Hell Let Loose Settings and visibilty guide

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today we are going to talk about settings and visibility settings in outlet loose and what you can do to improve them i saw a few posts on reddit about low fps or questions about will my setup even run hell it lose i let loose is really poorly optimized and it definitely does need some tweaking to get the most bang for your buck in this guide we'll be going over launch options nvidia settings in-game settings and something that in my personal opinion should be blocked from even being allowed to be used in the game and even more so now with the night maps coming up in update 12. [Music] before we start make sure your drivers are up to date and make sure you're running a healthy windows installation let's start off with the launch options now to get here open your steam library and right click on hell let loose go to the field launch options and type in minus dx12 and minus use all available cores if you're like me you will want to know what this does well dx12 will force the game to use directx 12 and it will be your biggest fps increase use all available cores will force the game to use all the cores you have available at a time on your cpu instead of trying to jamming through one single core and this is important for hell that lose since hell it loses a cpu intensive game so we want to use all the core section system as available adding the dx12 option will give you the best fps increase but for some players it can lead to micro stuttering if that is the case for you look up on how to clean your directx shade the cache and in most cases that will fix the issue for you other launch options that you see like refresh or malloc equals system won't do much for you and it's basically a red herring so no need to apply those also videos suggesting to change your power plan to high performance and so on can't emphasize that enough it does not increase your fps it only increases your power consumption now for nvidia users you can change a few settings which will set up your graphics card for maximum performance usage if you're not using an nvidia graphics card you can skip ahead to the next chapter and go straight into the in-game settings for nvidia users what we want to do here is set up your graphics card for maximum performance to do that open up the nvidia control panel go in the manage 3d settings tab and once in the 3d settings tab click on program settings we will create a customized settings plan for hell let loose per default hellos won't be in the default drop down list so we'll have to click on add and if you recently played hell it loose it will be in this list if you haven't you need to click on browse and add your hell let loose manually which can be found on your disk where you store your steam library once we added headlight loose there are three settings we want to change namely power management mode set to maximum performance texture filtering quality change the high performance and turn vertical sync off once you have done that hit the apply button and we are done here if everything went according to plan and you applied every setting correctly it is time for the in-game settings now to free face this these settings are to squeeze out the most fps out of your game and achieve the highest visibility we can possibly get and it's not about to make the game look pretty though in the gameplay tab change the dead body spawn despawn slider to 0.5 minutes we don't want deadbodies cluttered everywhere eating upper fps we just need to spot them within our near vicinity and with 0.5 minutes it gives us plenty of time to do that the next one is down to personal preference what i tend to do is set hot display mode to always on this will always show the hud on top of your screen and another thing i changed is the player name plate opacity i usually set this around 70 75 percent this will make the name plates a bit more transparent so you can see through them and not get in the way of enemy players lining up with it over to the video settings in the video settings i have my brightness set to 130 percent since this will make everything much lighter and more visible and even allow players hiding in dark corners or bushes especially on purple hard lane you can notice the difference if you turn up the brightness and for foy i tend to turn it down a bit else the snow will blank you there's no golden number to set this so try different brightness levels to find out what works for you protection quality i always run with high and you can set this too low to gain a bit more fps and for spotting enemies and bushes a bit easier but this isn't a massive game changer shadow quality you will want to set this to low since shadows will eat up your fps and by setting this too low it makes spotting enemies hiding around buildings much easier a a method use community or clarity and set this to high or epic if you set this lower everything will look blurry a fixed quality you will want to set this to low because this affects explosions smokes fires and so on when you set this setting to low it will make it easier to spot enemies through and around the smokes fires and so on and it will also gain a little bit fps view distance set is too high or epic and this is self-explanatory olya's quality medium is mandatory in my opinion and yes any other setting or higher setting will make the game look more beautiful and the downside of this it will add in or render bushes and foliages that otherwise aren't present in the medium setting post-processing quality to medium for some fps gain and ssao and motion blur off now for nvidia graphics card users pay close attention cause you're the lucky ones again there is something you can tweak to get better visibility in the game and there's another thing you can achieve to even further visibility but i mentioned multiple times this should be blocked and not even allowed and the developers of hell loose should address this let's get the easy one out of the way first let's open up the nvidia control panel again and go into the tab display and adjust desktop color settings warning keep in mind this setting will affect the way everything looks in the game and outside the game so once you're done playing a game change this back to the default setting in this tab we will want to adjust the digital vibrance this will make your colors more richer brighter and cleaner and lucky for us this also applies to heather loose and in enemy soldiers and so on i usually set this around 65-70 percent and again there's no magical number for this find your own preferred setting true trial and error on to the juicy bit and which again in my opinion should be addressed and prevented now why i mentioned this because it's already broadly used in some competitive games or by competitive players and i hope to bring or raise some attention to it if you install nvidia geforce experience and note when you install it pay attention that you don't allow it to optimize your settings else everything you have done up to this point will be wiped but once you installed this it allows you to add game filters if you press alt z or alt f3 it will give you the option to add so called game filters you can add a brightness and contrast filter to brighten up the game even more make the enemy even more visible keep in mind keep in the back of your head the upcoming update has night maps and the night map effect will be completely nullified by this this also happened before in other games like escape from tarkov plays with nvidia cards used these filters to completely brighten up the darkness areas that the developers intended now the developers of escape from target eventually asked nvidia to disable this filter support for the game and i'm hoping for the same in this game other filters you can apply are details or sharpen this will greatly increase clarity and the visibility of enemy players and everything on the map there is a downside to this it will make your game so ugly it's unbelievable so that's the trade-off if you want to apply this toy around with the different filters and settings and find what works for you if you enjoyed this guide or learned a thing or two check out some of my other guides where i discuss how you can improve your own visual gameplay or deep dive into 80 and how to play it effectively good luck with squeezing out those extra heart needed fps in this game and i will see you in the next one
Channel: Dune
Views: 51,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell let loose guide, hllguide, Hell let loose gameplay, Hell let loose gameplayguide, Hell Let Loose Settings, Hell Let Loose tutorials, Hell Let Loose visibilty guide, hell let loose setting, hell let loose guide, hell let loose gameplay, hell let loose, hell let loose tips, hell let loose visibility
Id: LjxEmOWdiAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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