15 Fast Footwork Exercises | Increase Your Foot Speed With These Speed Ladder Drills

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hi guys welcome back to another video so I'm at the trading pitch just getting a light session in today because we do have team training tonight so I'm going to start my session with a bit of footwork so I'm working with the speed ladder if you little adder whatever you want to call it so you're working on configuring your feet learning how to actually get coordination between your arm movements and your foot movements so this kind of work actually forces you to drive your arms and make sure you're timing it well with your footwork your footwork is so important so if you'd like to run your feet and you're able to have better balance it's going to improve your performance in so many different areas of the game so I'm going to show you my favorite 15 footwork patterns to do if you don't have a ladder I've just put out these cones just to show you that you can use them just like this and you can still get the same benefits you can make your own speed ladder with a set of cones or if you don't even have cones you don't need any equipment whatsoever you can just do the footwork patterns in place moving forward and backwards with it just kind of replicate and imagining there was a ladder there so you can do all of these exercises you don't need any of the equipment you don't need a lot of room you can do it at home at the pitch let's get into it the first exercise is really simple if you've ever done a speed or agility ladder in your life you've most certainly done this exercise before so it's just two foot in each square moving nice and quickly through the ladder and then driving those arms in coordination with your feet movements so as your right foot moves your left arm should be driving and vice versa staying on your toes throughout the entire movement heels don't touch the ground nice and sharp through the ladder number two is very similar to foot in each square but this time we're moving laterally so we're going sideways through the ladder again driving those arms in coordination for feet so that when the right knee comes up the left arm should be driving and vice versa again staying on your toes throughout the entire movement your heels should not touch the ground we really want to be light on our feet and explosive and the way we do that is by staying on our toes next up is the icky shuffle this one takes a little bit more coordination now again we're putting two foot in each square of the ladder but we're moving diagonally through so actually moving in and out of the ladder so we're coming to the outside and as you can see one foot places down either side so the right foot places down to the right side then both feet come through the ladder and then they move through to the other side as well and you'll notice with my arm movements as I'm moving to the right hand side my left arm is driving and I'm moving to the left hand side my right arm is driving number four is the backwards icky shuffle exactly the same movement as the icky shuffle but this time we're doing it in Reverse or adding another challenge to it and this one's especially good for your defenders out there who are having to backpedal a lot if you've got an attack of dribbling straight at you and you need to jockey them this allows you to stay light on your feet and have good coordination over your foot placements so you don't get tangled up and you're not tripping over your own feet so make sure you're looking back with this one it's going to take a little bit of practice but you will get it eventually just again moving through those ladders nice and quickly on your toes number five is the in and outs a very simple one nice and easy and all we're doing is placing two feet inside each square of the ladder and then we're spreading those feet apart as quickly as we possibly can going outside of that ladder so we're going in and out of each square so nice and light on our toes as always and what we're doing is we're going to drive those hips in and out we're going to feel it in the abductors and adductors it's a really good workout for those hips are going to become nice and explosive nice and strong light on the feet as explosive as you can through the ladder number six is the single leg in and out so we're going in and out of each square once again but one leg is working at a time by the opposite leg you're just getting in a nice rhythm on the outside light on the feet rapid movements so we go up with one foot and then return back with the opposite foot just placing that foot in each square of that ladder as quickly as possible again as you can see the heroes aren't touching the ground staying in light on those toes driving those arms in coordination with each foot movement trying to be as explosive as possible number seven is the lateral in and out so what we're doing is going in and out of every single square both feet in each and every square but we're moving forwards and backwards and also laterally so a lot of different movements going on with this one so you need to focus and be very coordinated as well as driving those arms in coordination with those foot movements so as you can see as my right foot places forward my left arm is driving and vice-versa you need to be able to move quickly in and out but also laterally as well so you need to be precise with your foot placements light on those feet to get through the ladder [Music] number eight is the cross over a very simple one but very effective for footballers you are crossing your feet over a lot during a match so you need to be coordinated so that you don't trip over your own feet so all we're doing is placing one foot in and the opposite leg comes across the body very effective for changing directions while the remaining balance number nine is the foot exchange so we're