How to Increase your Emaan - Dr Bilal Philips

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in al hamdulillah nama do understand when estava fear oh when I would be let him insurer reinforced in our omen say a tiara Molina may hinder follow model Allah o my good little fella had yella whatcha doin in a handle or wash the hula said akela whatcha doin a muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh indeed all praise is due to Allah and as such we should praise Him seek his help seek his forgiveness and seek refuge in Allah from the evil which is within ourselves and the evil which results from our deeds for whomsoever Allah has guided none can misguide and whomsoever Allah has allowed to go astray none can guide and I bear witness that there is no God worthy of worship but Allah was alone and without partner and I bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasalam is the last Messenger of Allah in Gnostic al-hadith akita below rohwedder hadya hadya from allah hawaii we seldom were sure an imodium of the saw to her hakuna most effort in vida who could elaborate a Tindall alla rokunova let him for now indeed the most truthful form of speech is the Book of Allah and the best source of guidance was the guidance wrought by muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the worst of all affairs are the innovations in religion for every innovation in religion is cursed it is the source of misguidance and it leads ultimately to the Hellfire brothers and sisters as we reach the middle of Ramadan we need to reflect on what has passed and what is to come we need to renew our intentions as the prophet saw Solomon told us whoever doesn't set his intention prior to the fast has no fast so the intentions remain the most important and the most basic element of fasting as it is for any righteous deeds whose reward we seek from Allah in this month a month of the Quran a month of righteous deeds a month of controlling our appetites our desires controlling our thoughts and our behavior in this month there still remains a question in the minds of many of us how to increase our Eman the most common question I receive from Muslims from all around the world my iman is low it's going down how to increase by a man and it is of course a question which should be important to each and every one of us because for us to die in a state of low Iman it's very dangerous that is a very bad sign for what is to come ideally the best way to die is to die in a state of high Iman when a man is at its peak this is the state we want to be able to leave this world in we should be striving to leave this world in that state and for many of us this issue of increasing Iman seem so complex so difficult so philosophical so complicated that we can't find the means ourselves when in fact the Prophet SAW Salim said at the loser the religion is easy it's not complicated our concept of God is simple it's not like Christianity where you know God has a father he had a son Holy Ghost three gods in one God the Father is God the Son and God the Holy Spirit yet God the Son was praying to him and sits beside him in the heavens now but he is the same this is mind-boggling this is weird philosophy so to figure out anything after that if you don't know who God is if God is so complicated to you and how do you figure out anything after that what do you do with the rest of your religion so it boils down to just salvation you believe you are saved otherwise it's just too complicated whereas in Islam alhamdulillah we believe in the same God of Jesus the same God of Moses Abraham of Adam one God simple no relatives just one God and he is the only one that we worship simple no intermediaries no special friends will do favors for you no you have to go to him directly that's the simplicity at the user it is simple to understand its principles ours made simple by Allah from the Allah because it is the truth the truth is simple the truth is self-evident it's not complicated so when we go back and look at the issue of how to increase my Eman especially in these times where we have so many challenges whether political or social ideological economical whatever so many challenges the solution remains the same it doesn't change what it took to increase Eman in the time of Prophet Muhammad's Allah in the time of a solid Salaam and the time of Musa and the MBR alayhi wasallam is the same thing it takes to increase Eman now my times are not special no more special than they were in the time of the Sahaba or the time of Prophet ISA etc the formula is a very simple formula increase good deeds increase iman decrease bad deeds increase Eman simple you want to increase Eman do more good give up evil simple and this is the month which is supposed to help us achieve that goal to help strengthen that awareness and consciousness that we live in an environment where there is plenty of opportunity to do good where this plenty of opportunity to give up evil it is there wherever we are that opportunity is there for us simple formula do more good so how do we turn that into practical terms very simple when we get up in the morning or at the time of suhoor we think about some good we can do today what happens is that we just make the suhoor we eat to go pray and we go to sleep and then we go to work and we don't stop to think what good can we do today now we say it's automatic you know there should be good somewhere somehow we should be out but you know as they say if you fail to