How To Improve Explosive Speed | Get FAST For Football With These Drills

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hi guys and welcome back to another video so today I'm going to take you through a full training session that's focused around building your football specific speed because as a footballer not only are you moving in linear motions you're also moving in multi-directions around the pitch so it's very important to train in a way that mirrors the movements you'll be doing in a match just before we get warmed up I want to say a huge thank you to football supplements for sponsoring today's video football supplements create football specific supplements for top Elite footballers around the world to maximize their performance enhance their focus and improve their endurance I've been using kickoff for a few months now before each of my training sessions and it's helped me feel more mentally focused so I can engage in the exercises that I'm doing as well as give me that energy boost so I can maximize the improvements from the session itself football supplements were created by some of the leading Sports scientists in the world of football and used by some of the top clubs around the world so if you want to try out kickoff for yourself as well as any other products from football supplements I'm going to leave a link in my description as well as my very unique code that you can use to get a discount off your entire purchase would really recommend them but anyway let's get warmed up and into the session so this is the warm-up I'll typically do before my speed sessions it starts off very similar to my regular warm-up for every technical session but you'll notice as this moment goes on I start to incorporate a few exercises you might not have seen before here on the channel because I'm really focusing on activating the areas around the hip flexors hamstrings glutes abductors and adductors because these are all involved when you're changing direction you're sprinting so if you haven't activated these areas another part of the body is going to overcompensate for those unactivated areas and that's how you can get muscle strains and we certainly want to avoid that in these speed sessions because that'll keep us off the pitch for a long time so you might have recognized most of the exercises so far in this warm-up just a general warm-up to begin with at a low intensity getting some blood flow around the body oxygen to all those working muscles and getting those muscles slightly elasticated and then as we get through these you'll see that they start to increase in intensity and start to involve some fast twitch muscle fibers so starting with some knee drives working on arm pattern movement as well because it's important to synchronize your arm and knee drives you want the alternate arm driving with the alternate knee and as you can see here starting to get some spring work in as well activating the Achilles area getting nice and bouncy that's really important for sprinting as you can see here lateral bounds activating those hip flexors but also springing off the balls of our feet very important to warm up the feet as well as you can see here just holding for a second as I land really activating the muscles around the knees then here we go again another skipping exercise bit of coordination needed for this one driving the knees to activate those hip flexors and then bounding on the opposite foot then here's a few extra exercises I'll throw in so really warming up the calves getting them nice and activated then this is the world's greatest stretch important to work on some Mobility when you're changing direction there is a bit of twisting involved so you want to make sure your body is prepared to deal with these this is a fantastic stretch you're getting so many different areas in one action would fully recommend it now I'm activating the glutes and hamstrings so get some glute bridges in there your glutes are really important for reaching top speed so you want to make sure they're activated so I'll do a few double leg ones then move into some single leg ones also really important to get each side of the body activated because you're bounding on one leg at a time when you're sprinting and you can see here quick accelerations to deceleration so I'm stopping on the line really important to not only be good at accelerating but decelerating then finally I'll lengthen out my stride a little bit almost at top speed at this point probably 85 to 90 percent but just working on pushing that ground away driving the knees driving the arms so I'm activated and ready to go so now that we're thoroughly warmed up we're going to move into some fast footwork exercises these are great for switching on those fast twitch muscle fibers which are going to make you a lot more Twitchy Off the Mark if you can move your feet quickly and you have more explosivity and those fast twitch muscle fibers again we're recruiting as many muscle fibers in the body as possible so that we can move more explosively but they're also really important to build coordination the more coordinated you are with your feet the quicker you're going to be able to set your footwork so you were moving in One Direction then you quickly have to move in the other direction if you don't have good footwork you're going to be slower Off the Mark which could be the difference between getting to the ball first or not so I'm going to show you five exercises to really get those fast twitch muscle fibers switched on and get coordinated in different angles so let's move into these so this is the first of the five fast footwork exercises so we're driving forwards and backwards towards two feet in the middle of the two cones two feet beyond the second cone and then we're working backwards as you can see driving my arms at the same time really important you don't want to be doing these fast footwork exercises without using your arms I'll go through 10 repetitions of each one and then I go into my second one after about a 30 second rest so working on some lateral movements very similar getting two feet in the middle two feet on the outside of the second cone and back to the start once again we're going to do 10 repetitions of these making sure we're driving those arms in synchronization with our foot movements then we're kind of going in and out so working at an angle again driving those arms