How to Build a WordPress Membership Website - MemberPress Plugin

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[Music] today i'm going to walk you through how you can build yourself a membership website with wordpress by making use of what i humbly believe is the absolute best plugin for wordpress membership websites and that's going to be member press now memopress is not a free plugin and there is no free version of the plugin it costs 149 per year for one site but trust me when i say that if you're serious about building yourself a fully functional membership website this plugin is a worthy investment because with this plugin there's pretty much nothing that you cannot do with the plugin you can create different types of membership plans uh you can install payment gateways to accept payments for those membership plans uh you can charge your members in different formats uh you can install different kinds of add-ons like uh elementor active campaign buddypress uh beaver builder lots of all these add-ons do work with the plugin and also with the plugin you can even uh add courses so it's not just about you creating uh blog articles for your membership website you can also create courses with this plugin again trust me when i say this plugin has uh everything that you need to build yourself a fully functional membership website let me just mention that if you don't have the money but you're still interested in building yourself a membership website you can check out the paid memberships pro plugin there is a free version and there is also the paid version of the plugin the challenge obviously with the free version is that the functionalities are pretty limited you will still be able to build yourself a membership a website but you will be restricted when it comes to different kinds of functionalities now if you want to compare the paid version of the paid memberships pro plugin with member press uh honestly memory press is better paid memberships pro is even more expensive it has a bit more add-ons but member press just takes the cake for me it is the absolute top-notch plugin for building our wordpress membership websites now if you're interested let me just quickly say this if you're interested in learning how to use a both the free version and the paid version of paid memberships per plugin and also uh learn dash which is strictly for creating uh online courses for your membership website uh you can check out my course on called uh the complete wordpress membership course build two websites so in this course i'll show you how to build two different types of membership websites one with the paid memberships full plugin and then one with uh learn dash you can also check it out on udemy as well you can see right now on udemy it is a best seller i will have a coupon for you for 9.99 you can buy the course on the for 9.99 and it's going to be available for the first uh 50 users i cannot create a coupon for udemy because it will expire in five days so i just want to let you know now regarding the actual uh contents of this lesson i'm not gonna start from the very basics like how to build or how to install wordpress or how to build a page or things like that the ideal candidate for today's lesson should be somebody who is already familiar with wordpress and in fact somebody who already has a built website with content and just wants to learn how to convert that site to a membership website in fact this is already what i have right now on the site we'll be working with you can see i do have several articles with different categories so ideally before you begin this lesson you should have yourself some content have different kinds of posts with different categories and then you will be ready to take uh the course now if you're somebody who is brand new to wordpress and you don't know how to install wordpress i do have several tutorials here on youtube in fact i have one that's almost uh five hours in fact it's more than five hours in length it is how to build a wordpress website you can check it out it's over five and a half hours so in here i cover everything you need to know about wordpress from installing wordpress to wordpress security wordpress seo check it out and you can also check out my most viewed uh video here on youtube which is the elementor master class where i show you how to build a website with elementor i again it's here on youtube so i've pretty much covered everything you need to know to get yourself up and running however like i said if you're somebody who already has a wordpress website you already have your content you are ready to begin uh today's lesson let me just say one last thing i am an affiliate for member press what that's what this means is that if you decide to buy the plugin maybe you become convinced that the plugin is indeed what you're looking for uh please do use my affiliate link in the description box below what that means is that when you buy the plugin with my link i will get a small commission it's a good way to support me and support what i'm doing here on this channel so without wasting any more time let's get started okay so i just want to mention one thing before we begin and that is regarding expectations when taking this tutorial i am not building a membership website from the ground up which means i'm not going to spend time with choosing a theme uh installing other kinds of plugins and designing the about page the contact page things like that ideally you should already have yourself a website with content and you're just looking to learn how to turn that website into a membership website by making use of the memberpress plugin so think of this tutorial as more of a member press tutorial as opposed to uh building a wordpress membership website i hope that makes sense i just want you to have the right expectations uh before you begin uh this tutorial again i already have my website i have lots of posts from different categories and this is what i'm i'm gonna be working with i will be working with the default uh wordpress 2021 theme as well and um that's pretty much it let's now begin the actual tutorial itself alrighty so as you can see right now i have activated the member press plugin and when you do the same you want to activate your license key so come down here to settings you'll see the license tab you will now find the box where you can add your license key and then activate your plugin if you don't activate the plugin it's not going to work now pages when you click on pages you should see thank you account and log in these three pages have been created for you by default are when you activated the plugin and you can confirm this by going over to your pages and you should see account login and thank you all right let's close this now let's go over to payments and we want to add our two payment gateways preferably stripe and paypal so i'm going to click on the plus button right here and let's first of all add stripe okay and then i'm going to name it stripe right here stripe and then i'm going to click on the connect