Create your own Minecraft Server using AWS free tier

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hey guys welcome to my youtube channel today i'm going to be showing you how to build your own minecraft server using aws or amazon web services [Music] go ahead and head to just the aws it's the aws console i'll put a link in the description for that and then you're going to want to sign into the console if you don't already have an account you're going to need to create an aws account it's pretty self-explanatory and straightforward once you get to the aws dashboard you're going to want to go to the top search bar and search for ec2 instance oops the ec2 instances are owned by amazon and essentially what they are is amazon has computers um that are basically their servers that you can use for whatever you want let's go ahead and go to instances and once you get to um here you're going to want to go ahead and go to launch instances this is we're going to create our new ec2 instance so once you're in here it's really important which one you click um you're going to want to use the amazon linux to ami um type and you'll notice that it is also free tier eligible which means that if you've signed up for aws just now you get whole year basically access to the free tier of aws so go ahead and select that and then once you've selected that you're going to want to select which computer you want to use how powerful do you want your computer to be so if you want to use the t2 micro you can i would recommend using something a little bit bigger i use a t2 medium for my server four gigs of ram is just really helpful when i have you know five or six people on but if you're not planning on having that many people you could settle for either the t2 micro or the t2 small but just for this tutorial we're going to set up the t2 medium as you can see the memory is here which is another term for ram so we have four gigs of ram and then two cpus on this one next you can go to uh configure instance details you can go and just skip through this part and head to the next part you can go and keep moving on through that you don't need to add any tags now the security group is important but we're actually going to come back to this later so go ahead and just click through this as well and then you should have everything set up so you should be good to launch now you're going to want to create uh create a new key pair because you will not have the option to create an existing um so you can call this whatever you want i'm just going to call this minecraft example server and then key and then you want to download that and that's going to go into your downloads folder and then after that you can go ahead and just launch the instance it takes a little bit of time to launch so you can see it's pending right now next what you're going to want to do is go to minecraft and download the minecraft server so we can just do minecraft server download and then it'll just take you directly to their site where you can download the server go ahead and just click on that it'll download it may ask you if you want to keep the file or not if it's harmful or not it's totally safe so go ahead and click keep and then we should be able to start setting up the server now that the server is downloaded for minecraft and you have your key you're going to want to go ahead and open the command prompt so to find the command prompt you can either type c d or the full command prompt in the bottom left search window i normally just do cmd and then i through my stuff on the desktop yours will probably be in your download folder if you haven't moved it yet that being said you can easily move it to the desktop it's still just as easy to follow along with this tutorial if yours are on the desktop you're going to want to do cd which is change directory and a directory is basically the folder or the file system on your computer so your desktop or downloads folder would be a directory same as your documents folder so i'm going to cd into desktop if you are not if you did not put yours on the desktop just cd into downloads should be the exact same thing we'll cd into desktop though for this tutorial and then if you type dir you should be able to see everything within that directory so if you look we have server.jar and minecraft example server key pen or pen file so those are those two files there so now that you have this all set up we're going to have to ssh into your server so let's go back to our aws console and if you'll notice back on these security rules one of the inbound rules is oops uh port 22. port 22 is the main port used for sshing into a server um so because we have port 22 here we can ssh in i'm going to split the screen in half here find your public ipv4 dns address you're going to want to copy this and we'll paste that in just a second but for now you're going to want to ssh dash i and dash i is the argument to pass in your key so now you can type in your key file name now cmd is or comm the command prompt is pretty powerful so if you type in the first part and just hit tab it'll auto complete the rest next you're going to want to put in the user that you will be acting as when you ssh into the server all the users are the same when you set up a new server with an ec2 instance so it's just ec2 dash user pretty self-explanatory and then we put an at to separate the user and the public ipv4 dns address so now you can right click and it'll automatically paste what you copied before and that is that address so this is what we need to get into the remote computer so now go ahead and hit enter and whoops hit enter it's going to ask you if you want to continue you do want to say yes and now you are actually in a separate computer via your command prompt so you're on the server that you just created the