How to install a garage door - step by step

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all right guys so i'm working on a property here um doing a bunch of work on the on the house um and one of the things i need to do is install a new garage door it's got one of the doors i was able to save actually put a new spring on it but the door on this side was uh pretty well pretty well trashed so we're gonna go ahead and install a new one and i thought i'd take you through and just kind of show you the steps in the process first thing that we did is uh took down the old track took down the door and the track and pretty straight forward just take out all the screws and all the leg lag bolts lag screws and it'll come come off one thing i'll say is be careful when you're taking the spring off the old door do that first um this one just had the had the long springs so i have the door up so the tension is off the springs carefully undo those cables if it if your door has has a torsion spring one that spins um look for another video on how you take the tension off of those because those things when you undo those they can be wicked and they can hurt you so be real careful on taking those torsion springs off but in our case uh the door assembly is off and uh or the door track is off and we're going to go ahead and get this new one installed so i'm just going to kind of run through the steps here it's a little bit dark in this garage so i apologize for that hopefully you'll be able to see all right so when you get a garage door you get a pile of hardware this is one bag there's a few bags of hardware um all your different brackets all your different hinges your cables there's a bunch of hardware so you know it's pretty important that you take your time and follow the instructions pretty closely instruction guide there's 30 like 30 pages of instructions on this thing so make sure you take your time following the instructions but first thing we're going to do is some of these things come like these are actually the bottom brackets that go on the bottom of the door here and they come you get a there there are stamping so you just have to break those apart and i'll take a pliers and snap this little tab off all right so first step is to get these hooked onto the door and if you look at the bracket i'll try to get you on a better angle here so you can see this but on the bracket there's there's some little some little hooks in here basically and these go on these notches in the door so you slide those into the hole and then pull up on it and that basically that locks it position and for a lot of these the these brackets and and the hinges we're using these 5 8 they're number 14 by 5 8 is what they they say so these mo these doors are pre-drilled careful if you're using an impact that you don't over tighten them so you don't strip it out so i got that side i'll go ahead and do the other side all right so next step is going to be to install the hinges on the top of the door and um so this is a this is an ideal door for menards and everyone's going to probably be a little bit different but these hinges are all numbered and the instructions say basically take the take the hinge number one which is what i've got here on all these so same thing we're going to take those with more of these machine screws and we're just going to stick these on the top of the panel [Music] one thing i forgot to mention is before you install the door you want to make sure you've got door stops in place typically it'll be the kind of vinyl vinyl stop it's got the rubber you know weather stripping on it in this case this garage is all going to get sighted so this this metal is going to get ripped off and so i'm just leaving these wood stops on here and that'll that'll be great for getting the door installed but if you don't have some kind of a stop make sure you get that installed before you proceed to setting the door the next step is to actually set this first panel in place and i'm going to have a couple things on hand i've got some shims uh it's important to make sure we get this first panel sitting level if it's not level you know your track and everything is going to want to go off and and you'll be messed up at the top so first panel needs to be level i've got a four foot level here and i've also got some three inch screws so we can use these screws to hold the door up against the actual door stop so let's set it in place and see how see how it looks for level so i'm just gonna center this in the opening here so it's kind of even on the stop on both sides let it sit there with its own weight so i can see that this side this left side over here needs to come up so i'm just going to stick a couple of shims in here take your time with a step make sure you really nail your level all right that right there looks good so i'm just going to take a couple of these long screws put them in at an angle here and that just kind of pins the door against the door frame now it won't go anywhere all right now the instructions say to go ahead and attach the cable now so these will be attached to those first bottom brackets that i installed this of course is the cable that will run up and attach to the spring when we're done all right now moving on to the second panel um the first panel is the one obviously it's got the weather stripping that goes along the bottom the other the rest of the panels i don't think really make any difference they're just they're all they're all the same so we're going to go ahead and put our hinges on the top of this one again this is where it's important to check your instructions so the instructions on this particular door say to use the number two hinges on the outside and then on this center one we're still we're using a number one hinge again so same sheet metal screws that we used before and we're gonna go ahead and set it in the hole i've got another set of the three inch screws i'm going to use those to pin it in place just like i did the first one [Music] now we'll take our sheet metal screws and get the the hinges that we originally applied to the first door we'll get those attached to the first panel we'll get those attached to the second panel now [Music] the next step is we're going to attach these roller brackets so these are going to accept the rollers that go in the track