Tuts Under Twenty: Redshift + C4D - Isometric Room Tutorial

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okay so you can see here this is what we're gonna end up making here it's a really nice purple isometric room with this kind of cool neon blue light kind of spilling through these blinds casting these nice sharp shadows and we're going to learn how to do this under 20 minutes so here we go tuts under 20. real quick before we get started don't forget that toolfarm.com i have a coupon code in the description below my video that will get you an extra five percent off also this project file that we're going to create today is going to be available to download on gumroad in the past i've given away projects for free but honestly i'm having a baby she's due new year's eve and babies ain't cheap so i'm gonna ask for two dollars but to make up for that you're also not just gonna get the scene that we make today but you're also gonna get an animated version as well all right so let's get started okay first thing we're gonna do is create a new scene and then we're gonna create a cube and we're gonna go ahead and go under the object tab here we're going to change this to 400 and then 400 and 400 400 400 there we go and we're going to go to our coordinates tab and we're going to lift it up 200 centimeters in the y and that's just going to put it right here on the floor because our axis is right in the middle so i've got our cube lifted up the right spot one last thing we want to do is we're going to go ahead and add 20 segments to this across all axes so now we go here display in our shaded lines you'll see these here so we can do is hit c to make this editable go ahead and do that we're going to select our plans here now what we're going to do is we're going to go into our top view we're going to go ahead and select rectangle selection make sure that only visible elements is selected that way we're not selecting everything we're just going to go ahead and select the top hit delete go ahead to the right side here do the same thing hit delete and now the front side same thing and delete and there you go you're not left with this nice little room here what we can do is go to select go to our ring select tool select this whole bottom row here right click and hit extrude i'm just going to click and drag that out a little bit we're going to slide in so we can see that and then one more time we're going to do that again and pull it down just a bit to give it a little bit of a curve so that's just giving us a nice little um trim work there so now we've got that selected still we're going to hit u y u y and that's going to go ahead and grab uh the rest of that bevel force we're going to hit hold control and choose our select tool here and just make sure we're not getting these little edge pieces that for some reason got grabbed on there so now we've got our whole trim selected we're gonna go ahead and create our material redshift material material double-click that to bring a potato graph we're going to go ahead and just change this white to about 90 white we're gonna go to the reflection weight and time it into point two and then the roughness of point four and that's gonna give it kind of this rough look and we're gonna change our ior to 1.8 okay we're going to throw that on there we're going to hold ctrl and click and drag to make a duplicate copy of this and we're going to go ahead and make that pink color we like so let's go ahead and this purpley pink make it real faded if you want to see what that is um oops 10 and 90 and 282 okay let's get our nice little purpley pink we're gonna hit u i and that's gonna select the inverse and go ahead and slow that on there so now we've got our pink room to work with okay so now that we've got our pink room let's go ahead and make our window this is where we're going to do this is it's a middle mouse click so we can see our side view here grab our rectangle view and just go ahead and select our window here boop perfect now we're going to hold ctr well let's make it a little bit bigger and like so okay so now we're going to hold ctrl and bring it back just a little bit and then back again there we go okay so now we go to create registered material material double click that one choose the glass preset and we're done with that let's go ahead and grab that and drag that on there perfect okay so now we need to add in our couch and our coffee table and our palm tree so what we need to do for that real quick is go to our content browser and if you own the cinema 4d you have the visual uh you have the studio 3d contents pack available to you and inside of that is some amazing stuff so we're going to go ahead and grab this uh ponytail palm slap it in here put that in the corner raise it up a little bit and then under objects we're gonna go ahead and texture this with our pink and we're gonna go ahead and use a green as well so we're gonna make a hold control and make a copy of that we're going to go in here and choose this and we're going to click this little wheel here and inside this wheel there's an option to choose a complimentary color for you where you can click this little square and it's going to make it exactly the right color that's going to complement that pink so we're going to throw that in and make that on the branch and of some of the leaves