plan you plan to fail simple if you fail to make a plan about doing some good then the likelihood is you become so busy with all of the requirements of your job situation you're out there and all the things that are going on around you forget it then comes the star is asked didn't do any good today today is gone a day which we can't bring back it's gone we miss the chance so it's very simple and even if you miss it at suhoor it doesn't mean it's gone all day as long as we have knit the star we still have the chance so that is something we should take away from today on our way back home when we get back home think reflect what good can I do today what good deed or deeds can I do today and a good deed of course it's not necessarily a deed which is good for us because we don't judge things simply by whether it's good for us or not good for us right we judge things according to what is pleasing to Allah simple criterion that's what the real good is real good is whatever is pleasing to Allah so we just have to reflect on something we can do today maybe even plan for the days to come to start something that you can do regularly every day that's wonderful that's the best kind of good deed not one every day you have to sit and think so err but one which you are flat out you put it in place and every day you're there doing it good deeds very simple and of course among the good deeds of Ramadhan is the reading of the Quran so one of the good deeds now Prophet Muhammad SAW Selim didn't say to us you need to read Quran in Ramadan he didn't say to us if you read the whole Quran in Ramadan you will get this reward that reward the house in general is cetera nor did no hobbies like that if you heard it you know it's false fake no such a tease he revised the Quran in Ramadan with gibberish but Allah connected the two chakra mode on a lady vanilla field Quran the month of Ramadan in which Allah revealed the Quran Allah linked the two together and the essence the foundation of our Deen is the word of Allah nothing more basic than that that is the essence of Islam what Allah said to us the Quran is Allah speaking to us and we need to understand the Quran that way it's not a story book a lot of non-muslims when they pick up the Quran they start reading in it they find it's going here there and everywhere this book is confusing as its translated obviously it's confusing it's not a real book because they're used to reading the Bible which is a bunch of stories it's a storybook story after story after story with great details about these stories and that's what they're used to so when they pick up the Quran and most books when you get it if it's a you know book with some kind of a message not a science book but a book with some kind of a message it's a story it's coming in some kind of story form we're used to stories from where children what do we like bedtime story huh as what kind of books do we like to read books with stories in it that we were raised on that we are inclined to stories so when they pick the book up it's not following the story pattern this is confusion I'm expecting a story I'm looking for a story I mean yes there is the story of prophet youssef it's there one story but is there another chapter this we can say that whole chapter is a story one story yes I did so then what this is the point that is lost on many that the Quran is talking to us it is allah speaking to us he is communicating with us and just as when you sit down and communicate if you listen to two people talking do they talk of stories they sit down for half an hour and they just tell one big long story no they will start something then something else comes up and this one adds this one and that one's over that's how we speak we don't speak in stories but this is the Quran talking to us so Allah talks to us and to all of our needs where their psychological whether emotional whether spiritual all weather material Allah talks to us through the quad this is the word of Allah so what better foundation for our faith then Allah God Almighty speaking to us directly that is the Quran but unfortunately for most of us we haven't grasped that the Quran is a book of Baraka it's a Baraka book you read it for the ten - as you get for every letter it's not about communication you're not thinking in those terms you're just thinking about passionate and it's a good thing to think about has or not it's not bad but if thinking about has an ADD causes you to miss out on the real message of the Quran then that's very dangerous that's very dangerous we have misplaced our connection with the Quran it's become misplaced we are focusing on the wrong things and that's why for most of us the Quran remains for 11 months on the top of the shelf we keep it the highest point above all the other books we put it on the top of the shelf that's where the dust collects at the end of the 11th month when ramadan comes around we take it off we blow off the dust we sit down we start reading it for the hath not we read the whole Quran in Ramadan if we can do it two times we feel even better you know the more the merrier but what Allah has to say to us we didn't grasp it went over our heads for most of us who don't understand Arabic we don't even understand what it's being said there we've learned how to parrot the Arabic alphabet and its letter is read it but we have no idea what Allah is saying and even for Arabs we might take over the observe so fortunately you know they understand but actually