moving laterally through that ladder once again placing both feet in each grid of the ladder but this time we're alternating feet so as one foot is inside the square the opposite foot is behind and we're trying to exchange those feet as explosively and quickly as possible so you really have to drive those arms powerfully and you drive them from the hips this time instead of a quick movement with the feet you're actually driving the leg forwards and backwards staying light on the toes [Music] number ten is the reverse crossover so not only do your feet cross over in front of you Trevor during a match but there will be times where they need to cross behind each leg so you need to be coordinated otherwise you're going to very much struggle with this movement and could end up tripping over your own deep so we're moving from side to side a little bit like the icky shuffle movement but this time the foot is coming behind the leg and one foot is going in each square of the ladder at a time behind the standing leg so it takes a bit of coordination looks a little bit like dancing so you do need to get in a bit of a rhythm if you want to make it through the ladder nice and quick light on the toes all the way through number 11 is hip twists so it's very similar to the foot exchange exercise that we already did but this time we're really over emphasizing that twisting action of the hips placing both feet in each square of the ladder just twisting from side to side this one's going to be really good for you defenders out there who are having to jockey against attackers and they're pushing the ball from one side to the other so the quicker that you can turn your hips you're going to have more chance of intercepting that ball so it can be nice and explosive with your hip movements you're going to become a better player number 12 is Carioca so basically what we're doing is crossing over one leg in front of the other followed by an immediate crossover behind the standing leg as well so it takes a little bit of coordination we're going laterally through the ladder trying to place one foot in each square of that ladder making sure we're nicely sharp with our hip rotations and coordinated with our feet so that we can move through the ladder nice and slow in number 13 is the two-footed hot so moving through the ladder the exact same way that we did with the icky shuffle so into the middle of each square and out to the side but this time we're doing two feet at the same time so being light on our toes feet are together hopping in and out of each square and you'll notice with my arm movements both arms are driving at the same time because what happens is your arm usually drives with the opposite foot to create balance and efficiency with your movements so if both feet are moving at the same time that means both arms need to move at the same time so the whole point of this is trying to develop the relationship between your arm and your foot movements number 14 is the one foot it hops exactly the same as the two foot hops we're just going one foot at a time so as you notice because I'm hopping on my right leg on the way up my left arm is the one that's been doing a lot of the driving then I come back on my opposite foot on the way back and that means my opposite arm has to drive once again it's good to be explosive on both feet but it's also good to isolate each foot movement at a time so that you can develop balance and strength on both sides again being light on those toes heels aren't touching be nice and explosive through the whole ladder [Music] number fifteen is two forwards one back so we're just doing the exact same movements that we did with the first exercise that we completed two foot in each one but instead of continuing through the whole ladder as we complete two squares of the ladder we then move backwards one so takes a bit of coordination not only is it challenging physically because you get a lot more reps in here lots of quick movements with the feet but you're also having to think about it as well so that you can count each square to make sure you're moving backwards after you've hit that second square so a nice sharp movement that's challenging both physically and mentally but again keeping the same technique nice and light on the toes not letting the heels touch driving those arms [Music] alright guys so those are the 15 footwork exercises and as you can see just completing three sets of each exercise and I'm absolutely knackered I'm drenched sweating so it's a really good workout in itself probably take you about 20-25 minutes to complete that whole thing and trust me your legs are going to be burning but you're going to become a lot more explosive a lot more coordinate with your feet it's really going to help you with your runners technique you're going to find yourself performing a lot better on the pitch so make sure you give those ago I gave you some solo motion as well and if some of them are quite quick but just work on them and do them slowly and actually become more comfortable with them increase the speed over time until you can do it at full pace if you did enjoyed today's video you want to see more videos like this drop me a comment hit that like button make sure you hit that subscribe button for weekly 20 videos and I will see you guys in my next video [Music] let's gonna come
Channel: 7mlc
Views: 6,626,032
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Keywords: footwork training, how to improve foot speed, how to get fast feet, fast feet training drills, fast feet drills, increase foot speed, ball mastery training, how to improve ball control, learn to master the ball, football dribbling skills, how to dribble a soccer ball, easy soccer skills for beginners, easy dribbling moves to beat defenders
Id: tMY5Cj39xN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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