working on that rapid arm driving action this is going to help you move your feet quicker because your body works in synchronization again we're doing 10 repetitions in total then we're doing a similar action but this time facing the cones so it's working more on slightly lateral movement here at a diagonal angle it's really important to move those feet quickly this is going to help you change directions so remain on the balls of your feet stay light on your toes and again using those arms for balance but again we're going to go through 10 repetitions of this exercise and then we go into the final exercise we're working laterally again but just adding an explosive lateral bound at the end so we're going to do five on one side and then five on the other really important when you're activating the body to get an equal amount of reps on both sides you don't want one side of the body to be more activated than the other because as we already mentioned if parts of your body aren't activated another part of the body will over compensate and that's how you can get injuries so make sure you're balanced efficient and ready to get into the first exercise so moving into an acceleration drill here I've placed down three gates these first two gates are two steps apart and three steps away from each other and then we have a third gate that's ten steps away from this second gate so we're going to be starting in this box here working on a few different movements then accelerating through that third and final gate because in a match not only are going to be having to accelerate from a forward position but sometimes you're going to be moving in One Direction having to change direction really quickly if you're a Defender and you're jockeying an attacker sometimes you might have to quickly turn your hips and accelerate if they knock the ball past you so we're going to be mirroring those different movements here and as you can see the distance is quite short only about 10 to 15 yards or so because in a match you'll notice a lot of the races in football are over short distances so although it's really important to have a good top speed and there are times in a match where you might run the full length of the pitch and outpace someone it's also really important to master that acceleration phase because it's over those first few steps that usually the race to the ball is decided who gets their first or not so having good footwork good acceleration is really going to help you over those short distances so for the first of the five acceleration drills we're working laterally starting with our momentum so we're side shuffling to the second gate and once we reach it we turn our hips and accelerate up to the third gate so this could reenact when you're jockeying a player on the sideline and they push the ball Beyond you so you have to get up into an acceleration as quickly as you can so again working with our momentum we're walking back to the start between each rep and then we're swapping sides with each repetition as well we're going to do two reps of each of the exercises that I show you for the second one we're working against our momentum so we start at the second gate side shuffle to the first and then it's a change of direction to accelerate up to the starting point sometimes you'll need to change direction quickly during a match so it's important to work on this in your training sessions as well then it's a walk back to the start and we do the opposite side really important to walk between reps we don't want to have the heart rate too high for the next repetition we want to get a bit of a recovery in so that walking will allow you to get that heart rate down so you can attack each repetition at maximum intensity moving into the third exercise here as you can see we're working with our momentum a little bit so it's almost like you have a player dribbling at you they've knocked the ball pass you you have to turn 180 degrees and accelerate so quick turn of the hips plant your feet and then drive up to the third gate there for the fourth exercise we're working against our momentum so we start the second gate accelerate to the first gate and then we're turning our hips at four 180 degrees this is when you've tried to close a player down they've jabbed the ball past you and now you have to recover really important to work against your body's momentum so that you can get it back in balance as quickly as you can so that you can get up to your top speed and recover moving into the final exercise here we're working with our momentum so it's just a little bit of a drug up to the second gate and then we're really opening up our stride on this one as you can see I've accelerated far past that third gate and now I'm driving my knees starting to lift my chest starting to get into more of a full Sprint so up until this point we've really worked mainly on acceleration keeping the chest low making aggressive cuts on the grass driving it away and now we're just opening up to top speed this next exercise involves a change of Direction while we're already accelerating so we worked on moving from different angles different body positions to accelerate now we're actually going to change that direction mid run so we've got two cones placed down here two steps apart a diagonal cone seven steps from this cone here another Gate 14 steps across and then we have another one on the opposite side we're going to be starting on one side of these two cones we're going to alternate with each repetition so we're starting here Shuffle across so we're working against our body weight we've already got some momentum having to load up this leg and then explode in the office the direction so working on moving out of an awkward angle setting those feet and then we're accelerating up and then we're getting around this cone and accelerating through the opposite gate so this is really important for attackers if you're making those off the ball movements and you want to beat a Defender you might start running this way to lead the defender and then you are quickly accelerate in the opposite direction to lose them then if you get really tricky you can start to beat fake and then fake again and go in the opposite direction once again so working on working against our balance making sure we're loading up the leg accelerating quickly setting that footwork and getting around the cones tight