with stripe button now you will have to first of all uh connect to your memory press account and then after you've connected to memphis account you'll then have to connect to your stripe account as well now the reason why you don't see that is because i've already done this before so the system remembers me and uh so from here basically i'm just going to have to select the account i'd like to use with my memphis website i'm going to choose test site but of course you'd want to go with the account you actually have on stripe so i'm going to click on connect right now and that's pretty much it it's very very straightforward and not difficult at all okay so there you go i do have the stripe uh payment gateway right here connected next is i'm gonna go ahead and now click on the plus button to add our paypal so i'm gonna choose paypal standard right here okay and i'm gonna choose paypal as the name and then i'll add the primary email as well for paypal which is gonna be alex at the web uh and there you go let's go ahead now and update our options and there you go so we've got stripe and we have paypal ideally of course you want to have at least uh one payment gateway that your members can use to pay are for their subscriptions all right next up is going to be the emails tab and this is where you can configure the different types of emails on your site you can configure things like the send our welcome email the send payment of receipt notice so as an example if you want to configure the welcome email sent to new members you can click on the edit button right here and then right here you're going to have the template so it's going to say uh welcome to and then the name of your website you can add a custom name right here if you want to but then right here you have these uh what you might call short codes so you have user on the score first underscore name so basically this email will say welcome and then the person's first name and then you will have the message here you can log in here and then they'll have the link to the login page and then they'll have their username and the password that they used to sign up and then cheers the our blog name team so your website's uh name will appear here but of course you can configure all of these to however you want to customize your message you can add an image right here you can change the message do whatever you want to do and then right here this is where you have all the additional fields that you can use so you can use the person's email you can use the person's last name the business address things like that all to configure uh the welcome email that they will receive all right let's reset back to the defaults and uh let's scroll down here so you have all the other kinds of emails that you can configure send upgraded subscription notices all of these right here would be for the user but then right here you also have the emails for the admin for you so for example you can add the email address for receiving notifications and you can configure the kind of email that you will get when somebody has signed up uh when somebody's uh you know when you want to send a payment received notice to a member things like that when somebody has cancelled their subscription notice you can configure all these kinds of emails specifically for you and you can also send a test as an example you click on send test right here for the new sign up notice you click on send test and then the test will be sent to the email that you've added in here make sure that you run the test and then make sure that you've actually received uh the emails and invite you of course you can include your privacy policy link if you want to and then of course you can configure the send mail from and then it from email so of course you'd want to add the name of your website right here or you could add your own name right there just any name that your members will be able to recognize you and then use your email address right here let's go ahead update options and then you also have marketing and uh i don't really want to go into this you have uh info but you can add your merchant uh business address uh you have general where you can add things like your language code your currency code things like that you can block search engines if you want to uh you've got taxes so if you want to uh charge uh tax payments for members you can click in here to you know click the box right here and then configure taxes however you want to and then you have also have courses that you can use to create courses uh with memopress we will talk about this uh a bit later but going back here you have your account uh field and this is actually quite important because in here i can configure things like permissions for members non-members things like that so on the permissions for example you have the default disable the wordpress admin bar for members so if you don't want your members to be able to access the wordpress backend and i'll recommend you don't allow them to do so uh keep this box checked uh allow members to cancel their own subscriptions absolutely uh keep members out of the wordpress dashboard absolutely allow us to pause and resume their own subscriptions now this is not a very common feature but hey if you want them to be able to do so you click on the box right here and uh yeah your members will now be able to simply pause and resume their own subscriptions okay you've got other things like the registration i would like to show the password strength uh meetup i was very very very highly recommend that you show this and that you also require a strong password or uh even stronger okay because it's good for security you want your members to be using strong passwords you don't want them using weak passwords on your website now they recommend it is to show and require a medium password or stronger but i'll recommend that you go with the strong password or even are stronger and then you have all the additional options in here that are pretty straightforward you have your login and log out now you could decide to use memory press login page url okay so you can check in the box right here so members will actually have to use the login page you'll like created by member press itself we will take a look at that a bit later and then you have the url to direct member to after login so once anybody has logged in to your website where we do like to redirect them too you could redirect them to the my account page you could direct them to a very special page things like that you can add the link right here and then if a member logs out would you like to redirect them to a particular kind of page this is where you would add uh the link to all right last but not least we do have the account page welcome message so this is the text that will appear below the navigation on the account page so you can do things like welcome to i'm going to add the name of my website right here course tyrant and i will say this is your account page okay i'm gonna go ahead now and update my options and uh there you go let's