they're just reading it has to then I didn't thinking about it either they're just reading reading we do we do with it because the goal of reading Quran in Ramadan has become completing Quran in Ramadan it's the completion why for those has a not the ten for every letter you add up how many letters are there in the Quran the big number multiply that by ten masha'Allah that's a huge number but that's not what the Quran before when the promise was Salim said to the Sahaba yes there are ten good deeds for every letter you read and I don't mean Alif LAAM Meem is the latter but Aleph is a letter Lam is the letter meme is the letter he was saying it to people who understood that the purpose of reading the Quran was guidance khuddam nil muttaqeen there it is right there very simple not complicated again Adi know you sir why we read the Quran couldn't guidance guidance for those who fear Allah so what we need to do we want to increase the man let's get back to the Quran the way it was supposed to be read it's not important to complete the Quran in Ramadan it's not important what is important is to read the Quran and receive the message of guidance from Allah subhana Allah and to implement that guidance in our lives that is what is important even if all we get through in the whole of Ramadan is surah Baqarah wama adraka masseur to vatra if that's all we get through know that if we have gotten through surah al-baqarah understanding what allah has said in it trying to apply what we understand of it we have achieved a great goal a great goal so great that of the library Massoud said that the one who had learned surah al-baqarah among us among the Sahaba 60 ad thousand eighty eight thousand in the process alive died he was called Hafiz he was called half is today if you call somebody who learned to al-baqarah half with people say I would be left that's sacrilege the Hafiz is the one who has memorized the whole Quran from party how to not that is half it don't call anybody else have it that is the attitude tip would have today but that wasn't the understanding of Sahaba the one who had learned surah Baqarah was called half-filled because heaven didn't mean simply memorizing FS didn't mean memorizing the box wasallam said was Claire oh c'mon alumel karana wa allama the best of you are those who learn the quran and teaches to others we turn that into another statement kuru command hospital karana wa ha ha ha the best of you are those who memorize the quran and make other people memorize it these are two different things learning the quran me and God valve memorizing also but memorizing the Quran doesn't necessarily involve learning it the message of the Prophet SAW Selim was to learn the Quran memorizing was a way to help you to learn it not a ritual of just memorizing the text where for example in Pakistan the common practice and this is nothing against Pakistanis one of my wives is Pakistani children were half Pakistanis so don't take this out of context which they are look he talked about Dhaka stan is why because this is something I've experienced in Pakistani culture that parents will choose out of their children one male they'll say listen your job is to memorize squad the rest of us will go and we'll deal with the dunya we do whatever you know it takes exception don't worry about anything we will take care of you just memorize Quran just you why because they believe that if one as crime he can take so many family members along with him into Jenna so we ensure that we're going to gender we have that one it given this job of just memorizing the quad a couple of months ago one Pakistani family contacted me from Canada and they asked me what should we do our son who memorized the Quran dutifully practiced Islam fasted prayed everything fifteen years old he came home and told us I don't believe in God ma I don't believe in God this was just you know so shocking I don't believe in God I don't believe in Islam I'm not a Muslim he memorized the Quran how could me say that this is should we kick him out the house because he would you know affect the other children infect them pass his disease on to them what should we do should we keep him in also kick him out big trial a huge trial what do you do but the lessons the lesson in it he memorized the Quran and he left his love now there may be many factors involved and you know that's a whole lecture and discussion in and of itself a football by itself but enough to know that the memorizing of Quran did not protect him that didn't protect him because he didn't know what the Koran was actually saying that's the reality so we need in this month to get back to the Quran as it was intended to be read to read the Quran with understanding as abdullah al masud had said we used to learn the quran ten verses at a time and we did not move on to the next term until we learned and understood everything which was in those tents we try to practice it then we went on that's how they learned the Quran and I asked a lot when Ta'ala to bring us back to the car and to read it in this month as it deserves to be read and I ask Allah to and Allah to give us the reality of that message the message of the Quran a reality which should transform our lives into lives pleasing to allah subhanaw taala Akula kolyada were stuck for a lowly willecombe world aside most a mini Mukunda damn photography rule in know who who a lot of who ride him seek forgiveness from allah as he is the only one who can forgive our sins come the