Hell Let Loose Graphics Settings Guide

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hello guys it's redcoatviking here now a few people recently have been asking me what my graphics settings are for hella loose so in this video i'm going to take you through everything i've done to get my game looking so crisp and so beautiful i'm working so nicely with an fps of generally always lowest 90 up to about 145 to 150 normally somewhere around 120 depending on just how complex the scene is now some of the settings in this video are going to be dependent on what your hardware is some things i'm not going to be able to help you with all that much because it depends on how you have everything set up on your end so we're going to go over a couple of launch options you can use outside of the game to make the game run much much smoother in general i'm going to show you how to make sure your refresh rate set up right for your pc i'm going to take you through the settings in game and generally do everything i can to get your game looking and running as well as as i think mine does on my end so without wasting any time let's just jump into it so before we even launch the game and yes that was a screenshot what we're going to do is we're going to head over into steam and once you're into steam we're going to go ahead and find hella loose in your library and give it a right click and go to properties and this is going to take you to the uh launch options section down here you can see launch options uh and you'll see that i already have two of mine already put in there and you're gonna add the same as i have here so dash dx12 space dash use all available cores i'll write it with you dash dx12 space dash use all in capitals all available cause there we go and what that is gonna do is run the game in directx 12 which is a much much more efficient way of running anything on the unreal engine it isn't technically supported by black mata the guys who make headlet loose however in the past it used to crash even when you loaded in on a map called foye but in the they they actually patched that out now and um it's pretty stable i haven't really had any problems with it in the last few months they've supported it enough so that it actually runs stable and the fps increase is by far the biggest of anything we're really going to be doing here today all the tips i'm going to give you are going to work together to give you the best fbs first quality ratio possible but directx 12 can see you getting anywhere between a gain of 30 to 40 fps probably a bit less if you're on a higher end system and more if you're on a lower end system this other thing here use all available cores that is just going to do exactly what it says on the tin it's going to force the game if it needs to or if it can to use all the available cores of your processor so that it doesn't bottleneck itself by trying to shift the whole game through one core and it uses all 8 or 12 or whatever you have it's be the way it's good to have now there are a couple of other ones if you google how to increase your fps and headlight loose you'll come across things like uh refresh equals 144 and malloc equals system something along those lines unfortunately as awesome as that sounds as a way of setting your refresh rate and um creating downloading more ram and all these amazing things they don't do anything at all um you can actually just google a list of all the compatible commands you can use as launch options in the unreal engine um manual documentation whatever you want to call it and none of those things are in there so you can add them they won't do any harm to the game but they don't do anything worthwhile either so because they're not doing anything in case they do cause any bugs or random issues there's really no point in having them there so for hell at least at least just have dx12 and use all available calls you don't have to save anything once they're written in there they're just going to stay there so you can go ahead and close that and you can even then hop out of steam as well right so that's that stage done nice and easy the next thing we're going to do is check the refresh rate in your control panel i'm going to be i'm using an nvidia card so i'm going to be in the nvidia control panel but it'll be similar on amd i just can't show you that because i don't have an amd card so we're going to check the refresh rate make sure that's set up properly on your monitor and then we're going to check that it's all done right in the hell let loose directory as well um refresh rate for a very brief description is basically how how fast your screen refreshes basically so you might have had it before where your fps in the game is perfectly fine but it still feels like it's lagging like you get this weird the game runs fine but it feels sluggish or a little bit maybe even laggy in a way that's that means your refresh rate is probably a little bit uh wrong or messed up so starting with uh making sure you've actually got your refresh rate on windows set up properly we're going to go ahead and open the nvidia control panel if you're on amd you probably know better than i do where to find uh your amd settings i would imagine but there's probably something similar on an amd card nvidia anyway you can open the toolbar down here right click nvidia settings and just uh left click nvidia control panel and that's going to open on change resolution this page that it opens on is where you need to be now if you have more than one monitor you're going to see those monitors here and you want to select the monitor that you run her let loose on so for me i only have the one monitor i've been downgraded from epic elite gamer down to just casual gamer i've gone back to one monitor i'm living like the 90s and i'm loving it for the