Fluent Support: Customer Support for WordPress Sites

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if you provide services to customers perhaps for a membership or for courses or any other kind of service that you're providing where they need to get some help from you on time to time you need a help desk or a support ticket tool trying to do support on email is all right when you only have a couple of customers maybe occasionally sending you some notice but as you build your business you need to keep better documentation and you need to know who sent you want it's unfortunately if you lose place of a email and you provide delayed support to a customer that's not a good thing and i know because i've been there i've worked with support ticket systems in the past at employers and now i have an opportunity to use one here for my own business i'm looking at a new product from wp managed ninja it's called fluent support i've got a preview version of it here i'd like to show you and introduce it to you and let you know what the deal is [Applause] hi my name is william beam with suburbia press we like to help online entrepreneurs understand the technology that powers their business support ticket is definitely one of those things if you're providing a membership or a course you're going to have people who may be confused with onboarding maybe confused with how they access their information and you need a simple way for them to get to you and not everybody wants to use the same thing some people may want to go to your support webpage some people may want to send you an email and fluent support handles both of those and it's got a couple of other integrations for ways that people can contact you and communicate with you for support and in this video i want to show you what is there rather than how it works we'll do some of those videos later on down the line i just got this plug-in as a preview a day before i'm recording this so this is kind of fresh off the cuff for me but i'm really excited by this product i'm very happy with the fluent series of products and others from wp managed ninja i like the integrations that we have here so let me get you started we'll take a look at their web page first for fluent support okay so first thing this video is coming out on november 16th that is the launch date for fluent support so when you see this video you should be able to make a purchase if that's what you want to do there is going to be a free version in the wordpress repository and then there's going to be a pro version that you can purchase so if you want to play with a free version first that's fine so i will have a link to fluent support i'll show it on the screen here and also if you click on that in the description below it'll take you right to this page and you can get set up so what we have right now is they were having people sign up to be notified and i presume this is going to change when we go live but you can see there's a screenshot of how the support system works you can check on tickets and we'll we'll take a look at this inside of my environment so i will show you a bit more and the idea is that this is going to integrate with your wordpress system it is a wordpress plugin it is not a software as a service so it works for multiple customer service representatives and it has wonderful filtering you know search sort and serve i've been playing around with that for a little bit and it really makes it easy to find what you're looking for you get information on your customers as you would expect this integrates with fluent crm it also integrates with other products i have wishlist member on my demo site it's integrating with that so i can see what customer are assigned to certain levels it also works with woocommerce so if someone has bought a product from you in woocommerce that will show up in this information down here as well too you can have smart prioritizations you can have saved replies so you don't have to reply to everybody manually if you have common questions that come to you you can have stock replies it'll be very easy to send back to people you can have internal notes if you notice on this one well again i'll show you the demo you can see the yellow color it indicates the difference between when you're having an internal conversation either making notes for yourself if you're a solo entrepreneur or if you have a team you can see the communication going on there and then of course you can obviously reply to your customer and you've got some stats and analysis and reporting that you can do so that's enough for this let me take you over here so we'll start here on the dashboard and you can see you can see what's at a glance how many new tickets how many active tickets what have you closed and responses and interactions so as let's say just having this for a day or two i don't have that many tickets in here let's start off with our global settings because when you come in here you're going to have some integration to do for example if you want to have people send their tickets to an email then there's an interesting little service here where you actually forward that off to a fluent support site and then it integrates with this and then you can also keep a copy inside of your email inbox so on global settings over here you can determine which page you want if you don't want to set up a page they'll have a checkbox where it'll just create one for you called support portal and you notice that these little shortcodes are available which i kind of like because that way if you want to go ahead and decorate your own page if you've got something that you do perhaps inside maybe using the gutenberg editor rather than just the classic editor that you see here you can set up your support page to look the way you want and there's a couple of other short codes down here so there's a place for people to log in that'll create a form there's also a place with a short code here for them to sign up if they aren't logged in yet matter of fact let me give you a quick look at mine it's very plain but it'll work this is my login page so i've got a log in over here for people who are already in and then you've got an ability to create an account for someone who maybe it's their first time reporting to you as a customer keep in mind not all of your customers may already be on your wordpress site these are going to be wordpress user accounts so if you have someone that you're serving on your site perhaps with learndash or with wishlist member or some other system where people are logging into your site their account will work just fine right here maybe if you're serving from a different platform i have searchy i also have thrive cart learn on some sites so they may not have something on your wordpress site so you can go ahead and create something over here now this is similar to what you might see if you go to wpmanage ninja they've changed theirs a little bit so rather than creating this short code form you can also do the same thing to log in using fluent forms or some other form if if that's what you have but basically you're allowing them to log