and then pink back for the other leaves so now we're going to have this nice mix of colors on these leaves here so to make a pot for this plant real quick we're going to make a cylinder we're going to pull it over the corner and we're going to make sure we're in our model view so we can scale this easier pull it up shrink it down a little bit pull it down we don't want to be that big we can switch over to our side view so we can see and center it up a little bit there we go put the fillet on it the fillet and we're going to shrink this down by two centimeters with the two there we go very nice now we hit c to make the editable or hit the little button up there go ahead and select our faces we're going to select everything on top of here hold ctrl pull it down and pull it down and pull it down okay so now we've got a nice little pot for our plant and we're gonna go ahead and throw the pink um actually we're gonna make our plant pot white we're gonna throw the white on the plant pot that looks nice let's center that up a little bit perfect okay now for the couch we're gonna go ahead and go to the content browser and type in sofa voila bring this off and bam perfect again this is all available in the 3d content pack we're going to push t and slide this up you can use whatever couch you want obviously the main thing you're going to do is make sure you have the material set up correctly so we're going to slap this pink on there hold ctrl click and drag it down drag it down again and we're gonna go ahead and make sure our legs we're gonna use the uh green for the legs there we go okay so now we take a quick look and see where we're getting voila we're getting there it looks pretty nice so far looks very pixary okay old school pixar not new pixar obviously i'm wearing a coffee table real quick we're gonna make a cube slide that down hit e bring it up a little bit fatten that back up just a bit make that eight and we're gonna go ahead and sorry we're gonna make this 30. okay we're going to go ahead and make this 100 and we're going to slide it over just a little bit here there we go okay and then we're gonna add the fillet i can't say that every time i cut out myself uh three and two that looks good okay now we're gonna go ahead and make the cylinders for the legs make these teeny tiny switch over this view so we can make sure we're not shoving it through the floor too far and this way we can see we should probably make our coffee table a little higher it's a little low right now we kind of want it right above the seat cushions uh right right about at the seat cushion height yep okay and then we're gonna go ahead and make our leg a little longer make sure it's clipping through the table and not to the floor perfect and we'll position it in the right spot we'll put it right here on this spot here hold ctrl drag it over and then we're gonna select both of those and then hold ctrl and drag those over here so there we go now we've got all of these together we're going to right click and we're going to group and we'll call that sofa i mean coffee table okay now we've got a coffee table that looks a little gigantic i'm going to be honest i'm going to push it down into the floor a little bit i'm going to go in here on all our cylinders and we're just going to shorten that up a little bit height we're going to say like 40 right and then pull that up a bit yeah there we go maybe 35 yep there we go 35 okay so now we need to make the blinds make the blinds real quick we're going to make another cube we're going to pull it down make it really tiny really thin and squish it in real tight not that tight too tight we're gonna pull that in real thin and pull that down a bit we're gonna say about eight for the x and about two for the y there we go and we're gonna go ahead and grab a mograph cloner put the cube in the cloner and then what we're gonna do is make the y difference of five and we're gonna go ahead and while we have our cloner selected we're gonna go ahead and put this up in the window here there we go right in front and we can tell that our cube isn't wide enough so we're gonna go ahead and stretch our cube out until it fits just about fills this window there we go we'll shrink it back down just a bit mm-hmm center this on the window a little bit here we go and just keep adding until we fill up the window there we go perfect so we end up with 40. okay let's add our pink texture to our coffee table here and we'll do white legs for each of these cylinders let's go in here and drag this in conclude control click and drag to put that across each of those okay so now for the lighting there's a couple ways you can do this you could use a dome light but we're actually going to use an area light so first thing i'm going to do is make a plane bring it down a little bit so it's not clipping into our object there we're just going to t we're going to scale we can hit t and scale that up pretty high so we have this big floor here and we'll go ahead and just add this pink to that floor as well okay so now we need to add our bookcase real quick so we're going to content browser type in bookcase you're going to be able to grab this bookcase stand number one i'm going to go ahead and grab it up here pull it up by this two axes here hit r to rotate it we're gonna hold shift and rotate it 90 degrees this way pull