moment i've saved a lot of space and i don't need two monitors right now so leave me alone anyway so if you have multiple select the one you're gonna run headlight loose on for me it's just this one here so you only see the one now just below that you see a bunch of resolutions here my monitor and again this depends on what you have but my monitor supports uh it's pretty much 120 but it can go up to 144 on something called overdrive mode what that means exactly who knows it's all just marketing slang but it's 120 hertz and it can go up to 144. by default though whenever you put a new uh monitor on your pc you hook it up or you've just moved it and you've knocked the cable out and plugged it back in again the chances are it's going to have reset your refresh rate to 60. regardless of what your monitor can handle windows sets it to 60 in the nvidia control panel and you need to change that so if you've got your resolution set up properly which it should already be it's pretty good at doing that itself now on windows 7 8 9 10 11 500 whatever but make sure that you do just to be sure have the right resolution set in there so for me it's 19 by like 1920 by 1080 1080p and over here you have the refresh rate and that's where the problem is so by default this is how it would look for me if i just plug this in and running a game on 60hz today especially on a monitor that can handle more is going to be very very noticeable it's going to feel a bit sluggish all you do is you open the drop down menu and put it to the highest it has it'll never go higher than your monitor can actually support the screen might go a bit black like that it's never going to show you something your monitor can't handle so you don't have to be worried about that at all just put it to the highest and that's fine quick tip if your monitor like mine has like an overdrive mode and it can handle higher than 120 hertz because as you can see mine only goes up to 120 there but it is 144 hertz monitor then all you need to do is instead of being on uh like instead of selecting the resolution up here under ultra hd you just scroll down a bit until you see pc and select your resolution again here and all of a sudden i have an option for 144 hertz and you will too for 144 200 or whatever kind of monitor you have um i don't really know what the difference is between those two to be honest i'm not a mega mega uh pc tech wizard so i don't actually know but either way uh the higher the refresh rate the smoother the game so i'm gonna go with 144. again the screen might go a little bit black and your refresh rate is now set and i reckon if you've been struggling with fine fps but a bit of a sort of laggy gameplay then i reckon that'll solve most of your problems straight away but not over yet because we're going to make sure the game's all set up ready for it too so you can go ahead and jump out of the um control window there uh yes well that's fine i did save it nevermind that was just me and now with that done we're going to do a very quick check in the hell loose directory in an ini file to make sure that it understands what refresh rate you want the game to run in and because if hell that loose thinks you want to run it in 60 then it doesn't matter what settings you have in windows it'll still feel laggy because hell let loose is trying to do something else so this is going to be really easy it's nothing to worry about and you don't need to be good with pcs for this just follow my lead all i need you to do is navigate to the drive that you have hell let loose installed to or at least your users folder because we're going to go into users so i'll i'll say that instead um to go to the drive that you have your users folder in then you're going to go to your name mine zach with two h's um you get into there and as you can see i've got a folder here called app data and it's a little bit grayed out you might not see that and don't panic if you don't see that i'm on windows 11 so this might look a little bit strange for you but somewhere if you don't see app data down here somewhere up here you'll have i can't remember how it looks on windows 10 and below but you'll have like a view or file maybe uh edit it's going to be view it's going to be something up there you'll have a button anyway so do a bit of exploring that'll have something that says hidden items like mine is for example on windows 11 view show hidden items if i go ahead and click that i've unticked it now because mine was already on as you can see my app data folder has gone but if you go back to view and show and hidden items then it appears now if you're not seeing this and if my description was far too vague and terrible the best way rather than asking in the comments is to just do a quick google how to show hidden items or how to show app data on windows whatever version you're using and you'll be up and running and be able to see in no time it's up here somewhere i just can't really think of the top of my head where it would be on a uh an earlier version of windows it's a stupid option to have in the first place let's be honest but either way it's there once you've enabled it or if it was already there go ahead and go into app data and we're going to go to local and then browse down to something called hll which is hell let loose then we're going to go to saved then we're going to go to config and then windows no editor and then we have two files we're going to use or open the file called game user settings so i can just double click on this but if if when you double click on it it opens something else i'll say that it can't open it all you need to do is right click on that game user settings file and open with and choose a word editor notepad works wordpad works so if it's all looks like gobbly goop or it doesn't look like any kind of