How To Diagnose And Repair A Sump Pump Beeping Every 15 Seconds

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hi and welcome to another video by get it done home repairs today we're going to talk about a sump pump you can hear that beeping noise that beeping noise tells you that something's going on with the sump pump and it needs to be addressed before you have a use for the pump you want to make sure everything is working all right so let me take you through the procedure of what we're going to do and how we're going to resolve this problem all right as you can see here this is the the one that we're talking about here this is a made by a company called the watchdog basement watchdog this actually monitors the water inside the sump and when it comes up to a certain point uh it will turn on and pump out the water if we had a power failure all right but as you can see right here now this warning noise that we're getting it's lit up here where it says battery and it'll tell you that the terminals are corroded or defective battery uh clean the terminals or replace the batteries now there's a couple of maintenance items that you need to know about a a battery here and the one of the most important things here is water you need to periodically check the battery to make sure that the water level in the battery is up to the correct height and the water level in the battery you should on the side of the box itself on the side of the battery it'll have marks on there where the water is supposed to be but i'll show i'll show you that in just a minute now just so you know these batteries usually every three to five years you want to replace them because the worst thing that can happen is you need the pump during a power outage and the battery doesn't have power to run the pump during the outage all right so let's take it through the procedure now we're going to check the battery and we're going to see what's going on with it on this particular one there's a little latch right here you just push this latch in and you lift it up and it opens up like this and then in the back is a small little hook and you just unhook it from the back like that we're going to pull this forward a little bit and we're going to put this down in the back right over here now it says the terminals are either loose or corroded and that could be the problem but we don't know how old this battery is normally when you get a battery you want to punch out the date on here when it was installed because that way you'll have an idea of if it was three years four years five years down the road because you're not going to remember so if by chance you put a battery in punch out the date so you know exactly when you put it in all right so this particular piece right here is for the water level when the level of the battery goes low this would light up a light up on here that would say water is low all right so periodically open these caps up look inside and see if it needs water in there i'll take this battery out of the box so i can explain to a little bit better how it's actually uh where the water level is supposed to be okay now this is what i was telling you about the line of where the water needs to be you can see that this is the lower line and this is the upper line the water is supposed to be up to approximately the upper line right here when it goes down to this point here is when it will light up that thing that tells you that the the water level is low it can cause that battery not to be working properly but we're not going to take a chance like i said we don't know how old this battery is and we're going to put a new one in so we have an idea of how long it's going to last so let's get the new battery and we'll put it in okay so now we're back from our big box store to pick up the battery now i know you're probably saying you could probably pick up a marine battery to do the same thing but you really can't you need to use this battery because we have to screw the the sensor here into the battery over here so we do need to have the same battery that came for the kit for the the watchdog system itself all right now when you buy these batteries it comes in a box obviously like this and it does have a seal across the top and you're supposed to remove this top right here when you're ready to fill it with the acid which comes separate so you need to buy the acid separate from the battery all right so we're just going to take this and we're going to pull this off and then of course this piece this aluminum cover is then trash we don't need this anymore leave the battery in the box when you're filling it up just in case you have a couple of drops of the acid that spills it'll be contained into the box itself so we open it up now and this is what it looks like it's got a little hose on here like this what you need to do is take a utility knife or a razor blade or a scissor and cut this off pinch it with your fingers to keep the fluid from flowing and then you slowly fill up each one of these cells right here all right so that's what we're going to do okay so now when you lift up the battery you're going to find your instructions right here especially your filling instructions is very important too you want to fill it up according to the diagram that comes with the box itself it says to fill it up to the first level first and then we're going to fill it up to the second level after we fill it to the first level we'll top it all off all right so we're going to follow these instructions and i just want to point this out to you too you do need to check your battery every six months just to make sure that the level has not gone down um you want to check it every six months just