in create an account and then once they've done that you can go ahead and set them up so let's say all right so i've signed in and registered with a new account and you can see that i don't have any tickets open for your users it's very easy you can just go ahead click create a new ticket it'll ask them for a subject what the details are they can upload a file if they need to and they can select a priority of normal medium or critical so let's just put in something simple and we'll just go ahead and create that ticket once that's done you can see if they have their sample ticket here if they need to close it they can they can check to see all tickets they can refresh in case there are any others so we've got our customer ticket let's go back to our dashboard so i'm going to come over here to our tickets you can see it over here on this side or you can click over here on this side of tickets and you see i have a sample ticket so right now it's waiting and this is where we've got options to filter things so if you want to see what's open that's there you want to see all tickets and you can see some that have been closed as well as open you can see the tickets that are just closed and we should have one under new that's the one that was just put in there so in other words a new ticket is one that's been submitted but hasn't had any activity from someone on the support team and of course active tickets will show new tickets that have had some activity so you can see that this is one is right now four hours old so we want to look at this new ticket or any open ticket and the color codes will kind of give you at a glance where you need to do some work so you have an option opportunity over here you can add a ticket manually and you can also kind of search by inboxes we'll get to that but you can have more than one inbox for this you can do this by products if you're integrating with let's say woocommerce or something where you have products you can integrate by who's or search by who is unassigned who has been assigned sysop is basically the only account i have here and then you can sort by priority and also by the customer priority so in other words it's a priority for administrators and a priority for customers you know over here on the site you can see all tickets my tickets and any that were unassigned since i'm the only one pretty much everything's being assigned to me so when i come in here and i click on this it's been impending and you can see that there is a ticket over here so we've got a few things this one is in case you want to run a workflow we have workflows over here we have notes over here and this one is to add a reply so for example if i want to add a note you'll notice this color over here i talked about that and you can type something in and add an internal note you also have templates which would be basically your saved replies so i could go ahead and put in a save reply if that were appropriate and since it doesn't matter what i'm doing i'll just go ahead and add that as an internal node and then we can come down here if we want to and add a comment again you can have your templates for your uh replies and you notice there's a search replies over here so if things get a little long with this list you can search for what you want to send out to them so again this is my only saved reply but we also have workflows so let me actually click over here to workflows there are manual workflows and there are automated workflows so for a manual workflow i'm just going to run this and you can see down here that's where this reply came in so thanks for your message and then talked about integration of floorcon with a lorax and a self-sealing stem bolt not important right now but those are examples of a manual workflow and you can see all of your tickets over here you can close them if need be you can change their priority and if we had a customer over here with something that had more detail this is a new customer so it doesn't have any interactions let's go back to all tickets and i'm going to click on this one so this user is a test user that is also integrated with wishlist members so you can see at a glance wishlist member shows basic level status is active if this person bought from woocommerce i would have a block down here showing maybe what products that they bought they're going to be various integrations i think easy digital downloads there's going to be another one learn dash is going to be something so there's a lot of opportunities to start off with fluent support for integration with other tools and that just kind of gives you a quick look at the workflow now you can see your saved replies over here and you can create a new one as you need to activities are going to show you what happened as far as like so and so responded to a ticket a minute ago two minutes ago and you can see that these things have just kind of come in as far as any activity working on ticket let's go to our business settings this is where we were talking about business inboxes so i have one here for support at suburbia press it is a web type there is also an email type so we can go over here and set our settings so we give it a name an email admin email address and then if you want to have something on the footer for any messages that go off to your customers you can put that down here and you can also see some dynamic codes so if you want to put something in for the customer first name last name email and so forth you can put these short codes inside of this message and that way you know when you send something out it'll give them that information the email settings we'll show you if what we have covered over here so ticket created to customer i've still got to do a little bit of work over on this one but you can see where it says it's using those short codes ticket title and ticket id and then you've got a quick little message over here so and they can click this and it'll view take them to the place where they can sign in and view their ticket and you can just kind of customize this if you want to you this is not enabled right now so you can check this and that way they'll get that email notification and you can see that just turned this status to green so that's what some of these are and you can go ahead and change what these email settings are for your support system we talked about workflows and there are two types so a manual workflow i showed you an example this is one that your support person will just manually add as a response so i've got this manual workflow says add response and when i click this inside of the templates that we saw in the ticket it just added this message and i've got a little title over here you can add other actions in here but that's essentially what a manual workflow is if we come over to automatic workflows this is where you can start taking actions so when does it happen and you've got a couple of choices when the tick is created or when a customer responds and then you've got different conditions so i've got this on the ticket title but you can create a workflow just for a specific customer you create one based upon