english language whatsoever or it doesn't open at all just right click and force it to open with a word editor anything works it's fine and it'll bring up something that looks a little bit like this and i know this looks complex but it's nothing to fear now we're looking for something called uh frame rate something or that but either way we're gonna open a search bar so you can maybe if you have a magnifying glass icon somewhere at the top or do control f to bring up a search bar as you can see i've already searched this to make sure i knew what i was doing prior to making this video you're going to search for the word frame and then just hit the down arrow and it's going to take you to the one and only frame rate limit line this is what we need to look at right here so make sure you don't edit anything else this is basically just what changes when you change your in-game graphic settings so you can set your audio quality you can set full screen window mode everything in here but what we're looking at here is frame rate limit mine has a frame rate limit of 60. that is not good and i've done that on purpose because yours might look like that too and if it does then we need to change it there's two ways you can do this this is set in the refresh rate directly so you can either set it to zero by just editing the number just after the equal sign and just before the decimal point there the dot set it to zero and that's going to set it to unlimited and that should be pretty much up to what your monitor can handle if you want to be more specific though uh which i do i tend to like to be i don't really know if it makes any difference but i'm going to go ahead and set mine to the same as i set mine in the nvidia control panel which is 144 so that means the same as 144 hertz so if you set your uh refresh rate to 120 in the in the uh graphics control panel well then you would just write 120 but mine's 144 so that's what i've done i'm going to leave the dot i'm going to leave the zeros and i'm just going to go up to file and save and with that step done we can close that and we can close that there's one more thing i want to show you to do which doesn't affect the fps of the game but it does make the game start much much much much much faster and that is by removing those pesky little intro videos you have to watch introducing all the uh developers and stuff like that it's pretty cool until you've played for about 200 hours and then you get a little bit tired and would rather just get in game faster so that's easy to do all we're going to do is navigate to the steam directory file for hell let loose this time so depending on where you have hella loose installed that again is something only you can know i have no way of knowing so don't bother asking in the comments uh you want to go to steam so mine is uh windows c and then program files 86 and steam then you're going to go to steam apps and you're going to go to common and you're going to go to hell let loose and then you're going to go to hll and content i really had to think about that one when you get into content you're gonna see these two files packs you don't need to think about just leave that alone but movies movies is where all these little intro videos are stored so if you can open that it's just it's just an mp4 file with black mata that little intro video again really well done but a little bit unnecessary and they are actually quite long-winded so if you just select movies and press delete simple as that you don't need to save you don't need to do anything else just delete the movies file or you'll notice the next time you start hell let loose you jump straight into the main menu rather than having to watch a bunch of intro videos and with that done that's everything we need to do outside of the game so now we can go ahead and load hell let loose and i'll see you once we get in game to check out the options so hello if all went well you should now be in game like me and you should have gone much faster you shouldn't have any intro videos and all should be working as intended so we're going to go ahead and jump into the options down here and the first step before we go to video it's going to open to gameplay let's just stick to the gameplay tag for a quick moment because i want you to look at dead bodies despawn delay you might have already read about this you might already figured it out i won't go on about this for too long but this right here this slider affects for how long dead bodies are on the floor and obviously the more the more stuff there is to render the more dead bodies there are on the floor you can have dead bodies staying still there for five minutes which looks cool um but it has two major major disadvantages despite looking cinematic the first one is that it's gonna bog down your fps more and more and more and more as bits of people and full blown up bodies and stuff like that are going to be all over the place depending on how long you have this set the longer and more people there are around the more it has to render the lower your fps's so that's the first and main reason to have this set to half a minute 30 seconds uh you don't even notice it anyway but there's another reason and it's a tactical reason and that is if you imagine you're prone in the middle of a wide open space and there's dead bodies all around you you've got this set to five minutes so you see dead bodies all around you you think you're pretty well covered blending in with all the dead bodies you set up your machine gun you're ready to fire trouble is everyone else has their dead body despawn delay set to 30 seconds half a minute so where you think you're surrounded by dead bodies blending in camouflage with all their uniforms everyone else sees you as just a plum in an open field prone waiting to get shot in