How to Host a Minecraft Server on an Ubuntu Virtual Private Server (VPS)

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[Music] hi guys and welcome to another video today i'm going to be showing you how to host a minecraft server on an ubuntu virtual private server or vps a major advantage to hosting your minecraft server on a vps is that you'll be hosting your server on a virtual machine and therefore you can actually turn your computer off while the server continues running another advantage is that people can still connect to your server when your actual computer is off because the server is running on a vps you'll also save valuable resources on your computer and bandwidth vps's also offer a very high uptime percentage usually very close to 100 which beats any hosting capabilities you might have on your local machine or computer before we begin hosting our minecraft server on our vps we're going to need to download and install a couple of programs the first program we're going to be needing is a program called putty putty allows us to connect to our virtual private server through a cryptographic protocol known as ssh or secure shell we'll also need another program called winscp winscp allows us to transfer files between us and our vps through a protocol known as sftp also known as secure file transfer protocol we will be using winrcp to edit a text document on our vps great so let's start off by getting putty real quick so open up your browser and then navigate to once you're here you want to navigate to the download putty page by clicking on this hyperlinked text here left click on it and then you'll be brought to download putty's latest release we'll be looking at packaged files here and then you'll want to select the appropriate installer for your operating system i'm currently running windows 10 and therefore i'll be downloading the windows installer and i have a 64-bit windows computer so you'll want to simply left-click on the installer here to browse a location to save your file i'm going to pick chrome downloads here and then i'm going to simply click save to download putty once you've downloaded putty you're going to need to install it so simply click on this arrow here and then click open to open up the installer now as you saw at the start of the video i already have putty installed and therefore i will not be clicking next on this installer i'll be clicking cancel and then i'll hit yes and click finish so once you've gone through the installer you'll have putty installed next we're going to need to download and install winscp i have it on another tab here so i'm simply going to click on the next tab so what you'll need to do is navigate to this url here which is eng for english slash download dot php once you're on this webpage you simply need to click the big green button here to download if you're on windows if you want another version of winscp you can click all the downloads for me it's going to be download winscp here this big green button left click on it to download and again select a folder by default it's always going to be the download folder for me and then click save once winscp has been downloaded all you need to do to install it is to click this arrow here and then click open to bring up the installer again i already have winscp downloaded and therefore i will not be clicking accept to go through this installer i'm going to be hitting cancel and then yes alright great guys so now you've got putty and win scp the two fundamental programs used to connect to our virtual private server now we can begin setting up our vps we'll first need to select a suitable server provider for our vps i like to go with ovh which offers a fantastic virtual private server at an affordable price to get to ovh's website you'll need to navigate to now it says slash en ie for me because the en stands for english and e stands for island however if you're from a different country the language and country should change if it doesn't you just simply click the flag here and choose the appropriate country that you're from so for example we have the united states here you just left click on that great so once you're on to get your virtual private server simply click service here and then go to virtual private servers left click on it start scrolling down as you can see here ovh offers various different server specs these servers are great value for money for their specs however we're only looking for a star turf server to find your minecraft starter server simply scroll down all the way down here to where it says ovh cloud vps for minecraft left click on it and then start scrolling down to where it says our recommendations again as you can see it offers you the value server however like i mentioned we want the starter server which is three euro a month excluding tax in usd that would be about 3.50 which is very affordable and you get some amazing specs so you get a one core cpu two gigabytes of ram most servers offer only one 20 gigabytes of sata storage and 100 megabytes unlimited traffic this vps starter package in my opinion is one of the best services on the market for this price range so let's order this server simply click order now on the starter server left click once you're here you'll be asked to configure your virtual private server as you can see we've selected the starter package here and i'm just going to scroll down a bit more on step 2 you'll be able to choose your operating system you'll have two options distribution only or distribution with application you're going to select distribution only scroll a bit down a little and then you'll be greeted with various different operating systems you're going to choose ubuntu left click on it you'll now have the option to choose the version by default the latest version of ubuntu will be automatically selected and that's the one we're going to be going with version 20.04 left click on it and continue scrolling down you'll now be able to choose your data center usually the best data center will be selected for you based on your ip so as you can see the best data center for me is western europe united kingdom london if you want a server in another location simply click on that server and now continue scrolling down click next keep everything unchecked here and then scroll down on the right hand side