How-to Increase FPS and Visibility in Hell Let Loose with THESE PC Settings

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you just downloaded hell let loose and you're wondering why this game runs so poorly whether you are new to the game or a seasoned veteran performance in hell at loose has always been an issue today I'm going to be showing you all of the steps that I've gathered and used in the last two years to optimize how let loose and since many of these fixes have to do with Windows the information you learned today should help you in all of your games I decided to remove the last step of this guide as it involves registry edits and needs its own video let me know if it's something you're interested in some of these fixes are aimed at performance and some are aimed at latency these fixes are an order of complexity so feel free to stop at any point if you have any questions post it in the comments let's begin if you haven't done this yet open the steam launcher and find hell let loose on the left right click and select properties at the bottom of the general tab there is a section called launch options inside this box enter hyphen dx12 to run the game in DirectX 12. hit the space bar and type hyphen use all available cores in capital letters to make the game Run on all cores this is fairly common knowledge amongst the hell at loose community so we will move on to Step One the first step to any top performing gaming PC is to update the graphics card driver for NVIDIA open up GeForce experience and in the top right click update driver for AMD cards open up AMD adrenaline and click upgrade the second step to maximizing your Hardware is installing the driver for your gaming monitor this often Overlook step is an important one as it adds support for Resolutions refresh rates and color accuracy for this you will need to go to your manufacturer's website and download the specific driver my monitor is an Asus pg279qm so I'll go to the Asus website and find my specific driver you may have to extract the driver from a zip file once it finishes downloading once you have the driver downloaded we will right-click this PC and click manage on the left pane click device manager in the middle pane find monitors right-click the monitor you want to install the driver for and click update driver a window will pop up and we will select browse my computer for drivers click browse and locate your downloads folder and select the driver you just downloaded then click next let's move on to step 3. next we need to turn off Xbox game bar click the start button type game mode settings and press enter in the left pane click game bar and make sure the setting is set to off this will free up resources and improve latency as a side note you may experiment with game mode on or off but I choose to leave mine on as Windows has improved this feature over the last couple updates for step 4 we will be taking similar steps click Start and type Graphics settings and hit enter turn off Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling and turn off variable refresh rate you can experiment with vrr for other games but for how let loose the setting doesn't affect the game again we are freeing up resources to help improve latency since we just installed our monitor driver let's configure Windows and make sure we have our optimal settings right-click a blank area on your desktop and click display settings select your monitor by clicking on the display area select your proper display resolution minus 2560x1440. then scroll down to Advanced display settings and left click select the monitor you wish to maximize and select the proper refresh rate if you have a 144hz monitor then select 144hz if it's higher or lower just select the highest number and we'll move on to the next step since I used an Nvidia GPU I will show you how to maximize your graphics card for hello loose using the Nvidia control panel AMD users should have a comparable piece of software so just follow along as best you can many of you even with mid-spec PCS might have noticed that hell at loose is not very optimized and you may only be using 50 of your GPU resources while gaming well since we have a ton of Headroom to push the card that's what we're gonna do the goal here is to get the best Clarity and rendering quality that we can and in doing so we will be utilizing more of the GPU to do this right-click a blank area on your desktop and click Nvidia control panel a window will open and on the left pane you will see an option for configure surround physx click it and on the right side you will see physx settings click the drop down box and select your graphics card next click change resolution in the left Pane and on the right make sure your resolution is set to your monitor and the refresh rate is correct then scroll down and select use Nvidia color settings if your output dynamic range says limited change it to full if there is an option then click apply let's go back to the top and click on manage 3D settings for Mid to low spec PCS you can experiment with texture filtering quality but I would use high performance high-end PCS should set this to high quality be sure to add these to your game in the program settings just click add and search for the hell at loose shipping.exe once you've done that pause the video and copy my settings this next step will only help you get into hell let loose Faster by removing that annoying 30 second logo intro before the game loads navigate to this address then delete the movies folder then let's move on to step 8. this step should be familiar click the start button and type graphic settings and hit enter scroll to the bottom and click browse navigate to this path highlight how let loose wins64 shipping.exe and click add or press enter you will now see how let loose at the bottom of this page left click and then click options click on high performance we have now successfully forced Windows to focus its attention on how let loose and GPU performance step 9 is the beginning of getting into the meat and potatoes of performance fixes this is an easy one and drastically improves latency why do we want better latency so we can react to enemies faster than they can react to us right-click this PC and select manage in the left pane click device manager in the middle pane scroll down to system devices find high Precision event timer right-click and select disable device If you experience any adverse effects every step in this guide is reversible this next step takes a bit of explanation as to why we are doing it when you first launch how let loose the game runs a benchmark and this initial Benchmark can hinder performance in a big way as it holds your PC to these specs when I first got my Asus 4080 I noticed a 30 FPS increase by doing this as hell let loose still had my Benchmark for my EVGA 3080. it's likely that hell let loose is storing your old Benchmark from before we made all these tweaks let's navigate to this address if your PC doesn't show the file extension.ini then click View at the top of the window and on the right you'll see a box you can click next to file name extensions right click game user settings dot any and click properties and uncheck the box that says read only this allows us to make and save changes to this file once that's done right-click the game user settings file and select open with then select Notepad once opened you will see a file with a ton of text we will only be changing four of these values you can press Ctrl F to find these faster since we will be locking this file as read-only when we're