try to take a look at the my account page now let's see view account page and uh there you go so it says welcome to constituents this is your account page so you can just configure uh a special message for your members whenever they access their uh my account page and then last but not least we do have the fields so you have your logged in purchases uh show the fields below for locked-in purchases so you can show things like the name fields the address fields things like that you can add additional fields in here if you want to so for example you could type in something like let's say uh the phone number you can add some like a phone number right here and then you can add a default value and then you can make it so that users will have to provide their phone number uh whenever they are signing up so you can check the box later to show at sign up and then make it are required as well so you can really configure uh the kinds of information you want your users to provide before they're able to register on your website let's just look at this as an example i'm going to go ahead now and update the options okay so we have the phone field we have name fields and we also have the address fields as well now if i go back to my account page and i refresh now if i scroll down here you will now see that the phone field has now been added and you can see the aesthetics indicating that um users must fill in their phone number before they can also save their profile so i'm going to go ahead update options and there you go the next thing we're going to do right now is to create our membership plan so i'm going to create two of them so the first one i'm going to create is going to be the standard membership plan so i'm going to click on add new for memberships right here so i'm going to name this one the standard member ship okay and then you can add a description so i'm going to say this membership will provide you with access to the design and security articles okay all right now over here to the right we do have the membership terms first of all the price how much for the membership i'm gonna go with 9.99 and then the billing type you have different options you can go with recurring all one time i'm gonna go with recurring and then i'm gonna say every month 9.99 but you have all the flexibility in the world right here because you can actually go with a custom uh recurring period and then you can say things like every two months or every two weeks or you can even say every three weeks or every seven weeks or every seven months or whatever you have the option to do so right here i can go yearly weekly every three months every six months and so on and so forth i'm gonna go with monthly and then right here you can provide a trial period so for example you could say okay i'm going to offer you a one day free trial where you can access the contents for the design and security and then you can also charge a special fee for the trial period so you can say something like maybe like uh one dollar which is actually quite common uh for many trial uh periods they can just charge one dollar for a day they will have access to the design and security articles and then you will say of course allow only one trial obviously i'm going to remove the trial period and then right here you have the limit payment cycles so you can click in here and then you can say things like okay i'm gonna charge a maximum of two payments or a maximum of three payments and then once the member has paid 9.99 for a maximum of three times uh what would you like to have would you like to expire their access to the membership plan or maybe you want to now provide them with a lifetime access or then maybe you can expire access after maybe one day or two days or two weeks or two months so you have all the power to fully customize how you want to charge for your membership plans i'm going to remove the limit payment cycles and just keep things simple 9.99 every month it's recurring and then right here let's scroll down we do have the membership options so you have the registration button so you can customize this to say sign up for the membership plan or sign up for this telemembership plan or something like that and then you can also say this membership is tax exempt it's up to you you can enable a custom thank you page specifically for this membership so you can take the box right here and then you can either go with the enable custom thank you message or you can enable a custom thank you page so you can create a custom page thanking them for specifically signing up for the standard membership but i'm gonna go with the uh enable custom thank you message instead so excuse me so right here i'm just gonna say uh thank you for signing up for the standard membership plan and then you can say okay this plan now offers you access to this content it offers you access to these videos and so on and so forth of course you can also send the membership specific welcome email to the user you can send the test i'm going to take the box right here you can also customize the payment method specifically for this membership plan so you can go with either you only want to accept our stripe or maybe you'll want to accept paypal for this particular plan but we're not customizing anything in here except in both paypal and stripe as well and of course you can also customize the user information fields for this very specific uh kind of membership plan okay next up we do have the permissions okay who can purchase i'm sorry you have the first one right here allow yourself to create multiple active subscriptions to this membership uh no members can only buy one standard membership plan they can't buy multiple uh standard machine plans so i'm not gonna tick the box right here but who can purchase this membership well ideally everyone but maybe you want members to be able to only buy this membership so maybe you have like a very special like super membership plan that's only available to your existing members then you can choose members right here you can choose guests or just go with every one and then if anybody tries to access the content that falls under the standard membership plan uh the default message i will say you don't have access to purchase these uh items if they tried to actually purchase this membership plan and if for some reason you've chosen a particular group of people say for example members right uh anyone who isn't a member who then tries to purchase this membership plan will then receive uh this message so do forgive my sleep up right there okay let's now move on to the price box and of course right here again you can customize how the standard membership plan would look like on the front end so you can go with like say for example are highlighted okay so you would have the most popular message show up here if you choose highlighted you can customize the standard membership uh you can go with the price and display so you can just go with the regular uh 9 99 right here or you could just choose auto and let the member press plugin and decide