content inside of the message in this case i've got it if there is a word in either place for the title or the message content and you look at an edited time range or an date range so you can respond to these let's say that somebody sends you a ticket outside of your business hours you can go ahead and have an automatic response saying thank you for your ticket we will get to this when we start up again you know in our regular business hours you can uh also change this based upon your ticket priority set by the client remember they have normal medium and critical also a selected product i suspect with other integrations you may see other fields over here that are available so these operators let's say that if this contains so if they type florkin in either the ticket title or twerkin is inside of the message that they send then this will kick off something going over here and my action in this case is to assign it to an agent and i've selected which agent because apparently sysop is an expert in integrating florkins but you notice that we can assign an agent we can add a response so something goes back to them immediately add an internal note you can say this you don't like it and just close the ticket out i bet you that really wouldn't make anybody happy but maybe you add a response and then close it up because you can have multiple actions you could also add tags or remove tags i'm going to leave this as it is but you can see down here where it says add another action so you might want to assign it to an agent and add an internal node you have options but that's what an automatic workflow will do and make sure that you go ahead and make sure it's published and then update it if you've made any changes to it or just added another one under our global settings you'll notice that we have our support page and all these little short codes that we talked about that set that up for custom fields we don't have any but if you need to add some custom fields you can select which type and put that in so you can see there's woocommerce and there's learndash courses there's wishlist member those are plugins that i have installed again if you have something that i don't have on my system like easy digital downloads or a different type of membership instead of wishlist member perhaps you have restrict content pro that might show up here as well so you can take a look at the integrations that are available and then you can add custom fields products again i believe this is going to be based off of a wish list member excuse me not wishlist member but of woocommerce which i typically don't move so if you want to add support staff members there's where i am you can see the permissions are something you can set we can add a new member and so you can put in the asian email the first and last name and their title and then this is where you set permission so perhaps you have an assistant who's not necessarily part of your company you don't want to give them the run of everything inside of here you can determine what they're capable of doing by just checking these boxes and then creating an account i have fluent crm integration because fluent crm is on this system you can see it right up here so all i had to do is uh check that box and the default status was subscribed you can set it depending which will require them to click on a confirmation email and then you can add it to a list which is optional and you can add tags tags are not optional you must have at least one tag and you can add more than one tag so let's say if i also want to add to my weekly digest i can add that as well and then just save the settings for notification they have opportunities to integrate with telegram and with slack i don't know if any other opportunities are coming up if they're going to do something different besides that i heard some discussion of another messaging system but i have not seen it inside the program so i don't want to promise you anything but that is a nice little thing so again you can see down here you've got to be able to check and enable whatever option you do so there's enable for telegram and if we do slack you can choose which notification events you get and you can enable snacks also on slack you can enable a reply to a ticket from slack and then of course your license management would be where you put your licensing in there are activities i think that we've taken a look at there's a few places where you can see the same thing from this menu bar over here and there are reports reports are important for a lot of people who are doing because they want to see how things are going so if you're logged in personal reports is going to show your own activity based upon the date range that you set so let's say if i go from here to here apparently i have not resolved anything you can see that i've replied to six i have two interactions but i haven't closed anything and you can see down here for the individual performance for that date range and if i had any waiting tickets it would let me know the agent's report is if you're looking at an overall if you have more than one agent you can see what's happening so you can see the activity that's happened on a daily basis and it'll show you who the agents are in this case as i said there's only me this is really wonderful for me because i have been juggling support issues on email for some of my different sites and the problem with that is that sometimes i might neglect something if i get distracted with an issue or if i get down my email things get buried in email if you don't have a really wonderful system of putting things in folders and having reminders email wasn't designed to be a support tool this is now with that said there are a couple of things that aren't here yet that are forthcoming so let me grab my notes one of the things that is forthcoming is going to be service level agreements and business hours i mentioned that you could do an automation workflow to give a notice back to somebody if they send a message to you outside of your work hours but i think that you're probably going to find work hours for different staff in some businesses may be different and a lot of people who have systems like this for ticket are looking for service level agreements so based upon the type of ticket and the priority of the ticket they may have different service level agreements if you don't have service level agreements with your customers that's not going to be quite so critical but if you are have internal metrics and you say i want all tickets answered within 24 hours if i have all um critical tickets answered within two hours if those are metrics that you're looking for then i'd say service level agreements are something that's going to be important to you and you want to see if you're meeting your internal goals even if it's not something contractually stated with a customer so i've spoken with the folks at wp managed ninja that is on the drawing board this is their first tool coming out publicly they have been using this internally and with some select clients for about 10 months so it's a well-tested system but service