commands are a little bit different in here because this is a linux based machine but it's pretty easy instead of dir you do ls to see what's inside your directory because this is a new server there's nothing inside our directory so we're going to create a new folder we're going to do mkdir and then we're going to do i just like to call my minecraft server so mk stands for make whoops i can't spell sir there we go mk stands for make and then dir is directory so you're making a new directory so if we hit enter now if you ls which is um i think list it's just fancy for list you can do l and it's the same thing but now you'll see that we have a new directory in there which is our minecraft server a directory is a fancy term for folder now that we have that we need to install java so that we can run our server file okay so to install java it's pretty straightforward you're just going to do sudo which is gives you admin privileges yum install and then you want to do java and then you can just add your version that you want to install here so i'm just going to do 0.8 and you can put any version here but then you hit enter and it should install java it's gonna ask you is this okay um y d or in you wanna type y because that stands for yes and just hit enter to continue and complete that installation process okay now the process is complete oops we have java installed so now you can do java dash version just to make sure that it did install and you can see there that we have our version of java if nothing shows up that means it didn't install properly and you're gonna need to retry okay now that we've done that we need to get our server.jar file onto this server because right now it's on our desktop on our personal computer but it's not on this ec2 instance so to do that we're going to pop open another command prompt prompt window and we're just going to pop this right here now you're going to do the same command or pretty close to the same command that you did last time so we need to cd wherever our um key and server file are so mine are again on the desktop and then instead of ssh we're going to do scp so this is for file transferring but you can do the exact same thing that you did with the ssh file so if we do dash i and then we get our minecraft example server key dot pem file uh and then you want to um this is where it gets slightly different you're gonna put the file that you want to transfer so we want to transfer our server file to this ec2 instance so we're going to do server dot um well it should auto complete it's dot jar um and now you can do the same thing that we did earlier with the user and then let's see if i still have it pasted i do not so we will hop back over here and just copy that and paste it there now before you hit enter there is one more thing you need to do you need to put a colon and then where you want to put this server file on the server because it doesn't know where to put it if you don't tell it where to put it so we want to put it in our home directory under whatever user we're using which in this case is always going to be the ec2 dash user and then we want to put it in that new directory that we had just previously created called i think it was minecraft server and then you hit enter it may ask you yes or no no looks like it didn't because we already sshed in and it'll show you the progress bar or the progress percent of how long it's taking to transfer it shouldn't take too long it should be a pretty quick transfer so we'll give that a second to transfer all right so as you can see it is finished with 100 transferred so here's the cool thing we can do if we hop back over to our other command prompt um we can now um mobile ls we can see our minecraft server will cd which is change directory again into minecraft server and again auto will will auto complete now if you do ls to list what's inside your directory you can actually see that server.jar file which is what we transferred up which is super nifty so now what we need to do is we need to run the server file so we can get everything set up so if you hop back over to the minecraft server download page it'll show you exactly the command you need in order to run that server file so what you're going to want to do is copy this command over to here and you can just right click and it will paste it in now there's a few things you want to change before you hit enter first of all our server file is not called minecraft server. we just all we have right now is server so we're just going to delete all this and type server there another thing that you might want to change is how much ram you are dedicating to um this server so um this is a pretty small amount of ram we're gonna change this to g for gigabytes and then we're just gonna do i'm gonna do three gigabytes we'll change this to g for gigabytes and i'm going to do this as for three as well you want to keep them consistent and now that you have all that set up we can go ahead and run that now it's going to take a second to process but you should get an error when you run this and that's okay it says failed to load properties from file server properties failed to load e-ula text you need to agree to the eula text in order to run the server so if you look before when we listed what was in our directory all we had was the server.jar now if we type ls we now have three more things which is server properties logs and eula text in order to get our server to run you need to agree to the terms of service that minecraft provides and the way they do that is through a text document so in linux you can edit a text document through the terminal using vim and you can just type vi eula.txt that's going to open that and you'll see that we are in this really really retro looking text editor when you're in here you're just going to look down