how best to display your pricing you can add the heading text right here and of course you can add benefits so for example i will say access to security content uh let's add another one uh access to the design our content okay and then of course if your own membership plan has other benefits like you know access to facebook group access to phone calls things like that of course you can add uh everything in here as well you can also add your footer text and then you know customize the button text as well and then choose the button position for the sign up button you will see how this looks like from the front end but for now this is okay and now i'm gonna go with advanced okay so membership access url all right and it says this is the url where those who purchase this membership can get the content they now have access to so say for example you've created a very special blog page that will show all the articles on the design and security you can add the link to that page right here so that members who have now purchased this plan will be able to access that url and will be able to access the blog page containing the design and security articles you have your membership price and terms you can go with a custom message right here if you want to so you click on custom and then you can add the pricing terms but i'll just recommend you go with the defaults which memberpress will provide for you and then of course you can also provide the custom login with direct urls so say for example a standard member when they log in you could maybe you want to redirect them to a very special page specifically for the standard members you can add the url right here but i'm not going to do that and then last but not least you do have the user roles for this membership so if you check the box right here maybe you want to assign a particular role to users who purchase this plan so if you're using another kind of plugin for creating you know special roles on your website you can use the plugin and then you can now choose the role that will be tied specifically do is that purchase the standard membership plan right here so you do have that option all right last but not least i'm going to choose a featured image for this particular membership so it's i do have it right here standard membership which i designed with canva so i'm going to click on set featured image and then i'm just going to go ahead now and simply uh hit publish and uh there you go and i can click on view membership right here and now you can see we have standard membership and then we have the featured image and then we have the shot description we have the price and then we have the fields for you know the first name address fields phone number fields as well and then users can pay with either stripe or with paypal let me make one very very quick change to my theme i'm going to change the background i am using the 2021 theme so i'm just going to go ahead and change this to the white background so that everything blends in and there you go looking much better already so that's pretty much how to add the standard membership plan or how to add a membership plan in general what i'm going to do right now is i'm going to go ahead and add a second membership plan which is actually going to be the premium membership plan that will offer access to all the content on the website all right so as you can see right now i have added the premium membership plan and it basically just says uh this plan offers access to all the premium content in the website it's going to be 19.99 per month and has the same registration permissions things like that and then i also use the premium membership image for this particular membership plan you can view the membership and there you go so now we've got two membership plans on our website one that costs 99 per month while the other costs 19.99 per month and of course you can create as member as many membership plans as you want and you can customize how much you're going to charge for each one of them so now that we now have our two membership plans it is time to create some rules that we can use to restrict content based on the membership of the user i'm going to click on rules right here and then click on add new and then from here we have the protected content and if i click on the box right here i can choose the particular kind of content i want to protect now i could go with posts categorized okay however you also have all content categorized as another option the difference between all content categorized and posts categorized is if on your membership website all the content you have are just basically posts then you can go with posts categorized however if you have a membership website where you have post but you also have other types of content like let's say lessons or courses or images in such a scenario you'd want to go with all content categorized and then you'll name the category which all that content falls under in my case i'm only working at post i'm going to go with post categorized and then from here i can type in the category of post on protect so let's say in this case right now i wanted to protect the wordpress security posts i'll click on sec right here and then choose wordpress security as the category of post i want to protect and then right here i can add the access conditions who should have access to this particular category of posts i'm going to come in here right now i'm going to choose membership and then i can choose either premium or standard however since both of these membership plans should provide access to wordpress security i'm going to choose premium membership first of all and then i'm going to click on the plus button right here choose membership again and i'll choose standard so now basically any user that has either the premium membership or the standard membership will have access to all my posts that fall under the category of wordpress security that's exactly how this works you have your partial content codes right here that you can use to display uh you know specific information for people who are logged in that have this membership plan and then for those who don't have the authority to access this content i'm gonna go ahead and close that one and then right here you could enable drip if you wanted to so you just click on the box right here and then you can enable uh how you want to drip the content so you can drip the content let's say uh every you know two days after the member registers or in that particular fixed date and so on and so forth and you can also enable the expiration of this content for the user so you can say expire this content let's say uh 100 days after the member has registered or on a fixed date or if the member purchases another membership plan things like that again you have all the flexibility in the world right here okay we have the unauthorized access on a thread access handling for content protected by this rule okay so if anybody tries to access this content what will happen you can choose to first of all show excerpts okay so