the head and you'll die a very swift death so from a from a performance perspective it makes no sense to have anything above higher anything higher than 0.5 and uh tactically speaking it also makes no sense to have it any higher than 0.5 so on that basis i recommend having it as 0.5 all the way to the left the next thing i want to mention is the field of view fov that is the fisheye effect or how much stuff you see on the screen uh from your perspective it's basically a way of trying to show you more of a sort of 3d environment on a 2d screen um what a lot of people don't know is that the higher your field of view is that means more stuff is being rendered on your screen so having a higher field of view actually does have a it's a it's a significant ish impact on your performance so if you're struggling for fps depending on what size monitor you have if you're on a 1080p 1920 by 1080 resolution like i am 90 is where you want to be uh i had an ultra wide that my wife still uses that was 3440 by 1440 and that was sort of max 120 but that is a that's an ultra wide and there's not many people that have those and there's not many games that support them so uh have it as high as you want but just keep in mind that the more or the higher you go you are in in effect exchanging performance for getting slightly more vision and it's basically anything in the middle is going to look really far away if you have it too high and things on the side are going to look way too close so i'd say go a little bit less than more on that one anyway enough said about that let's jump over to the video screen now master quality don't have to worry about that i'm going to do my best to walk you through what every setting does as well as as you can see what settings i have and why so the first one is full screen mode now this does actually make a difference full screen itself means that if i were to press the windows key now it's going to minimize the game as if adult tabbed because it's full screen you can get around that by having it in windowed full screen mode but that actually uses more processing power to have it in that mode so unless you're going to be all tabbing out the game a lot and you want to have other windows open in the background just run it on full screen to get maximum performance anything else is a little bit unnecessary unless you yourself have your reasons in which case be my guest full screen resolution should be the same as the maximum resolution of your monitor anything else is going to look really weird and very blurry so just again 1920 by 1080 for me that's the most common one at the moment resolution scale i would say always a hundred percent and use this as the absolute last means if you're trying to just claw for some more fps if you're really struggling to get a smooth game unless you've tried everything else and then just leave this at 100 that's basically if you reduce that down it's going to be the right size for your screen but the visual clarity is going to go straight down the drain as it tries to um well descale the resolution so eventually you'll have a screen if you put it all the way to the bottom you'll have your screen filled with a game that looks like it's in it's running in 640 by 480 which was sort of like late 90s and you don't want that you won't be able to see much next up is vertical sync this is designed to remove something called screen tearing which you may have seen as you're running across grass sometimes it's caused by the refresh rate of your monitor not quite matching up with the game itself um it looks a little bit ugly however hell that looses vertical sync doesn't really do all that much in the way of improving uh those little choppy or disconnected bits of of texture and it does use a lot of it it does use a lot of performance to actually have that on and it also introduces a really nasty thing called input lag which affects everything from how fast your gun fires after you click the mouse how fast you turn after you move the mouse and press a keyboard key to run forward it affects how long your character takes to actually listen to that command and run forward now we're talking milliseconds but believe it or not that is noticeable more so than you might think if you'd never noticed it so just have vertical sync off because honestly the gain is way too little for the huge performance impact of that brightness depends totally on your monitor i use an aoc monitor and they're really really dark they're not very good actually showing uh dark areas so i have to always increase my brightness and gamma by at least sort of 30 so i have mine set to 135 put it higher if dark areas are hard to identify enemy inventory put it lower if everything is blinding you and sending beams of light through the back of your skull now we're on to the real juicy bits let's start with texture quality because that's right at the top so it makes more sense that is the quality of the textures very self-explanatory and i have mine on epic because i like my textures to look nice and crisp you should do the same if your pc can handle it it doesn't actually have that much of a performance impact so have it as high as you can go on your pc again though if you're struggling for fps just drop it down again it comes down to your hardware so i can't just give you a like a selection of settings that you can use to get the best performance i can show you tricks to increase fps and stuff but when it comes to what settings here are going to work for you that is your pc that's going to decide that so you're just going to you're going to fiddle it's just part of pc gaming unfortunately fiddle and you know find out what you can use but if you if you're using a gaming specific pc that was made in the last three four years you'll be able to have most of these