one I I guess I'll offset them I don't know whatever you think looks best there's not usually two marks there but so this particular one basically has a bolt that goes down through that through the end of the bottom of the basket of the strainer and uh there's probably some special tool for it but I just Ed my flat bar to tighten that up and and that bolt just threads into the the plastic piece on the bottom that that's right here so get that nice and snugged up so it's sitting centered in the hole we got that all on there then there'll be some type of tail piece included sometimes they're uh copper this one's just plastic there was a little uh rubber gasket that goes in there thread that on there just snug that down everything looks pretty good um now this sink also has a foam gaset around the bottom of the the lip so pull off the paper uh protection that it has this sink also had uh plastic kind of wrap or whatever across the the top face of it that we pulled off before the video so it's just to protect it in shipping I guess so we're going to get rid of that if your uh sink doesn't have this foam gasket it might come with some uh uh like plumbers putty strips or uh mastic strips that you need to lay out on the countertop to seat the sink into it and that's just to keep water that's on the counter from wiping and washing or something gets spilled from going underneath the uh lip of the sink now we can also hang our uh sink clamps around the perimeter of the sink you can see a lot of these sinks all use the same basic uh basic setup it's usually some kind of a bracket on the sink and then there's some type of a clamp that fits into it it's usually not too much rocket science involved in figuring out which one goes where I'm just trying to set them so that they're close to the right depth to start with so I don't have to mess around too much underneath there one more to go on here and sometimes also once you have all the clamps on it's hard to get it down through the hole in this in the uh countertop because you know they stick out that little bit and stuff so we'll see when we get this one over there we may have to take some off off and put them on From Below but the more we can have on the pop here the better so we'll take our sink there's also a foam gasket that's going to sit underneath the uh tap area so we've centered it on one of the holes or on the hole already see if we can get this tall drop in here one that doesn't want to quite cooperate there we go so I'm just moving things around so our our faucet hole lines up and then I'll double check that we're uh even across the front pretty nice right there I'm just going to have a step back and look to see that it looks like it's uh straight to the world should be good our hole is still good so now I need to go down below and with a uh screwdriver I can flip those little uh uh those little uh clamps I you see me put on I can spin them around so that they clamp up up underneath the countertop and start tightening them down so I'm not sure hopefully the camera can kind of get under there and have a bit of a look at least you can see me do one of them so can see that one so I'm just loosening it off so I [Music] can spin it over there so the clamp should sit something like that and then as I tighten it those little teeth will just kind of grab onto the bottom of the counter so I'm just holding on to the sink kind of onto the drain to keep it from moving around and I'll just kind of start that one I'm just going to work my way around the sink sorry it probably sounds like I'm talking in a barrel here so I got that one I'm just snugging them up until I can get them all to where they're snug and contacting the sink so I'll just go around and uh finish all these and then get them all tightened up and then uh we'll uh talk about anything else I haven't covered Okay so we've uh got it all tightened up down below uh it'll also obviously come with a little plug deal put that in there and you can see as we uh we're along here that we're basically just trying to get that lip down so it comes down at a nice uh nice even amount all the way around that little gasket that I peeled off the strip from that's just in right about here all the way around so that's what's keeping any water from infiltrating underneath there so I think uh we pretty much can wrap that up so we just showed you how to install a stainless steel kitchen sink into a laminate countertop so it's a a top mounted sink or a drop in sink you might here it referred to um we cut the hole we talked about the blade I think we covered everything that we had to cover uh the only thing that would be left to do at this point would be to install the faucet and hook up the drains and everything and do a water check so that will be a different video so if you like this video please click the little uh thumbs up icon that you see there you can check out our uh YouTube channel as well we've got lots of videos on there uh much like this one that can help you through some of the projects you might be dealing with also on our website at [Music] host-commensal maybe throw some pictures in if that helps the situation and I'll be sure to get back to you so anyways this is with Shannon from house and thanks for watching
Channel: HouseImprovements
Views: 724,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kitchen, sink, install, installation, cut, counter, countertop, drop-in, stainless, steel, drain, water
Id: NthGEC5_upQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Thu May 29 2014
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