in this case right now you can either decide to just show maybe like the first paragraph of the content to non-members maybe to get them excited to get them interested in becoming a member so you could choose to just show the default uh accept or you could go with the customer right here and you could say show the first 100 to 200 characters of your content i'm gonna go with the default and then you have the unauthorized message and you can decide to show a very specific message in here for anybody who uh doesn't have access so i can click on custom right now and i can say uh you don't have access to the rest of this content because you are not a member or because you're not a standard or premium member i'm going to show exactly how this looks like okay so this will be displayed just beneath the accept of the post and last but not least we do have the login form you can either just have to show it or hide it let's show the login form i'm gonna go ahead now and save the rule and now let's see how this would look like from the front end for a non-member all right so as you can see right now i'm trying to access the content as a locked out user basically as a non-member and you can see right now this is one of the posts on the wordpress security and if i try to read the post it says you don't have access to the rest of the content because you're not a standard or premium member and i do have the login form right here so if you want to show part of the post to non-members what you're going to do is you're going to come back in here and when you have the unauthorized access the excerpts in here you can go to post accept to show maybe like the first paragraph of your post i'm gonna go ahead now save the rule now let's go back to our website let's refresh the page and now you can see that a locked out user or a non-member can read the accept of the post like the first five or six lines and then right here it says you don't have access to the rest of the content because you are not a standard or premium member and if they click on continue reading it basically just takes them back to the same uh page so this is how you can decide to show part of the content to non-members and then if they want to access the remaining part of the content they will have to become a member i'm going to add one more rule to protect the posts on that the category of seo and i'm choosing seo specifically because remember that with my standard membership users will have access to the design and security articles but not the seo articles the seo articles are resolved specifically for members with the our premium membership now if i go to my posts right here you can see because we just created the very first rule right here you can see each post and then the membership plans that will grant access to those posts let's go ahead now and create the new rule for the seo articles i'm going to choose our post categorize right here and then i'll type in seo so i have wordpress seo right there and then select type is going to be membership and then is a premium membership and there you go except i'm going to show the post accept yes and then the unauthorized message i'm going to go with a custom message in here and i'll say you need to be a premium how do you spell premium a premium member to view the rest of this article okay i'm gonna go ahead now save the rule and now if i go back in here to post and i refresh now you can see that the category of post on the wordpress seo now has the premium membership are tagged or associated with them so basically anyone who isn't a premium member will not be able to access the wordpress seo articles even if they are a standard member all right the time has now come for us to run a simulation basically we are going to attempt to buy the standard membership and then see if we will then be able to gain access to the our wordpress security articles we also want to confirm that we're going to receive emails from the membership website telling us that hey you know you're welcome you've signed up and we're also going to confirm as an admin that we received an email when a user has signed up for our membership as well remember that all of these are available if you go to member press you go to settings you will have access to your emails tab and then right here is where you can configure every kind of possible email also on the payments i have gone ahead to switch the stripe payment method to the test mode you can see right now i have checked the box for test mode i'm gonna go ahead now update my options now if you would like to learn how you can set up test payments with paypal with stripe you can check out my youtube tutorial on woocommerce 4.4.0 how to build a complete woocommerce online store and if you look at the timestamps down here i show you how to create uh sandbox accounts with paypal how to test payments with paypal how to set up your stripe payments as well everything was discussed in full details in this particular video so please if you have any uh trouble you need help setting up test payments with stripe or paypal be sure to check out this tutorial okay one more thing here is that we're going to view the standard memberships i'm going to click on view right here i'm going to grab this link okay and i'm going to go over to my brave browser right here as a logged out user so that i can now view this membership and then buy it i know that we've not yet i added the links to the membership uh plans on our menu we will do that later but for now let's attempt to buy the standard membership so i'm going to come in right now and add my name roland jarvis and i'm going to add an address right here uh 304 poplar bridge court city is going to be owings mills uh country in this case would be the united not the united arab emirates but the united states uh state province here is going to be maryland zip code 2117 phone number four three seven two two nine nine zero two something like that and uh okay so username i'm going to call myself jarvis and i'm gonna choose my gmail account okay and then password i'm gonna go ahead and add a very strong password it's actually unbreakable wow that's a very powerful password okay and uh there you go okay so i'm gonna go with the stripe payment method i'm gonna click on sign up and i'm gonna come down here and i'm going to add the test credit card with strap which is 4242 uh four two four two four two four two four two month september 2023 cbc two three four zip code two one one one seven and submit okay so let's see if that worked and there you go thank you for signing up for the standard membership plan and now if i click on login as roland now if i try to access the article on the wordpress security let's see you can see that i now have access to the full content because i have signed up as a standard member however let's try to access an article on the wordpress seo it's right here wordpress seo i click in there and now it says you need to be a premium member to view the rest of this article so you can see right now it actually works let's