on epic uh i would imagine i dare say no more because you just never know two pcs that are identical can act very very differently but either way these are my settings so this is what i have some of these though i could have higher but there's a reason why i don't and i'll get to those in a second so shadow quality um that's a big one that does in fact in fact affect you in fps quite a bit and shadows aren't really all that useful yes you can get a little bit of an advantage if you see a super detailed shadow underneath a um a cart somewhere you know and you can blast the cart and kill a guy but you even on the lowest setting you're still going to get like a little blob around their feet you still get shadows but the the more the higher the quality of the higher the clarity of the shadows the more impact that's going to have and imagine shadows are on everything the shadows on buildings trees cast shadows i believe bushes um i think even grass might correct me if i'm wrong people uh so that's a big one so if you're struggling for fps i'd say start with shadow quality and turn that down as much as you can that itself as well as all the other fixes might actually fix it for you next up anti oh and by the way if you can have it on epic you still don't need to it's still unnecessary so just have it on high medium probably also works really well might just look a little bit more jagged on the shadows but it's nothing you're going to notice i have mine on high just for the sake of it because i can but i wouldn't notice it if it was on medium enough said about shadows let's move on to anti-aliasing which is basically how smooth an otherwise jagged edge would be so if you imagine you're looking at a fence a fence is a pretty hard thing for a game to render because obviously games render using pixels and squares so a little wire attaching two fence posts is generally gonna look quite jagged because it's such a small thin line it's just a bunch of squares tied together anti-aliasing is what tries to smooth that out to make it look like an actual wire or a cable uh or like the edge of a building how how um smooth that is that's what anti-aliasing does now eight go back eight ten months you would have to start fiddling with any files to get a nice crisp looking game that also looks smooth but thankfully before they removed the ability to change things like that they implemented something called community taa which is a form of anti-aliasing that the community decided this is the best middle ground so if your pc can handle it i'm probably going to say that a lot but if it can handle it then community taa and anti-aliasing quality epic is what you want to be on with very few exceptions the exception really is if you're struggling for fps then you'll go down to clarity first and standard but the lower you go the more blurry it's going to get whatever you do though don't use fx aaa because it's the stevie wonder experience uh it's gonna be it's hard to say it's so blurry it's awful um so before you go as low as standard see how it runs and then reduce the anti-aliasing quality instead rather than going to fxaa and consider fxaa like the last ditch attempt to trying to get a stable fps but if you can and i would definitely recommend trying it run it with community taa and on epic anti-aliasing quality next up fx quality is the quality of fx believe it or not so when you see an explosion uh when you actually i'll say like this if you lag when a bombing run comes over which is kind of normal for a split second inhale let loose but if it's a very noticeable lag when a bombing run goes over or artillery lands this is what's uh likely to be causing it or part of the problem this is what affects the quality of that now i'm gonna have mine on epic it was on high for some reason uh but no it can be unepic because if you're on a decent or half decent piece a gaming pc you should be able to have it on epic it really isn't all that demanding uh view distance though is very very demanding now you can have this set to epic a lot of people do recommend it but the difference in hell that loose between high and epic is very negligible when it comes to being able to see the difference but performance wise there is a big difference so i have my view distance on high and i find that's absolutely fine i don't really see much of a difference between high and epic and what view distance does is it it sort of dictates how far you can see with maximum clarity maximum high quality graphics and stuff like that so the higher you have that set in the more your pc has to do because it's trying to then render a tree that it's like 250 300 meters away in the same detail as the blade of grass in front of you pretty much with a few exceptions i'm not a game developer i'm sure there's some other stuff at work there but that's the general gist of it um i have mine set to high works fine i see fine and the fps is good again fiddle with that if you need to it's a big one so have a play around with it the next one though i could have set to epic and this isn't the graphics related thing this is the foliage quality this is more of a tactical thing and i'll tell you why so a little bit like with the dead bodies thing this comes down to what you can see versus what other people can see and foliage has a huge impact if you have it on epic your trees are going to look pretty epic your bushes are going to look pretty epic and your grass is going to look pretty epic the trouble is and they're going to look bushy i should say the trouble is if someone else is running on the lowest setting which is medium done for a very good reason you can't just turn this off if they're running on medium then their trees are going to look just a little bit thinner they're not going to have as many leaves the bushes aren't