accelerated through the gate on the opposite side and we're going to go through six repetitions alternating each side with every rep so here's an example we're starting on the left side of the cones side shuffle planting those feet getting balance of the body and then we're accelerating up to that diagonal cone getting around it trying not to slow down too much but planting our feet changing our angle and accelerating through that far gate then we do the exact same thing on the way back and between between each repetition were resting for 30 seconds then we're going to do the opposite way so as you can see starting on the right hand side cone shift across and then it's up to the right hand side cone getting around it and through the gate then we're going to do the exact same thing on the way back we want to get an equal amount of repetitions on both sides so for the final rep because we're only doing six you'll see that I alternate with each of these repetitions so starting on that left side cone to begin with then once I make it through the far gate turn around and this time I'm starting on the right hand side and accelerating through the opposite side moving into the final exercise we've got a circuit of Hill Sprints Hill Sprints are one of the best ways to improve your explosive Speed without any equipment so we've got few Gates here four in total including the Starting Gate and each gate is 10 steps apart getting higher and higher with Hill Sprints it really forces you to use correct mechanics as well so you're going to see a huge Improvement in your acceleration in your top speed just by using your arms to drive and also lifting your knees even higher so you'll see here with each increment it's going to be a slightly different running technique over the first couple it's more about that acceleration phase driving the arms being really aggressive then as we get higher and higher we're trying to lengthen that stride acceleration is really important to stay low chest forward quick steps being as aggressive as possible to push that ground away and then when you get to your top speed it almost looks like you're gliding looks a bit more effortless even though you're using an incredible amount of effort but you'll see the stride length increases your chest comes up so you can cover more ground with each step so I'm going to go through each increment the first one walked to the beginning second walk to the beginning all the way to the top walked down recover for about a minute then I'm going to repeat the circuit three times so going straight into my first round of Hill Sprints as you can see it's an acceleration up to that first gate and then we're walking back down to the bottom with that first acceleration you'll see it's very quick feet but not much knee driving because we're just trying to build acceleration over a short distance but now as we start to increase the distance you'll start to see my knees driving a little bit more my chest gets slightly more upright almost mimicking the kind of body position you'll have when you're reaching your top speed so with each increment you'll be able to lengthen your stride a little bit more really drive that ground away and you'll start to feel the lactic acid burning especially when you get to this third rep of each round it's very intense but then you get a walk down to the bottom and once you reach the Starting Gate you get a four minute rest to bring that heart rate down to prepare for the next round so here's the second round here so as you can see short steps on the first one really just trying to claw that ground away and work on my acceleration and then with the second one I'm starting to lengthen my stride Drive the knees a bit more really pushing my arms as well trying to keep them in synchronization with my leg actions this is going to help you drive and be more powerful with each step and then with the third one you can really open up your stride the lactic acid will definitely be burning at this point but make sure you're attacking each repetition at 100 intensity that's the only way you're going to start to increase your explosive speed so that's the second round complete and once again walk down to the bottom and it's a full one minute recovery to bring down that heart rate so here's the last round accelerating up to that first gate definitely tired by now but these Hill Sprints are going to be an absolute game changer for not only your top speed but also your acceleration and you'll start to find that working on these mechanics which you're forced to do by driving the knees high and also the arms your running style will start to feel more effortless so you can reach your top speed a lot quicker walk down to the bottom again bring that heart rate down slightly and then we're going into the final repetition all the way up to the top driving those arms driving those knees and that's the session complete so there we have it a full training session to help you improve your football specific speed I'd recommend trying this session out one to two times per week with a couple days of rest in between each to get maximum benefits you're going to see a huge Improvement in your acceleration and your top speed as well as your mechanics so your running is going to feel a lot more effortless so you can reach your top speed quicker just before I go if you want to fuel yourself like the world's best athletes make sure you check out the link in my description so you can get kickoff and use my link to get a discount off your order if you also want to check out Rapido which is my very own explosive speed training program I'll leave a link to that in the description box below as well if you enjoyed today's video make sure you smash the like button hit that subscribe button for weekly trading videos and I'll see you guys in my next video no no no [Music]
Channel: 7mlc
Views: 336,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to get faster, how to improve speed, how to rub faster, how to increase running speed, how to improve acceleration, speed training for footballers, how to get match fit, how to increase fitness and endurance, how to increase football fitness, fitness training for footballers, football fitness training, soccer fitness drills, how to increase stamina
Id: SkjHP-gAd2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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