WHY Mbappe is so FAST, and how you can be too

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[Music] so you want to run as fast as gillian and bobby don't we all but today i've teamed up with costume he's a speed coach and also really tall but he's going to help us analyze why a puppy is so ridiculously fast but also he's gonna teach you and me how to improve our acceleration so let's do this [Music] so guys for those of you who don't know carson he is the genius at tanner speed academy he's been teaching a lot of young kids talents to run faster and now today also you and me carsten thanks for coming first of all we're going to talk about mbrp you're you can analyze him what we're going to do today carson's going to analyze then we're going to take a look at his acceleration but because there's so much to talk about we're also going to do another video talking about embarq's top speed and his frequency you also know a lot about that but why embark ymrp i mean is obviously one of the players who is super super fast right now i mean there's a lot of young kids coming holland sunny and so on that's not only mp but emma pays a very good example what you can do with speed and one of the things he's doing which is very very important is a what we call hip extension that means from foot to head from heel to head there's a straight line when he's running and like this he can really transfer all the power he has into the direction he's running okay so therefore that's that's one of the key things and that is what we have to learn another thing is how he's placing the foot the foot when he's running he's placing it under his body he's not landing with the foot in front of his body because then it would be like a breaking move that of course slows you down in the acceleration and that sounds a bit backwards because i'm thinking the more you stretch your feet out the further you get the better but it makes sense i mean yeah it is actually that we call it a negative step negative step means that the kneel is going up but the foot is going back so that you have a horizontal power so that your foot is actually in a kind of this position that you can go there rather than in this position because then you would have a vertical but that is i mean what the top sprinters are doing right i mean the top sprinters they do this with an insane speed football is different football sometimes we have to go to the left or we have to make a rotation to start so it's a bit of a different thing but the the key message is always how quick can you project your hip into the direction where you need to go okay and for this you need the hip extension so it starts with the foot you have to be very active feet very strong feet and they push the body into this stretch position and so how good compared to let's say top sprinters is embarped at accelerating he's he's pretty good at this i mean i don't really know who would win the first five to ten but he would probably have a good chance to be close to them um obviously the top speed he's he's not faster than using ball using bolt is running with 44 kilometers an hour when he's at top speed but he's reaches top speed after 60 meter and we see a lot of defenders actually these days having super high top speeds but it doesn't matter if they can't catch exactly if the acceleration if i have the chance to be the first five and make my body in front of you then of course it's difficult for you as a defender to to get it so therefore acceleration is is one of the key things so that was the the hip extension exactly one of the one of the key secrets behind the speed is are there any other takeaways that's what what we have been talking about the the foot position that only on the front part of your foot you would never see them running on the heels because also then that is that you would run and land in front of your body so it's really that you front foot front foot front foot that's that's the key thing when you see also ronaldo when he's pushing off he's only in the front part of the feet uh where we have more power that's the key thing so what do you say that i i do a little run you look at me and then we talk about what i can do better to run more like a bumping full speed now okay let's see let's see how this goes you start just in this kind of of step position what we call stance not really going down and from here you just try to run as fast as you can to the two cones at the end which is about 10 meter now okay okay yeah and go [Music] how many things were wrong there you had a quick step but you were not really projecting your hip okay forward so you have more possibilities more potential by really pushing off full speed the next thing is that your arms they're flying out a little bit too too much like this because then our body starts twisting and that also makes it a bit more difficult for the legs and therefore we're losing a little bit too much time and that is also very important for football players when my upper body is twisting and i'm running full speed and i want to kick the ball in full speed when my upper body is twisting what is moving next my leg so if my leg is moving like this of course it's difficult to to kick the ball very precisely so therefore we try to have full control of the upper body not making it shift like like this so carson how on earth do i make sure that i get my full hip extension that's i mean we can do a lot of things in the in the gym but also i will do some some things you can do with materials or without materials which is even more important here on on the pitch that we help you to get into this hip extension and this is starting with your feet so as i said your feet need to be very very strong