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- [Narrator], honest reviews and advice. - Boom and hold tight. Welcome to today's video. You don't want to know what's on the other side of that door there because I've come around someone's house to do this job. A friend of mine, yeah? Gav, the roofer. Gav, I love you. (lips smacking) And basically there's kids everywhere. (kids yelling) I don't know if you can hear, but there's kids out there now. It's going mental. Anyway, before we begin, obviously, subscribe Facebook, Twitter. All those bits up there. You can click on them, they'll take you to the places you need to go, if you want more love from us. So, anyway, this video is gonna very, very quickly show you how to, basically, put a new bath in. This one here is temporarily in already. As you can see they've had lots of work done to this room. So we're just gonna whip this bath out the way. Then I'm gonna get the new bath ready with a lovely new set of legs and we're gonna put it in here, we're gonna stick it in and glue it on. So I hope you enjoy today's video and I hope you learn a little bit about how to fix your bath in. If you want to know about the other bits, we've done videos on that already and I'll leave links to that in the description below. I speak to thee later. Hold tight. ♫ We've got the water off (clapping) ♫ So first thing to do is disconnect the water Fortunately, the water here is on flexibles. So it's even easier. (rattling) Right, if we go under here you'll see, praise be to god, there's actually a flexible going off the inch and a half waste off the bath. So all I'm going to do for now is just slacken this beast off here and let that drop down. With any luck we won't have to do a lot of hard work to get the new bath in. Oh yeah. Anyway, right so, while that's going, I'm gonna lift this out. (screaming) (banging) Strength of an ox. Yes. Right, so now we've got the old bath out, we can set about clearing up in there and preparing the new bath and hope that the kids are actually quiet for 10 minutes. So we got the bath out, yeah? We've got the flexi pipe here that makes this tutorial so much easier. And also I've had a lovely bit of cake, so they're learning. I've got cake and a cup of coffee, so we're doing well. Anyway, before I continue, this bit of pipe back here, that's gonna be behind the bath, is frankly bloody awful. So I wanna just get that clipped up back to the wall. Make that look nice before I carry on so that it looks something like this. Beautiful, huh? I mean, this is what it's all about. Making it better. We've got a proper little leader valve on 'ere that they can get to from under the bath. So they pop the panel off and get it off there because that's all there is. And I cannot be bothered to get my dyes out to redo all the inch and a half they've got over there. So that's a much better set up. Nice and clipped to the wall. So now we can get our new bath and prepare it to go in this gap here. It's gonna be great. Right, so we've got a new bath in here now and we're going to get this all ready. If you are a woman, right, and you're doing this, read the instructions, okay? Inwardly digest them and then do it right first time. If you're a man, completely ignore the instructions, throw them away and get it wrong. So just read the instructions, that's what I'm saying. And I'm always gettin' told off by my wife for not reading the instructions. I've read them already, by the way, and I'm now ready to do the first stage of this next part of the job. And that's basically get all the legs on this bath. Right, so nice baths have a central weight-bearing point about here, and then a bar across the bottom here at the end, and a bar across here for the end there. But then some baths will have a bar that will attach here on this side, go over, pin there, and then pin over the other side and they do that in three places as well. This is a much more common way of new baths being installed these days. So firstly watch how I put the middle bit in. Right, so first things first is I'm gonna get my nut on my central and wind this down, okay? (rattling) Then I'm actually I'm gonna push my new foot through here now, and get this nut on now because it would be easier to do this now rather than later. (kids yelling) And just make it so it's just hand tight. And then hope the kids don't scream their heads off. This is the middle of the bath here, and the middle of the bath like that as well. So make sure you use the right length screws. If you use the wrong length-- (kid screaming) (laughs) If you use the wrong length screws, it will go straight through the bath. You don't wanna do that. (drill whirring) (bath rumbling) So you get your screws just on here like so. (drill whirring) (bath rumbling) Right, and that's the middle one on. Right, so now I want to get my next panel here, okay? And that's going to be, I'm probably just pop that about there like so, okay? And then I'm gonna pop some screws in here and here and here, and get this bit on. (drill whirring) (bath rumbling) Right, and once you've got these in like this, once you've got the end in like that, you can pop your first thread through here like so. And then you put your locking nut on, (rattling) and what that'll do is that'll lock the foot in position later on when we come to get this at the right height. Then you've got two more bolts to shove on here just yet. Pop