go back to our back end right here as the admin and if i refresh the back end let's go to members there you go we now have javas with the email on lx14 it's active javascrolland he has the standard membership he paid 9.99 and he has logged in once you would also see on the subscriptions you will see the subscription number and then of course the name of the person are transactions yep it's right here of course via stripe payment give me a stripe and that's the transaction number as well let's take a look at the emails now all right so as you can see right now we got the first email the payment receipt from course taran saying hey this is your invoice number and billed to me my email address and of course my physical address and then of course you know the message saying thanks for purchasing the standard membership you can log in right here and then you can use the username and password so you can see right now that java's the new member has received emails from cost tarant welcoming welcoming him to the membership website as well as a receipt for his payment now from the admin side you can see that i've gotten an email from koster and telling me that a new user has subscribed and his name is roland jarvis that's his email and of course from costume itself we have the email saying there's a new sign up his id number is number two and of course that's his name and of course confirmation that he did pay 9.99 via stripe and you can see right now that we're getting emails as the admin and also roland javas is getting emails as a member as well so as you can see right now our membership plans are working perfectly well we're accepting payments via stripe and the membership rules are also in effect let's now take a look at how we can display the registration pages to our non-members as it is right now there is no direct way for non-members to pay for the membership plan that they want to go with the only pages we have are the thank you page the account page and then the login page what about a page specifically for registration now there are different ways how we can accomplish this and i'm going to walk you through all of them the first thing i'm going to do right here is i'm going to add a new page okay and let's just call this one membership plans okay now i am using the gutenberg page builder by the way and with member press you also have access to a very wide variety of short codes that you can use to display information now specifically for membership plans they do have this short code right here that you can use and then all you need to do is to indicate the id of the membership plan and then it will display the registration form specifically for that membership plan so what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab this short code right here you can pause the video and uh take a look at it or you can just go to and simply search for shortcodes i'm gonna go back in here and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna first of all add the our columns are block choose 50 by 50 and then in here for the very first column let's add the paragraph and i'm going to paste the shortcode right there uh make sure that this is not pre-formatted okay it's not be formatted and then for the second column i'm going to do the exact same thing put a paragraph and then simply paste the shortcode there as well so what we need to do right now is to find the ids of our membership plans i'm gonna go to memberships and then right here the first one here is four seven eight five that's for standard four seven eight nine is for premium so four seven eight five four seven eight nine it was coming here four seven eight five and then uh four seven eight nine okay now let's see what's going to happen i'm gonna go ahead now and publish the page publish let's view the page and there you go so right here we have membership plans and of course this is for standard 9.99 and then this is for 19.99 that's for the our premium and of course we have the form as well as the strap and paypal uh payment gateways now obviously you can go back in here and uh edit the page to add the headers for you know standard membership and then premium membership you can do that right here with the gutenberg page builder or whatever page builder that you are using however there's another way of displaying our plans if you go back to your memberships right here you have the actual urls right here so if i grab this for example i go in here i paste and go now you can see we have the actual page itself for the premium membership plan that has the featured image for the product and then also the short description and then the registration form so one thing you could do right now is if you want to display this on your main menu check this out i'm gonna go over to appearance go to menus okay and then right here go to your screen options very very important go there and now right here you will see memberships click in there and now if you go right here you will see memberships right down here so now you can add premium you can add standard and if you want you can also add the page for the membership plans itself let's go ahead now save the menu and now if we go to our front end now you can see we have premium membership they click in there it takes them to this page they click on standard it takes them to this page and then you can also click on membership plans that will take them to the page uh that will compare both uh the standard not necessarily compare but actually show the two forms the two registration forms for the standard and the premium membership plan so this is how uh you can display the registration forms for your membership plans also you have other kinds of short codes in here as well for displaying different kinds of information so i recommend that you take a look at them as well let's now talk about the group's future and this is a fantastic way of displaying all our membership plans on one page thus allowing none of us to compare them and decide which of the plans they want to go with so what are we going to do right here i'm going to go over to groups i'm going to click on add new and let's call this one our membership plans remember we're creating a page where our non-members or members would be able to go to and they will see all the membership plans and they will be able to compare them at a glance so i'm gonna come in here right now and paste some text i just basically say below you can see and compare all our membership plans let's scroll down here and now take a look at this we have the upgrade path basically do you want your your members to be able to upgrade their membership plans yes so i'm going to take the box right here and then if they decide to switch from let's say standard to premium would you like to reset the billing period you can either take the box here or not it's all up to you now you also have the downgrade path so for example if a user was on the premium membership plan and they chose not to continue with the plan would you like to downgrade them to let's say the