and the instructions it says to put them three and a quarter inches down which aligns them with this bottom hole here and then there are two small holes on the bottom and we're using those same machine screws that we're using before so now for this strut basically this strut does is strengthen the top of the door so when you put a garage door opener on it it just provides you know structural integrity basically to the top of the door and we're gonna use in this kit there's a there's a separate bag and these are basically self-tapping screws they don't you don't have holes provided in the door from the factory so we're just going to take four of these and either a drill or an impact driver either one impact drivers my choice but um looks like we're going to line this thing up looks to me like in the picture they're not real clear but it looks like they're bringing it down and basically touching the top of this roller bracket [Music] oh [Music] all right so it looks like i got ahead of myself a little bit on this top section i've got to put the door opener bracket under that hinge so this gets slid under the strut behind that hinge i'll reinstall these [Music] and then on the top there we use a self tapper all right now it's time to install the rollers uh top roller brackets obvious on these um on your middle three middle two actually you can go in a in the uh position closer to the door or the position further away from the door and i think that actually is supposed to go into position further away from the door so just run through stick these all in including the bottom panel all right now i'm moving on to the track hardware and i've already put together uh the left side over here and you know this is another one of those cases just make sure that you pay close attention to your instructions there's a special set of nuts and bolts that are used to attach the track components together what this one wants me to do is take the top holes in the track and they they go so that the nut goes to the outside the head of the bolt goes to the inside so it goes in the top holes of the track and then the bottom holes of this flag bracket and i'm just going to kind of eyeball this to get it aligned straight as i can go ahead and tighten those down so the next step is these um track brackets are kind of a standoff bracket and they go down uh the center section here where it's slotted and it looks like they basically go through the slot of the track and then also through the slot of the bracket itself so we've got kind of maximum flexibility here and these are just finger tight at this point until we get it up on the wall [Music] okay guys so i got the track installed on the wall and i it's just not trying to do this by myself and and film at the same time as uh didn't work out very well so i'll just show you what i did basically um but basically i've got the track up a half inch off the ground i just put a couple shims off of there and the instructions say to hold the track approximately half inch away from the door so i just got a half inch board here that i use as a spacer and you need to mark your two brackets here and then also your top what they call a flag bracket up there there's three lag screws that go in there so i had to get everything finagled make sure it was a half inch uh away from the door marked my locations drilled with a 3 16ths drill bit and then i came back with my leg screws and got that legged into the door so sorry i couldn't get that on film it's just too much to do by myself and then also then i came back and i tightened up uh the nuts on on the on the track hardware that i'd done previously so that's where we're at time to do the top sections track okay so now it's time to install the horizontal track and i've done this one on this side i'm just i'm not sure how easy this will be to show on camera i'm going to do the best that i can so um it's kind of dark over here you can see that i'm attaching um what i'm going to be doing is attaching to this flag bracket they call it here which is basically the top of the your vertical track so to that you're going to attach your horizontal track the curve section and then up here on the top of your flag bracket up there [Music] you're going to connect that piece of angle iron and i've already installed this piece of angle on the curved section of the track pretty straightforward just a couple of bolts to do that and then in order to get this i guess there's a couple ways you can do this on the instructions they talk about temporarily supporting the horizontal track by hanging by a rope but i've just i took a ladder and knocked a couple of blocks of styrofoam out of the packaging that's really close to the height that i need so i'll just use that to support it as i get everything bolted into place [Applause] so finagle your track around your top wheel i'm just going to very lightly put a couple of bolts in here so it kind of [Music] all right now get my temporary blocks the track set up on the temporary blocks roughly just kind of square off the garage door and i'm coming back up to my flag bracket and i've got a three inch bolt that runs through here three eighths i meant not three inch three eighths okay so that now is at least sitting where it won't tip let's snug these up just a little bit more before i tighten those all the way i'm going to come back to this side over here and hopefully be able to reuse the bracket that was in here before since this did have a garage door in here before so just kind of finagle how you find a spot and i'm actually going to i need just a little more height i'm going to stick another block up here until i get the bracket over here on the door side till the track is the two till the two sections of the track are uh sitting kind of square to each other okay so i've got a hole that's there but this is a 3 8 bolt that goes in here so i just need to drill out my hanging bracket because the bracket just has some small holes the hardware kit has a just a regular 3 8 bolt that goes through here and now it's actually supported so now i'll just go back and tighten up the hardware up here on the track side that i just snugged up before and this track will be officially hanging the last step here with these just to make sure that the horizontals are installed correctly is i'm going to check the