level agreements are going to be something that will be coming forward the other thing that i was looking at was something for self-help articles or knowledge base articles that is not in this system and it's not planned to be in this system however the folks at wp managed ninja have told me that their intention is to integrate with existing tools that do knowledge base so there are tools that are wordpress plugins that can handle knowledge base i know i have two different tools i don't know if this is going to be on the list one of them is a tool called better docs another one is a tool called looped in and i don't know that either one of those are the ones that they may have but the plan is that they will integrate with different tools for knowledge base and self-help articles much like they're integrating with other tools to give you information about your customers so they're integrating with their own tool with fluent crm they're integrating with lms systems they're integrating with buddy boss is on their integration list and also membership plugins like wishlist member and restart content pro so integrations are the way i prefer to do things i would rather choose best of breed tools and integrate with them rather than have an all-in-one system so that's the plan for this all right so you're probably wondering what is this going to cost you as of the announcement today this is available on a lifetime deal and they did the same thing with fluent crm and they said it's probably going to be similar to fluent crm so let me bring you over to that page and you can see the pricing over here they've already gone past their lifetime deal with fluent crm i was fortunate enough to get in on the lifetime deal for fluent crm that is in my mind the best way to go and when i bought it i already had another tool that i was using i kind of bought it to hedge my bets well it turns out the other tool blew up in my face and i got horrible support from the company and i switched things over to fluent crm much better tool much better service and support it i'm glad that i got the lifetime deal and as fluent crm has grown it just had its one year anniversary last month they've added things to the tool it has improved it's become a much more useful much more valuable crm service for me i am suspecting that fluent support is going to be the same and trust me i want to buy this so here's what the pricing is for one site lifetime deal 99 for five sites lifetime deal 299 dollars and for 50 sites 599 dollars now that's what i know of right now it hasn't gone live as the time that i'm recording this so things are subject to change if you are seeing this while the lifetime deal is on that is the best price that you're going to get my coupon code will not be active during the lifetime deal if you're seeing this video after the lifetime deal may have ended and expired then you can use my coupon code which is the same as my last name beam and that will give you a 20 discount off of whatever the current pricing is at that time my recommendation is if this is something that looks good to you and you're confident that it's going to grow and add the other things as their other products have if you look at fluent forms and if you look at fluent crm those tools have grown and they've had new features and services added to them i have every expectation the same thing will happen with fluent crm because i've already heard of future plans that are coming forward with it so if this is something that looks good to you it's going to help you with your business i would recommend getting in on the lifetime deal while you can if you see this video after the lifetime deal has expired and and there's no date that i know of of when it will expire but if it does expire so that's something businesses need to do so they can have annual recurring revenue that's why fluence crm you now see is an annual license so when it expires you'll be paying every year i still think the pricing for fluent crm is actually very good compared to a lot of competitive services i suspect that we're going to see the same thing with fluent support i was taking a look at freshdesk and some of the other tools that are out there in comparison they're not offering a lifetime deal and they are charging per seat in other words every user is going to pay a license fee to them to use it and that's rather common in this industry that's not the case here you buy the plug-in you don't have to pay for the additional users so the lifetime deal is going to be your best offer but even if this is something you come across after the lifetime deal is over take a look and compare the price of what's available because when you start adding on different seats you're paying more and more for every person that you add on and that's not the case here so i hope this was helpful for you i am happy to be one of the folks who can announce fluent support is available as of november 16th 2021 and i would love your feedback if you have questions please let me know in the comments below what features do you like what features would you like to see inside of fluent support and i'm curious to see how how things grow but it is something i've been waiting for they've announced that they were working on this a couple of months back they have been using this for wp managed ninja support and a couple of other companies have been helping them out and testing it so it's a well-tested product that's coming out and [Music] one of the things i like is the fact that even though people were begging says give me fluent support they're saying we're not ready yet which means that they didn't rush this to market not only have they been developing this for more than a year they've been testing it and using it on their own business they wanted to make sure that everything was right before releasing it so i think you can have confidence that this is a well-tested tool and it's handling service for a wpmanaged ninja which is got several products out there and it's doing exactly what they want to do so check it out see if it's right for you and if you click the link below i will get a small commission but also i'm going to be doing some more videos on how you can use fluent support and i'll be happy to help you out with anything that i can if you like this video please go ahead click the like button that tells youtube we did something right i would love it if you would subscribe you'll see more videos as i put them out on fluent support and other tools for online entrepreneurs and finally click the notification bell you'll get notified the next time another video comes out thank you so much i'll see you in the next video you
Channel: Suburbia Press
Views: 613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wordpress, tech reviews, fluent support, support plugin for wordpress, ticket tool, customer service, customer support, helpdesk ticketing system, help desk software, helpdesk support, wordpress tutorial, wordpress website, suburbia press
Id: rOAhleXq-GA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2021
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