uh standard membership plan maybe maybe not however before or we can choose the option in here we actually have to add all the memberships right here so we have number one first of all i'm gonna go with the standard membership and then number two will be the premium membership now this is very very important because you want your most affordable plan to be the first one and your most expensive plan to be the last one okay in my case right now it's standard number one premium number two so right now we can go back to our downgrade path and then we can choose which of these membership plans we want to downgrade our members to when they choose not to continue with their current membership plan in my case i'm just going to go with default okay however if you have a specific membership plan that you want to downgrade your members to you can choose it right here however if you're not sure just leave it on default okay so i'm gonna come down here and uh yeah so you can choose to disable the change plan pop up the disabled price and page i'm not gonna do that we're gonna show both of them and um that is it okay let's scroll back up here i'm going to go ahead now and publish okay now before we view this group let's go back to our memberships and i want to show you something i'm going to go to standard membership let's edit and then right here remember when we created this membership plan where we have the price box remember we did things like you know add the title and then the benefits now i have added two additional benefits i've added uh two coaching calls per month and then invitation to a facebook group okay and then for the premium membership plan i did something similar i added three more features i said access to seo content for coaching calls per month and then invitation to both facebook and slack groups okay so now if we go over to our group and we click on view group take a look at this we now have both tables right here we have all the features and then we have the sign up button right there so if you want to create a page like this that will show all your membership plans at a glance allowing your users your members to come in there and just see what each plant has to offer and how much it is this is how you would do so now obviously from a design perspective you want to make sure that uh your tables are of the same height so in my case right now what i could simply do right here would just be to basically uh edit the text for my features so that uh the table will just be as as tall as the one for the standard uh membership plan but that's basically how to make use of your groups and i should also mention that if you want to display the link to this particular page on your menu you simply go back to the backend go to appearance go to menus and then just like we did before you go to your screen options and then right here you take you take the box that says groups and now you will have access to the group right here you go to groups and then you have the membership plans and then you can add that to your menu let's now talk about coupons and this are pretty straightforward so if you want to create a coupon you go to coupons click on add new and then you can change the default code right here to something else you can choose the kind of uh discount you're going with is it percentage or maybe uh strictly in terms of us dollars so in this case for example let's say we're going with a 15 discount and then you have your discount mode standard first payment uh trial period override i'm gonna go with standard you have your usage count right here this is of course infinity but you can say maybe for 100 users you have the discount 15 and then you would like to allow this on upgrades and downgrades it's all relative it depends on you you can schedule the coupon start so let's say for example it starts today january 27th and then it's gonna end on uh let's go with uh february 27th so a whole month to use the coupon and then right here you choose which membership plans you want the coupon to be active for so you just click on the one for example and if i wanted the other one i'll press the ctrl key the command key on the mac and then choose uh the next membership plan and uh there you go you can add a shot description right here if you want to just go ahead and then hit publish and there you go i guarantee you that the coupons uh will work so that's how you can make use of coupons let's now jump down to reminders and this is also very very important just as important as the emails that you get and the emails that your members also get so you can add a reminder right here and these are useful for things like you know before a user subscription expires or maybe after a sign up was abandoned uh before substitution renews you have all the necessary triggers right here so all you would need to do is you add your title and then you now have the trigger okay when should this remainder be activated is it gonna be one day two days three days or three hours or weeks months or years before a subscription expires you can add your trigger right there and then over here you have the emails would you like to send a subscription expires remainder email to the user yes or would you like to send a subscription expires remainder email to the admin yes and of course in here you can just simply click on edit and then you can simply edit the kind of emails that you want uh to be sent and everything is going to be uh right here so you can create as many reminders uh as you want so let's just quickly do this i'm just going to say before sub subscription expires okay so that's the title and i've said three days before the subscription expires uh send the uh the sender's reminder to the user i'm gonna go ahead now and hit publish so that's my very very first reminder i can go over here to reminders it's right here and of course i can add a second reminder simply choose the title and then the trigger and so on uh and so forth let's now take a look at one more major feature offered by member press and that's the ability uh to create online courses on your membership website you can see right here we have courses and it's a brand new feature that recently added so how do we do this you click on courses and you can either click on the button right here to install and activate the add-on or you simply come down here to add-ons and then write it you will have access to all the available add-ons with member press but specifically interested in the courses add-on so i'm going to go ahead and i'll click on install add-on and we're going to wait for a few seconds for this to install and now you can see it is active awesome now i'm gonna click on courses right here and it says uh okay let's just let's just refresh the page okay that didn't work let's refresh the actual back end first of all and uh okay so now i'm gonna go back to courses okay so now it is working so if you get that error message just simply uh refresh your wordpress backend and all should be fine okay let's add a course i'm going to click in here add