square and in order to do that i'm going to measure from i'm going to measure i'll come from this side i'm going to measure from that end of the track to a consistent spot on the garage door i'm just going to come to this bracket here and i'm at 146 and a quarter and i'll do the same thing from this side 146 and a quarter they're within like an eighth of an inch actually so good enough if those weren't square um you know just have to bend your brackets one way or another you want your garage door obviously to go straight up and down so just tweak those back and forth whatever you need to to get that square before i move on to the spring i want to adjust this top panel so if you come out here you can see how everything's pretty well flushed to the stops and then you get this top panel and you can see how it there's a gap it's actually it's actually tipped back and i have seen this lots of times on just exist existing garage doors too so all we have to do to fix that is this top roller assembly which is loosen up these bolts here and once that's loose then you can just slide your the door back because this this thing is on a slide so get the door kind of pressed back so that it's tight against the jamb and then just re-tighten these and you'll be good to go okay it's time to get this spring installed so the first step is to install the spring brackets on either side take your hardware back off here you put on before this horizontal angle run that through the bracket and then there's another bolt you put in the top there so then i'm just gonna come in and drill 3 16 inch hole top and bottom like so and then once i pre-drill those and i'll follow up with some lag screws like that and then that bracket will be firmly attached to the framing so the next step is i've gotta basically build this torsion tube so this is the tube that that spring mounts on and so you've got two two pipes here two chunks of round tubing and then you get this adapter so that goes on there and then i've got a drill hole like so then run a 5 8 well that didn't work i've got some of these self tappers left over i'm going to try these much better all right i'll do this i'll do the same size same thing for the other tube and then we'll have an assembled torsion tube all right so we're going to assemble this torsion tube and i'm just going to follow their instructions pretty closely here all right so when you attach the spring to the winding unit this is the winding unit and looks like this is just going to clip in here [Music] all right it says now with a partner lift this up into the cradle of the torsion spring bracket this would be a little bit easier with a partner but i don't have one all right just a quick run through what i got going on here so basically this winding mechanism there's a slot in it and it fits into this retainer here the drum that the cable is going to wrap around fits sort of inside that bracket this side over here there's kind of a a bushing thing that slides inside of there same basic setup and then the instructions say to measure look at your spring this one says 32 supposed to measure and make sure that you've got your coils are 32 inches and then you tighten down these two set screws there so that's what i've done so far all right next up we're going to take the cable run it behind the rollers [Music] i'm just gonna come up here behind the drone i don't know how well you'll be able to see this but so this cable comes up the back here and then there is a slot and that drum that the end of that cable goes through so now what i'm going to do is tighten it by hand okay i'm not going to do this on camera but what i'm going to do is i'm going to tighten this one hand by hand and then right here there's a set screw that takes a 3 16 allen key and what that's going to do is is get this drum locked onto this torsion tube all right i've got that set screw tightened up now what i'm going to do they provide a little quarter inch hex key that goes into this winder and i'm just going to put a couple of turns on here just put a little tension on that just to tension up that spring that cable slightly so i put this carriage bolt in a little bit early but that's okay i just pop this nut loose this rubber tube retainer goes on there and i think its purpose is just to make sure that this um this whole torsion tube assembly doesn't somehow pop up out of the frame and cause havoc so i've got two of these i've got one for this side and i'll go do the left side too all right the time has come to tension up this spring and it says for a seven foot door which is what this is to do eleven and a quarter winds so there's a stripe on here and i'm just going to be counting the number of times that that stripe comes around and we'll get to 11 and a quarter [Music] well right as i hit about 11 the door actually moved up a little bit so we're [Music] i think that's actually a little too much spring tension [Music] i think the last thing i have to do is tighten the other set spray set screws on these drums so if you lift the garage door up a little bit you get access i think there's i don't know let me see how many there are yeah there's this there's there's two on each drum so that side's already tight so get those tightened up and i think we're done all right guys we got a garage door not too bad of a project really i don't it's more i would say it's just time consuming it's not a difficult process it's just a lot of hardware and a lot of steps so it's kind of time consuming but it's not bad really if you have two people i think would make the process go a little bit easier a little bit quicker but as you can see it's doable you know one person by yourself if it's a if it's a nine foot door if you've got a bigger door like a 16 or 18 foot door and you definitely probably need two people to be able to do that but anyway hopefully you guys find that video helpful subscribe to my channel if you haven't already give me a thumbs up if you wouldn't mind and we'll see in the next video
Channel: Janssen Properties
Views: 250
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: how to install garage door, steps to install garage door, can i install garage door by myself, install ideal garage door
Id: 0ZWbF7GIUt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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