this bolt on here like so, like that. And then this is going to go through this hole here, and this bolt is going to go on the other side, just like this. (rattling) Right, so you're going to do the same over here. (rattling) Right, so you've got one more bar to put in down at the bottom so do that now, then we're ready to move on to the next stage. Now that we've got our feet on here, the next bit we need to do is just get our waste in. So you just get this little bit here. And just pull that out of the way. You don't want it fully out the way 'cause there's going to be a tiler in here and stuff like that. You wanna try and keep this film on as much as possible. Okay? And then, now at this point you can choose which way you wanna seal it. A lot of people use a nice little rubber seal, or they a little bit of silicon seal, or even a little bit of Plumbers Mate. But it's up to you at this point. So what we're going to do now is basically pop this in here like that, and then tighten it up with a nut on the other side. So now this is the bit I enjoy the most, this is the contorted, difficult part of the job. We've got a rubber washer over there. Now we need to put another rubber washer on here like that. I'm gonna shove a bit of glue around this in a minute, but I just need to get this all in first. Right, then we've got our overflow receiver. That will go on here like so. Then we've got another rubber washer to go on here. And then finally our nut. So that can go on there last. So now that's not going to go anywhere, we can just pull these back a little bit, and we can get our first rim of glue just round here. (mumbles) I'm just going to run that in here. And around here like that. Right, I'll just tighten that up. Now, I know there might be bits of gunk hanging about everywhere, but we can't take any risks when it comes to this, so this is definitely the best way to do it. Right, it might be a good idea, just before you fully tighten everything up, to pop round the other side of the bath and just have a look from the other side. And make sure that you've got the drain off, kind of where you want it, nice and central in the hole. Right, so once you've tightened that up, all you need to get is the overflow pipe here, get that pushed in here and then get that pushed in at the other end of the top on your overflow. So now we've got that done like that, we're ready, pretty much, to instal our bath. Now this is the bit that you really have come here to see, I'd say. How you level out one of these baths. (rattling) (sighs) Right, so now we're going to get down and dirty with the bit that you want to see. As you can see the guy who put the floor in here, Gavin, my mate, left a big gash there, exactly where the bloody foot's gonna go, which is a bit annoying. So what I've had to do is just bridge that over with a bit of four by two. So that is probably going to be the bit that we go off, okay? But usually what you do is you use a spirit level to go across the end of the bath like this, and also across the middle of the bath like that as well. It just about reaches. Or across the end. And make sure that everything's completely level with all the feet touching the ground and all of 'em tightened up. So I'll show you how to do that now, and it isn't the easiest thing for us to film, but it's gonna give you a much better idea about how we actually do this out in the trade. And this is pretty much how everyone does it. So this is the first bit you're gonna do. And once you've done that, we're going to get our end tags popped into the wall, 'cause we'll know exactly what our heights are. So we'll do that there and there. And then we'll pull the bath just slightly off the wall on each side and we'll run glue around the bath like that, and then push it all back in and then tighten it all up and screw it down. And after that I'll obviously cut the taps in, and all that sort of stuff, but we won't be showing that on this video because we're just going to show you how to actually level off and do this bath here. So, come with me. Now, as you can see under here, we've got two feet there, a foot there that's not touching the ground at all, and two feet up there. So, I mean, the thing you've got to think about doing is basically getting everything so that it's kind of touching the ground. Got a middle one here, so I want to get that nice and tight now 'cause we know this is going to take a fair old bit of weight. So that's definitely taking some weight there now, which is good. So I pop my spirit level on here, right, and we can see that this end of the bath is high, which means that instead of actually doing anything to this one here, 'cause that's touching the floor nicely there at the moment, I'm going to come to this one here, and basically get this one loosened off and set up in the right position. So what I want to do is elongate this one. I'm going to slacken this off here. Right, look, now I'm gonna raise this up. Raising this up here now. So we got the bubble on here, right? And we're trying to get this bath nice and level right now. So we're just going to raise this up. Further up now, it's just getting over there. Raise this up a bit more. Just a couple more turns. And we'll pretty much be there for the front of the bath. Right, so I'm pretty happy with that being level. Now, I can lock down all my nuts. Lock down that top nut there. So that's lovely and level