new and as you might expect i'm going to add a name for the course let's just call this one the wordpress security master class okay just just as an example and then right here i can add like you know a description of the particular you know course whether it's a bell things like that but then up here we have the curriculum where we can actually add lessons so i'm going to click on curriculum and then right here i can click on add section so let's say for example we want to add the introduction section okay intro duck sean i'm going to add the section oops i pressed cancel sorry about that introduction press add okay so this is the section introduction and then we can add a lesson name so i can say for example welcome to the course just as an example okay and i can click on add and then i can add a second lesson so let's just as an example say build in a web page just as an example all right uh page let's add that one and now as you begin to add lessons you'll also see them on the right right here you will you will be able to search for lessons at some point in the future and then add them to new courses if you want to however how do you now actually add content to your lessons when you hover on them you'll see three different buttons right here you want to go with the one in the middle the one that has the pen that is the edit button so let's say for example we wanted to embed a video from vimeo okay let's say i wanted to this is the video lesson i can simply grab the link right here for the video from vimeo and then let's go to building a webpage i'm going to click on the edit button and now it will say are you going to leave the course editor yes i'm going to click on save and exit and now this will take us to the actual lesson page and then right here i can simply paste the code from vimeo to embed the video and of course it's right here i'm going to go ahead now and simply update and now from here i'm going to go back to the wordpress security master class let's go back there so we have our curriculum we have two lessons with one section called introduction and then finally we do have the settings tab right here and you can include this in your course listing you can also add a link specifically for the sales page maybe you've created like a landing page or something like that let's see what it says right here actually it says if the sales page url is set for the course then the course trail will simply redirect to the sales uh page so yeah it is basically you just building a a landing page specifically for this particular course i'm going to dismiss this and i'm going to go ahead now and hit publish and there you go let's view the course and there it is we have the wordpress security master class we have the course curriculum and you can see right now we have the first lesson and then we have the second lesson right here let's try to watch the video i've clicked in there and there you go so now you can see that it's actually working and uh yep there you go so you can create your courses you can add your lessons you can add them in like a text format uh you can add videos from youtube from vimeo or wherever uh you are hosting them that's how you can create courses with member press and now that we have a course the obvious question is going to be how do we add the course to a particular membership plan in other words how do we restrict access to only those that have paid to be able to uh view the course it's simple simply go back to member press go to your rules and now i'm going to click on add new rule and then right here you have the protected content you will now have access to our courses because we now have the course add-on active so right here you will see it says all lessons a single lesson all courses a single course you can also group courses by categories or tags in my case right now i can go with a single course and then i can simply type in some words and there it is wordpress security master class and then i can say okay give access to those who have the premium membership plan and uh there you go i can go ahead now and simply uh save the rule just to make sure that i'm not taking anything for granted if you go back to courses uh don't forget that you can actually add a category for your course so right here where you have course categories you can add a new category for this particular course maybe you want to have another course in the same category you'll do the exact same thing you can also add a featured image as well as an excerpt for your course if you want to but that's pretty much how to create courses and how to add them to your membership plans all right so in close and i just wanted to briefly talk about the remaining add-ons that you have with member press and as you can see you have a whole bunch of them you have different add-ons for integrating memory press with your mail mailing software like active campaign uh or weber and so on you have convertkit uh you have constant contact in here as well but you also have with uh beaver builder that you have with davie you have with elementor and you also have with wp bakery so if you're using any one of these uh page builders you can integrate memory press with them you have the pdf invoice which was actually be quite interesting it's an add-on that would allow your members to download their invoices are with in in the in the pdf format so definitely check uh this particular uh add-on out and then you have also gifting where you can allow memberships to be gifted uh to users and so on and so forth so be sure to check out the different add-ons they have and of course if you're ever stuck simply go to and right here they have plenty of articles on different kinds of topics and questions and things like that i can simply go over here and explore the different ways of using member press and that's pretty much it well there you have it we've come to the end of today's tutorial on how to build yourself a wordpress membership website by making use of member press and i really hope you enjoyed it if you did do give it a thumbs up share the video with anyone who might feel might benefit from the video and if you haven't subscribed to the channel what are you waiting for subscribe hit the bell so that you don't find whenever i upload a new tutorial and just a gentle reminder if you decide to buy memberpress plugin please use my affiliate link in the description box below if you have any questions or comments of course put them down in the comment section below i'll do my best to answer as many of them as i possibly can i'm alex this is out there and i'll talk to you next time cheers
Channel: Web Monkey
Views: 8,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: membership website, wordpress membership website, memberpress tutorial, memberpress courses, memberpress review, memberpress demo, memberpress tutorial 2020
Id: UhwDxzvz__w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 42sec (3762 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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