and you can see right here that this is where it's set to false so you can't actually change any of the values in here unless you type i for insert um so we hit i and then you can delete that and just type true now hit ace escape which gets us out of insert mode so we can go back to typing commands now to save the file you're going to want to do colon and then w is save and then q is quit because we don't need to do anything else in this file then you can hit the explanation point to force it or sudo it okay so now that we have modified that you should be able to run your server again and it shouldn't have any problems booting up but before we run the server i'm going to jump into the server properties real fast so if you want to edit the server properties you can just vi into server dot properties and hit enter now here are all the properties that will affect your server during gameplay so you can see pvp is true enable command block is false max players are 20. now you can change any of these so it's the same as what we did last time when we edited the terms of service so um uh let's say that uh you know i don't want to force um the game mode i let's see view distance i don't want it to just be 10. now if you chose a smaller server you should probably leave it at 10 otherwise your server will get overwhelmed but if you have one about this big i'm going to bump it up to 16 because that's a little small so remember we hit i to insert then you do escape then colon w for save and q for quit then the exclamation pipe to force it so now that you know how to change your server properties we should be good to go ahead and start the server i'm gonna quit that so now instead of copying and pasting that command again you can hit up and actually scroll through your previous commands um so here's our server command let's go ahead and hit enter now something to note while we're booting this up is that you'll notice that we're starting minecraft server on port 25565 we are not going to be able to access that access that minecraft server from our computer unless we enable this port in our security group so this is preparing the spawn area it's at zero percent but while that's loading let's hop back over to our ec2 instance in our ec2 instance you're going to need to pull this up and scroll down on your security and then look for this the inbound rules which i'm going to actually maximize this for now while the other thing's loading and you're going to notice that all we have available is port 22. okay so in order to change our inbound security group rules we're going to need to click on the current security group that we have selected for our ec2 instance so let's go ahead and click on that and then you'll notice we have inbound rules here if you want to edit the outbound rules you could go here but for now we just need inbound rules go ahead and edit inbound rules now you want to add a rule it needs to be custom tcp and then we need that minecraft port that we saw earlier so you can hop back over here actually and you can see that it's just that two five five six five so if we copy that oh and it looks like our server completed we can head back over here oh and i'm sorry you just right click to copy within the terminal you can paste that right there so two five five six five if you can't copy it yours will be exactly the same just um type in two five five six five now after that we're going to want to put in the same thing we have up here which is just any and all i p addresses so go ahead and click that and save the rules so now our security groups are updated and if we look back over here our server has successfully created a spawn area and started which means all we have left to do is to open up minecraft so if we open minecraft you're going to want to make sure that you are using the same version that you have for your server so now that we have minecraft open you're going to go to multiplayer um and then what you are going to want to do is add server now you can call the name whatever you want to call it so you can say my awesome minecraft server doesn't matter now in the server address this is where we're going to need to go back to the aws console so if we open this back up you're going to want to go back to your instances and then you're going to want to go all the way over to public ipv ipv4 address so if you double click that and control c to copy you can hop back over to minecraft and ctrl v to paste that in there and then hit done and then that's it so now you'll see that it has a connection and you can have up to 20 players if you change that you can have up to more but if you double click it you should be able to join your server without any problem and there you go you have your own minecraft server now a few things that'll help you with the minecraft server one you'll notice that i don't have access to any cheats so if i want to go into creative i cannot on my own that's pretty easy to do if you hop back over to your terminal if you've left that open you can actually type any command you want in this terminal so if i type op down cuckoo that's going to make me an operator and i hit enter and now you've made down cuckoo server operator which means i can run any cheats i want to so now i can be in creative and here's the server to stop the server you do not just exit out of here you actually have to type s-t-o-p to stop and then it will stop your entire server
Channel: Isaac Scott
Views: 12,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free Minecraft Server, AWS Minecraft Server, Create Minecraft Server Free, 16.4 Minecraft Server, Minecraft Server Tutorial, Minecraft, Minecraft Tutorial, Create Minecraft Java Edition Server
Id: Jtwu9kn6g8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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