to push off so we do a lot of jumpings also to increase the reactive strength in your feet and that's basically the key thing of doing this let's go [Music] so first drill yeah what's it all about the first one is called speed top so it imitates basically what we need in the hip extension sprinting okay so what you do is i say simply but i know that's a coordinative really challenging drill okay so you hop always with both feet you're bouncing off with both feet in the air you lift one knee then you're bouncing with both feet and lift the other knee okay so this is in theory in practice it looks like this okay so always try to have both feet at the same time on the ground in the air and then you're landing on both feet at the same time again exactly and you try to bounce forward and as we said only on the front part of your foot if possible okay never on the heels okay and then you go no stop now you made one that also happens very often now what happened is it was the right hand and the right yeah and the left and the left but when you're running off exactly you see then it's immediately becoming easier and you go good good what you actually can do if you have difficulties in starting this you can bounce first only on the spot like this like a pogo jump and then you lift your knees right left right and then you go forward good yes good so what you're saying if i'm doing this yes and you just tilt me forward by a couple of degrees i'm basically sprinting exactly that also look when you lift your knee this is the lower leg is parallel to the rest of the body and that's also what we saw with ember pair right that when he's printing so that he can make this what we call a negative step okay so what you want to do is when you start sprinting that your foot comes back to push into the next step good here we go yes good like with everything it's repetition repetition now the third time you did it it was already easier than the first time you did it so therefore your body slowly understands what you wanted to do and that's actually what we call coordination that the brain activates the right muscle in exactly the right moment and if you're better in doing this then of course you can do it in a higher speed and you're getting faster a solid advice okay so that's one drill down what do we do next now we we do some some hopping because hopping bouncing is very important because also here with every bounce obviously you come into this hip extension right you're probably not bouncing like like this but you try to exactly and then you also have this what we're looking so much after this kind of hip extension okay the simple thing we do here is that you have both feet in the box then you're jumping high and you cross your legs over the bar then you jump again you have both feet like in the starting position and then you cross behind and you're in the starting position again so it's a cross cross cross cross okay and mastering this how does that make me faster help my body and the first thing is that your feet are getting stronger okay and also that the feet learn or the body learns when the feet exactly have to activate boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom i don't know why i'm making the noises but uh but it is always and then you always have also to work on both directions because now you were moving to the right oh okay now you're moving to the left and you see it's that's harder it's harder exactly okay but in football you want to go to the left side as quick as you want to go to the right side so we have to work on both sides always all right so the third drill to improve your acceleration like mbp is what it's a jump it's a jump combination okay what we have is that we first you jump or you're standing with both feet in the ladder like this then you make a hop only to the side and then it's followed by a very explosive jump by one line going forward okay so you always do flat go but what you see is that your feet they're always forced really to push off and then you see when i'm now standing next to you i see that your body will come into a full stretch and that's the key thing okay that you're not coming into this forward leaning position but that you try to stay in this high position and you see here the hip then is fully extended yes that's good yes exactly that was very good it already started that you're really pushing off i know that you can jump higher because you have more power in your feet but you did exactly like i want you to do that you first have full control so guys now you know a little bit about the secret behind why killian and bob here is so ridiculously fast remember that it's all about the hip extension having a really straight line when you run and also running on the front part of your foot and then of course it's all about training training and then training some more but guys what should we look into next with carson let us know in the comment section right down below make sure you go to unisport store cop all your latest football gear right over there and consider subscribing to the channel with the notifications or for more wicked videos like this and if you'd like to improve as a footballer you can also hit the playlist right down there with those words we'll be signing off cheerio
Channel: Unisport
Views: 2,787,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: football, skills, unisport, boots, soccer, cleats, review, tutorial, how to, learn, masterclass, speed, acceleration, sprint, improve, faster, become, mbappe, top speed, technique, drills, training, alone, 2021, nike, mercurial, superfly
Id: adDby-cuFVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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