Stealth Box Truck TOUR - Studio Apt on Wheels

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This is an amazing project

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/sunfishh72 📅︎︎ Dec 05 2021 🗫︎ replies
what is up everybody it is morning time and i actually still have not had my coffee but you know what no i know right uh and this is jason uh and he is the owner of this phenomenal box truck behind me don't know if i've done a full van tower box truck yet on my channel yours might be my first yeah that's awesome i don't know i've done a lot of tours but you know what i'm really excited to do this one because you went kind of crazy you could say that i can't wait to show it and uh we're gonna get into it all right now there's like nothing on the outside it's a big old box truck it is a kind of crappy work truck aesthetic when you go inside it's a it's a little different story you didn't do much the outside you kept it like pretty bare on the outside for obvious reasons you have parked in like the middle of cities and nobody has ever bothered you absolutely um and i want to show the outside at the end because i really i want to show how you get in to your box truck because there's only one way in yep yep there are you know obviously for urban stealth we didn't want any doors on the outside but that does mean you have to deal with a little bit of a weird entrance sure but i think it's so i'm gonna follow you from behind all right and we're gonna just kind of show how this works so you have to jump in the cab here this is so weird first time i did this guys i was like where are you taking me right now it is a low clearance but it's worth it because it just opens up man holy crap dude this is the oddest craziest thing yeah so you know crappy work truck vibe on the outside studio apartment vibe on the inside as well studio apartment vibe i love that all right so we normally work front to back we just entered the front let's work from the back forward all right yeah so got a shower and you know the nice thing with the box truck is you have a decent amount of room so this is like a pan from lowe's or whatever you know it's a 32 by 32 like sure would have in their basement i got a composting toilet in nature's head and so you know i just throw that out of here throw my dirty clothes out you know obviously if i can mooch a shower i will because you know if you are using your own water and your own waste tank but i i'm lucky i have 55 gallons of onboard water 44 gallon grey water tank so you know it does get me by for a while which was important you know mostly i'm living in cities i built this for grad school you know i don't want to have to be going into the great water dump or to get fresh water constantly so it's nice to have a bigger tank on board we didn't even ask you what truck this is it is a ford e350 box truck ford e350 box truck do you know the dimensions of the box yeah it's like 17 and a half long okay it's decent but not crazy big fairly easy to maneuver i don't need a special license or anything what's the width um it's like inside it's about seven feet wide wow that's so much wrong yeah we actually had a six foot ten person in here yesterday did you really the 17 feet but that's your shower right there what is like it's obviously jutted out like what's this right here so on the other side of the wall is the garage opens from the back yeah which we'll get to we'll show you that later but yeah so that's why this is jutted in and that's you know for room for my bike cool i'm getting all that fun stuff all right so you have a work space it looks like yep have a work space yeah i almost should have closed that gate but one of the things that's interesting for the stealth factor you don't necessarily want a window in your vehicle so the way we got around that and my friend matt did the design and i mean he's really the brains of the operation and one of his great ideas that he came up with was was to basically we took an old air conditioner vent yeah and put a steel frame on and some gas struts and so that closes and conceals the window very concerted about uh making it stealth oh my god get through the details so yeah you know it looks like an air vent on the outside right um and what's cool though is that because we use the grates um i can still slide the window open and shut oh yeah yeah airflow at night and that's been very nice in the summer what about lighting so i just put uh i just put the blind down and that's it that covers the light it's just fine yep um and you know even with the blind down i can still get a little bit of airflow sure the max air fan kind of pulls some air which is nice yeah i did notice that was your only window to your left my right and you have these other skylights that actually bring in a lot of light you were telling me about this the first time i came in here was night time yeah yeah so that's pretty nice you have two of them it looks like yep i i originally was not going to do any and then i decided to do one because as i was working on it i noticed that it was a little dark in here and i got one and it was so nice that i was like i'm just going to do another one i've been really happy with those those have been a game changer they've been really nice they seem really nice they bring in a lot of light so you don't feel like you're in like a like a cubicle exactly yeah you know some days when i'm working i spend probably too much time in here yeah but you know between the size and the good natural light like it doesn't feel that constrained you know i don't feel like oh my god i gotta get out of here which is nice how long did it take you to build what was over a year to build was it really a while to design and kind of come up with and you know originally i was actually looking for a step there but i was having trouble finding a good deal on a step van on you know a lot of food truckers especially here in colorado take those is that where you base out of yeah colorado yeah uh is that is are you still in grad school i haven't started grad school yet it's kind of anticipation of grad school so i'm in a process of applying right so that was your goal like you are like i'm an urban dweller i'm not going back country i needed