lair of the al-amin was falafel salaam allowed us we'll kill him while he was hobby or many Stan never sanity he and I owe me Dean all praises due to Allah and may allah's peace and blessings be on the last prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and all those who follow the paths of righteousness until the last day so the beginning point for increasing Eman is to read the Koran to read the Quran as much as we can if we can do it daily if we can do it weekly however much we are able we should try our best to read it but to read it with that consciousness not to read it like parrots to read it without consciousness where we are seeking to understand the message that Allah is communicating to us with if we are able to do that then the Quran will change us we cannot help it without us even deciding and thinking yes I want to change with the Quran it will change us that is the power of the word of God Allah subhanAllah it will change cause change but we need to read it with understanding that is the key so though I don't say to my non Arab brothers and sisters don't read the Arabic Quran no read the Arabic Quran but whatever you read read along with it the translation read along with it the translation to my arm brothers and sisters I say read the Quran with kaffir yes you understand the Arabic words and maybe some of them you don't but to understand what is being conveyed we have tasks here we have no end of tough fears from Syria because here is one of the best so this is the key that we should focus on to read the qur'an with - here the English that we're reading it stops here somewhere you might say oh we don't have stuff here in English maybe not so easy to get and no no the English is tough here know that the Quran cannot be translated we say translation of the card we call it that but it's not a translation required it is an explanation of the meanings of the Quran as understood by the translator that's what it is the best thing is to be able to read the Quan understands the words of Allah and understands the message with the help of the tafseer etc that is best so that's why I say still keep reading the Arabic don't lose track of the Arabic because the Quran is an Arabic Quran and this is not because some people say well you know the language in general is Arabic that's why you should learn Arabic no there's no authentic hadith which says that the language in general is a bit or some people say what Allah is going to speak to you on your multi-armed on judgment you know it's going to talk to you in Arabic and the angels in the tomb munkar and nakir they're going to speak you in Arabic mind on book they're not going to ask you who is your God they'll say mandarin book no this is a misunderstanding you will be communicated with and you will understand at that time you will understand everyone will understand in the graves everyone will know those questions will be clear we don't need any translators in this life we need translators helpers so we make the best of it here we try to read and understand and our practice here in Ramadan where we have found time to read the cloud outside of Ramadan we should keep going don't put it on that top of the shelf keep it close at hand don't think that it is a form of disrespect to the Quran to put the Quran on your desk because something would come on your desk put it on the top that's where the crime is supposed to be on top of everything so the physical crime becomes the focus if the Quran falls they pick it up to catch it where did we ever hear of Rasool Allah saws all I'm doing that the Sahaba told anybody to kiss the Quran if it fell on the ground no we made it up because we lost track of what's going on inside the Quran we now focus everything on the outside of the car it should be in a leather binding it should be wrapped up with some countries you see it's a very fancy so everything is focused you live in the Masjid don't turn your back when you walk out of the Masjid because the quads are kept here you don't turn your back on the Quran brother you walk off the cross there watch it this way we have no end of practices we have added it you're reading Quran sitting in the busted you know you have the cried in your lap of a brother you your outer are you putting the karana some of your our out of Allah but this is ignorance this is just plain ignorance because we don't have the connect with what Allah is saying we have found a substitute rites rituals customs that we have made up around the Quan so we respect the Quran by doing all of these things but in fact we disrespect the Quran when we don't understand its meaning and apply it this is where the real disrespect lies and that's why Allah SWA Allah said a variety the brunel Quran will they not reflect on the meaning of the Quran I'm Allah who Lubin of Aloha or are their hearts locked up that's our state today our hearts are locked up and that's why we are where we are we have been disconnected from the Quran so how can we succeed how can we progress how can our Eman grow when the spring the spring waters of Eman are the quran and we are disconnected from it this is a very sad state that we are in DOMA and it's not just here it is across the OMA from one end to the other and to make matters worse to make matters worse we have inherited a tradition of child abuse around the quad child abuse we call it memorization of God I feel schools but these to a large degree our schools of abuse child abuse I know some of