here to see what you've ordered for an order summary once you're happy with what you've ordered click next you'll then have the option of renewal frequency you can either just pay for one month three months at a time six months at a time or one year at a time and obviously it gets cheaper the longer the renewal frequency is for this tutorial i'm simply going to go with one month once you've selected the appropriate renewal frequency for you scroll down and you'll be given the final total including tax as you can see it's three euro 69 including tax if you have a promo code you can enter it in here and then click login and pay if you're a new customer to ovh you'll need to create an ovh account by putting in your first name last name email address and password and then creating your account once you've created your ovh cloud account you'll automatically be logged in and brought to the payment and billing page here you'll need to put in your address and your billing details i'm not going to sign in on this page because i will not be ordering another virtual private server because i have already pre-purchased one for this video once you've purchased your vps you can simply go back to for me i'm just going to hit the backspace button once you're back on make sure you're at the top of the webpage and then simply click my customer account left click on it to be brought to the ovh control panel input your ovh account login details and then click login once you're logged in you'll be brought to your dashboard once here simply click server at the top here left click on it once you're here you have a list on the left hand side here and you'll want to click on vps and this will bring up a drop down list of all the vps's you own on ovh the first vps is my personal vps and the second one is what we're going to be using for our minecraft server left click on your server it should have a name similar to the second one here which says vps and a bunch of numbers left click on it here you'll be brought to the home page of your virtual private server and you'll be able to see things such as the ip address the location of your server the distribution the ability to reboot your vps and to give your vps a name which we're going to be doing here click these three dots here and then go change name so i'm going to be calling this server minecraft server alright so once you've chosen a custom name click edit to give it that name fantastic guys so now we have putty we have winscp we've bought a vps and we've logged into our vps's dashboard now we can begin configuring and setting up our minecraft server on this ubuntu vps the first thing you'll need to do is go to your emails that you created your ovh cloud account with and grab all the details for your vps so i've already done that and i've created a little pdf of that email sent by ovh for privacy reasons so i'm just going to open up that pdf here so as you can see they give you your ip address for your vps the username of your vps and the password to log into your vps the ip address will match the ip address you have on your dashboard here okay guys my suggestion is is that you copy the ip address the username and password from your emails into a notepad so you don't need to go back and forwards in and out of your email address so i'm just simply going to highlight all of this here and then right click copy i'm going to minimize this and i'm going to minimize this too i'm going to right click and then go new and then text document give your text document a name so i'm going to call it minecraft vps login details and then click enter double click on this new text document and then right click paste the information and then go file and save great you can now close out of your emails since now you have it in your notepad these are three crucial bits of information that we're going to be needing to connect to our vps and transfer and edit documents on our minecraft vps using the ssh protocol called putty so i'm just going to minimize this here and then i'm going to double click on putty to open it you'll need to enter your vps's hostname or ip address so we have it in the notepad here so just highlight it and then copy it and then paste it in here you'll want to make sure ssh is checked and that the port is port 22. click open you'll then get this warning here that's warning you of potential security breach it's not it's just you connecting to your server hit yes and then you'll see one line of text saying login as let me just line this up a bit better here actually let's put our putty terminal up top here and then our information below it to log into your vps simply type in your username in this case actually we're going to be pasting in our username and to do this into terminal you'll need to copy it and then right click in the terminal to paste it so for example here i'm going to copy the ubuntu and then i'm going to right click in here to paste and then hit enter and then we're going to do exactly the same thing with the password here so copy it and then right click to paste and then hit enter and just like that you'll be logged into your vps now let's begin downloading the minecraft server go to your browser here and then navigate to the minecraft server download page here which is slash en dash us slash download slash server once you're here you'll need to copy the minecraft server java file link to find this you'll need to go to this piece of text here which is hyperlinked you'll need to right click on it and then go copy link address once you've copied the minecraft server.jar files download link you'll navigate back to your putty terminal here and then we'll need to enter our first command so the command we're going to be entering is wget space and then we're going to right click to paste in the minecraft server.jar files link this command basically tells the server to download the dot jar file once you've entered this command simply hit enter and the server will start downloading the jar file and as you can see the server.jar file has downloaded as it says 100 here and now we're ready to enter in our next command the next command will be a general command which will simply update all the files in our ubuntu virtual private server type the following sudo apt update and then enter to update your server this might take some time once