a box truck to do this yeah that's pretty smart yeah a box truck or a step band or something bigger because i knew i'd be working in here a fair amount you're going to be spending a fair amount of time i also thought like a more industrial vehicle like a box truck or step van would be better for stealth if you're in the cities you know 95 of the time then why not yeah exactly see you have an air conditioner yeah so um this is pretty recent i don't totally like it but um you know it's nice to have a little bit of ac the nice thing is with a box truck i've actually got um pretty good insulation this is fairly cool in here yeah and you have you know a good amount of room which you can use so i've got you know two by three studs so i've got you know nice wall cavities and those are full of padlock wool uh closed cell spray foam in the floor and ceiling so the insulation really helps you know if into the mid 80s i'm fine in here i don't need any ac you know as long as i have the fans running and good air circulation i'm actually in pretty good shape awesome once you get into like high 80s 90s then it does start getting pretty hot and so i i did get this and it does help we're approaching 90 where we are right now and again it's fairly cool in here yeah it's very comfortable yeah you got this long kitchen and uh i do i did ask you about the power what do you oh yeah so i have 500 watts of solar on the roof wow 400 uh amp hours of line energy lithium wow that's a lot but you know i and to be honest like it's probably more than i need i i'm pretty miserly with power it turns out but i just wanted to be on the safe side and how big is your inverter uh 3 000 3000 watts wow that's crazy i probably didn't need that i mean yeah but i mean it's also fun like maybe you could turn on your ninja and run i don't know do you have a thing over there as well i have an electric water heater under here oh you do yeah how's that been treating you i think that's fine i don't know i think if i did it over again i might get an instant okay like a propane yeah i know i would have kept electric tell me this whole kitchen setup could you give me the run yeah so i like um i like cooking a lot you know it saves money on food so i wanted you know a decent amount of kitchen space um mostly i do have a pullout induction cooktop but i can that i can use i just pull that out of the drawer i have a rice cooker up here i have a pressure cooker with an airfryer adapter in that and that's probably what i use most of the time okay i'm a really big fan of like putting something together in the pressure cooker having a few days of leftovers and then heating them up in the microwave oh wow you're gonna microwave it all yeah look at you got a lot of like like yeah like components yeah i'm a kitchen dad okay fair enough i like making my morning smoothie and i have a milk frother a milk frother yup and steams it too wow because why not not a peasant and then i have a this makes nut milk so like cashew milk almond milk what yeah that's crazy i did notice you have the one mac spirit and then you have another one like right above me so you have a good you know air flow going too as well plus the window so you have a lot of airflow yeah which is it feels nice and fresh in here all the time random ottoman but it works it works you know and it's nice and i can flip it up get storage and then you know you have a coffee table all right let's switch spaces and we'll talk about your your couch here your lounge uh and and oh is that your fridge yeah okay cool what kind of fridge is it it's an angle and i like it it's super efficient knowing what i know now i mean i have so much storage in here i think at some point i'm probably gonna take out this drawer okay um and actually buy a bigger fridge that'd be cool um because this thing's so efficient like i've got excess power so you know having a little more friction space would be nice that's one thing i've definitely learned so you got a just a love seat it looks like yep i ripped up a friend's sectional you know at some point i might like really build a nice custom thing but you literally just put it in here yeah this back wall because there's no doors right back wall is the last thing we did so okay so the couch and the desk were the kind of the last things to come in so i was ready to be done and so i just like ripped up a friend's sectional and did it so if you were to take this couch out you have to rip down the wall behind me no i just ripped down the couch fair enough because i just realized that there's no way you can get big objects in here yeah there is a side um access door this used to be an insulation blowing truck okay there's a side door that i can get some bigger items there's kind of issues is that right here is that this door right here yeah it's underneath the towel yeah exactly so oh okay i could have an access to a little bit of an access door nothing special that's good for like loading garbage you got a whole bunch of stuff going on do you what do you want to show me because i don't want to talk another like like i said my friend matt did the design and just like knocked it out of the park and and because you notice how like it's just so open in here and i think one of the reasons is because he did a good job of just hiding some of the more utilitarians like uh back here i've got 55 gallons of fresh water that is a there's a boston there's a there's a water pump you know you have eaten here yep does it have heat in here nice this is nice yeah in colorado we did all the electrics kind of buried in here but then we do have a quick access to battery shut off and and the solar circuit breaker and then also have the distro panel back here nice kind of hidden too it's all black yeah yep there's a closet look at that because you know you don't want you gotta look good with your hanging clothes yeah i like that that's pretty nifty yeah we were i was really happy to have this in here and then um you know i do have some some like random built-ins oh yeah i'll put the over around the bed yeah yeah so there's some basically some hidden shelves on the other side just to give some storage in the loft is this how you get up to your loft yes this is the climbing that's