that up in front of the wall so it's just barely coming through slide it over we can go to our middle mouse here so we can make sure we center that over the couch nicely and make sure it's not clipping through the wall there we go okay and then we're going to grab our white material put it over top of that and we go into our objects and we see twirl this down we have a decorative back let's put the pink on top of that so now we have that nice pink back there actually let's do the green there we go so that pops from the wall a little bit okay so we've got our blinds here we've got them set to 2 4 2 and 271 that's fine so what we're going gonna do now is add some lights to our scene so we're gonna need to do first is go to our lights area light now you could use a dome light uh dome lights definitely have their advantages and they're really neat and they're very easy for quick renders but you don't have as much control over them because they're kind of preset lighting setups so i like to use area lights whenever i can so area light and we're going to go ahead and drag that straight up and we're going to hit r rotate that 90 degrees and we're just going to make that really big this is gonna be our huge studio box light okay so it's just straight down over top of our whole scene we're gonna go in here change the intensity down to five and there we go we're gonna leave that how it is so the next thing we need to do is add this light that's going to come through this window here so we need to do is create another area light and we're going to go ahead and bring that up through here like so okay so if you look at our multiple views here you can see kind of where it is and relationship to that window and the main thing we're going to do is we're going to turn off this area light we're going to uncheck that so we can see this here and with this area light we want to take it down to five because it's at a thousand which is insane or 100 and we're going to go ahead and take this spread and we're going to take that down to 0. i'm going to show you what that does so if we go to our render view right now this is what it looks like when it's set to 1. okay then when we set it down to 0 you'll see it really hones it in and if we rotate this so that we can see where it's shedding you can see that how that is casting these nice blinds like that when we had it up to one it wasn't doing that it's a much softer softer box like so it's almost like adding diffusion see so you take that diffusion away and you get those nice sharp lines which is what we want so we're gonna rotate this a little bit and we're gonna hit e and pull it out a little bit and up a little bit and then we're going to rotate it just a little bit more basically what we want there we go and we're going to pull it over some more perfect and we're going to scale that up so it fills that whole window and move it over just a bit so you don't want it oh and then pull it closer to the window and then it's a little tinier perfect okay so we want it to fill this window so we just wanted to fill the whole window space just a bit but we don't want it to there we go cast out beyond our cube here so that looks really nice we've got it on the couch the plant the bookshelf it's crossing the table there a little bit really nice so what we're going to do now is turn our other light back on so now we can see we have this nice light coming through and there we go okay so it's looking kind of better but it still looks kind of poopy so the next thing we need to do is change our view we want to go to view up here go to camera go to this axonometric and go to isometric and that's going to boom set us up in this nice viewport here now if yours isn't facing the correct way all you do is hit control a and you can just rotate everything however you need to do it hold shift to rotate it to 90 degrees and get that set up where you want it and then hit e to move everything wherever you need it to be centered on your scene so there you go okay so what we need to do now is set our lighting colors a little bit so i like to have the redshift render view open and have the ipr going okay and first thing we need to do before we do this is just kind of get the basic render settings down we're going to hit gi and we're going to scroll down to brute force and brute force type 6 in here and type 512 in there okay and that's just going to give us a little global illumination in there we're gonna go down here to sampling overrides and we're gonna go to light we're gonna check that and we're gonna say 512. and reflection we're gonna say 64. there's not really much reflections going on so we don't need a ton there and then the air threshold we're going to 0.003 and that's just going to clean up a little noise for us okie dokie so this is looking pretty good so one thing we want to do is with our big area light here we want to change that to like this deep purple color okay let's see what that looks like ooh that's a little too bright i want it more more of a deep purple there we go i like that let's go a little deeper a little more blue yes there we go okay and then for this light we want it to be a green i can see cyan there we go nice nice nice nice one thing i forgot to do is actually um okay no never mind we're good that's looking better already so one thing we can do is