you've updated your server you're going to need to install java for your linux ubuntu vps enter the following command sudo apt install open jdk dash 14 jre dash headless once you've entered this in simply hit enter to execute the command you'll then be asked by the server do you want to continue yes or no and as you can see java is 211 megabytes you're going to hit y and then hit enter and the server will begin downloading java and installing it fantastic guys once java has been installed you can minimize the putty terminal for now i'm just going to minimize this browser here for a second and now we're going to be creating a minecraft folder in our vps using winscp to do this simply open up winscp here i'm going to double click on it once you've done that you need to make sure that the file protocol is sftp which is always selected by default you're then going to put in your host name again which is your virtual private server's ip address which i have the notepad here so i'm just going to copy this again paste it in the username is going to be ubuntu again and the password is the same password for your server again and then what you're going to press is log in make sure that the port number is 22 again and then hit login you'll then get the same warning that you got for putty which says warning potential security breach which is not the case because you're the one that's connecting to it click update and you'll be logged into your server i know there's a lot of information when you first log into winrcp but it's quite simple really on the right hand side it's the files contained within your virtual private server and on the left hand side it's your local computer so to create this minecraft folder what you need to do is simply right click here on the right hand side and then go new and go directory call this new folder minecraft no caps and then hit ok make sure that you're in this exact directory which is slash home slash ubuntu and now you're simply going to drag minecraftserver.jar file into minecraft simply left click and hold and then drag it in double click on the minecraft folder to make sure that it's in there and as you can see the server.jar file is in the correct directory which is home ubuntu minecraft great guys let's minimize out of win scp here and open back up the putty terminal what we'll need to do now is navigate to the minecraft folder so we'll need to change directory so to change directory all you need to type is cd space and then the folder's name that you want to navigate to so i'm going to just simply type minecraft and then hit enter and just like that we have changed to the minecraft folders directory great guys now we're ready to launch our server however when you first run your server it's not going to fully run as you'll see in a moment so to run our server simply copy the command and paste it into the terminal that's displayed on so i'm just going to go back to our browser here make sure you're on slash en us slash download server and then what you're going to copy is this command here in purple highlight all of it and then right click copy once you've copied the command go back to your putty terminal here and then simply type sudo space and right click to paste in the command hit enter oh we've got an error here that says error unable to access jar file minecraftserver.1.16.2.jar a very obvious mistake here our server file name is not actually minecraftunderscoreserver.1.16.2.jar it's actually if we look at win scp here it's actually server.jar so we need to make sure that the command says the correct file name for the jar file so i'm just going to type in again sudo space and then right click however i'm just going to edit it a bit here so i'm just going to backspace all the way back to here so make sure you've deleted minecraft underscore server.1.16.2.jar and then no gui and then you're simply going to type server dot jar space no gui and now the command should execute hit enter and there we go it worked it will always fail the first time you try to run a minecraft server and as you can see you get a little message here that says you need to agree to the ula or eula in order to run the server go to oola.txt for more info so that's exactly what we need to do we're going to need to go to the eu eula.txt file and to do this we're going to need to go back to winscp so just so just click on the tab here for winrcp i'm just going to hit the refresh button here to refresh the contents of our server because when we execute the last command it should have generated for us a couple of files so hit this refresh button here and there we go as you can see you've got your logs folder now you've got the oola.txt document which in the putty terminal told us to edit the server.jar file which was the first file we downloaded onto our server and okay so the whole focus now is going to be on the ula.txt document so what you'll need to do is actually double click on the ulla.txt document to open it and copy all the contents here and then x out of it once you've copied the contents you can delete this oola.txt document here now so click the x here to delete it or you can right click delete which i'm going to do and then press ok so now what you're going to do is you're going to create a new ula.txt document you're going to right click you're going to go new and then go file call this new file oola.ta make sure you've included txt into your file name otherwise it will not be a text document once you press ok hit ok now and then this window will open right click and paste in the previous oola.txt's contents once you've done that you should get three lines of text here you're going to be paying particular attention to the third line of text here that says ullah equals false you need to change oolad equals false to oola equals true so you're just going to delete false here and then type in true and then all you need to do is save it click the save button here and it should save the changes once that's done click the x here on the right hand side corner and there we go we've got our oola.txt document with the appropriate changes made to it once that's done we won't be needing winscp for the remaining duration of this video so you can simply hit the x button here on the top right hand side corner to close out of winscp now i know for a fact putty has