the climbing wall ladder yeah okay these holes were from the first gym that i climbed at which unfortunately closed but uh i was able to get some of the holds and my friend dexter actually made this hold so the the climbing wall ladder has some sentimental values it's a little bit of sentimental i was gonna say that man that's pretty awesome yeah uh what's the bed dimensions it's the full-size bed i just took my old full mattress which was so nice because i'd recently bought a mattress like i would sleep for days up there because it's so like confined yeah yeah and i love like i actually love that it's kind of dark up there and it's like a nest yeah it definitely is it's really cozy i like it is there a way to shut the cab off to the back like can you use our door with a sliding door and then i retrofitted a little patio door stoppers that's your lock so i can lock it that's a uh this is like we're like sitting in your panic room when the zombie apocalypse happens you can just lock yourself in here and you just drive over zombies yeah this would totally fit this would totally be okay with zombies mow down some zombies can we go to the outside and kind of just check the minimal that we have out there yeah let's do it so weird walking through it this way guys look at this just a regular old car yeah box truck and here i am i've been meaning i got a construction vest up here oh my god why not right just to kind of complete the look like i'll never wash that dashboard like no way you're right but you gotta have a dust yeah i have a friend that's been trying to tell me what i really need is like a good like empty bag of like fiery hot doritos yeah that's actually pretty good some doritos or something yeah crushed monster can in there do you use like any of this down here well this is a great water tank that's your gray tank okay and then yeah walk me through it and then so there's a grey water tank and you just empty it there and then this is that side access door right so it's so nifty and obviously it's locked yeah and so i like this for and then there's latches on the inside too right security and then um i i do like this for like loading and loading bigger items sure but you know it wouldn't work for an entrance and then you got this thing yeah this is the this is the uh music deck yep this is the patio this is another math special um this used to be a roll-up door yeah obviously that wasn't gonna work so we took that off and matt welded a custom frame there's uh trunk latches that hold it closed and then those are electronics so there's actually a switch on the inside so i can turn the power off so someone can't just open the door but there's room for a couple bikes up there and then you know i have some climbing gear and just tools and random stuff you know it's a garage look can we walk around to where this you know vent is oh yeah let's do that so this is the window that is a nice feature this is uh so he still has a signage up from the festival yeah this definitely is not on here when we're on urban style no so it's a studio apartment open house this is hilarious there's a latch you know so i can lock that and then you know close it up but yeah that's an old air conditioner van that's so funny man built the frame around it and and uh guess where the entrance is and then people wrote a bunch of stuff yeah that's the left what roof wtf that's actually pretty good that was pretty good people were guessing we were having a lot of fun yeah yeah this it was funny so you know this was in the context of the colorado tiny house festival right yeah the first day i didn't have as much signage and like people were walking past i think they just thought this was a box truck of equipment that's exactly what they thought they all thought it was it was for the show so not only does the stealthiness work in the city but it actually works pretty good apparently yeah and i remember talking to that night after the first day and i was like dude did anybody go and you were like no not really and i was like well you gotta put some signage up man and you were like yeah maybe i should i was like dude you got a really cool box truck like show show it off man it was fun you know giving tours to people right because when they walk in it's so funny to see people's faces when they walk in and they stand up and they're like yeah what is this yeah inside nobody expects what it's gonna look like on the inside very unexpected where do we find you well i can see it right there where do we find you on instagram yeah at stealth studio event on instagram's the best place stealth judio van and you're hopefully gonna be going to grad school soon this was a unique approach yeah i'm pretty happy with it uh you know just it was everything i wanted you know i wanted i wanted something that was stealthy and i think this does the job pretty well and then i wanted something that felt like a little studio apartment inside and that's that's been going great you know i like spending time in it i spend a decent amount of time if i got to the point where i wanted to do something different the box truck could actually convert into a tiny house fairly easily barely lift this off the chassis and create like a different entrance and do all sorts of things so like i kind of like that adaptability well jason thank you so much follow him at stealth studio van yeah i'm going to catch up with you in the future man yeah for sure yeah dude that's awesome i watched a ton of your videos oh thank you so much thank you inspiration thank you appreciate that all right guys give them a follow i'm gonna go wake up i think you're gonna go wake up as well all right let's go do that [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jarrod Tocci
Views: 1,388,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: box truck conversion, box truck build, van life, van build, box truck tour, stealth van life, how to build stealth van, van tour, stealth van living, city parking van life, stealth box truck, studio apartment on wheels, how to stealth park, van life build ideas, living in a box truck, jarrod tocci, ghost tours
Id: DiZS9umet6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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