now. And also what I want to do is wang a screw or two just through here to hold that where that is. So now that we've got our front two level, it's basically a matter of getting these so they're all nice and level as well, which is easier said than done a lot of the time. Especially when often you'll have to elongate things, you've got uneven floor, but that's what we've got to do. So the back one there we can see, that's kind of down a small hole as well, so we've gotta sort that out. And this back one here is bent over a little bit, so that's probably gonna need a little bit of shortening. We can take our spirit level across the back of the bath, make sure that's level, and then put our spirit level across the sides of the bath. Now, look, you can see there that the spirit level, at the moment, is reading with the bubble right over at this end here. So we need to raise, then, this corner of the bath up at the back there to bring up our spirit level so that's nice and happy. Right, so that's central there. And that's still central there. So now what I've got to do is that corner sorted out there, get our middle bit sorted out. Then it's a low ball measuring again, just making sure that we're nice and level. And little bits of tweaking here and there. Then we can actually drill down just through our feet, put our clips in at the side and go from there. So the next bit I'm going to put on is the clamps. Now usually the clamps would go, and I would admit, under here like so. The clamp goes up onto there and then into the wall. But because this bath, I think they might have got a slightly wrong type of bath here, they haven't got that. So we're going to have to figure out a way of clamping this back to the wall. Now I'm pretty happy with just running that back onto there like so. Getting one on there, and then one up on the other side as well. So we'll have one in this corner here, and then one in this corner over there. Then we got something like that there, and something like that up there. Right, I'm also going to screw my feet down there like that. (drill whirring) That ain't going nowhere. Right, so now I've got all my feet screwed down, I'm just going to loosen these off here. (drill whirring) Just a little. So that gives me some movement. Then I'm just going to pull out the protective film just off the side here, all the way down there and down there. So that's just like that, lovely. Then use a glue of your choice, one that you trust. And I trust CT1, I've gotta say. And run that all the way along the edge of your bath. But right down next to it, okay? (applicator clicking) So we're just going to get that right in there like so. Right, and then we push up in like that, and that will suck that in. Tighten these back up. (drill whirring) Any excess sticking out the top, smooth that off so you haven't got any lumps and bumps in the way when your tiler comes in and does his tiling. Right, so there we are, we've got the bath popped in. As you can see, I've already whapped on the taps for these people. So you've seen how to sort of get your feet on, get them so they're roughly the right height. Get the bath in. I mean, that's the thing, just get on the floor with the feet on. Start getting it levelled out, once you've got your front levelled, get your back level across. Get all your feet down so they're nice and tight on the floor. Do 'em all up, make sure they're all level. Just keep testing your levels, okay? That's really important. Make sure you've got a good amount of time to be able to do this because it isn't a five minute wonder, and you can be swearing a little bit sometimes. Especially if you've got an uneven floor like this one. If you need any more help or any more information, then give us a shout. As you know, you can subscribe to our videos. You can click on the Share button, and tell your mates about this video. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter. We do loads of stuff on there, tweeting photos, competitions, bits and bobs, stuff like that. So yeah, and as I said, if you need any more help or any more information, you can comment on the video. Remember also you can speak to us live on Google Helpouts. If you find that we haven't got a scheduled time next coming up, just send us a message and we'll see when we can next pop along to help you out. I hope to see you on our next video. And remember everyone to hold tight., honest reviews and advice. ♫ What about the bathroom? ♫ What about waste pipe? (child chattering) ♫ What about all the things ♫ That we flushed down those pipes? ♫ Woo ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♫ Get back woo ooh ooh ooh ooh ♫ We're staring at the bath Right, so now we're ready to take the bath out. Let's see if we can actually take it out. - So we can't take it out, so we just need some help. - [Plumber] You need Plumberparts to help you. (laughs) - Yeah. - [Plumber] Fuckin' hell, nobody needs this. ♫ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ♫ Ah ha ah (bath thudding) Oh.
Channel: plumberparts
Views: 953,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plumbing, plumber, tip, tips, advice, knowledge, how, to, instructional, video, install, bath, tub, feet, support, level, spirit, fix, attach, glue, adhesive, wall, tiling, adjust, screw
Id: pzLV_VbVnrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 20 2014
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