gone inactive on us because it's been quite some time since we've last used it so if i just open up putty here it probably says inactive yeah so that is the case meaning if we enter any commands into the terminal it will not execute because we have been disconnected from the server so simply hit the x at the top right side corner of putty to close out of it so what we'll need to do is open up putty again and put in our details here so i'm just going to copy our ip address again for the server paste it in here and then click open you'll then need to put in your username which is ubuntu for me and then hit enter and then you'll need to copy and paste the password right click and then hit enter and now you're logged back into putty here so before we run the command to start our server again we need to download and install another program called screen screen is a very useful piece of software and it basically allows us to close out of this terminal here and keep our minecraft server running usually when you close out of this terminal for example while your minecraft server is running it will automatically stop your minecraft server but with screen this is not the case so to install screen type the following command here type sudo apt dash get space install screen and then hit enter it's a very small file so it should install rather quickly once that's done you're going to need to run screen to do that simply type the word screen and hit enter you should then get this message here that simply says press space for next page return to end you're simply going to hit enter you'll know screen is running because it will push everything down and all you'll be able to see in the terminal is a single command line and now finally we'll rerun the minecraftserver.jar file to do this we'll need to grab the command again from go to the command here which will be highlighted in purple again so i'm just going to highlight it once again right click copy and before i paste it back into the terminal i'm actually going to go to the notepad here and go to edit this command so i'm going to edit the name here from jar and i'm going to replace it with server because that is the actual file name for our minecraft server so i'm just going to copy this command here and i'm going to minimize out of this and minimaz out of this and back to our putty terminal all you need to do now is type sudo space and then right click and it will paste in the command to run our minecraft server and now simply hit enter to run it ah my mistake guys i forgot to change the directory to the minecraft folder so all we need to do to change directory again is to go cd and then minecraft and then hit enter and you'll be brought to the minecraft folder and now rerun the command once again so sudo space and then right click to paste in your command and then hit enter to run it give it a few moments and it should start and there we go guys it's starting to generate our minecraft world this might take a while so i'll be back with you once our world has been generated and just like that guys our minecraft servers world has been generated on our vps all that's left to do now is to simply connect in-game to our minecraft server so let's minimize the putty terminal here and then open up the minecraft launcher and then click the play button to open up minecraft once minecraft is opened click multiplayer and then click on add server you'll need to give your server a name so i'm just going to call it and then for the server address we're going to need our vps's ip address so i'm just going to alt tab out of minecraft right now and then i'm simply going to go back to our notepad here that contains all the important information for our minecraft vps and i'm simply just going to copy the ip address for our server here and then i'm going to go back into the minecraft game and then all you need to do is just simply paste in the server address here then click done and it will add our server give it a few moments and this signal here should go fully green and there we go guys we got full bars our minecraft server is running and the zero out of 20 players inside the world we're going to be the first person on this new minecraft server today so i'm just going to click on it and then simply click join server and it will connect us to our minecraft server and there we go guys welcome to your minecraft server a very important command whenever you first start a minecraft server is that you want to give yourself operator and to do that you need to go back to your terminal so i'm just going to alt tab out of minecraft here all we need to do is type up space and then the username of our minecraft account so my username is yes putin and then hit enter and then as you can see it says server thread slash info made yes putin a server admin and now if i go back into minecraft and i click respawn here and i click t you should be able to see server made yes putin an operator and now i have operator privileges and now because we're an operator to perform commands we can just perform the commands in game so let's say you want to change the game mode type to survival all you need to do is press t slash game mode space and then choose your game mode so you have adventure creative spectator survival i'm going to choose survival and then hit enter and now your game mode should be survival alright guys that pretty much concludes the tutorial now i hope you enjoyed if you did be sure to give this video a like comment down below and subscribe and i'll see you on the next minecraft video which will be about useful commands server admins can do on their vps hosted minecraft server alright guys see you on the next one you
Channel: Websplaining
Views: 17,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Host a Minecraft Server on an Ubuntu Virtual Private Server (VPS), vps, virtual private server,, minecraft,, ovh, minecraft server, minecraft vps server, ubuntu, linux, ubuntu linux vps, ubuntu 20.04, puTTY, WinSCP, sftp, ssh, How to Host a Minecraft Server on an Ubuntu VPS, How to Host a Minecraft Server on an Ubuntu Virtual Private Server, host minecraft server, eula.txt, eula, eula=true, server.jar,, minecraft virtual private server, server, install java
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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