done you will be able to change all of your settings in game but these will revert when restarting the game for example if you change your clan tag then restart the game your old clan tag will revert back to your old one this goes for any in-game settings unlocking the file and removing the read-only checkbox will allow you to adjust your in-game settings and save them we just don't want the values we just adjusted to revert back which is why we remove the read-only checkbox once you have everything where you like in game be sure to come back to this step recheck those four values we just changed and make sure they're set to zero and false then click the read-only check box and we're ready to move on to the next step intelligent standby list cleaner is a utility that you can run before you launch your game and what this does is clear the memory standby list in your RAM according to the parameters you set if you are gaming on 8 gigabytes of RAM this will help maintain the amount of RAM available to your game by clearing the standby list when you only have one gigabyte of space left if you have 16 gigabytes this may or may not even be an issue depending on how many programs you're running in the background so test as you please if you have 32 gigabytes or more then you have plenty of space and we can move on to the next step this step involves turning off control flow guard this is a highly optimized platform security feature that was created to combat memory corruption vulnerabilities this may sound like something that will make your PC vulnerable to attacks but we are only going to turn it off for how let loose not the entire system which should help with stuttering although Stalingrad will always be an issue until the devs revamped that map click the start button and type exploit protection and hit enter in the middle pane at the top click program settings click the plus symbol then click choose exact file path then navigate to this path click on how let loose win64 shipping.exe and click open or press enter a smaller window will open just scroll down a bit until you find control flow guard click the override system settings box then click the slider to turn this off hit apply and we'll move on to the next step in this step we will be covering the MSI mode utility you can download this utility from the link in the description MSI stands for message signaled interrupts in the MSI model a device notifies its driver by writing to a certain memory location this generates an interrupt after which Windows calls the ISR interrupts service routines with the message content or value and its delivery address by sending the interrupt to the processor that made the related device request in the first place and by monitoring both the load and the nearest pneuma node during interrupt completion this decreases latency and increases scalability and performance once you download the utility extract it from the zip file and then right click it and run it as administrator I do not advise doing anything else in this software unless you know exactly what you are changing and why doing so can result in a blue screen which I won't be able to help you with but as far as adjusting our graphics card Windows is 100 fully supported in making this change find your GPU mine is listed as Nvidia GeForce RTX 4080 if yours lists a positive number in the irq column then you are not in MSI mode if yours already has a negative number in the irq column then you are in MSI mode for those with a positive number you are going to check the box in the MSI column and in the interrupt priority column we are going to change the box from undefined to high for those with a negative number just change the interrupt priority to high then click apply in the top right corner and the effects will take place when you restart your PC with hell let loose open go to options then video settings now you might think well well this is easy lower settings means more FPS but see hell it Loose doesn't really care about how good your PC is even on the best hardware hopping into a full server will result in a much lower frame rate especially with a lot of action happening on screen with that said feel free to adjust as necessary I used to play on the lowest settings with the 1660 super then move to high settings with a 3080 and now play on Epic settings with a 4080 to capture all the beauty hell that loose has to offer even though it can be 50 FPS difference from the lowest settings to Epic settings but if I really wanted to strive for the highest possible frame rate at the compromise of visual Fidelity then these would be the settings that I would use texture quality medium having this on low will get you more FPS but things like patches on uniforms won't show up properly water also looks a bit off Shadow quality low easier to see campers anti-aliasing method Community TAA this method of anti-aliasing was based off the community modding the engine.ini file to help the game compensate for its lack of clarity even when using Clarity TAA which nowadays Clarity TAA just looks so bad in this game meanwhile standard TAA arguably looks the best anti-aliasing quality you can turn this to none if you want to keep the FPS dips to a minimum otherwise low to medium is a good option FX quality this is an important one as setting this to medium used to remove the muzzle blast which made it very difficult to spot enemies set to medium if muzzle blast is visible view distance High I noticed that I got much better fps when this was set to high which didn't used to be the case but with the current LOD changes that have been made in game I can see why this setting would require more resources now foliage quality this is a tricky one as high and epic settings add so much more visually to the game but use lower medium for best performance post-processing quality medium will net you good results with very playable Graphics quality if you've reached the end and I thank you for being here with me through this I hope this guide was detailed enough for even the most technologically illiterate to comprehend to recap the point of this guide we took all of these steps today not to get the highest FPS possible but to raise the one percent of the lowest frames you experience in game lowering the one percent lows helps a lot on the top end as well this game has FPS dips on the latest and greatest hardware and as long as we can keep those dips from going lower than 58 FPS you will be able to play this game without feeling the terrible optimization that currently exists in Outlet loose if you found this guide helpful then give this video a thumbs up it shows the community that this is a valuable tutorial and it helps the channel too now get out of here and go take some helmets off thanks for watching
Channel: ๏ธปใƒ‡โ•ไธ€๐™๐™ฌ๐™ž๐™ฃ ๐˜พ๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™ฎ ๐™Ž๐™๐™ง๐™š๐™™๐™™๐™š๐™งโ”€ า‰
Views: 94,818
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Keywords: Hell Let Loose pc settings, best Hell Let Loose settings, best graphics settings for Hell Let Loose, best pc settings Hell Let Loose, Hell Let Loose settings, best Hell Let Loose settings for fps, best Hell Let Loose settings for visibility, Hell Let Loose optimization, Hell Let Loose fps boost, fps boost, Hell Let Loose max fps, Hell Let Loose fps settings, Hell Let Loose settings for low end pc, Hell Let Loose visibility settings, improve fps Hell Let Loose, twin city shredder
Id: 4o_vzr-XKFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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