How to Install a Battery-Operated Backup Sump Pump

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uh hello and welcome back to the andy outdoorsman today we're in my basement uh recently i moved from the city out to the country and with that uh are some new experiences that i've never experienced before uh by living in uh non-city environments and one of those being that the house that we purchased has a sump a sump pump here and i being a city boy have never experienced it before so i've been doing a lot of research on uh sumps and things to do with them and how to maintain them and whatnot one of the things that i need to correct is that i do not have a backup sump pump in the event that the primary pump goes out or two the power goes out so i went out and did some research and i purchased a battery backup system in the event of power failure to where i don't have to worry about my sump overflowing and the water not being able to discharge and in my research i've discovered that i don't have a check valve in line with my current system to that prevents water from coming back into the sump itself other than the designated pipes so on my discharge today i'm going to go ahead and install a check valve so that when the primary pump comes in i don't have to worry about back feeding as well as installing a battery backup system now this is my first time doing this i thought i'd share the experience with you but if you've got some tips or some suggestions that i can do to make this better as far as the installation goes i'm all for it and i don't have a problem coming back and correcting anything that i may have done wrong so please leave something in the comment if i've done something wrong let me go through the equipment you're going to need to install a battery backup sump pump so here's everything that you're going to need in order to hook up the battery backup sump pump now you may need a couple of additional parts or maybe fewer or less depending on your situation but this is what i'm going to need the only thing that's not shown here is my inch and a quarter discharge pipe but that's a 10 foot piece i'll need to cut down but basically what we have is we have the pump itself the battery backup unit that controls when this comes on and goes off i had to provide the battery and all of these plumbing pieces now keep in mind that it's critical that you go ahead and get uh these pieces here these two pieces and that's a check valve which allows water to go only one way in addition to that where you have these elbows you want 45 degree elbows and not 90s because you don't want a real sharp turn you want a gradual turn with that i'm not sure if you can do a sweeping 90 but it's better to do 45s instead of the direct 90s but these are the pieces that you'll need not very difficult not a lot so let me go ahead and dry fit everything and show you how it all works in order for me to work on the discharge line to hook in my battery backup i need to disconnect my primary pump problem with that is is that as you can hear i've got quite a bit of water coming in today so i need another pump that's going to run to go ahead and take the water out while i have my primary pump turned off to work on this discharge so you may need a secondary pump to go ahead and take the water out if it is running heavy on the day you plan to do this like me but just be aware that you may need another pump to take the water out as you're working on this system to cut the pvc pipe it's uh it's really not difficult all you need is a hacksaw with a sharp blade and just take your time kind of stay straight with it i like to turn my pipe as i'm cutting it before i cut all the way through it just so that i've got the straight line going it's all it is to it now what i usually do is take a piece of sandpaper deeper the edges so that it'll be a nice flat tight fit into the other sections of pipe that go on here pretty simple to cut i've got my temporary pump in the wall itself and i've got my primary pump shut off so once it gets up to a certain level i'll turn that temporary pump on let it drain but what i've done is come over here and i've disconnected [Music] my primary pump from the discharge going outside we step back here so what i'm trying to do now is where you see uh this right here is where i want to put in a check valve so the water will only go one way all right so let me go ahead and get that all connected and i've also got my uh battery backup pump right here and that's ready to be connected into a wide fitting going this way once i get my check valve on all right i've got that pipe out of there now let me go ahead and install the suction with the check valve in it all right i got my uh temporary pump out of there i've got my backup pump in as well as the primary and then this is my plumbing that's temporarily in place so i'm gonna go ahead and mark this and then i can glue it up so as you can see here i put pencil marks right at the joints so that when i take this apart and glue them back up then this will help me to align it perfectly the way i had it when i dry fitted it all into place so a little tip i learned watching a couple of youtube videos is to mark your pipes you need to take them apart glue them and put them back together all right i've got everything put back together but i do not have the backup connected just yet i wanted to make sure there was no leaks with my primary pump the connections to the backup my check valve and then going on up so this is the the check valve for the primary pump so it should check kick on here any second and we will check for leaks more waters going into the tank than than it normally does because i didn't pay attention and this ring is blocking the float let me move that ring see what happens as soon as i move that ring you can see there the float engaged and it's working like it should so pay attention guys uh little things like that can cause you problems later i didn't notice it when i put it all back together but i did um check for leaks here and we are good i do not have any leaks all right let me go ahead and get the battery backup system connected all right now that we have the uh pump installed let's go back over what was included in the kit so you saw me put the the pump into the sump well what comes with the kit is a battery charger a float that runs off of a 12 volt so that's uh will get connected into this unit up here this is the battery case that comes with the kit and inside here are the connectors one is for the pump one is for the float one is for the battery charger or tender battery tender and then these cables here hold this right these cables here get connected to the battery itself now the battery does not come with the kit you'll have to go and get that yourself and may i suggest that you get a marine grade deep cycle battery since this will be on a battery tender all the time these are more equipped for things like that then i'll say a car car battery the other thing is too is get the a battery that has terminals screws terminals on top i think these are 5 16 because these connectors will fit right on there and then you can tighten them down and get a secure connection so i recommend you do that so all we need to do now is hook up the battery hook up the battery tender and then hook up the float as well as the pump into this unit here once i get it all connected i'll show you what goes on here but pretty much uh it'll tell you if your battery is low it'll tell you that uh it it's partially charged or it's fully charged now i went ahead and put my battery on the battery tender for a couple of days that's what they recommend that you do so i should have a green light all the way across and then there's a power failure button here too so when the power is lost to this unit ac power is lost then the battery kicks in when it does it lets off an alarm a loud alarm and you can test that periodically there's a button here on the side you can press that and the alarm will go off but yeah so far from what i've been able to at least test uh without fully hooking it up it seems to work pretty well all right let me go ahead and get all of this set up and i'll show you the final install all right i've got everything dressed in i'm going to go ahead and hit this button on the battery and it should kick in the battery back up pump and it should set off alarm when it does that's the backup pump running it automatically shuts off so that's it guys that's how you install a battery backup sump pump within your existing environment so it probably took me about three hours to do this again i didn't know what i was doing taking my time but i'm sure that if you're a more experienced plumber or experienced at plumbing this wouldn't take nearly as long but i do have a sense of relief peace of mind that this is all done so appreciate you watching i hope you learned something and if i did something incorrectly again please let me know down in the comments what i should have done differently this is going to be a permanent solution for me so i definitely want to do it right as always i appreciate you watching until the next time take care and god bless uh you
Channel: The Handy Outdoorsman
Views: 5,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: battery backup sump pump, water powered backup sump pump, sump pump, best battery backup sump pump, battery backup sump pump system, wayne sump pump, wayne sump pump 3/4 hp, wayne sump pump reviews, wayne sump pump and backup system, sump pump battery backup, install a battery sump pump, battery backup, sump pumps, sump pump battery backup installation, sump pump installation
Id: gySFim4aa8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2022
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