How to Import 3D Model into Cinema4D WITH MATERIALS! Cinema 4D Tutorial

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so i recently got a 3d model off of and i was having a little bit of trouble figuring out how to import it into cinema 4d and bring all of the textures and materials that come with my model at the same time so i did a little digging uh figured out a way to do it so i figured i'd make this quick video in order to help anybody else out there that might have the same question um so as you can see i have my cinema 4d open and let me i'm looking off uh you know on my screen share i'm looking at my other uh monitor right now where my l drive is at in order to bring up the model so okay here is my little astronaut that i bought all right i drag it from my folder into uh cinema 4d and as you can see all the materials are just like black and white and i'm left with this just like you know shape of an astronaut down here it's all black and white so the way to easily fix this is come over here to window and you can come down here to project asset inspector click that and it's going to open up this little window okay so as you can see all here are my textures and the path is the c users sig valdas or valdos i would imagine that that is the creator of the model and that was a path on his computer not my computer so obviously the link is broken so what we can do is click one hold shift click the bottom to highlight everything and we can right click anywhere on here it doesn't have to be any particular texture just right click this window will come up you can scroll down here to relink assets and click that this window is going to pop up and you need to choose the folder that has all of your textures in it okay so i'm going to click my textures folder i'm going to hit ok and as you can see everything is relinked all right you're starting to see some of the the textures load like right here um and the other ones will come in as you can see down here on the bottom of the screen so here's my astronaut all right so one thing that i noticed i rendered it out to see like if everything was working and when you do that you're gonna get a very um underwhelming final product so if i come over here back to my little folder you'll see that this is a screenshot of what was on cgtrader okay so like this is what i was expecting the render to look like and this is what the final render look like if you just use it in cinema 4d you know by itself so keep in mind that you need to add a light and um and not use the default uh the default lighting that comes in cinema 4d so what i did is i added a cube right here i'm going to bring up the scale and i'm just going to raise it up to kind of give it a little bit of a background and then i'm going to come over here to my redshift menu and i'm going to add an area light and this is just to quickly show you guys kind of like what you need to do so i'm going to bring it over here let me zoom out a little bit okay all right i'm going to turn the rotation a little on them bring it back okay raise it up bring it back all right and then i'm going to add another area light on the back side of this model so i need to turn him around so now i like the lights hitting in there good okay and i'm going to turn the rotation okay all right and then i'm going to bring it up and bring it back so all i did was added a couple area lights and if i render this out you'll see that um i'll let it give it a second you'll see that that realism of the model is coming back okay so you can already tell that the uh you know the helmet looks more realistic the suit looks more realistic um here let me let me do this for you yeah i'll just zoom in a little bit more so you can get a better look right okay so that looks a lot better than this clearly right and that was just by adding a couple lights so um that's what you do you would also need to mess with the gamma channels and the roughness and things like that but if you guys want to see a video on that let me know i'm happy to do it but that's a whole another topic so um alright thanks i hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did give me a thumbs up have a good one see you guys
Channel: Mac FX
Views: 4,713
Rating: 4.951807 out of 5
Id: xiNQFL8mFfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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