go in here under this gear option here and if you can't see this you just need to slide it over until it's available or you can hit these little arrows and it'll drop it down it's kind of like a tricky to grab so go ahead and slide that over get our gears here turn on the checkbox for the color controls and up the contrast to oh let's see oh now we're getting somewhere 0.28 and let's go ahead back to our purple area light and take that back to to more of a lighter purple there we go now we've got the kind of this nice cool look going on here so we can scroll this down we can add a little s-curve to this if you want just click and drag in here there you go and then we'll add a photographic exposure so we can kind of adjust the lighting here we can change our f-stop we can just see overall brightness of the scene here and we're going to go to about yep and we're gonna turn on bloom this is really cool i love bloom bring the threshold down and you're gonna see that's gonna let our window just kind of have this nice little glow and you can adjust the softness of that we're gonna tighten that up and bring that down there we go you can adjust the intensity of that i think the default of one is pretty good there we go so now we have this nice cool glow coming through here and we can go up here and we can adjust our exposure just a bit if we want no sorry we can bring our contrast down just actually i like the contrast being up 0.28 is pretty solid i like the way this is this is looking okay very cool okay so we've got that going for us next thing i want to do is just go ahead and go to our output make sure we set a preset to square that's under the screen square 1k i think that's really good for instagram and then under our renter settings you'll see we already set those up so all you have to do is now is hit uh here and you'll take a look so we'll hit render on that and you'll see that there's going to be some some noise and stuff going on in here now that's not bad we could up all our samples and everything and really you know fine tune this and that's just going to up the render time and honestly i don't want to spend that much render time rendering this because you can actually get it an easier way so what we're going to do is actually close this cancel that we're going to go to our render settings and we're going to go to our redshift option here i'm going to scroll down until we find denoise and we're going to choose optics and if you don't um have if you have newer than r20 i think they actually interviewed uh introduced a new uh denoiser which actually works really well um but we're gonna use the denoise built into redshift here and use the optics option here so we're gonna go to red shift render view and i like to render in here because if i render inside of here i still have the option to tweak and adjust things but you'll see the difference here and there we go now we can see here that that optics really cleaned up that noise really nicely for us we can get away with using the optics very nice to speed that up and make that really clean so i think we're a little off center we should fix that we'll re-center that just a bit and render that again you'll notice it doesn't apply the post effects until the end of the render so don't worry if it's not looking right as it's rendering it will look correct in the end so there we go that's a really cool nice little scene i'm just going to go ahead and save that as a jpeg that's fine and we're going to call this iso room 4. here we go thanks so much for watching be sure to hit subscribe like and ring the bell it really does help my channel out a lot uh and be sure to write in the comments below um if you have any questions also if you have any suggestions for more of these short bite science tutorials where we can start from scratch or maybe not start from start from scratch but just conquer something uh within 20 minutes and just kind of i've got some ideas laid out and be sure to subscribe and stay tuned follow me on instagram at effectotron and be on the lookout for new notifications of when the next one of these is coming out we're going to try to start pumping these out more regularly and more often because there's a lot of new users out there and i want to get some content out there for people starting off because cinema 4d and redshift bundled together just has this huge opportunity for new people to make some amazing stuff really fast um with a very small learning curve for redshift so basically really cool check it out be sure to check out my skillshare tutorials on redshift and i have a new one coming out on motion tracking very soon i'm really excited about it so see you guys next time
Channel: Effectatron
Views: 35,227
Rating: 4.9705014 out of 5
Keywords: c4d tutorial beginner, Redshift for Cinema 4D, Intro to redshift, Beginner tutorial for Redshift, learn c4d, c4d tut, c4d tutorial, redshift render, c4d beginner, isometric, c4d, redshift, cinema 4d, redshift tutorial, redshift c4d, redshift for c4d, redshift renderer, effectatron, redshift for cinema 4d, c4d redshift, redshift3d, cinema 4d redshift, redshift tutorials, beginner redshift, Redshift for cinema 4d, redshift tutorial cinema 4d, cinema 4d tutorial
Id: 9TKKRGsz5Yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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