going to look as bushy um things like i believe it affects the grass too things like you know maybe maybe a blade of grass isn't there for them but it is for you and it might throw you off for just a split second when you're taking your shot but that's just enough for them to be able to get the edge on you so under no circumstances do i see any reason to have this set anything above medium unless you're going for cinematic visual clarity in that case you'll want to turn it up but for just average games unless you're really really fanatical about graphics have that set to medium next up post processing quality generally affects the visual um awesomeness the how good puddles look how good burning tree stumps on hurricane forest look it is quite demanding um i have mine set to epic you can set yours to whatever you want it doesn't have any impact on the game itself you're not going to miss any details but the higher you have that setting the better it's going to look this one here called ssao is massive and this this should be off regardless what you have or what kind of pc you have because this this is called screen space ambient occlusion and it's pretty it's pretty awful in causing lag and horrible performance in any game but in hell let loose it's it's almost game breaking and it doesn't really do a whole lot what it's designed to do is help give you the perception of depth so imagine you're looking at a muddy sort of crater in the floor on a muddy road or imagine you put your finger in the muddy road like full of puddles and stuff the game is with ssao turned on it's going to look slightly more realistic that that is a hole it's going to give you a better perception of that depth between your face your eyes and that hole in the ground and it basically tries to introduce depth in a 2d space which is the screen in front of you the trouble is it is horrendously badly optimized regardless of what pc you're on so just turn it off you won't notice the difference if you do you won't notice it for very long but really honestly there is no difference so just i recommend just turning it off finally motion blur it doesn't really have any performance impact it just adds a bit of blur when you turn your head left and right to try and make make it seem like you're a bit more meaty you're a bit weightier you know like your dude's turning his head most people hate it i used to have it on and the comments were just flooded with people saying turn off motion blur makes me feel sick so i've had it off for so long now i don't really miss it but it does look pretty cinematic it's i don't i i don't hate you if you have it on it won't really affect your performance much at all i have to say this though in real life if i turn my head i don't get like it doesn't blur because i think i would pass out i would literally pass out and just be sick on myself it would be horrible so it's not really a realistic thing it just kind of looks cinematic um the last option down here is should just leave it on default it doesn't really do a whole lot i don't actually know what that does but it doesn't need to be fiddled with unless you know what you're doing that's the kind of thing that is finally uh over into the audio tab here um there's no reason to have this set to anything other than epic unless your cpu is bottlenecking so if your graphics card's doing fine but your processor is having trouble well then you might want to consider reducing the audio quality to medium or high or something like that but really and this is real talk time now it's not going to do anything more than like maybe one percent better performance if that the audio quality um there is a point where there's only so many tips and tricks uh any random youtuber can give you before you just have to accept the fact that it's time to upgrade your pc a lot of people are still running something called a gtx 970 which is an extremely old card now like extremely old i think seven or eight years if not more and technology goes so quickly despite the fact that it's so hard to get graphics cards and stuff now there is a point where you just have to admit that okay it's time to spend another two thousand dollars and get a new gaming pc that's just that's just what gaming on the pc is it's much more expensive than console gaming but it's also way cooler um so if at the end of the day these tips haven't worked for you and you're still getting piss-poor fps i'm sorry it might just be time given there's no other real crazy problems with your pc then it might just be time to accept the fact that it's time to upgrade but i do hope that you found this video helpful that's all the settings i have to go through today if you have any problems or you have any tips or tricks that you think i've missed then go ahead and throw them in the comments other than that though i want to play hella loose because i've been looking at my character here with his car 98 for ages and now i want to start shooting people with it so until the next video guys thank you so much for watching and i'll see you then have a good one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: RedcoatVikingFPS
Views: 167,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hell let loose, hell let loose graphics, hell let loose setup, hell let loose graphics guide, hell let loose guide, hell let loose graphics settings, hell let loose settings, hell let loose tutorial, hell let loose new player, hell let loose fps, hell let loose lag, hell let loose refresh rate, hell let loose performance, hell let loose input lag, hell let loose unplayable, hell let loose fix, hell let loose update
Id: weVB1O2nA0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 9sec (1989 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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