you might say this is terrible why is he saying that this is reality and we have to correct it the stories of the those who went to these field schools they will tell you the torture that they went through and I am personally have five kids who memorize the Quran in the school so I'm not just talking from hearsay and these were the best of the schools torture I went into the school one of the best in the Gulf and I saw the Oh staff sitting with the students around him their sighting Luca and rocking and other things and beside him I saw an array of what look like weapons stick hose chain salad what is what are these things were I asked your service it what is this so these are for the children you know if they get out of line etc I asked my son what's going on what to Skinner said you know he tells us to choose the stick we want to be hit by you choose this chain or the hose whatever whichever you think is going to be the lightest on you if you choose it and they whack you with it what is this this is how the Prophet SAW Salim taught the Sahaba Koran this is how this a hobbit taught the tabie in crime surely not and if this child the student you know it's little unruly whatever then they have them do all kinds of contortions which we really it it's a form another form form of abuse the child is asked to stoop put his hands under his legs and hold his ears they call it the chicken cause you're you're crouched up like a chicken holding your ears in that position you have to stay in that position this is abuse this is physical abuse no less and worse I'm just talking about some of the common ones which many of my friends they said yeah we went to it you know us because I'm the lie accepted this club I was ready adults so I didn't experience this at all but so many of em say hell yeah we know it yes yes we remember those days you know some of them tell me you know I ran away from the school my parents couldn't get me back into that school I just ran so many of these students they say well look at someone's always happiest and so on so but how many to get that one out of 25 or 50 the other 49 or 24 who now hate Quran they hate the Koran because they associate the car with abuse physical abuse and if you read you go to the website apostates from Islam calm multi-beam min and Islam you will find in their stories these things we used to be tortured in the Quran schools they used to do this twist our ears the break our feet and this is the cool and I remember in one of the countries we gathered the whole files together who were teaching crime and presented to them that they needed to learn how to teach without violence there are other ways to get the kids to be quiet to settle etc without inflicting on them violence unanimously they said no you cannot teach the Quran without the six this is the book of allah this is the book of allah which we have reached this stage that we are forcing this thing down the throats of our children with violence and then we wonder why young people are rejecting moving away from unwilling to practice the way and we wonder why of course a lot of the umar just silent but I see when I mentioned this torture so many of you smile you all know it right most of you have experienced it but we need to stop it we need to protect the Quran this is the hiss of the crime protecting it putting it in its proper place ensuring that it is taught in a way which is going to touch the hearts of the children that it would change them and make them among those who will change the Ummah that's what we need to be producing so as a good deed a good deed this Ramadan those of us who are connected most of us have some connections with Quran schools etc we should strive to make a change to stop this to develop Quran schools where the teachers of Quran are trained educators they know classroom management they know how to handle children child psychology they are not going to blame everything on the jinns the child just won't listen so I said is covered in the gym the generals take it and we need to beat it out of it no there is child psychology certain ages children display certain behavior it's common all around the world they need to know child psychology dealing with children you are a teacher you have a responsibility to convey the message of the Quran in the best way so let this be a resolution for those here today to use your influence to put a stop to this travesty to this disrespect of the Quran this misuse of the Quran and change for generations to come let us be the ones to step up and say yes we need to stop it now and I ask Allah so Allah to forgive our sins and this month of fasting and prayer to increase our Eman to give us two inspiration righteous deeds that we can make a part of our lives from today onwards I asked a lot like Allah to forgive our parents those who have passed away to give them Gardens from Paradise instead of pits from hell as a grave and I ask Allah smart Allah to make our last words before leaving this world la ilaha illa llah ok Messala
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 59,758
Rating: 4.8842974 out of 5
Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, nashid, almaghrib, dars, halaqa, bayan, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni, Dr Bilal Philips, Emaan, Dawah Now
Id: PShBTE2atOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 36sec (2916 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2017
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