to make sure the level is is full check every six months all right so let's fill it up with acid and we'll continue we're going to take the tube like this we're going to hold it like this and then we're going to cut it off now we're going to hold this we're going to pinch it with our hands we're going to take our battery throw it up here like this pinch it with your hands and then just slowly let the acid go into the battery okay so now that we initially filled each one of the cells up we're going to lift the battery out so we can look on the side to make sure that it's filled up where it's supposed to be i'm going to turn the battery so you can see and you can see where the cells are we need to fill it up just a little bit more on each one of these to bring it up to the upper level all right so that's what we're going to do we're going to fill it up to this line right here and then we're ready to put it back in okay so now we just dry off any of the acid that may have spilled when you were filling the battery up make sure it's up to the mark where it's supposed to be and you can see it's right up to the mark right now where it's supposed to be next thing we're going to do is we're going to take the caps that they came with the battery and we're going to install the caps on the new on the new battery and now we have all the caps and we're just going to take this one back out now because you can see right here says he insert the sensor into this one right here so we're just going to take this catwalk for a second and down here you just need to push that little piece that little window open just like this because now we have to get that sensor through here so we're going to screw this back in now here they're all tight we're just going to move this a little bit closer now okay i'm just going to take this sensor here out just like that for now put it on the side we're going to loosen up this cable right here first positive just like that we're going to take off the negative just like that don't use the old ones that came off using the ones that came provided with the battery okay we make sure negative negative has to go in that way okay now we're going to take this battery out and we're going to swap it for the other battery put the one back onto the negative vehicle now and we're going to screw this down so so plug your sensor or sensor back in there and then we're going to come back up on in here and we're going to hit press and hold to reset okay so let's put this back into the box and we'll get this job finished up but first remember when i told you about the dates on here we're going to come in here we're going to take out the date that we put this battery in so we'll know in the future when this battery needs to be replaced so let me pop this out and we'll put it back together so now we're going to come in here we're going to punch out the date here that we installed the battery so we now reinstall the battery in july right here and we installed it in 21. so we're going to punch out the one so we know it's 2021. and that says so now when we look at the battery we will know it was put in in 2021 and it was done in july so now we know this battery every three to five years we'll have to replace it all right so let's put it back in the box so let's finish this job up now i'm going to take our box we're going to hold it up over here lift it back up put it right in now you're probably saying why is it deeping again it's because i lifted up this sensor right here it needs to go down back into the to the fluid and then it's off let me show you real quick see here if you lift that sensor out of the water rather than the acid it lights up like that and it will push it back in and it goes out all right so now we have that all put back together we punched out our dates over here we're going to put these down out of the way like this nice and tight take our cover put our cover back on push it down like that and it's all set and then after you finish of course then you hit the reset here and it'll reset the battery is off everything else here is off the way it's supposed to be it's charging and the system is operating so this battery pack now is ready to go and it's it's ready for just in case the uh power ever goes out we have i think it says 7.5 hours of run time on this particular battery with the backup pump but that's it this job is done make sure you dispose of your battery correctly because you cannot throw this battery in a regular garbage it needs to be recycled what i would do is take it to a a big big parts a big box auto parts store or take it to your local garage to be more than happy to take it off your hands because when they trade it back in they'll they get a few bucks from a recycling guy all right this job is done we're on the next we're going to clean up and of course wash your hands because if you get acid on your clothes you're going to want to destroy the clothes you're wearing all right as always thanks for watching and i'll see you on the next one
Channel: Get It Done Home Repair
Views: 48,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: why does my sump pump beep every 15 seconds, why does my sump pump make noise, why does my sump pump beep, my sump pump keep beeping how do i fix it, how do i repair a problem with my sump pump, sump pump problem, how do i fix a problem with my sump pump, how do i fix a beeping noise from my sump pump, how do i replace a sump pump battery, sump pump battery replace, how do i change a sump pump battery, how do i replace the sump pump battery, sump pump battery change
Id: tbv7tcDJvOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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